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granted, I have no idea how FF's multiprocess will work with RAM usage
@Bob I wager that FF's multiprocess model will increase FF's overall memory usage
@allquixotic Of course. But by how much?
I donno I updated adobee photo thing, and other than a bunch of CUTE, there was nothing that I was doing before that i could do with the old stuff. I still fail to see any letters written with word 10 look any different than word 95 , Where do they go from doing about everything a person would need? To cute and flooded with useless to most people features.
@Psycogeek Cute?
I mean, Chrome is currently using 20 MB for a single new tab on the default page (some Google page)
!!define cute
@ThatBrazilianGuy [cute](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki?curid=undefined) Possessing physical features, behaviors, personality traits or other properties that are mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals; e.g. fair, dainty, round, and soft physical features, disproportionately large eyes and head, playfulness, fragility, helplessness, curiosity or shyness, innocence, affectionate behavior.
Our reaction to cute attributes is understood as the way nature ensures mammals care for their young.
That's pretty crazy, multiprocess or not.
ok, I can't argue with that -- Word 2013 types the same letters as Word 95 did
Yes, but corporations need to keep releasing new versions to generate buzz. Who cares if there's demand for new features? We need to keep relevant. WE NEED TO MAKE THE HEADLINES!
@allquixotic It looks like you're writing a letter. Would you like help?
@Bob It looks like I need to get back to work and stop arguing with a traditionalist. Would I like help? Yes!
@ThatBrazilianGuy Stupid skin stuff, often inclusive of locked font items (to small for super high reses). Useless tutorials that one could get on YouTube , layers of extra program items that are not the "best" version of those items, but integrated so higly into the program you cant stop them from running by accident.
_ and Languages, i am all for universal diversity, but when I have told an installer English, I dont expect it to unload 247 languages onto my machine. I removed 5000+ files and about 4000 registry entries , that was put on my machine, by a Machine.
Machine meaning , it might have been initiated by a human, but you could tell it was just scripted noise blindly dropped into the machine, and in most registry cases completly unnessisary entries.
@allquixotic completed a Lubuntu minimal install, but I think I might have forgotten the window manager :P
and the launcher
time for tty1
!!meme okay
@allquixotic I think that happens when someone reverses their vote momentarily.
Like downvoting and then removing it again.
@jokerdino ah. just wasn't used to seeing that, since usually if I have a 0-rep day I just see nothing for that day
yeah, a 0-rep day has no record. But this is a peculiar thing
you're a smart dinosaur. who taught you to think? I thought you were just supposed to go around roaring and eating mammals hiding in holes
Blame the education. It has spoiled everyone!
completely stumped :P
You made it using GIMP?
@jokerdino ..it's my current desktop
I seem to be missing a few things
@Bob Is that SUSE?
@jokerdino Lubuntu minimal
Funny to see an empty desktop after quitting Unity.
trying to figure out where the launcher is
@ThatBrazilianGuy Can I pay them for just fixing the bugs instead :-) some of the "pro" video programs i have used for ages, will relaace a list of 15 added features, but the one bug everyone was crying about still made the use of the software Iffy, crashing and having to workaround failures. I have paid for Good many times, but the features list still seems to rule the market.
@Bob It should be at the bottom.
@jokerdino well, as you can see....
heck, right clicking, alt+f2, nada
@allquixotic It's not mutually exclusive! One can go around, roar, eat mammals, and contribute with high-quality community participation.
@Bob Log out and back in.
Go to TTY1
@jokerdino been there tried that (full reboot too)
@jokerdino already in there :D
@ThatBrazilianGuy lol
Lol then. Install a launcher or something.
Like gnome-do or synapse.
@jokerdino yea, that might be part of the issue
@jokerdino trying to avoid gnome here, tyvm :P
Lubuntu uses GTK technologies..
I can't remember whatever laucher XFCe is using.
Want to see users Whine loudest. "i just paid $100 for the upgrade , and it they didnt put more trash in the software" , Thats funny cause i paid $100 for the upgrade because they fixed the trash that was there. I was the only happy one.
lxpanel is already the newest version.
You need to get to the terminal and try it from there.
@allquixotic this answer of yours is highly relevant to my current quest of deciding how to turn my tv into something a geek could use (vs just news and soap opera).
@jokerdino hm?
@Bob start the terminal and type the command?
i suggested a launcher -- synapse.
@jokerdino start what terminal how? :P
keyboard shortcut?
@ThatBrazilianGuy personally, if I had some money to throw at it, I'd recommend a NUC
most customizable and performant solution you're gonna find for an HTPC, while being quite small and fitting on a shelf or maybe even under the TV itself
@allquixotic I want a 10-foot user interface of some sort.
In computing, a 10-foot user interface (also sometimes referred to as "10 foot UI", "10 foot interface", "10 foot experience", or "10 foot design") is a software GUI (graphical user interface) designed for display on a large television (or similar sized screen) with interaction using a regular television-style remote control. "10 foot" refers to the fact that the GUI's elements—i.e. menus, buttons, text fonts, and so on—are theoretically ergonomically large enough to read easily at a distance of 10 feet (3 meters) from the display (which in this context is normally a large-...
@jokerdino idk
@ThatBrazilianGuy you can get that on a NUC, it's just software
Currently I have a Pi running OpenELE (XBMC), and accepting input via the remote control
It does video and audio almost fine (some codev issues because of the Pi, inserting a DLNA server with recoding might solve it).
@Bob Ctrl-Alt-T ?
But I don't want only an HTPC. XBMC interface for Youtube and Video, for instance, is clumsy at best
@jokerdino nada
I'd try a smart TV if it would not cost me the price of a new TV just 6 months after paying the expensive price of a new one.
@ThatBrazilianGuy then run GNU/Linux and have it so that you can selectively use or not use the 10 foot UI
@ThatBrazilianGuy what do you do when the links die in a smart tv? buy a new one?
(when the source of all the data they link to is no longer available at the address it points)
So I'm considering (1) an HDMI cable from my laptop to the TV, it allows me to do almost anything, but it's not practical and not 10-foot-interface. (2) something such as airtame, chromecast, or miracast (each have its own pros and cons... and I can buy none here), (3) use an Android dongle directly connected to the TV
@Psycogeek I have never operated an SmartTV, but if it's not possible to configure the network settings and the media sources, it's the biggest failfacepalm of the decade for the media appliance industry
@ThatBrazilianGuy (4) buy a NUC, install GNU/Linux on it and make the session manager let you choose whether to start in 10 foot mode or not? :S costlier than the android dongle but won't be nearly as slow :)
and supremely customizable
@ThatBrazilianGuy They have updates, for a while . . . like for the time they need to unload them :-)
what's wrong fox
@jokerdino Turns out it was in LX Games by default ^
which is apparently broken/utterly useless: askubuntu.com/questions/372788/…
@allquixotic I already have a miniITX sitting under the TV, running Ubuntu server with Samba and my 8TB HDD. I guess I could recustomize it to be a more generic GUI-powered day-use Linux.
But I'd need a second HDD on it, maybe? The 4GB flashdrive I run the OS from has about 50MB free, looks like a couple apt-get upgrades and then all the space is gone.
Morning all
@CanadianLuke What about the southern hemisphere users? Hmpf!
At least in the southern hemisphere, they aren't waking up to -25 C temperatures!
No, we were waking up to 42 C temperatures
Thank random() for the cloudy climate during the Carnival week
If I had to endure hot Sun besides a really, really, really, really, really huge crowd
@ThatBrazilianGuy yeah, definitely get a HDD in it :D
@CanadianLuke it's 11:37 AM... but you aren't leet enough to be in the same timezone, are you?
Plus all the garbage collectors are on strike in Rio
During Carnival.
@allquixotic 3:37 AM
@ThatBrazilianGuy eww. Rio de Fedor(o)
@allquixotic 08:38
@Bob so you're just eet
I don't think people are putting glass in the vidrio hole anymore :S
oh my god
why won't you people pay the trash collectors a little more money?
@Bob what the heck? People install minimal for games?
@jokerdino obviously :D
@jokerdino I don't see how they would even launch games.
Maybe it's meant for game addicts? XD
@allquixotic That's assuming people respect trash separation in the first place. 99% of the city has those generic orange trashcans where people trhow any kind of stuff people keep ignoring and throwing on the ground anyways
@ThatBrazilianGuy timing.
@Psycogeek Yeah, this morning after 4 days they got an amazing, mind-bogglingly 9% raise.
@jokerdino So, the game is trying to launch things?
@allquixotic You're talking about the same government who sent the military police over protesting school teachers complaining for a rise.
@Bob it's to prevent addicts from playing games.. by preventing them from launching it
@ThatBrazilianGuy if they pull the same trick in 2 years , they might get another 18% , like right as the olympics starts up?
It's profesionals such as garbage collectors and public transportation drivers that can pull effective strikes. Teachers go on strike and no one cares. Judges and lawyers go on strike and no one even notices.
Damn, universities here go on strike so frequently it's literally expected each year as part of an informal calendar
@ThatBrazilianGuy -_-
@ThatBrazilianGuy basically people are unhappy with their (lack of) buying power in the global market so they're always wanting more pay, and the government and corps are always broke because the top 0.1% hoards all the money?
sounds like the USA, only significantly worse in severity
OK, so both my laptops and my SMB fileserver are now working on the same router that has internet access. I haven't set up NAT, do I have to worry about people acessing my files? The fileserver has SSH access but it asks for a password, and the smb shares ask for a password as well.
Any OSX people around?
Could anyone check that the script in my answer works as expected on OSX?
A: Concise IP information in OS X Terminal

terdonAs far as I know, there is no single command that will give you all the info you want. You will need to run a few different ones. The easiest approach is probably to create a little script that does this for you. I am writing this on Linux using the ipconfig command which is not available on Linu...

@terdon I use OSX, but I'm at work right now :( Sorry
@ThatBrazilianGuy What's the issue? SMB sharing is turned off for most major ISPs, so they'd have to get into your network first
@CanadianLuke no problem, not urgent.
If you can wait until about 5:30pm PDT, I can test it
@CanadianLuke Well, I am performing portscans against my IP on three different web interfaces, just to be sure.
I should also probably change SSH auth from password to rsa keys
@ThatBrazilianGuy If you only access it from trusted systems, absolutely!
I only access it from my laptop on my local network, period
I have a low-level user that I use to access my server, but all it can do is su, then I can get the shell; two separate passwords. Root login is disabled otherwise
But with that username and password, I can then do SSH Tunneling and access my SMB shares
Then yes, use keys only
@CanadianLuke Can't say if brilliant or messy
Well, the user that has SSH access has no shell, just su. Therefore, they need two passwords to get root access. I'm also one of the few people who change passwords constantly
I change both my Google and Facebook passwords regularly. The password is something meaningful to me, but hashed to md5. And I use two-factor auth. Good luck to anyone snooping over my shoulder.
@Psycogeek Wrong person, at wrong time...
The anomaly...
The one.
I knew you would raise question mark
So now I know your "trigger word"
Command not found. Syntax error at char 1
How come picture I took on 2nd march 2014, is specified to be taken at 20th October 2014? Time is different as well.
@JourneymanGeek hahaha, I bet ;) Take care!
hi all
I have PC not turning on; no monitor signal; no USB power outputted, yet CPU fan, case fans, graphics card fans are all on, and there is no beeping
What size is the power supply (wattage)? Did this just stop working? What is the video card? Have you tried removing all the RAM and turning it on, hoping for 3 beeps?
not sure about PSU, i changed it a few months ago and no visible stickers to show brand (might be on the bottom which is touching the case, so cant see) - and yes it stopped working, video card is 9800GTX
and no i did not remove ram, i reset it though
should i try removing ram? @CanadianLuke
Remove all the RAM (with the system turned off, of course). Then, power on the system. You should hear 3 beeps, and see nothing on the screen.
@Scorpion I would measure the 5V on the PSU with a voltmeter, not because it would prove anything but no usb power would lead me to do that. Also 5V and 12V are different curcuits usually. There are probably many other reasons why a USb is not yet powered or initied.
my case fans have custom LEDs which I turn on using a switch, i can turn them on too but just seems to be no USB or monitor signal
i just removed ram @canadianluke i hear no beeps, i think my mobo speaker might be burnt, anyway i still see nothing on screen
@Psycogeek dont have one..
So your motherboard is not functioning correctly. Can you remove the video card and try that again?
yea, with ram sticks in? @canadianluke
Without RAM
i have onboard vga
We need the motherboard to function first
@Scorpion Then is the standby power light that exists on many motherboards lite up? even when in the power off mode, when PSU is plugged-in and switched on?
Off topic: what should I write about next in my blog?
@psycogeek just when i turn on, but the button is non responsive once i turn it on
no luck guys
No blown capacitors on the motherboard?
i was actually going to check
will it literally look like blown capacitors? :(
Like a can that is buldging
let me check
no actually, they all look perfectly normal @canadianluke
Power Supply is connected properly?
They might not look too blown, just a bit lumpy:
Notice the difference? The one on the right is bulging.
@canadianluke yes just checked
let me check again for that slight difference @michaelfrank
If not, I would probably look at either exchanging the power supply (if it's still new), or picking up a power supply tester (around $15 CAD)
@MichaelFrank both of them are providing clues, that is probably splooge from the cap on the bottom of the other one, as it opens up on the bottom.
@Psycogeek Ahh yes, you're right.
touched every single one and they all are the same flat type
also checked for the bottom
Check the wattage of your power supply. What motherboard/CPU do you have?
mobo is asrock d800
cpu is i beleive intel core 2 duo
So quite old... OK
I'm leaning towards the PSU, or the motherboard, honestly
what other factors could lead to defective mobo?
starts sobbing
When did it last work? What was your last upgrade/change before it stopped working?
last upgrade was psu
and stopped working last friday
i hadnt turned it on for about a week
@Scorpion and did you remove the video card and all but 1 ram stick yet? you have to then go blind, but you can hear if hard drive inits (click after spin), or if motherboard beep if there is speaker?
i can hear my hard drive making the usual sound
which is like 2 fast spins
there is a speaker
just nothing comes out
and i removed 1 ram stick too
Motherboard or PSU
It's one of those
more likely psu... :(
Got another one you can swap it out with?
the motherboard might be an asrock, but it is still one of them that is not designed for very long use. like that power setup for the cpu would be weak.
And you cleared the cmos to reset to "default" settings?
Remove all them case wiring to test also. like if my dog pees on a firewire :-) or something of the case ports has broken etc.
i reset the cmos before i tried anthing
i dont get why psu would be working fine and suddenly weaken..
could it be of cold tempartures?
@Scorpion is it -20* F?
celcius please :p
Could it have got condensation on it when moving it from a very cold location to a warm one?
well I live in central europe
and at night it gets pretty cold for europe (no snow or anything)
and during day its warm
I mean like did you pull it out of the garage :-) or out of a car after sitting in the cold.
nope always on the desk
ok -20* C basically if your lying beside it frozeon to death or sitting next to it in a parka wearing thermal underwear, it will work in the cold, it would have to be extreeme cold. or a moisture issue from condensation.
or humidity ?
@Scorpion could work in very high humidity without a problem until a condition caused the water to condence on the board.
Q: How can I lower my tap water, with a pH of 7, down to a pH of 4 without having to constantly use a pH tester or litmus paper to test my pH level?

user254353Help answer my title please. Or the question below. How can I lower my tap water, with a pH of 7, down to a pH of 4 without having to constantly use a pH tester or litmus paper to test my pH level?

When changing cellular carrier, should I keep current number or use new one? If keeping it, what should I do with account on my previous carrier? Close it or freeze it?
@Boris_yo I was wondering that a few weeks ago, when switching from landline to cell. (and needing to keep the landline for a month or 2 extra). Was MY original number way better for spammers, and scammers, and donation seekers, and misdials, and calling a person who had it last. Or would getting a number off the roulette wheel of available numbers be be better. Because my line has been unlisted for much of its use, I stayed with it.
@Psycogeek If it is unlisted, you shouldn't get calls from scammers, scammers and randoms
@Boris_yo around here they find everyone eventually, like dialing any 7 digits to find a stargate address , eventually you hear a big whoosh as the gate opens up to a black hole :-) Then people from other planets start popping in un-annouced.
Luckily they added that ID thing, and the Iris :-)
@Psycogeek For $3 per month and $17 one-time fee for SIM card, I get 50 minutes talk-time, 50 SMS and 10MBs of internet
@Psycogeek Yea, but it's no good if you don't know where you're calling from. ;)
@Boris_yo good price, what is the catch? $1 per Kilobit overage charges?
Nope. Per 1 byte
$38/mo, unlimited evenings (6:00pm) and weekends, unlimited texting/picture messaging/video messages, 400MB of data, 400 daytime minutes, nationwide calling, caller ID, 3 voicemail messages (stored at a time) for me. Extra 50 cents per minute, extra $1.25 per MB
Actually it's 2 cents per 1MB
@CanadianLuke $29/mo 180 minutes (unused minutes carry over), unlimited text messages, 500MB of data.
@MichaelFrank So if you did not use 70 minutes across 3 months, you can use those + get your default amount of minutes this month?
@Boris_yo did you read the fine print? "this plan includes the special feature of getting recorded commertials sent to your phone from our advertisers, during calls, thrill and amaze your friends"
@Psycogeek I don't think I have this one...
I got a multimedia message (first one ever), it was only then that i realised (duhh) that those come via the tower not the web, had to connect tower data , to get it. No problem, there goes my data for a meme , a bloddy web meme :-)
In the meantime, while it is on, back in the background 10 programs try to pull in ads , nooooo i was saving that data , for when i need it.
If my telecom wasn't full of liers, used to dealing with irate customers with a happy face on, i would know how much i am paying. but i will reserve saying what it is till after i get the Surprises in the bill.
$300 why you charge me 300? Its the retired telecom workers fund, remember when you opted-in to it?
what is this $30 here? Modem rental fees. But i use a cable modem? this is for the modem in your phone , you didnt think you could really buy that phone for $100 did you?
And this $18 what's it? Voicemails, you got 23 this month because our tower could not connect , because it was too busy dowloading you-tubes for real paying customers.
Ok ok, then whats with the $12 fee here says "Delayed responce" ? Look bub time is money, your taking too long to answer the phone, 3 rings and your out.
Well that's it, i am going with Verizon now, good-by. Ok well your fee for talking to customer service is $118 , pay that and your free to go.
ok your total is $1100. $1100 ? disconnect fee.
Can i get my deposit back now? The $500 i put down so i would not have to fill out credit check forms. That will be refunded back to your account in 6-8 months. Why so long? Its in apple stock now.
@MichaelFrank Lucky you! I don't get the carry over, but I only use about 20 minutes per month
That is one good thing. At&t was able to adjust how long it takes (how many rings) before it goes hopping off to voicemail. Default 20sec they set it to 30sec (claimed max) . Before we had phone settings for that (sent to tower after settings change) but this phone doesnt have it.
I changed it on my phone to just 1 ring, just for the hell of it... But Telus had to reset it on their end after that :(
@ThatBrazilianGuy eh. I did say it was dns or wins, no? ;p My guess is the router's DNS server isn't handling the systems right, and everything is falling back to wins when its turned off. No idea how to check though.
I pay about 45sgd for my phone, old 3g plan, 100 minutes, I think something like 200-300 sms, but I'm not sure, 12gb of data ;)
and a data bill cap, so they can't charge me more than $85.60 for data
oh and free incoming calls
"free incoming calls"????????????????????^5
Its standard here actually
Same here
calls @JourneymanGeek phone so he gets a astronomic bill
that's so stupid, I wouldn't take the phone in that case...
the one that wants to call me, has to pay, why I have to pay for someone that I may be not interested to talk?
like, loan sharks
@Braiam: loan sharks here.... have other ways of talking
involving superglue in your locks, bicycle locks, red paint, and the words OWE $ PAY $ painted on your walls
@JourneymanGeek they should learn of those in my country... they are so naive :/
here you can be killed for less than US$ 4
@Blogbot that's so cool!
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