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he tried to die it at one point.
I think I need to make that a non-community command, so only room owners can use it
we have enough room owners and mods here that there wouldn't be a time where the bot is out of control and nobody here can stop it
maybe have the bot in another room for people that are keen on playing with it so they can do so without disturbing the room
perhaps such that if it 'breaks' it's not a main one.
Cool bot
@TheDoctor it will need cooling after that!
@Bob bigger screen (Which oddly is a negative for me) with lower pixel density, and mediatek chips are often not as good.
though if my dad or mom replaced their phones, I'd probably consider that or a redmi
@JourneymanGeek do you know if this is true?
I'm assuming you have an old win vm lying around somewhere
@KronoS: I apparently don't have that utility ;p
I have a windows 98se vm I think
with a copy of display doctor I googled the key for ;p
@KronoS what that there's a support chat hidden in help. They didn't mention the windows version "an old windows utility has an undocumented feature". they're not even trying to fool anybody. It's like a spam scam email wording.. except to an xkcd audience it's not even a pretence. and it's just intended to set up a joke.
It says "if you click on the background" give me a break.. you can't seriously have thought that was serious.
you know wwe/wwf wrestling's fake, right ;-)
It's been a long day
Lol that's one fast fish!
We could learn something about fluid dynamics from that fish's design
@PauskaSock That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
I wish you could grep for physiacl objects
@TheDoctor you can. it's called ask a woman where it is
@allquixotic Poseidon's blow darts.
My friend recently moved to Canada and he just sent me this:
@MichaelFrank I hate him for that downstream, but I have about the same (or slightly better) upstream
@allquixotic I hate him for both. I'm getting 40/10 at the moment.
I win ! :P
not getting great speeds tonight, but a couple months ago I was hitting about 30 Mbps down, 15 Mbps up
the network is probably congested
@TheDoctor wow, that's horrible :(
i know
@MichaelFrank Kitchener, eh? Me too. :D And considering I'm paying for 45Mbps down/4Mbps up:
posted on May 07, 2014 by LukeB

Hi everyone… It’s been an interesting month so far! I’m sorry for the lack of posts, but life is really starting to pick up! The girlfriend and I are still settling into our new home, and preparing for an addition to the family! As well, my volunteer activities have been dragging a lot of my […]

morning folks
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek Ya, but more RAM. And, really, for what I do on a smartphone RAM is more important than the CPU (after a certain point) - less apps being closed in the background.
falls over
Human puppies are a lot of work
@Bob: the one 'issue' I'd have is storage, but turns out I have a lot of options there ;p
@JourneymanGeek microsd :P
@Bob: thats the one thing the moto G lacks ;p
(though, the USB drive or USB OTG connector with an external HDD is nice.)
And while you're it, you're in freaking final year of your professional studies. Stop using txtspk and the train of periods. "....." — Sathya ♦ 7 secs ago
@Sathya: How do these people even get that far ><
mind boggles
Of course I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I didn't at least understand how what I did for my assignments worked ;p
none of this silly gimmethecodez shit
oh that
internet equivalent of numbers stations ;p
Anyone want to help me craft a good question for the main site or troubleshoot something?
I have this Windows 7 machine that doesn't get an IP address unless I manually disable and enable the DHCP service.
No idea where to start looking for problems.
Oh wait, now it worked without doing that.
nvm then
@slhck RA is magical like that ;)
I suppose so!
Also, you can stream live HD video from the ISS. Quite amazing.
I have an electronics question, which is off topic at SU. If I were to hold a magnet (a 'normal' house hold magnet of 'average' strength) to an SSD drive, it could prevent the OS from loading. But, does it just corrupt the data or is it more likely to physically destroy it? Or is this really unanswerable
A: Troggy's beefy arm of moderation needs a break

Jeff AtwoodTroggy! One of the early, the few.. the proud... THE BURNINATED It's been an honor to serve with you. And Super User will always have a special place in my heart. A place reserved for plush things...

Jeff makes a meta post
@DaveRook If you hold a magnet to a SSD, nothing should happen...
Even a mechanical HDD is pretty well protected against such a weak magnet.
SSDs don't contain magnetic platters, do they
But a SSD? You'd need a pretty strong or quickly changing magnetic field.
That could induce a current strong enough to damage it.
But using your hand to move a fridge magnet to it and hold it there? Nothing.
erm... really? I've been told that's what has happened and the computer won't load
@Sathya They don't, but they can still be affected if the magnet induces a current strong enough to damage electronics.
@DaveRook ...what kind of magnet are we talking?
Maybe if it were a rare earth.
What you would have at home - nothing special or specialist
But it's... unlikely. Highly unlikely.
As in, anyone with an understanding of physics wouldn't believe it unlikely.
Right... I wonder what it killed then...
Thanks guys, have a great day, I'm going to try and answer questions now :)
Q: Is it possible to wipe SSD with strong magnetic force?

bbaja42I know it is possible to wipe a hard disk, but I'm wondering if something similar can be done to SSD disks as well?

@DaveRook ^
> sufficiently strong, changing magnetic fields can damage any electronic equipment, including flash memory devices. This is due to electromagnetic induction producing electrical currents inside the circuitry that are strong enough to damage the hardware.
OTOH, moving a magnet next to the cable might be enough to cause corruption.
But there should be checksums that discard this data anyway.
And, again, a stationery magnet shouldn't do anything.
@DaveRook: suprisingly enough, a normal magnet may do nothing to a HDD
the entire casing is basically a large magnetic shield
How complicated this has become...
I think the magnet was being rubbed!!
@JourneymanGeek Ugh, those tags!
Q: specify name without format of file in cmd

mpowerI want to convert some files with a program that needs CMD to run. It gets 2 arguments first input file name and second output. I used FOR %%f command to use it on all files in a folder like this: FOR %%f IN (*) DO xWMAEncode.exe %%f output but input and output have different file formats a...

@mpower Maybe you could use dir /B instead of *
@OliverSalzburg ewwwww
This does not work if any of the filenames have spaces - a similar bug to a common Bash pitfall. You can get around it by fiddling with tokens, but the other answer is the better and correct way to do this. — Bob 31 secs ago
@JourneymanGeek ...I hate F/OSS purists. And until/unless a good reason is provided, I'll just assume it's another purist.
@Bob: I don't even care about that. ITS RIGHT THERE ON THE FRONT PAGE.
@JourneymanGeek That too :P
But even if it wasn't, this wouldn't be a good question for SU.
oh and I almost gave the edit reason as "We are not your friends" superuser.com/posts/751161/revisions here
@Bob: Yeah ;p
@JourneymanGeek hcl me? ??
and probably should get a lot of closevotes
hydrochloric acid with Windows ME?
@Bob: hence the comments. google says its a tablet
hcl is a brand of electronics. I think its chinese, but they sell in india mainly
hclstore.in/categories/… You know they are great systems when the best processor they offer is a core i3
@JourneymanGeek I see a couple of i5s...
@Bob: details details ;p
@JourneymanGeek Indian brand
@Sathya: ahh.
oh. I just realised what the H stands for ;p
HCL is a global technology and IT enterprise that operates in 31 countries. Its headquarters is in Noida, India. The company comprises two publicly listed companies, HCL Technologies and HCL Infosystems. HCL was focused on addressing the IT hardware market in India for the first two decades of its existence with some activity in the global market. On termination of the joint venture with HP in 1996, HCL became an enterprise comprising HCL Technologies and HCL Infosystems. HCL Technologies focuses on the global IT services market, whereas HCL Infosystems focuses on the IT hardware mark...
1 message moved to Recycle Bin
wait what?
apparently one of the guys who started HCL might own a computer store I know of here ;p
smallish universe.
OH, I got the name confused
never mind.
Q: How to filter election vote alerts from the inbox?

l0b0I'm getting a whole bunch of inbox messages about elections even on sites where I only have a few hundred points. Would it be possible to add a preference to filter all election vote alerts from the inbox on the top of every page?

2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@allquixotic heh, all my new rocket designs with higher tech stuff are barely making it into kerbin orbit
@Bob it takes... more "creative" design to successfully launch higher tech stuff
@allquixotic urk
that's gonna be fun
a lot of the higher tech propulsion stuff may SEEM awesome because high thrust and/or high efficiency, but the main problem is, it requires ridiculous amounts of fuel to power such hungry engines
and to break that fuel out of a suborbital trajectory (going up into space then crashing back down) you need a hilarious amount of thrust from SRBs
@allquixotic Heh, I'm not even trying to ship the fuel out
I'm trying to use the higher tech stuff to boost a small orbiter out
...do you play KSP, Clippy?
@Bob such as what?
@allquixotic mainsail engine, jumbo fuel tank...
played round a bit with that giant two-thruster engine+fuel tank assembly I forgot the name of
and the SRBs that go with it
@allquixotic rockomax
the one with "jumbo" literally in the name
@Bob ah. the rockomax one is considerably smaller than the one i linked. not that that's a bad thing :P if you're having trouble lifting that one into orbit, imagine how hard it'd be to lift a tank 2.25x heavier :D
a mainsail engine can just barely lift one of those S3-14400s :D
@allquixotic I'm not even trying to lift it into orbit! I'm trying to use it to get into orbit!
@Bob I understand that. but getting into orbit and lifting it into orbit are basically the same thing for this thought process :P
Stacked two of them and I can barely make it out with a tiny bit of fuel left.
@Bob are you using SRBs?
@allquixotic ya
which ones?
how many?
@allquixotic six in the latest design, two stages
first stage fires four, second stage fires the other two
it works decently? :P
@Bob hmm. not too bad. though personally I'd try firing all six at once, and stack two separate stages of SRBs on top of one another, and fire the first six, then separate them, then fire the next six.
@allquixotic Hm. I haven't tried stacking SRBs like that since my early disasters :P
also, do not fire your liquid engine until you leave the atmosphere, and make sure to get your horizontal velocity going ASAP once you break out of the thick atmosphere
@Bob if you have unlocked struts and the launch stabilizers, you should be able to safely launch with such a monstrosity now
@allquixotic I've started going higher before going horizontal
just attach struts (they'll break away when you decouple) to the SRBs to remove the wobble
Tried going horizontal early, and ended up not making it far enough up
@allquixotic ohhhh
@Bob Scott Manley said the most efficient way is to gradually ease your way to horizontal
damn it
here I was thinking struts weren't decouplable
struts don't decouple by themselves, but the force exerted by the decoupler overcomes the ability of the struts to remain intact, so they break off of whatever they're attached to
it doesn't damage your ship, don't worry
@allquixotic I've been considering launching an orbiter up and shipping more fuel to it, before I remembered I haven't unlocked any parts to transfer fuel with :P
@Bob a lot of people end up going that route once they unlock docking ports and some kind of way to regenerate electricity in space (solar panels, RTGs, etc)
@allquixotic I'd need docking ports before I could land anywhere (minmus) wouldn't I?
Hm, maybe not.
@Bob no, definitely not -- you can land on Minmus without docking ports
which liquid engine are you using?
@allquixotic mainsail at the moment
with the last stage using the 30kN thrust ones
to land on Minmus (which is the easiest planet besides Kerbin to land on, assuming you also want to leave; I'm excluding Eve from this discussion because it's also ridiculously easy to land on, but you will never escape its heavy gravity with your current tech) you'll need an efficient engine, but not necessarily ridiculous thrust
but those don't generate power, and I don't have panels yet, so I'm considering swapping for the 50kN ones
if I were you I'd use the "Poodle" liquid engine or one of the other, much smaller thrust engines with high efficiency, and carry A LOT less liquid fuel with you, and rely on your SRBs entirely to get you into orbit
so in summary, I'd ship enough fuel to do extended (long periods of time) full burns with a small liquid engine, rather than short burns with a super heavy engine; and I'd let SRBs do 90% of the work to get me into kerbin orbit
and I wouldn't use anything like a mainsail or a clipper or anything that big at all, not even in the first stage
if you have it, the LV-909 is great for landing
@allquixotic I've been using that one. Might have to switch to Poodle
@Bob according to the wiki, using several LV-909s is the same as using one Poodle except that the four LV-909s weigh less and have less thrust vectoring (harder to steer)
it says 5 LV-909s but I don't know how you'd even use that many, I've only ever seen a quad adapter
I guess you could try to stick them on modular girders coming out of the bottom of your vessel but that seems weird
and you'd need hella struts attached to them to keep them from flying off when you go to full thrust -- engines on girders are almost always a recipe for disaster because girders aren't designed to handle that amount of torque without major strut support
@allquixotic I just need to get struts ASAP :P
> Features a novel full-body crumple-zone technology.
try this next launch (just navigational tip, irrespective of rocket design): at about 5 km up, tap the appropriate direction key to turn slightly in the direction of Kerbin's rotation. at 8 km, tap it again. at 10 km, give it a nice firm tap (10-15 degrees rotation). at 15, go 45 degrees or more. by 20 you should be totally horizontal and still burning your engines
and don't fire your liquid engines until you're around 10 km
@allquixotic horizontal at 20? O_O
I've been going up to 40 or higher...
@Bob the atmosphere is done by like 15 km, IIRC.
Kerbin's atmosphere is thinner than Earth's
one time I launched a tiny probe with an enormous engine on it at full thrust just to see where the atmosphere was; if you're going really fast, you start igniting the atmosphere (as you've probably seen at least once)
I still get a kick out of the RT-10's description
> While considered by some to be little more than "a trash bin full o' boom", The RT-10 is used in many space programs, whenever the need to save cash is greater than the need to keep astronauts alive. Use with caution, though. Once lit, solid fuel motors cannot be put out until the fuel runs out.
have anyone used imacros firefox addon?
Altitude (m) 	Velocity (m/s)
75 	100.9
1000 	110.5
2000 	121.9
3000 	134.5
4000 	148.4
5000 	163.7
6000 	180.6
7000 	199.3
8000 	219.9
9000 	242.6
10000 	267.7
12500 	342.4
15000 	437.8
20000 	716
32000 	2332
@Bob according to the KSP wiki, that's the optimal velocity (with respect to Kerbin) at any given altitude
the most "fuel efficient" is what it says
@allquixotic Really? I thought it was 60 o.O
@Bob you're right, it is like 69, but the atmospheric pressure (and drag) drops off exponentially, and it's already basically nothing by like 15km
notice how the recommended velocity goes from 342.4 m/s at 12.5km to 437.8 m/s at 15km
and at 32km you're going close to orbital velocity
with still another 36km or so to go until the atmosphere is totally gone
in other words, going too fast at lower altitudes is exponentially more fuel-wasteful than going too fast at higher altitudes
your strategy of firing some boosters, then others, seems quite sound in that respect
@allquixotic it actually ends up going a little too slow :P
Hm. I may as well go try again now.
@allquixotic nope, not much use :P
time for a redesign
@allquixotic huh, it was an 8-SRB (6 + 2) design
eh, let's make it 16! :D
@JourneymanGeek That was the name of my first three ships :P
The SRBs are actually overheating O_O
@Bob attach heat sinks to them or make your craft more aerodynamic. heat sinks are things such as struts, or anything metal that connects them to less hot things
adding wings and aerodynamic nose cone(s) helps too
@allquixotic A poodle can't take two jumbo tanks :P
I think I need to have a mainsail
@Bob don't use so many tanks then! O_o
@allquixotic I was going to say no, but then my attempt at adding more tanks and engines and SRBs tore itself apart :P
@Bob the solution isn't necessarily moar; it's efficiency...
note to self: don't try to turn too sharply with RCS O_O
email to me:
> son doctor's appointment
oh, so you attend your son's doctor's doctor appointments? how nice... or creepy
or maybe the doctor only takes care of people who are a son of someone
damn it
@allquixotic I just noticed minmus appears to be orbiting on a different plane
now I need to figure out how to adjust :P
is there any simple way to create a timeline of events for a whole year?
something like this
@Bob yup! :P and you have to line it up before you hohmann transfer
i would prefer something interactive, not just for the show
i checked calendar in outlook and it doesn't have this type of view
quicksave in case you mess it up, then plan a maneuver node at the halfway point between the apoapsis and periapsis and drag the purple triangle up to see where it would end up
@sammyg MS Project?
@allquixotic yeah something like that is probably what i would need
i'm looking for some project management software now
but ms project is not free
what's a good free alternative to ms project? anything open source?
gnome project
@allquixotic no idea how to use maneuver nodes yet
most alternatives i've found are web based, but it looks like ProjectLibre could be worth a try
just playing it by ear :P
@Bob maneuver nodes are important!
got a 7km flyover now :D
@Bob niiiice
and I should have more than enough fuel to get back
@Bob do you at least know the meanings of the markers on the navball?
@allquixotic ya
I did go though the ingame tutorials, as incomplete as they are
@Bob ok, to land, once you get around that 7km periapsis, you should burn retrograde slightly until you have a suborbital trajectory
@jokerdino the first nuclear test?
if you have enough fuel (and confidence), try hard to land on the flat-looking "sea of mint frosting" type areas, since they're extremely flat
flat == less likely to tip over when you touch down
remember, Minmus has no atmosphere, so you'll need to slow down using your engines. kill your horizontal velocity first, then your vertical as you get close to the ground.
also, your altitude meter at the top of the screen is relative to those minty-looking oceans of gravel, so if you land on one of those beds, the altitude meter will read exactly 0
@sammyg the garden one
helpful for timing your final retro burns near the end
went for an EVA
detached from ship
slowly trying to get back :P
yikes :S
quicksave often (with alt+f5)
@allquixotic I don't have anything ot land on
I mean, no landing struts
and I still have a giant fuel tank attached :S
I've been using the small engines for maneuvering
@Bob with no landing struts you'll have to come in under 7 m/s or your engine will explode
since they generate no electricity, decided to keep a little fuel and the big engine
unfortunately, can't land this time
@Bob so you're just not gonna land?
back on board
@allquixotic ya, I'll prepare better for next time
I can't store enough science to be worth it anyway :P
what is jre-8u5-windows-x64.tar.gz?
@sammyg jre => java runtime environment
@sammyg looks like source code
8u5 => version 8 update 5
windows and x64 should be self-explanatory
@sammyg sounds like the fundamental files required for java maybe though I didn't know they'd put it in source code
> windows
> .tar.gz
and, yea, .tar.gz is normally source code
if it were the runtime itself it'd be .exe or .zip
@Bob even on windows? why not zip?
@allquixotic or whoever packaged it has a weird sense of humor :P
@Bob lol
@allquixotic I'll try a couple of times to land
it probably won't go well :P
yeah, source code
yeah obviously oracle. they do make it you know
they should be super evil / bad-mannered and compress it using .cpio.Z
they have an EXE version too
@barlop yeah, me know, i just got the exe... just weird that they would pack it as .tar.gz
they expect me to examine it on linux
you can probably open a .tar.gz on windows with 7zip
and if you can't. then you probably shouldn't be opening it
source code is for programmers not for idiots
that may be why they didn't make it a zip
they want to scare off idiots from downloading it
@barlop gee, that's not very nice
"The tar format continues to be used extensively in Unix, Linux and OS X. Linux versions use features prominently in various software distributions, with most software source code made available in .tar.gz (gzip compressed tar archives). The tar format is a basis of some types of containment and distribution."
@allquixotic well can you think of any reasons why?
@barlop sounds about reasonable
@barlop sure: maybe they wanted to release the code in the same file format for all platforms
also, for zillions of little teeny files, .tar.gz compresses better than zip
well, .zip for linux would've annoyed linux users ;-)
A: What is the advantage of using 'tar' today?

allquixoticPart 1: Performance Here is a comparison of two separate workflows and what they do. You have a file on disk blah.tar.gz which is, say, 1 GB of gzip-compressed data which, when uncompressed, occupies 2 GB (so a compression ratio of 50%). The way that you would create this, if you were to do ar...

@barlop uh, not really? there's unzip, then every single desktop environment has an unzip utility, even LXDE
hmm, was unzip pre pkzip
I guarantee you they didn't release it that way with the intention of being elitist or preventing people who don't know what a .tar.gz is from opening it. There has to be some sensible technical reason, like, say, their build farm compresses all the source code for all platforms the same way, or whatever.
yeah that's more likely i suppose
!!tell 15414533 wiki Info-ZIP
Info-ZIP is a set of open-source software to handle ZIP archives. It has been in circulation since 1989. It consists of 4 separately-installable packages: the Zip and UnZip command-line utilities; and WiZ and MacZip, which are graphical user interfaces for archiving programs in Microsoft Windows and classic Mac OS, respectively. Info-ZIP's Zip and UnZip have been ported to dozens of computing platforms. The UnZip web page describes UnZip as "The Third Most Portable Program in the World", surpassed by Hello World, C-Kermit, and possibly the Linux kernel. The "zip" and "unzip" prog...
@allquixotic Heh, almost.
But it was in a mountainous area, and the engine and fuel tank explodededed
so did windows beat unix on zip?
@Bob aww :(
pkzip was a classic dos program
I think I'd rather go back and try again, rather than land, transmit and hope for rescue :P
just downloaded it for fun, i was able to unpack it with peazip
peazip uses 7zip
@barlop not Windows, no, but DOS did... by 2 months
PKZIP was released on 01/11/1989, and UnZip was released on 03/03/1989
jre-8u5-windows-x64.tar.gz 48.8 MB
jre1.8.0_05.zip 47.6 MB
i unpacked it and then repacked it as zip
normal compression
and by the way, pkzip had an -ex option for extreme compression. i guess winzip does in gui too
and people often got better compression with RAR
@barlop that just using a larger dictionary, AFAIK. UnZip supports that too. really nothing revolutionary
zip this, zip that... whatever guys... don't fight over it, but what's the most common file format for source file packages for windows programs?
@Bob if you transmit, you lose science value for things other than reports (reports can be transmitted at zero loss of value), which sucks
@sammyg "the most common" depends more on the organizational culture of the releasing organization than on the date or time it was published
hell, for many modern open source Windows programs, the "most common file format" is git clone on Github
you won't be able to find anything very conclusive about what's "the most common" aside from the fact that Zip is used a lot for stuff -- but not because it's particularly good; just because every single person has a way to unzip it already installed on their system
then there are weird community cultures like the game modding community that tends to release their stuff in rar format for whatever random reason
even though 7-zip is better in every way
.jar is a container of many java files
LZMA2 is the state of the art general purpose lossless compression algorithm, and so far, only the 7z format and the Xz archive format support LZMA2 (WinZip's non-standard LZMA1 inside Zip containers is a close runner up)
@barlop no, .jar is a renamed .zip file; it isn't a separate file format in any way, shape or form, it's just named differently
if i have a zip file of pictures and i rename it pictures.jar, it doesn't automatically start containing java files instead of pictures
actually the Office 2007+ document formats are exactly the same way: a .docx or .xlsx or .pptx is also just a zip file, except in this case it contains OOXML and some binary data files
@allquixotic so we can conclude that zip and rar is the most common archive formats for source code on windows?
@sammyg no; to say that is missing my point
if you mean globally, then I'd wager that Zip (more specifically, the Zip archive format combined with the DEFLATE compression algorithm) is the most commonly used compression in the world, whether or not the file extension is named ".zip"; but that doesn't mean "Windows source code" is always, or even commonly, distributed that way
@allquixotic just kidding! :)
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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