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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

ok, i found system in regback
22 MB
just copy paste over?
and technically they are files in "K:\Windows\System32\config" and "K:\Windows\System32\config\regback" but that's just ciz I have so many drives
First check that the date on the files in regback correspond to before you did the delete, otherwise there's no point...
27th and yea
i think itd be a little hard for windows to back up the registry when everything has stopped working
but otherwise the files in regback should be an identical copy of the other set, but created on a successful boot.
i guess ill give this a shot now then
that didnt help
ive opened chat on my laptop so that i dont cut out
Didn't work as in nothing is different after reboot?
exactly the same as before
Ah. So the system registry hives were probably fine and its your used that's messed up
You on Win7 or 8
The next question then is is the system broken for other users? Or can you create a new user at all?
Just need to let you know I may have to go soon, is getting late here.
well i cant even get to the login screen
If you can boot and log in to another user then your solution is to simply create a new user and copy everything out of the old profile
when the system powers on there is what looks like a warning message but all the text is instead this gobbly goop of misformatted unicode
Where exactly did you delete the syswow from?
so in regedit
navigate to
hkey local machine
double checking notes, 1sec
I would have expected that subset to be restored by the files from regback...
Otherwise a windows install CD might be able to repair it, but the damage is a bit specific.
i think i might have said something wrong actually and thats the reason it didnt work
i think i need to restore form software
the exact address of the folder i messed up was in software, and actually name Wow6432Node
from software*
hkey local machine / software/ wow6432node
Did you copy all the files from the regback folder?
in that case i probably just need to copy paste the regback of SOFTWARE to fix things right
Into the folder above?
i only did SYSTEM
Aye, I believe that should be what you need.
In that case yes, go for the software one.
i made a full backup of the bricked registry and ill just try fully replacing the registry
Sounds good.
restarting that system now
login window showed up
and i got to log in
thanks dude
No worries, glad you got it fixed.
one little leftover question, should i just uninstall and reinstall any software i had installed prior to the last backup
Might have lost some config data though, but at least the system is alive now.
it was something like 200kb of data in system and the software stuff isnt the end of the world
I'd reinstall anything you changed over the last few days, I.e. since the regbackup as they may have configuration changes in there
would they be able to uninstall correctly
or should i be trying to manually delete things here
then again this entire problem started when my solidworks uninstall corrupted and i manually deleted it...
You might as well try to uninstall it properly to start with.
Probably, but just installing over should be fine.
thanks again
if only there was a way to thumb up chats
Hey, another Solidworks user!
Small world...
@user507974 You can star items to the right of the chatline.
Just don't star everything he's said :P
That's not really the same as a +1 though
thanks again, im going to get to damage control, later
No worries, have fun.
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1 hour later…
uhh cool?
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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