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@Braiam: We could start a training program for loan sharks
"How to get make friends and influence people how to scare and intimidate people"
Is someone running Windows 7?
I need someone running Windows 7 to test this program.
What is it?
Just click the buttons three big buttons and see if it doesn't exploit.
hm. Maybe if I ever boot into Windows I will :)
I need it for today, so tomorrow it would be useless.
@Lucio please don't link drop to executables
compile it if you can
just to be more fast
what exactly do you want us to do with this program?
5 mins ago, by Lucio
Just click the buttons three big buttons and see if it doesn't exploit.
@allquixotic a rar is an executable? ;P
@Seth it's a rar with an exe inside it
@Lucio ...exploit? what do you mean?
is it some kind of hack?
found a bug :)
should I be flagging your link for deletion?
then explain what you mean by "see if it doesn't exploit"
39 secs ago, by Lucio
found a bug :)
That isn't really clear enough @Lucio
If the window doesn't close, it doesn't have bug.
If it does automatically close, or a big message window then it has a bug.
It is not a big program, just a tiny app.
Here is a screenshoot:
So, if anyone is running Windows 7 and have free time, please test the aplication.
ugh, your repository contains loads of junk files
lol - yes it does
that is why I'm asking for bugs :)
some kind of school project i take it
@Lucio why is that sideways?
why do you need it tested on Windows 7? shouldn't it work fine on Ubuntu too, unless you have some P/Invokes in there?
@MichaelFrank school presentation
@allquixotic I couldn't get XML working on Wine
Does your school sit on the wall?
mono Time-Out.exe
no wine needed...?
mono, wine, confusion.. Yep mono
@allquixotic do you need me to translate that picture for you?
@PatoSáinz no, it's in Spanish
oh, I guess you didn't know I know Spanish :P
@allquixotic oh
three spanish speakers on the same room, this should be renamed to "New Mexico Access" :P
@allquixotic ping me if you tested it
or anyone else
Anyone feel like helping me identify an adware script?
@terdon surewhynot -- beats watching youtube
It's re my question here:
Q: How can I identify malware containing chrome extension in Linux?

terdonI seem to have been infected by malware. Specifically, every now and then (once every few days usually) I get redirected to a page that asks me to download something, usually a "new version of flash". Presumably, it is nothing of the kind but is actually a virus or trojan of some sort. I am usi...

I think I've located the malicious script and my reading of the comments header confirms it, what do you think?
// Support code (c) 2013 All Rights Reserved.
// If you want to review the code please contact me at [email protected]
// If you don't wish to support me you may disable it in the settings.


var stored = localStorage;
var user_blacklist   = stored.p180_blacklist  ? JSON.parse(stored.p180_blacklist)  : {};
var server_blacklist = stored.p180_blacklist2 ? JSON.parse(stored.p180_blacklist2) : {};
var next_impression  = +new Date;

if (typeof stored.support == "undefined")
  stored.support = "true";
Main thing seems to be a call to imgclck.com/health_check.js
That brings back a list of whitelisted and blacklisted servers.
I have some malware on my chrome that sends me to a download flash.exe page, actually hijacks my current tab. Happens apparently randomly. Trying to nail down the culprit.
@terdon make a blank session and install your addins one at a time until you find it?
Problem is it only happens rarely, so that could take ages.
The script I pasted is part of the Sexy Undo Tabs extension, it seems to have a function that checks for a random interval, and then does something. I am thinking that something is showing me the adds.
Hmm, the dev might also just be giving me a popup asking me to support the extension, code would fit. Not sure.
depends on what that XHR does
@CanadianLuke Asking where did you find the # of rings setting on your phone?
Can anyone vouch for this page? extensiondefender.com
@terdon nope
Looks perfect, but I don't know who decides to tag as mal/adware, for all I know it is a battleground for different devs trying to get each other's extensions blacklisted.
Heh, yes, that one was probably it. Cool :)
@terdon that seems the one...
@Braiam yup, I think so. I've found a couple of cool resources, I'm answering my question now.
were you checking the content scripts @terdon?
@Braiam no, I don't know what that is.
I was using the developer tools to browse through the source files of each extension
most of mine are tiny and very simple so the ones that had more scripts were suspect and I found the one above
Looked at the code and it seemed to have a function that was calculating random intervals, that started ringing alarm bells
@terdon this
@Braiam oh, no, that's not what I used, I was on the 'sources' tab. I just looked for things I could not immediately parse
And this function seemed very suspect:
function onRequest(request, sender, sendResponse) {
  if (request == "get-impressions") {
  } else if (request == "inc-impressions") {
    stored.impressions = (++stored.impressions);
  } else if (request.name == "is-enabled") {
    var domain = get_domain(request.data);
    var enabled = (stored.support == "true" && stored.healthy == "true");
    var not_too_young = +new Date - stored.install_date > 48*60*60*1000;
    var on_whitelist = p180_whitelist[domain];
@terdon what is request?
actually, what is the extension you are looking at?
@Braiam I'm guessing an HTTP request from the source and the extension is sexy undo close tab
They are actually "openly" adware, there's even an option to switch it off in the settings. No warning of course and you need to check the settings, but still. COuld be worse.
yeah, but hihacking your current page is not cool at all
no it isn't. I'm fairly sure that was an unintended consequence and I would have gotten some kind of crappy flash popup in Windows but nevertheless, I am not happy.
maybe found his github... github.com/wh5a
OK, wrote up my answer. I think I got all of them now. That Q&A is becoming a pretty cool resource. Between your answer @Braiam and slm and David's we've covered most bases I think.
Ironically, Extension Defender is now the most complex extension I have and therefore the hardest to parse and be sure that it contains no addware.
I know there are just a couple of function/variable to ward off like window.location.* = somenastydomain.com that would produce the behavior you described since I haven't found anything in the chrome.extension api that would change the current page url at all
@Braiam must be some other way, I just grepped for window.location and got 6 lines, none of which were actually setting it
@terdon sorry, I used it as bad example, anything that ends *.location.href can change the current url
@Braiam nope, grep -r location.href * in the Extensions directory gives 4 matches, one from jquery, two getting current value and one doing an if test on it but none setting it :(
@Bob what's an STD?
@Bob lol:
> 15 per cent said they believed "software" is comfortable clothing.
> 27 per cent identified "gigabyte" as an insect commonly found in South America.
I don't even...!
@Braiam c'mon, it's them bichos that give them huge bites that y'all have buzzing around down there :)
@Bob Doing web surveys for coupons? Of course they would not be technically inclined or even smart. But then expecting them to answer the questions for real Too? Can't make those statistics up, they made themselves up by the method of survey.
After getting your coupon you also get 5 e-mails from nigerian princes :-)
hm, new humble bundle seems nice
the best HIB games I've ever gotten were Dungeon Defenders and Gratuitous Space Battles
I got SR3 too but I already owned it
Q: Why i can't use mbr pendrive as removable

IshfaqI recently replaced Hard Disk Drive & went to a local retailer to install os,but he put it with bootable pendrive & when i cam to home. I put my pendrive to move some data but i was getting my pendrive shortcut but files were accessable & location of pendrive was under Local Disk C windows,system...

imagine this scenario: your friend (or kid & or whatever)

wants to know about the english language & this person is very inexperienced with human language overall & but somehow you can communicate with them & they ask you & "what does the english language look like?" to which you respond & in a moment of oversimplification & "english consists of sequences of letters in a 26-letter alphabet" & and then you proceed to list the alphabet letters & the conversation you just had with your friend was through some sort of written communication (say & in chinese & or some other foreign language).
Ishfaq'ed version of my answer
I thus create the verb "to ishfaq" -- to translate into lowercase and convert all sentence endings into "&"
ishfaqification -- to ishfaquify a text
Ok, how do I put my public key on a server? I had to create /home/root/ as there was none, then .ssh under it, then authorized_keys on it, then pasted my public key.... But it keeps asking for the root password.
And I have no idea of the root password.
I'm tempted to ask "how do I reset / change the root password without knowing it", but the downvotes would pile up fast.
(I do know the password to a sudoer.)
It's my own personal fileserver
@ThatBrazilianGuy if you know the password to a sudoer, just run sudo passwd root, then set a root password
are you trying to log in as root?
also, the home directory for the root user is probably (though not 100% sure; you'd have to check /etc/passwd) /root, not /home/root
I'm trying to stop using password-based auth and start using keypair-based auth
also, once logged in as root, the directory ~/.ssh and the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys must have the last two octets of the permission mask set to 0, or OpenSSH Server will not read it
(assuming you're using openssh server)
@allquixotic duuuuuh I feel stipud nao
a chmod mask of something like 700 should suffice
though for the file, technically 600 is good enough
@allquixotic Is ChatBot's greeting message still implemented?
@gparyani we still have the code for it in the github repo, but it was diff'ed out and committed, so the current bot code does not have it; it was removed many months ago
@allquixotic I only recently unearthed the question about disputes on whether the greeting should be there or not.
Please see this commit and this one. If you don't understand JavaScript, the summary is: removed that objectionable command and removed the auto-greeter. I can attest in good faith that the next time ChatBot John Cavil appears in SuperUser chat, these commits will be applied to its code. I have killed the bot from the server side, so it will not appear again until I pull these changes. — allquixotic Nov 12 '13 at 16:17
> ~$ su
Added user root.
Why "added user root"?
@gparyani apparently some SE employee allowed the folks in the javascript chatroom to bring back the auto greeting, but the same offer was not extended to us; I think, because the JS chatroom tries their darndest to claim that they're an "unofficial" chatroom -- which is nice and convenient because there isn't actually an official chatroom on chat.stackoverflow, yet this is the "official" chatroom for SuperUser
basically they're about as consistent as /dev/urandom
@allquixotic Do you have Office 365?
Q: Why do I get an error on one specific PC when I try to use Office on Demand on it?

gparyaniI have an Office 365 subscription. Whenever I attempt to run any Office on Demand application on my computer, I receive an error that there was an error trying to validate my Office 365 subscription (it does not tell me what the specific error is; it just states that there was an error) and that ...

@gparyani yeah
Why do I receive this weird error, then?
It only happens on one specific PC
Oh, and I can no longer find the links to launch Office On Demand given the recent revision of the Microsoft Office Website
@allquixotic I suggest that you click on the link in your user profile...
@gparyani which one?
@terdon "Soft wear"
@allquixotic The one that links to your website
it's not my website; it's a youtube vid... but looks like it was taken down haha
oh well, too bad
@allquixotic Did you know that it was removed?
@gparyani nope
@allquixotic What are you going to do now?
@allquixotic please! Tell us!
@allquixotic Quick, register the domain allquixotic.com and link it!
i guess i'll link thiat
@allquixotic You aren't going to register the domain, aren't you?
@gparyani no
I, myself, have registered gparyani.com, but my website's really old and needs to be updated
And the domain's not technically mine (or my family's, for that matter)
@allquixotic What do you think of Software Recommendations?
It's meant to fill in SU's gap of not allowing software recommendations
@JourneymanGeek moderates Software Recommendations
@gparyani exactly -- I have neither the time nor the inclination to keep a personal website up to date, and I'm not going to launch one and then let it get out of date... already been there and done that and it's more trouble than it's worth
So do @Undo and @Gilles
@gparyani you ask that as if I've never been there... I committed to the private beta and participated heavily in the meta and somewhat on the mainsite during the private beta... haven't had the spare time to contribute lately, but I'm well aware of the site
No, I'm asking for your feedback on the site...I know you're there...the "someone moderates it" were just meant to ping them.
If you noticed, I ran the post for selecting moderators there
I feel that there should be more than the usual 3 mods...
I really don't feel all that strongly about it -- I'm pleased that SE has decided to let it continue, and I think it's serving a purpose, but I'm not super enthusiastic about it or anything
@gparyani nah, we have things under control for now.
As we grow we'll probably bring more folks on, though.
Why is @kalina known as @kalina here and @Flyk on other sites?
@gparyani because @kalina
She's @kalina on Stack Exchange, Arqade, Super User, and Ask Ubuntu, and @Flyk on all other sites.
3 mins ago, by Braiam
@gparyani because @kalina
@Braiam Can you please elaborate?
@gparyani it made perfect sense to me
@allquixotic Does this still work?
@ChatBotJohnCavil !! listcommands
I guess not
@Braiam but why @Flyk?
@allquixotic I'm pretty sure SR.SE exists cause there's some folk who work for SE who have an itch that needs scratching ;p
@gparyani: we have enough mods as is. If a flag takes a while to clear, its not cause no one's around, but its because we need to decide what to do
!!tell 14114735 listcommands
help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, export, findcommand, forgetseen, github, google, hang, inhistory, import, jquery, learn, test, why, ok, hello, friday, after5, theanswer, caution, nicethings, europe, goaway, status, idk, thatword, poptart, routertroubleshooting, networkingproblem, meta, rlemon, no, foxno, yes, orlmente, fixit, uio, taytaytay, ping, maybe, say, facepalm, hv, ohhh
whocares, snore, toostupid, bababababat, plz, whee, lol, test1, ittts, gates, potato, pissed, evil, ohmy, cancer, th
@allquixotic So I'm not supposed to have "@ChatBotJohnCavil" in there?
By the way, it was @juergend who proposed the site in the first place
!! welcome
@gparyani Welcome to the Root Access chat for Super Users! Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@allquixotic I'm pretty sure that @ChatBotJohnCavil is friends with @Community
I love how intelligent the ChatBot is...
A: What is the whole function and effect of "Turn off Windows write-cache buffer flushing on the device"

ChatBot John Cavil Your assertion in the first question is fiction. Windows API calls such as FlushFileBuffers() will still ensure that the data gets all the way out to the physical media, even with write buffer flushing disabled. So, programs that are "safe" and know what they're doing are going to be just fine. ...

!! timer
@gparyani Action undefined not recognized, see /help timer
!!timer start somequixotic
!!help timer
@MichaelFrank timer: Starts/stops a timer. /timer start [name] starts a timer, /timer stop name stops a timer.
@gparyani Registered timer somequixotic
!!timer stop somequixotic
@gparyani 24635ms
@MichaelFrank thanks
@allquixotic Can you change it so that it works even though I have "@ChatBotJohnCavil" or "@Chat" at the beginning?
@gparyani: possibly not.
“If you trade freedom for security, you deserve neither” is a popular expression among the more enlightened.

I want to know why "you deserve neither"part. Why neither?
I misread
It only takes three characters to ping a user
don't worry @JourneymanGeek pats
Did you know that there is a user here named @StackExchange?
@gpa I believe it was three.
@gpa is 3
No, I did say 3 the whole time...
now @gpa edited his chat and made us looks like idiots @bob
but "@Cha" wouldn't make sense
@Braiam We can see revision history anyway.
@Bob oh yeah, there isn't the 5 mins grace as the main site D:
Guess there isn't a grace period here...
@Braiam concurrent posting
@Braiam You can only edit within 2 mins anyway
@JourneymanGeek You should meet @BoltClock some day. I should tell him that you're the second SE moderator from Singapore (he's the first for others that don't know).
@Boris_yo If you give up your freedom , then you should be dead. That is how neither :-) People had fought to the death, and died for said freedom , risking thier security to do so, if your just going to rollover when your freedom is being destroyed then you get what you deserve, neither. (Self interpretation).
Do any of you know what exactly the stamina/speed switch does on a VAIO?
(freedome) It wont much matter as it gets Eroded away from both ends , then evenually you realise the value of it, but by then it is far to late.
There is a bug in not an answer flags, it should be fixed
Q: Bug permits me to flag an answer as "not an answer" multiple times

gparyaniI was previously using this bug to my advantage, but now I'm being honest and reporting it. Anyway, normally, when you flag an answer as "not an answer" using the standard option and you have already flagged it as such (and the previous flag has been dismissed with a status), you receive an er...

Another little bug in Meta
Q: Suggested edits on meta - something weird

gparyaniNormally, on a per-site meta, the suggested edit button is grayed out with a message that says that suggested edits are not permitted on meta sites: However, when manually typing the URL to suggest an edit, the message does not match: As you can see, the messages are different. The one on t...

@gparyani: he's aware of me by this point ;p
And why was this perfectly objective question downvoted?
Q: How can a decline message end up on a disputed flag?

gparyaniI noticed this in my flag history recently: As you can see, my flag is disputed with a decline message. Did a user dispute it at the same time as another moderator declined it? Related: If a moderator reviewed my flag, how was it disputed?

Interestingly, his name on Meta Stack Overflow is @BoltClock'saUnicorn
That first one is clearly not , is it?
@gparyani wasnt this question downvoted only after it was deemed to be a duplicate? 2) the trained status quo follows the leader to the end. Why is there a reduculous policy of not being able to ask For an app at the android site , so agressivly abused, when 80% of the answers are to use a specific app, or apply a specific app. Because original training (from like SO) says this is evil and wrong.
@Psycogeek I don't get what you say after "2)"
THe Rules are stanch and unforgiving , for no logical reason. In the meta if you wish to contend the status quo, then ye shall pay for it. When a set of lines are set out to define something, stone throwing when that line is crossed is a simple task.
@allquixotic Eww. That sounds like a big task. :o
Yes, but why was it downvoted? As far as I know, one of them came after it was reopened.
On the other hand, the lines are drawn to punish those who cross them. This will train you into the proper operation, and soon Ye shall also believe this is the one true way.
What about that first one? Why is it tagged ?
@allquixotic Hah, I found your question here. I half expected some people to go "wtf this code is horribly written!" XD
@gparyani because the machine loves tags :-) the use of status by design is to beat you into realising this is not a bug, but that IS the way it will be, because this is right. It is all part of the community having input, You just do not understand :-)
I see that flags now be dismissed as "removed during a deletion":
@allquixotic Right now I'm trying to add an animation that occurs when you create full lines and before they're deleted. Interesting challenge. :P
@gparyani I am just saying lots of things do not make a lot of sence. But they will not be changing, and best thing is to just roll with it. for example Downvotes on meta really do mean "we just dont agree, or yes there is a dupe, or tough if you dont like it" it doesnt really mean Dont ask :-)
The meta score does not effect your site score , it does not make you look less skilled in anything, it is just how you got voted in the poll :-)
@BenRichards sure sure, just make the 1.x code more complicated -____-
that'll do wonders in my quest to port it to GLES/WebGL -_- ;p
Hehe :P
You have something that works well enough in your fork :P
It's not done yet, you know :)
And I'm having issues just getting it to animate. I think I need to reorganize some of the code between Tetris.cpp and TField.cpp for this.
Game loop stuff
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm going to bed
Hehe goodnight :)
1 hour later…
I'm bingewatching castle.
pretty hillarious show
rm -rf tumbleweeds
great, now even the tumbleweeds are gone
I am binge watching the walking dead, Nooo not another cliffhanger .
@Psycogeek where are you up to?
@MichaelFrank hard to tell, everyones dead :-) I just got past "you dang straight it is getting lonely out here" Where they get split up from the prison. I think next is "another community you can be safe in" Full of crasy nutjob survivors undoubtedly :-)
oops, where is the spoliers button here .
Haha, yea. I'm interested to see how everyone will magically turn up at the same place.. again.
@MichaelFrank I really thought that the main actor was going to go all zombie on us. It would have put a real hard twist into it, break up the Pat formula and mess with my head. It would be a very bold move from the series, and continue the realisation of how f--- they are.
I was thinking that as well. But I don't think it'd be fair on the kid. Same reason I don't think they'll hook Daryl and that blonde girl up
Daryl and the blond are doing "stupid drunk" now, I didnt even think about them popping out the next zombie baby. Hey there is a plan, the hybrid , Stttrreetccchhh it out.
For maximum effect , should the re-animation virus have been created by the government to heal combat wounds , or Alien invaders who unleased a self deprecating vodo on the earth population, and plan on moving in. or we got the Alternate reality that needs expansion space for thier population of mormans , or just a simple Earl was out back of the lab boning a monkey :-)
Is there no central place where you can change your profile name on all of Stack Exchange?
I see there is a "save profile" and a "save and copy profile to all stack exchange accounts" button when I try to edit my profile on SU.
I'm guessing the "save and copy profile to all stack exchange accounts" option will apply those changes to all of Stack Exchange?...
So this the way you do it in fact?
Because there is no profile edit option when I view my network profile... or am I blind?...
thats how I usually do it.
I think network profile follows the parent user
Can more than 1 person work in WordPress?
I mean can 2 people work there being logged in?
on different user accounts, sure
That is just abuse of title, "The Hunger Games Cookbook" Featuring squirrel stew, Sauteed rabbit with honey sauce, and ipecac Hors d'oeuvres . But they go just a bit to far with "how to serve up your opponent to your allies" :-) examiner.com/review/…
@JourneymanGeek Is it true then that the StackExchange Netwrok profile takes on the name from the Q&A site you have most reputation on?
@Sammy: no
You can manually pick the parent profile
Right now mine's on SR.SE (which is my 5th highest rep of any site). I could easily start a new account on say underwaterbasketweaving.se and set that as the parent.
@JourneymanGeek Where do you go to change your parent profile? There seems to be no such option from the SE network profile.
You go to one of your Q&A sites you're active on?
I can see the "[change]" link beside my name here on chat (it says "parent user sammy [change]". But no such option on Superuser for example.
It seems that Chat is indeed the right place to be if you want to change parent site or profile.
All of this stuff... what your display name is... what your picture is... what your parent profile is... what links to what... etc. et. al. ad infinitum... all of it should be managed on your main StackExchange Network profile.
And you could have the option to choose between either making your settings global, or local, e.g. having the display name "Sammy" all over the network, on all Q&A sites, or the display name "LeetSomething" on Overflow, and "Sammy" on all other sites.
This would be so much easier to manage from one spot. The StackExchange Network profile seems like an ideal place for this. And not having to think about what your parent site is and how to set it or where to set it.
Feature request?...
I don't remember. I should ;p
I probably did it on chat.
The user on the link I posted above is unable to set "The StackExchange Network" as parent site. I can confirm that this not working. Probably because your StackExchange Network profile is not seen as being "parent". You have to pick one of the Q&A sites like Superuser or Stackoverflow, or even the Chat. But you can click the "change" link and type in something like "network" to filter out "The StackExchange Network" but once you click it nothing happens. It doesn't apply.
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek Well, you'd need to start underwaterbasketweaving.se first. To Area 51!
Bleh, Windows Phones suck
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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