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@MichaelFrank: beats me. There's an ad for it in the usally shitty computer suppliment ;p
and eh, I'm half jokingly wondering if there's a market for container VMs/VPSes in odder architectures.
@JourneymanGeek Thinking of getting into the hosting business? :P
@Bob: actually, if I could make money off it... it would be a dream job
.... holy cow... 20 upvotes for the windows 98 browser question so far
@Bob: I have no clue about pricing (but I'm convinced a lot of hosts don't either) and many of the business aspects of things.
@JourneymanGeek I was just about to paste that here!
I lost it at 'cregslist'
fixed it though
I wonder if we need a generic recovery question.
@JourneymanGeek It would be very long.
Thats the whole point ;p
I'm entirely aware of that - its a major part of my training.
Q: Converting excel cells in individual slides in powerpoint

jake bernsteinI have one long column of info (see below) and need to take every two lines (the person's response and their name) and easily make them into individual powerpoint slides?!?!?! ASAP?!?! Please help Relationships matter means everything -anonymous

...why do I torture myself with MS Answers?
answers.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/forum/ie8-windows_other/… <== yet another fucking useless "answer" from a dumbass "MVP" who apparently can't read/posts from a script
a bot can do better
@Bob Yea... that's a really useless answer.
2 hours later…
Q: How to fix Google contacts CSV file?

LifeH2OI have over 1000 Google contacts and many have multiple contacts and phone numbers. I exported the contacts in both Google and Outlook format. Either I open the CSV in Excel or SubmlimeText, many of the contacts are split into multiple rows. The CSV export is a mess. How to fix that? Example ...

I like this question but hardware request :(
Q: Control Windows "Volume Mixer" with hardware faders/sliders

KyleImagine you're streaming music through the internet, playing a steam game, and in a voice chat with your group of friends. As you can imagine, there is going to be a lot of audio output and balancing everything takes quite a bit of time and tweaking. Windows has the "Volume Mixer" which needs to ...

3 hours later…
Considering you can do this with a keyboard...
Q: looking for batch scripts tutorials

Victor Smti'm just starting to learn batch scripts, could you recommend any up to date tutorial? All I could find were 6 years old tutorials and I believe some things have changed. Thanks!

I was tempted to comment "Batch... batch never changes...."
@JourneymanGeek Maybe you could have tricked him into thinking the correct term is "badge"
That would have been nice
https links now also get converted. — Oded ♦ 16 mins ago
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ just had the most epic comeback in DG. We had only destroyed two of their towers, whereas they had all our towers and ally cores down. We manage to wipe them out at our guardian, rush to their end kill their towers, ally cores, and guardian all before they respawn.
He should just get a vanity domain and forward all requests to Amazon. Something catchy like ihatestackexcha.ng
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, you can but how much cooler would it be if you had a nice fader setup going?
@OliverSalzburg huh... wha?
2 hours later…
@MichaelFrank much.
Though I am sure most faders are purely analog
Hello, now, I am unsure whether this is the right place to ask this. It is to do with installing a specific software. github.com/SupremoRTD/LoyaltyBot
How would I go about installing this on my VPS? I have no idea where to start.
I couldn't find any installation instructions, maybe someone could figure it out and get back to me? Thanks :)
(Side note: I do not use github all that often, so I may of missed something)
@JordanRichards First, install NodeJS either from a package repo or by compiling from source.
Then install git
then git clone the repo
then write your bot script, and run it (node script.js or nodejs script.js - the binary can vary depending on your OS)
So it's not run from a .php or .html page
I run it from a screen in ssh?
Thanks for the help, I'll get to work!
Oh one more thing, I am running CentOS 5 and I want to install something like phpmyadmin or something, but I have no idea where to start.
@JordanRichards yum install phpmyadmin ?
I don't know if CentOS has it in its repos though.
Alternatively, download it from their website and install manually.
ugh. noooo
don't use phpmyadmin
also if you're sticking with centos, get the epel repos
@JordanRichards: node.js is basically a server that lets you code stuff in js and you run it on it.
you wouldn't need much else
rpmlib(FileDigests) <= 4.6.0-1 is needed by epel-release-6-8.noarch
rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) <= 5.2-1 is needed by epel-release-6-8.noarch
How can I install these dependencies?
Thats odd
I THINK you are attempting to install a centos 6 version of epel
@JordanRichards: I hate to be a downer, but I suspect you might want to switch your VPS to ubuntu
may not be around as much the next few days; things will heat up at work... a lot. Friday is pretty much a no-show for me except in the evening U.S. time, if I have enough stamina to log in at home and don't feel like playing any games
preferably an LTS
simply cause its easier for us to help you
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ: aww
today should be about normal, but tomorrow is spotty and Friday is definitely a no-go
and lol. I won't be around much on friday either. Need to drop by the unit in the morning
(thankfully I'm not in the dog unit, they're next door)
@MichaelFrank LOL. the walk-off reversal! :D
Of course, their GSDs are sissies. Afraid of the dark.
@JourneymanGeek NO :/
don't install Ubuntu on a server D:
hell, don't even install it on a desktop!
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ: meh. He's a developer, not a sysadmin
and ubuntu does have more up to date, and more packages
at the cost of occationally breaking shit
@JordanRichards why are you installing EPEL 6 on CentOS 5? That's just wrong-minded. That's like trying to put an engine from a 2010 car into a Ford Model T from 1925.
that's your problem. if you're using CentOS 5, use EPEL 5!
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ: I mentioned that ;p
the "PayloadIsXz" should've been your tip-off, honestly: XZ support in RPM didn't exist until CentOS 6
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ: I wouldn't have caught that ;p
@Mehrdad Sure: Just write a "compression" algorithm that always returns the original input. There; done. :P ... Aside from that, no -- any compression algorithm that's an algorithm at all is going to have some metadata, even if it's just one bit at the start of the file that indicates whether or not the file is compressed (0 == uncompressed, 1 == compressed). If you're going to modify the contents of the file AT ALL, you need some metadata. And if you're modifying the contents, you're going to make some inputs larger. — ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ 5 mins ago
Apparently my windows 98 'modern' browser question hit 2500 views.
So I'm in a weird situation. The gratr gem for Ruby (even a very heavily hacked version of it that I grabbed from github, after pulling several separate forks' patchsets into one unified fork) has major problems running on Ruby 1.9.3. It appears to have been originally written for Ruby 1.8.x at the latest. There's a "Ruby 1.9" port, but 1.9.3 seems to have broken even more stuff.
The actual conceptual representation of the data I'm working with is a polytree, which is a special case of an oriented digraph, but more general than an n-ary "traditional" tree, because each node can have more than one parent.
I can't find any polytree implementations, and I can't get gratr's digraph working without throwing a bazillion exceptions and flipping the fuck out because it's ancient code trying to run on Ruby 1.9.3, which is semi-modern.
What I'm now trying to do is use RubyTree gem, which actually works, to shoehorn the polytree data into an n-ary tree representation. It's fucking weird, because there's only one parent per node, but no exception is thrown if you make a node the child of multiple nodes.
So if I look at the .parent property of a node, or call any methods that depend on it, things get fucked up -- but if I traverse the tree from the top down by getting the children of each node, it works.
silly question
why not use ruby 1.8?
And fortunately it doesn't make a copy of the nodes when you make it a child, so I tested (by using object_id to verify the actual memory address) adding one node object to the children collection of multiple nodes, and everybody was happy, and the pointers matched up, and I could mutate the child and its changes would be reflected by going through the separate parent nodes' children.
@JourneymanGeek Because my development environment is pretty much fixed at Ruby 1.9.3, because I'm tacking on this script to an already-deployed environment that was set up for a different project. (At work)
Also, there are plenty of gems that I use that probably no longer support Ruby 1.8.x.
and I'm tired as hell, so I may be wrong, but thats the sort of thing that may be on topic for sr.se.
Hmm. Idea: I could store within each node's contents, a list of parents, and manually keep track of that list each time I add/remove nodes from the tree...
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ or DIY the whole tree impl? :P
Then I'd just have to write a custom implementation of level (returns an integer representing how deep the node is in the tree) that calls the original level with each parent in the parents collection, and returns the largest value...
@Bob ugh :P
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ It's not that hard... depending on what you need from your tree
but it's a polytree! I've implemented binary trees by hand, and I could probably do an n-ary tree, but a polytree would be quite a bitch to write a general-purpose algorithm for.
github.com/evankline/RubyTrees ? really basic one that probably doesn't do what you want
also, I'm pretty sure I would need multiple root nodes, unless I want to hack around that by having one "phantom" root that isn't an actual node, and the next level down is the actual root nodes.
@Bob that doesn't seem to be an actual polytree, because again, each node has one parent.
In mathematics, and more specifically in graph theory, a polytree (also known as oriented tree or singly connected network) is a directed acyclic graph whose underlying undirected graph is a tree. In other words, if we replace its arcs with edges, we obtain an undirected graph that is both connected and acyclic. A polytree is an example of oriented graph. The term polytree was coined in 1987 by Rebane and Pearl. == Related structures == Every directed tree (a directed acyclic graph in which there exists a single source node that has a unique path to every other node) is a polytree, but not every...
that is exactly how my data looks
except there is a possibility that a node from a higher level could have an arc to a node from a lower level
in that visual example from wikipedia, I could foresee a situation where node A could have an arc to, say, node F.
it makes the concept of "level" fairly difficult: if you take A as the parent of F, its level is 1 (if 0 is the top); if you take D as the parent of F, its level is 2!
but what I need to do is traverse the tree from the "bottom up": I need to navigate the nodes which are leaves, and then the next step up of dependencies, etc
in that example, I would need to visit the tree in this order: I, H, G, G, E, D, C, B, A (the order of visiting nodes on the same "level" in that example is not important, but it could be if a node has ambiguous level).
if a node has ambiguous level, I would want to take the maximum possible level obtained by calculating the level with respect to each parent... that way, I could traverse the tree by getting all the nodes at each "maxlevel" (where maxlevel returns the highest possible value of the traditional tree level by iterating through each parent of the node and recursively calling maxlevel) and visiting them in order of descending level.
huh. sounds like I just rubber ducked my way into a solution
use RubyTree (not RubyTree**s**) with the n-ary tree algorithm, but implement a maxlevel algorithm for it, and keep track of the parents in the contents.
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ Thanks, yeah, I found a version 5 for epel, it worked! :)
Trying to install node.js, but getting this error when doing ./config
File "./configure", line 453
o['default_configuration'] = 'Debug' if options.debug else 'Release'
@JordanRichards that's not an error
what's the real error?
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
My bad, sorry.
I have no idea what is causing this error.
you're probably running configure with dash
oh wait, CentOS
what is the first line of configure?
that looks like Ruby o_o
let me try to find it
"find" it? you can't use a text editor? try less
#!/usr/bin/env python
ok, so it's python that LOOKS like Ruby
well, that may explain it
python --version
Unknown option: --
Unknown option: -e
Unknown option: -r
Unknown option: -s
Unknown option: -o
Unknown option: -n
Unknown option: --
usage: python [option] ... [-c cmd | -m mod | file | -] [arg] ...
Try `python -h' for more information.
... i just need to know what version your python executable is... so, try python -h like it says
> bash-4.2$ python --version
Python 2.7.5
@ThatBrazilianGuy rofl
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ ...a bit of an extreme reaction
@ThatBrazilianGuy I'm laughing at "Unknown option: -e, -r, etc" from above
especially because it worked for you
That's what I recieved.
@JordanRichards did you try python -h like I asked?
@JordanRichards because you forgot an "i"
thanks Ruda!
yeah. try python --version and spell version correctly
It still says unknown option. Sorry about the spelling btw.
Really strange.
python -V
Python 2.4.3
wow, that's an ancient version of python
that also explains why the configure script doesn't work for you
oh... of course!
you need at least python 2.6 for that configure script
I tried to install 2.7 using wget etc
ideal would be python 2.7.x
but for some reason, it didn't replace 2.4
@JordanRichards ...using wget? how does wget install python?
what exactly were you wgeting?
@JordanRichards try sudo yum install python
Package python-2.4.3-56.el5.i386 already installed and latest version
What CentOS version are you using?
oh hey!
now that you have EPEL, you can install the python26 package
then you just have to symlink /usr/bin/python26 to /usr/bin/python, as root
then python -V should tell you python 2.6.something
I suppose you could temporarily enable a new repo, but then it could try to update other packages that maybe you don't want updated.
@ThatBrazilianGuy shh, don't try to help, noob :P (j/k)
he already has EPEL and EPEL already has python 2.6, which should suffice
I installed 2.7 but forgot to symlink, I think
just have to tell it to use the right python executable now
@JordanRichards you probably didn't pass --prefix=/usr, so it's probably installed in /usr/local
I used wget to download the tgz, then used ./config and make
although if it is installed in the correct path and there's a /usr/bin/python27 executable, you could simply edit the configure script :P
#!/usr/bin/env python27 would do it, if you actually have python27 installed as such -- but again, I have no idea, you need to actually understand WHAT you have installed, and WHERE
without understanding that I can't help you
I understand, been on putty all day and my brain is a mess. I'll take a look now
Okay, so in usr/bin there;s a python2.6 file with the type "FILE"
so you don't have a python2.7 or python27 of any sort? try which python27, and which python2.7
and try ls -la /usr/local/bin | grep python
then in
user/local/bin there's a python2.7 file and a python2.7 config
I apologize for giving you a hard time
I'll just google how to make it use python 2.7 instead of python2.4 now
@JordanRichards you'll just get lost and end up following some guide for some other thing; let me help you. you need to run export PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python2.7
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ Thanks!
you may also have to run ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python2.7-config /usr/bin/python-config
then try your ./configure script again
python --version won't work after doing that and the same for the config
just use python -V
Yeah, still says 2.4
oh, right, of course
ok, let's just be destructive then: ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python
because seriously, fuck python 2.4
Thanks SO much!
doesn't mean it's gonna work
now lets try the configire
It works!
(so far)
and don't ever do ` ./configure` without adding --prefix=/usr, unless you explicitly want to do a parallel install that doesn't overwrite existing installs
/usr/local/bin isn't in your PATH on CentOS5, so you'll be confused as to why node gives you command not found
Oh dear
Guess what I did.
can I just overwrite by doing ./configure --prefix=/usr ?
yes, you can re-run configure
Thanks so much.
I am such a newbie.
I'm trying -- hard -- to not be mean :P at least you didn't go to The Comms Room; they'd eat you alive in there
my eyes are just rolling into the back of my head, that's all :P
I bet!
How long have you been doing this?
I'm 16, just started this year.
@JordanRichards "this"? I've been a GNU/Linux hacker since you were 2 years old
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ Oh okay, that explains it ^^
@JordanRichards There's nothing detrimental in being a beginner. You're trying to do it the right way and willing to research, so you're not a help vampire. :P
that definition of hacker, not the other
@ThatBrazilianGuy I agree with you on this
I am strictly a web designer, but I figured it would be a benefit to learn how to use linux-based systems.
@JordanRichards on the one hand, it gets old doing the same reeducation for many people over a long period of time, but on the other hand, it took me a number of years to reach the point where I no longer had to ask "noob questions" because I knew how to find the resources I need on my own
so I can kind of understand
@JordanRichards in reality, I "ask" something like 100 questions a day, of a similar nature to yours -- the only difference is, in 99% of the cases, I answer them without actually asking a human being to manually answer... I "ask" various reference sites, google, stackoverflow, API docs, etc.
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ Well said. I always try to research before I go to boards/chat rooms. But sometimes I just get brain fog and I don't ask the question the "correct" way.
it's not that I know everything, just that I know how to find the things I don't know
Yes, that is a very good skill to have. With html/css/javascript/php I do that
@JordanRichards Unfortunately, sometimes to ask the correct question, the level of understanding needed is beyond the one we possess.
It's like, I just got this error now.. I pasted it into google and got no results.
ImportError: No module named bz2
make[1]: *** [/root/node/out/Release/obj/gen/libraries.cc] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/node/out'
make: *** [node] Error 2
I have no idea what any of that means. ^^
you can't paste the entire error
you need to google the essence of the problem
the lines starting with make are complete red herrings
Well, just look at the first line: "no module named bz2". So you need a module named bz2. Not sure if it is a CentOS package, a node module, or whatever, but I'd start from there.
ImportError is too vague, too
the actual problem is this: No module named bz2
if you google that, I guarantee you'll get good results
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ Why thank you!
grab the bzip2-devel package (with yum), for starters
if it actually installs something, that may well be the fix
ohhh dear No module named yum
what command did you run?
oh. right. yum uses Python.
There was a problem importing one of the Python modules
required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:
thinking how to bail you out of this.
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ Might as well grab python27
@Bob Yeah, I have that ^^
@Bob there's no python27 in EPEL5.
... -_-
he installed python27 with (literally) ./configure (no --prefix=/usr).
and I asked him to install python26 with yum install python26, but I don't know if he did that
If I type in python --version, it returns Python 2.7.22
I made the bad judgment call of having him ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python, so his /usr/bin/python from 2.4 is gone. :S
is it just a symlink? please say it's a symlink
does /usr/bin/python2.4 exist?
let me see
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ Does COS 5 set it up as a symlink?
@Bob I fucking hope so
@JordanRichards ls -l /usr/bin/python*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Jul 23 19:27 /usr/bin/python -> /usr/local/bin/pytho n2.7
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Oct 8 2013 /usr/bin/python2 -> python
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3480 Jan 9 2013 /usr/bin/python2.4
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 3480 Nov 7 2012 /usr/bin/python26
-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 3480 Nov 7 2012 /usr/bin/python2.6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Jul 23 19:25 /usr/bin/python-config -> /usr/local/bi
ln -sf /usr/bin/python2.4 /usr/bin/python
then you're back in business, as far as yum
...but this will, again, break configure
Yeah, yum is back in business
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ Just run configure by python27 configure ?
@Bob yeah, I tried to get him to edit configure to change the hash-bang, but he didn't follow up on that
but what you suggested is better, except that it's python2.7, not python27
and /usr/local/bin isn't in PATH on CentOS 5
Morning all
so: /usr/local/bin/python2.7 configure --prefix=/usr -- try that one
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ eh, I'm a Debian (derivative) user :P
@Bob it shows. your fur is red (so beautiful......) and striped in a spiralling red pattern like the Debian logo :-)
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ Nice! No errors so far
do a yum install bzip2-devel if you haven't yet.
may help with the bz2 import error
now for the moment of truth
Any R programmers? @allq?
@jokerdino I've done about as much R as @JordanRichards has done Python.
read up and you'll see the analogy
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ Oh crumbs, I need to use python7 with the make and install
ah, thanks.
Heh. The only reason I even know R exists is Programming Puzzles & Code Golf
@JordanRichards you do? oh, if they call python...
what's echo $PYTHON return?
@Bob lolol
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ I wonder if it's possible to present a fake symlink
how about /usr/local/bin/python2.7 configure --help | grep python ?
@Bob there may be a --with-python parameter to configure. I'm hoping.
weirdly enough, at the exact moment allq said that, I figured my problem XD
The configure worked, it's just the make and install
I'm following this
@Bob I used it a bit at an internship. we were trying to statistically model a defect we observed sporadically with the ringtone playing with a delay.
it was 2008. we were developing ACCESS Linux Platform. we had dev handsets from Samsung. when incoming call, the ring would delay sometimes, and sometimes not. and the amount of delay would vary. and nobody had a clue as to what was going on
so, off to R we went. (R was another guy's idea)
stopwatch. place call. watch UI pop up. time delay. record datapoints.
then model it using this guy's R code
@JordanRichards Any chance you can use CentOS 6 (or 6.5) instead? Or any other modern OS?
@Bob I'm afraid not right now, but it is in my future plans.
is there a way to use make and install with python2.7?
turns out that updating the on-screen clock (GTK2 and X11... don't ask) created such a bubble in the Linux scheduler (42 levels of function calls in the C call stack of the launcher process) that the audio player reading the ringtone from NAND ended up getting preempted a lot whenever the minute was being changed on the clock....
@JordanRichards can you just download the node binary distribution?
Maybe, now that the import package I needed is installed, I could try that command again to "break yum" temp
then fix yum again
@JordanRichards true, you could, by ln -sf /usr/local/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python
this'll fix yum again:
10 mins ago, by ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ
ln -sf /usr/bin/python2.4 /usr/bin/python
There's official binary distributions for Linux.
@Bob if it's not statically linked, it probably depends on a version of glibc that's too new for CentOS 5
Oh crumbs, still get the import bz2 error
just going from experience: the glibc ABI broke after CentOS 5.

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