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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

@JANORTS the JDK is supposed to be backwards compatible, so yes
@Bob there was no tornado, but there was vivid lightning and hail for much of the night. not sure if our roof got damaged. the National Weather Service said quarter-sized hail
last time we got belted with hail we had to get a new roof installed (though, it was covered by insurance :D)
@jokerdino I am using it as the base
Stupid Qt is still downloading :/
I accidentally downloaded the 32 bt version
Had to start over :/
lol why are you sillies using Qt Quick... that shiz is lame
use WPF. it's the best GUI framework today :D
unless you need cross platform. then, shit.
I'll try and finish the basic UI tonight
@allquixotic Isn't that too XML based
I think I did a course on it
@HackToHell you can write WPF using XAML (kind of vaguely related to XML) with code behind, or you can write it purely in code
but the way the UI scales etc is quite awesome
too bad Mono has no plans to implement it ;x
or you could use Blend right ?
It's cross platform oi.
dafucque is Blend
meh. cross platform, use SWT :P
No java!
SWT with another programming language? :P
Blend is waaay better than Quick Qt
Going with JS pls.
if you call SWT "swit", then you call DWT "dwit" :D
@allquixotic: SWT rarely looks native ;p
Microsoft Expression Blend ?
If they had a TWT...
@JourneymanGeek rofl
Damn Blend has sooo many tools ;p
!! wiki microsoft blend
Microsoft Blend for Visual Studio (formerly Microsoft Expression Blend) is a user interface design tool developed and sold by Microsoft for creating graphical interfaces for web and desktop applications that blend the features of these two types of applications. It is an interactive, WYSIWYG front-end for designing XAML-based interfaces for Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight applications. It was one of the applications in the Microsoft Expression Studio suite before that suite was discontinued. Expression Blend supports the WPF text engine with advanced OpenType typography a...
actually have you guys checked out Tk lately? Tk::Tile is quite modern looking, even if Tk itself has existed since before most of you were born
@allquixotic Does Qt Creator crash often for you ?
@HackToHell no, but I haven't used it in ages
Qt5 creator is definitely better.
It doesn't even start with the latest kernel
I have to use an old kernel for it work :/
Better than its previous version that is.
@jokerdino Blend is better ;p
waitwaitwait, what does Qt Creator have to do with your kernel version?
But hey open source
why in god's name would that have any impact on it?
@allquixotic No fucking idea
It segfaults on the newer kernel
@HackToHell ew. debug mode and backtrace plz? if it's crashing in the kernel, I'll bet you a dollar (or 10 rupees) that it's due to the graphics driver
Mar 30 at 5:21, by HackToHell
It works in the 3.2 kernel o_0
@allquixotic I have no idea how to do that ;p
Any tutorial ? ;p
@allquixotic 60 INR not 10
@HackToHell compile QtCreator and Qt with debugging symbols on, then gdb qtcreator then start then c then bt full
compile :O
QtCreator is 400 MB compiled
cmon, you should know how to ./configure this shit
The source is probably .... huge
it's not autotools but it's a configure wrapper around qmake
@allquixotic That's not the problem
It's the download size
the source is tiny compared to the binary size
compressed, that is
lemme check
Stop distracting our dev pls.
> dev
> compile :O
Me ? dev ?
@HackToHell yes.
zzz That's out of context
Cheating @allq
@jokerdino no.
4 mins ago, by HackToHell
@allquixotic I have no idea how to do that ;p
nottadev if you don't know how to gdb and get a backtrace
@allquixotic come on. Then he'll start quoting xkcd #303 and do nothing.
!!xkcd 303
@allquixotic I know Windows stuff !
I don't know much about Linux :/
@HackToHell that's good. then you are a Developer. a Developer is not a dev. a dev uses root on GNU/Linux to dev stuff. a Developer uses Microsoft Visual Studio as Administrator on Windows to Develop stuff.
Dim HackToHell As New WindowsDeveloper
linuxdev_t *hth = malloc(sizeof(linuxdev_t));
you don't hear him saying "devs! devs! devs! devs!" do you?
@allquixotic ouch
@allquixotic I never really got into WPF :\
@allquixotic I see
@allquixotic ...sounds like VS2013 preventing the 8.1 upgrade :S
"in what way are the two related??"
@Bob apparently kernels and development environments like to have interesting interactions
too bad VS2013 doesn't cause a :(
that'd just be funny
!!tell 16164412 no
@allquixotic it did completely lock it up
interrupts still working (cursor movement, capslock light) but nothing else
which is pretty bizzare
@Bob really bizarre. could've been a deadlock within a particular subsystem that didn't break interrupts or the main kernel lock tho
disk subsystem? graphics?
these days I think of graphics right away. as I said, it's a whole separate OS of its own, and often very buggy
@allquixotic I was considering disk, considering how crappy the HDD on this laptop is
1. Notice that there is a problem with the computer
2. Suspect graphics driver
3. Rule out possibility of graphics driver OR confirm that it definitely is graphics driver
4. Look into other possibilities
disk light was off though (I was using that to see if it was doing something, considering the installation is pretty heavy on the disk)
@allquixotic there is a slight possibility of graphics, but again: VS2013 & 8.1 upgrade, how the heck is that related to graphics?
@Bob 8.1 deploys new version of WDDM? :P VS2013 uses WPF? :P I dunno.
and the drivers aren't upgraded till a much later stage (post-restart), I think
@allquixotic this is in the pre-restart "gathering info"/"checking compatibility" stage
or it could be one of the billions of components VS2013 installs
the running system shouldn't be modified until the restart
could even be the SQL Server Express or w/e
@allquixotic But I still have VS2010 and 2012 installed
it's just 2013 O_O
@Bob with different, independent versions of the components
Yes, but the chance of it interacting in just that way...
well it happened, we can speculate on why
I don't even want to know what it's doing for the possibility of that bug.
it's closed source :P
@allquixotic too late to test, though, I uninstalled VS, upgraded and reinstalled it
probably should add a post to that forum to help others... or start a new SU question
hm, I wonder if I can replicate in a VM
problem is, I'm gonna need a valid 8 key that allows the upgrade, and another bloody 3.5GB download
maybe spin up a VM on the dedi and VNC into that, at least that'll save some download time
@Bob even if you can repro it, so what? where would you report the bug that the proper folks at Microsoft would look at it (and care, and fix it)?
MS doesn't have a bugzilla. :P
They aren't accepting bug reports for Windows, though.
VS, yes.
Which'll probably get rejected as a Windows bug, bleh.
'course it would :P
> I would upgrade the site's code and see if your issue is resolved then.
yeah, let me get right on that. o wait, I don't work for IGN.
I wonder if the RHEL7 Fedora 19 with bugfixes, a 3.10 kernel and a bunch of kernel backports has a good desktop environment :P
@allquixotic It's still a reasonable response, though.
Sorta :P
Unless someone wants to provide more information on what exactly is failing.
Also, that's not an official MS response.
I REALLY want CentOS 7 to go final release ASAP
and then... SP-64 from OVH :O :O
@allquixotic You're going ahead with that?
@Bob perhaps
I think there are real savings to be had with super high spec systems being "split" between two responsible, cooperating admins... maybe we could even get a higher spec one and split the cost depending on how much we can afford
I can afford between $100 and $150 USD per month on my own
if you could match, we could get a $200 per month box, which would be a bit better than the SP-64
on second thought... :P
@allquixotic I already think I'm paying too much for how little I use my current one :P
> Help your site go faster with the OVH CDN !
> 504 OVH CDN is broken
!! s/CDN/backend, I guess, since the CDN seems to be up and just not serving anything/
@allquixotic 504 OVH backend, I guess, since the CDN seems to be up and just not serving anything is broken (source)
I've actually considered downgrading, but my current deal with 48 GB of RAM in this price range is really hard to find, so I'm just hanging onto it :P
(I love 451 ;p. Westies are proper rebel dogs ;p)
Windows Phone is looking better and better :P
!!tell 16165523 no
main problem with Windows Phone is that almost all the devices they build for are super low-end, or at the absolute flagship level they're mediocre hardware compared to what Apple and Android manufs are doing
they won't reach S5 level hardware til 2016 probably
also the dearth of apps
@Bob It sucks :P
@allquixotic I said it's looking better, not necessarily the best option yet.
As a primary phone
And, hey, my L520 can do things my S5 can't.
For some reason I parsed the L520 as a server
@JourneymanGeek You're spending too much time in the comms room :P
hypocrite that I am
Morning all
> Morning all
waiting for it
Oh yea, I haven't checked that for a few days... Thanks @allquixotic
Actually, I was reading though tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2324
Looks like Google migrated the Dalvik virtual machine team to ART.
@HackToHell hey, that's a good thing!
ART is better at stuff, it just needs to be polished up a bit
@CanadianLuke that's obsolete. you need to update to RFC 7168.
@allquixotic I didn't say I wasn't ;p
is this bad ??
@allquixotic Updated,t hanks!
@Ash Kinda
Assuming you want those packages
user image
npm registry can be a bit weird sometimes. I'd just retry
Heya peeps
Hmmm... Three blues don't make a white, after all...
clientsfromhell.net/post/89255243855/… + the links it leads to...
@allquixotic Your prediction has come to pass :P
Only an hour later... ;)
Gotta admit, I do post good stuff though
@Bob ;-D
Im stressing the hell out,
@Arsalan Instead of stressing, take a deep breath
@CanadianLuke Cannot,
Do you guys have experiance with wordpress?
I was devloping a site in wordpress all is going and i decied to do a reinstall now, i cant seem to slove this error "Download failed.: Destination directory for file streaming does not exist or is not writable." i ve checked owner of the dir and the chmod is correct but still it giving me that error.
Who is the owner?
a localuser,
What local user?
i ve got multiple sites on this machine and they all configured this way, they are all working
Oh, a multi-site server
What user are you using to FTP within Wordpress?
but this one isn't, it was working perfectly in the morning
Does that user have write access? Or is it in the group to have write access?
Same user, got a vsftpd running
And you can create a file, edit it, then delete it?
using filezilla i can,
but wordpress won't.
This syntax highlighting is seriously wtf youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-12510
Well, so is the code, but still :P
so i just changed to apache user and its working, so why isn't working with a local user?
Is the sticky bit set? (I'm assuming this is on Linux)
Yeah Im running Centos
can i do chown site2:apache htdocs?
apache being the group?
Where is each site hosted? Do they have their own directory with your htdocs folder?
Its a Dedicated Server,
I made a new user for each site.
within each user /home/site1/htdocs, /home/site2/htdocs, etc
OK, and only site2 would use files in the htdocs folder, and below? No other site needs access to it?
The site is working perfectly when i apache owns the htdocs.
OK, just for testing, try chown -R :apache htdocs/*. The -R does recursive. Let's not change the user yet
yep, no error install plugin,
so yeah its working with the apache group
So it's likely that the sticky bit isn't enabled. Do you know what that is, or would you like a quick explanation?
quick explanintion please
sorry ive gotten a job a web devloper and been learning linux since i was like 16 and im 21 so ive missed some bits.
That's how you learn, messing up
The sticky bit is an extra permission (with chmod) that makes it so the owner and group stays the same on the folder, and everything below it. Useful with shared folders with multiple users accessing it
thanks a lot.
You can set it by using a 2 in front of the usual 3-digit octal code (i.e. chmod -R 2770 /path/to/folder lets the owner and group access and do anythign with the files, inside the folder, and newly created files as well)
No problem! Good luck
ah right
Let's just say... I've run into it before
And it's down again... Fuck
its up for me? that site
Oh great, so it's my work blocking it... OK
I get my favicon loading, but I assume that's cache...
(psst. Steam Summer sales just started)
I use a vpn when im devloping
I ssh into my box and use a sock proxy and be incognito to check.
I can do that, but I shouldn't have to
One minute
Well, WTF... Now it works!
Why is my employer blocking it?
hha, what was wrong?
Not a clue... I don't even get hits when checking the log on the proxy server
hmm, are you sure its not just serving you a cached version?
It would show up in my logs (using Squid on the gateway)
sudo squid -z
it will regenerate the cahace, anyways i finish work now, cya
I love that the way to tell if someone is cross-site spamming is via google: google.co.uk/…
Looks Like Steam has started it's summer sale
!! s/'//
@allquixotic Looks Like Steam has started its summer sale (source)
I was trying to build atom for my linux box and I ran out of space in /tmp directory . build was successful , though , I wasn't able to complete creating .deb package.
How to backup everything from /tmp ? I dont want to leave anything out (some special files).
`ash@mimas:~/development/atom$ sudo script/grunt mkdeb
Running "mkdeb" task
>> mktemp: failed to create directory via template `/tmp/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX': No space left on device
Aborted due to warnings.
wtf... leads to leads to Who creates these tags?
would rsync -AX suffice ?
@allquixotic Here. Have one.
Q: notifications after deactivation of twitter

glamourWhile stalking, I accidentally followed someone on twitter, and unfollowed them right after. I also changed all my info right after, blocked the person, and deactivated my account. Will my "follow" and my original username still appear on their notifications tab?

> While stalking, I accidentally followed someone on twitter
Why can't we be friends?
There are no friends in Twitter.
Only those who stalk and those who get stalked.
Q: GUI tool for Windows computers to administer SAMBA

Canadian LukeI have a few SAMBA v3 servers on my network that I constantly need to remote into with SSH to change settings. I know that for SAMBA v4 (which we are not upgrading to for a while), you can use the Windows Server Remote Administration Tools to administer it, but you can't for SAMBA v3. What I nee...

Just to, you know, get the topic happy again
@allquixotic wtf O_O
:16170829 'Displays a file dialog with the supplied filter, default extension, dialog title, and save/open style.
'filt: A filter of the form "label|extension|label|extension|..." where label is text user sees and extension is *.something
'def: The file extension to add to a save dialog if the user doesn't supply any extension on their own. Omit the period.
'title: The dialog box title to display to the user.
'save: A boolean value (true or false) - if true, display a save dialog. If false, display an open dialog.
You even wrote it in VB? O_____O
@OliverSalzburg i already had that code except for the last line
is this it ??
atom ??
wtf ?
> The file is 20k . . . Sorry it's so big, but I included all of the source code and header files, as well as a copy of the finished SIB.EXE so you could see the result even if you didn't have the other required assembly tools!

SIB.ZIP (20k) -- This zip file contains all of the files necessary to assemble a state of the art 32-bit Windows Application ... written in nothing but assembly language (it also contains the executable SIB.EXE app so that you can see what it looks like and browse the files even if you don't own a copy of Microsoft's Macro Assembler, MASM, or Linker). The App inclu
@allquixotic but does it connect to the cloud twitter and facebook?
@HackToHell Of course it's free.
A: OCR for numbers with gray noisy background

CorneliusFirst you must tweak those images. I recommend a batch tool like XNViewMP which is free and multiplatform. It has a file explorer. Select all your images, then go to Tools - Batch convert. Add actions like I did: Here are my actions: HLS - make it grayscale Levels - lower black level a bit ...

Fantastic answer!
2 hours later…
So apparently my company has it's own song...
1 hour later…
for the record, Windows 7 RTM gets very VERY unhappy when .Net 4.5.1 is installed
and apparently Microsoft's own clean up tools don't notice 4.5.1 is installed if you are on 7RTM
@AJHenderson I'm surprised 4.5.1 will even install on Windows 7 RTM. unpatched versions of Windows are unsupported (IIRC)
it won't
I had a freaky situation of upgrading from Vista SP2
to 7RTM
ah. interesting corner case
so I have some really bizarre incompatible upgrades installed
Windows 7 RTM, Windows 8 RTM, Windows 8.1 pre-Update1, etc. are "unsupported software" AFAIK, and that probably includes upgrading to them
sadly, I only had a Windows 7 install disk handy
they really need to make their images publicly available -- you still have to activate Windows to make use of it, and the pirates will strip the activation away anyway, so there's really no reason not to have like download.microsoft.com/windows/images/8.1/…
suppose I should probably report to MS that the cleanup utility should probably support removing 4.5.1 on Windows 7RTM
I might consider picking MAPS back up
the installation ISOs should come with the service packs and windows updates already installed into the image
now that I finally bit the bullet and moved to 7. Though may still not be worth it unless they fix the mess that is metro
@AJHenderson MAPS?
Microsoft Action Pack
@AJHenderson the "fix" for Metro is easy: disable it :D and it's on sale
$350 a year, 10 licenses of Windows, Office, AV, etc as well as 10 user licenses for most of the servers
huh, didn't know that existed
you have to be a business, but if you are a developer that does occasional consulting, then you can qualify
if it doesn't come with Visual Studio, not really worth it for me
i have perpetual licenses of Windows and Office
there is a version that does, but it costs a bit more
@allquixotic on sale?
hasn't it always been $5?
but you also get early access to stuff. I had Windows 7 and Windows 8 both about a month early
pretty much as soon as they ship the RTM image for reproducing media, it gets released to partners
and MAPS is associated with the partner program
well that's new
for a while now my Display Port output hasn't worked
after upgrading it started working again
well, as soon as .Net 4.5 finished installing, DisplayPort stopped again
guess maybe it is something corrupted with catalyst control center since that requires .Net 4.5
9 hours ago, by allquixotic
these days I think of graphics right away. as I said, it's a whole separate OS of its own, and often very buggy
9 hours ago, by allquixotic
1. Notice that there is a problem with the computer
2. Suspect graphics driver
3. Rule out possibility of graphics driver OR confirm that it definitely is graphics driver
4. Look into other possibilities
@allquixotic ^ :P
Incidentally, the WDDM1.3 update for the Intel drivers on my laptop changed its control panel.
Now it follows the MUI design philosophy: looks clean, while removing any options that are even slightly "advanced".
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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