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@tombull89 @nhinkle @SimonSheehan Matt actually hit it in 55 days
Apr 21 at 8:06, by Sathya
Congrats to @MattJenkins for hitting 10k in 55 days :)
but I believe John T still holds the crown
Posted by Jeff Atwood on September 2nd, 2009

I sort of dropped the ball on this, but sometime in the last week or two, the first user reached 10,000 reputation on Super User.

That user is John T.

July 15th was the first day of beta, and John — as of this writing — has 11,232 reputation. That means in about 48 days, John has produced 234 reputation per day. (Remember that bounties and accepted answers are immune to the 200/day reputation cap.)


It’s all the more impressive when you realize that John is a mere 18 years old! (He’s also Canadian, but I won’t hold that against him.) Looks like we have another lifetime Super User on our hands.  …

@Sathya in 70 days I got 2k.... How do these people manage!
@SimonSheehan getting good questions in my timezone is almost impossible :\
@Sathya :/ Im finding less answers to go for lately. At this point I'm editing posts just to help out - nothing left for me to answer.
People are snatching them up quick! But I get to blog, so I'm okay with it. They give me topics ;)
@Sathya So what's up today? You seem to be the only one around at this time :/
I'm supposed to finish off these courses and tests by 2pm today
Ethical Responsibility
Environmental Responsibility
Information Security Awareness
Data Protection Principles
Mobile Working
and it's already 10:16AM >_>
@Sathya How much work will they all involve? Think you'll manage?
@SimonSheehan people seem to be occupied with work more than usual, the past few weeks
about 20 minutes each + 10 minutes to actually open the damn thing
30x 4 ( already completed 1) == 120 minutes == 2 hours.
that's if I take them without a break, which I know, won't do
Well you've got 4 hours. Plenty of room for breaks, could always do it over lunch too ;)
well yeah I'm also finishing off writing some unit tests
@Sathya unit tests? On what?
yesterday, by Sathya
sorry by forms I mean front end screens for an application @SimonSheehan
@Sathya ah, I see.
someone find me a new hobby plz
48 degrees today.. Wow.
I live in Canada, this isn't normal!
@SimonSheehan 48F?
@jtbandes ohai. Congrats on 10k @jtbandes!
@Sathya no. 35c, but with humidity it's 48c. Insanity
@SimonSheehan wow, that's bloody hot. It's ~ 38C here.
@Sathya record breaking temperatures. Normal to me is -15c
@SimonSheehan o_0
@Sathya I'm a very avid skier, so this isn't my type of weather :P
i like something between 0-12 degrees
just my luck i spent most of my life in the tropics ;p
0-12 is nice. I like below freezing though, snow is such a nice sight. It's very dull here and so white snow reflects light well.
never been that cold. >_>
@Journeyman what's the coldest you've ever been in?
just cold enough for snow
bristol had decentish weather when i was there
over here, if it dips below 28 it's cold
@Sathya holy 0.o. We have days where it gets to -50 with the wind chill.
@Sathya sounds like you get a consistent temperature though
@SimonSheehan yeah, summers 36-42
winters(!) ~ 32
monsoons 28
Our temperature is messy then. Up to 40 in summer, -50 in winter. 90 degree difference. It's quite the madness
Never knew that Chrome could deobfuscate JS
Hmm, this rm -rf / question has great answers. Testing it myself gave fun results too
My leaving a PC on during thunderstorms question has nearly 1000 views, that's exciting
Guys i have my Dropbox account breached.
No matter what i am trying to download, i always download virus.
@Boris_yo Go onto the dropbox website and delete the file from there
@SimonSheehan Yeah but no matter what i upload it always downloads as virus file.
Perhaps it is not dropbox that's the issue then. Have you tried making a new account? Re-installing? Changing your password?
@SimonSheehan Uploaded from Android, uploaded from laptop - nothing. Uploaded to another Dropbox account and everything was fine.
@Boris try to delete the other account then and just keep the new one.
Seems VERY odd though..
@SimonSheehan Okay. Simon i sent laptop with warranty voided to certified HP lab and they returned it with scratches on LCD monitor. What do you think?
@Boris Call and complain to a higher up about it. Then send it back and expect rush order service for free :P. Or if your like me you just won't buy HP ever again.
@Boris why did you send it in in the first place anyway?
and warranty voided how?
@SimonSheehan @JourneymanGeek Guys i did not mention that this "certified" lab is in Israel. I am in Israel. I sent laptop because it was broken after power failure.
shouldn't matter. you can still complain if service was not up to scratch
Yeah, if they sent it back damaged then you should be complaining. Also, certified doesnt always mean professional ;)
@JourneymanGeek @SimonSheehan This lab has 1 out of 5 stars - this says it all. People suggest to repair in another lab. I am affraid attourney is the way.
@Boris in my professional 16 year old opinion... Don't buy HP again ;)
Their likely right, but since they scratched it, complain still :P
@SimonSheehan Are you an attorney?
@SimonSheehan But that HP laptop has all that i want - it is almost perfect.
@Boris nope. I'm 16, I dont even have a high school diploma!
@Borisyo: well, if he was i'd be impressed
@JourneymanGeek If he was i would hire him!
Well it's 2:30am already.. My sleep schedules very off so im getting off here now. Cya later everyone!
@SimonSheehan Cyao!
@SimonSheehan cya
massive picdump on google plus ;p
morning all
morning @DMA57361
@DMA57361 Hello.
@Sathya Hello, are you from USA?
nopes @Borisyo nowhere close :p
I want to know how is HP support in USA.
sorry, I wouldn't know.
@Sathya Do you know how much lawyers charge for menacing letter?
@Sathya ah, ok. KCotreau did good, but not the best of SU. Also John T: 0 questions, 2502 answers?!
@tombull89 yep. He's been on hibernation lately though :p else I'm pretty sure his rep would be ~ 120k+
Guys what if i send "unknown" lawyer's letter to firm?
@Boris_yo You want a legal.stackexchange, not us, sorry.
@tombull89 No such site
sorry, I knew it didn't exist but you want a site like a legal.se, I don't know what it would be called.
Google Plus vanity URLs:
yes, not official
@Sathya No, but I don't see how that makes any difference really. It may take Google a while for username URLs, if they ever get around to it.
@paradroid I know, just pointing :P there's also gplus.to
@Sathya Ah, I better grab my name on that one too.
@paradroid same as here?
@Sathya That one only allows one link, so I just used my real name
@paradroid ah ok
@Sathya i need your help?
problem is related to android may i ask here?
you have got to be joking.
@hotveryspicy sighface From the FaQ: Super User is for computer enthusiasts and power users. If you have a question about: computer hardware [or] computer software you're in the right place.
man I need to learn Finnish, fast.
@hotveryspicy unless it deals with connecting the Android to your PC, no, not here, neither will you find any Android progammers here.
fake programmers, perhaps ;p
@Sathya: why's your instructions in finnish? ;p
@JourneymanGeek because I'm developing a UI in Finnish >_>
just fyi, go through this and check if any images are dead. If so reupload using the Stack Exchange uploader. Change site as necessary.
ahh, both of the ones that turn up are fine ^^
granted, one wasn't ,mine
Speaking of Finns, I'm looking forward to the Meego-powered Nokia N9 <-- a proper pocket computer, more than a smartphone, and this time, sleek and smartphone-like, with an amazing camera.
@paradroid is it actually coming out :-s
Yeah, of course. It was announced a little while ago. There is a Windows Phone 7 version using very similar hardware as well.
It has a NFC transponder too. I am hoping I can use it as a London Underground Oyster card. That would be pretty cool.
oops, I meant NFC
@paradroid Its dead in the water though? Nokia have made it clear Meego won't be pursued by them. There's no chance you'll get a good amount of 'rich' apps by random developers?
@PriceChild Ofcourse it will never rival Android or iOS for the amount of apps, but as it is actual Linux, many apps can simply be compiled for it, with no changes, and there is a community of GUI app developers.
Geeky and genuinely useful apps will be available. Maybe not iPhone fart apps and Angry Birds though.
And Nokia has surprised everyone, including the Meego community, with its continuing commitment to Meego, with this latest phone.
The Windows version has not even been officially announced yet.
Oh hello. :)
oh hey @OctavianDamiean
welcome to Super User chat
Thanks thanks.
Come to escape the M.SO madness?
well MSO should be calm for the next 40 days
@Sathya oh?
ever wonder why the chatter went down after Rebecca & Jeff entered ;)
I'm not sure if it wasn't Ben.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 3 hours ago, by balpha
so much for sending a private picture to a private chat room :)
I might be wrong because I was reading the transcript when that happened.
@OctavianDamiean about this moment on
Oh I've missed that one.
> a christmas tree of downvotes
oh, right. It did go quiet indeed.
This is just M.SO chat though, not SO or anything else?
I'd assume just MSO for now
would explain that:
2 hours ago, by hotveryspicy
problem is related to android may i ask here?
By the rate they screw up it doesn't take long before they are gone everywhere.
Any movement on the Hindi.Programmers proposal?
(apart from "down")
@OctavianDamiean yep.
@tombull89 heh, none, so far
@Sathya since even Jeff got involved I doubt it will see the light of day.
@tombull89 wait, he did? When/where?
Well he did, the proposal comes from the user that got suspended. ;)
Well since he's changed the FaQ and was in the chat while they were spounting their nonsense I dare say he's aware.
Now that is spooky!
If it slides off the face of A51 very few will notice and even less will care.
@OctavianDamiean Which bit? :P
The bit who has just flown into the chat.
crawler bots, beware
@paradroid "continuing commitment" != "In Elop's words, there is no returning to MeeGo, even if the N9 turns out to be a hit." - hs.fi/english/article/…
@paradroid And lets face it... if it doesn't "rival Android or iOS" in a meaningful way (such as available apps) then it won't be desirable to the masses, meaning no juicy profits, meaning less resources spent on it until it dies.
I think they've made it clear they aren't going to invest into making it rival.
@PriceChild To be honest, you're going to have to have one hell of a product to rival iOS or andrid as a smartphone OS.
I'm so sad about how the MeeGo thing went.
I need to make time to read John Siracusa's 19-page review of the OSX
19! Someone has waaaayyy too much time.
lolwut. ^
@tombull89 O_o what the?!
that's the problem with excessively long EULAs
@DMA57361 haha.
@JourneymanGeek True. For a programming assignment in college we had to create an installer and I put in a fake EULA that looked real but after you scrolled down a bit it just contained lorum ipsum and things like "you agree to sell your soul"
Yea, unless you really read it you never really know what you sign for. Maybe you sign that you will hunt a unicorn every two months and no one would ever notice.
have they ever been proved to be truly enforceable, however?
@tombull89: quite honestly, for most software, it should distill down to 'you have any rights accorded to you under local law, and any additional rights we grant to you.' as well as backup related things. It should quite easily fit into one screen
The ELUA for Oracle VirtualBox's Extention Pack don't activeate the "next" button until you scroll all the way down.
@DMA57361 No idea.
@JourneymanGeek problem with that is that local rights probably pertain to purchasing "the software", not a license for it
@DMA57361: well more specifically liability
here's the kicker - liability laws are generally spelt out, and you can't subtract from it in most cases.
@JourneymanGeek Also if you don't include a notice that your company is not liable for any damage caused by the software or by what the user thinks is from your software then you might end up paying quite a bunch of money to some customers.
@OctavianDamiean: two lines ;p
@JourneymanGeek depends on the font size ;P
Comic Sans of course.
written at 10
maybe 8
"we're not liable for any damage caused by the software, except for as granted by local laws. :
and i hate it when you need to agree to the gpl to install things
the GPL does NOT affect the end user
But it makes the EULA look very important.
@JourneymanGeek true, but I suppose the liability cause is probably only a very small part of most EULAs
Lots of acronyms are intimidating.
@DMA57361: there's ownership.. maybe another 2-3 lines
"you do not own this sofware, you have a licence to use this software on one system and this licence is/is not transferrable between systems/users"
@JourneymanGeek yeah, and all the licensing guff - don't broadcast, don't loan, etc, etc
@DMA57361: "not transferable" handles resale (though some places explicitly make it legal) and loans
if not for lawyers, you could actually write readable licences! ;p
anything wrt to the seller removing services when they want (ie, central servers)
@JourneymanGeek definitely
I hate licences and all that stuff though. I think everything should be licensed under the WTFPL.
@OctavianDamiean: or sell software, not licences
Well I'm more for selling support.
eh, i'm not entirely sold on that model, if its just software
@PriceChild Yes, it is not for the mass market, It's a niche for geek techies. I am much more interested in it than any iPhone. I was going to get an N900 a couple of years ago, but it was just too big and clunky.
The MeeGo SDK is still not available for Ubuntu 11.04 which makes me go -___-
And that quote was by the MS plant that was installed precisely to facilitate the move to Windows Phone 7.
I'm off for lunch...
laters folks
@tombull89 Which is why Nokia are giving up on it :-) That's my point. They're not committed to it.
hai guys do you know a command that sets file and folder sttributes
@JourneymanGeek i never did it called him and told him i can't do it
@HackToHell OS?
i remember having used it to set System file attributes
@HackToHell attrib or icacls
@Sathya ah yes thanks :)
@Sathya icacls is for servers .. attrib does the trick
it's not for servers
Did I miss something? There are On-CPU GPUs?
facepalm I should just scroll down and read.
I think "yes" probably answers all of those points
Also I should definitely crawl out from under the rock I've been hiding for the past few years and try to catch up with the new technology.
meh, I keep meaning to do that, but whenever I've bothered in the past I found I've just caught up on old technology by the time I'm done
Ah, I know why I got into that situation. Shiny new hardware attracts me and triggers a do-want reflex.
Nothing my wallet would be thankful for.
yeah, quite dangerous
@OctavianDamiean I tend to have that a lot. My wallet, however, also keeps me in check.
Damn you Jeff with your computer building blog posts!
@OctavianDamiean I know, I've got itchy clicky fingers on that case.
Me too. :D
Payed my car insurance today, I can't drop ~£90 on a computer case.
Yea me neither. I want tons of other things already. Ranging from a Nexus S to shiny Arduino toys.
That's a nice processor...drool.
Hoping to get enough togther for a new phone for my 22nd on Monday. Current choices: Sony Ericsson Arc, HTC Legend, or Samsung Galaxy S II.
Nexus S. :D
Get two and send me one.
£429.99?! eesh.
Yea but for that you'll get a default Android experience.
Better start gambling.
Check this out - relative statistics for SuperUser OS based questions I compiled this morning. The "MindShare" metric is basically the question share scaled to market share. Data here ->http://s385.photobucket.com/albums/oo300/new123456_photos/?action=view&current=‌​superuser-os-mindshare.png
@new123456 where'd the source data come from?
@DMA57361 The OS Market Share Data? From a January 2011 report: connectwww.com/operating-system-market-share-january-2011/756. A little old, yeah, but still interesting
no, the question # data
@DMA57361 SuperUser's tag system. Windows = [windows] + [windows-7] + [windows-vista] + [windows-xp]. Mac = [mac] + [osx]. Linux = [linux] + [ubuntu]. Android and iOS have their own respective tags.
what about windows-2000? 95 and 98? (although rare, without them you're dropping data)
and things tagged with OS-specific things that might not have a OS tag?
and, presumably, you've accounted for cross-over - ie, is question tagged both [windows] and [windows-7] (which it shouldn't be, but these will happen) counted once or twice?
@DMA57361 I'll probably make a new metric in a while, but this was pretty simplified. Good thought as far as OS-specific tags, but that would've taken actual work ;)
what % of all questions did you count in the end? it'd be a rough guide to accuracy
@DMA57361 I came up with 52,668 questions tagged with OS tags in all (out of ~85871 for the whole site). I've still got the raw nubmers in a .txt, if you want to look at it.
What about the serious OS - DOS!
@SimonSheehan Surely you meen MS-DOG?
@new123456 naa, that's fine, I'm quite happy to sit over here and poke holes in your numbers without really being helpful ;)
you're using the data explorer, I presume?
@DMA57361 What do you mean by that? You mean the actual database dumps (which I think the site still offers)?
@DMA sounds like he used search to me :P
@new123456 the data explorer -> data.stackexchange.com <- lets you query the last data dump, which IIRC was updated a few days ago
@DMA57361 Thanks, I've been looking for that URL for a while. I'll have to brush up on my SQL. Is there a list of all the table's names and columns?
@new123456 when you go in to compose the full key is on the right of the entry box
Well anyway, good morning everyone. coming up to the hottest day ever in Ontario
@SimonSheehan afternoon and how hot is "hottest"?
@DMA 48c. Currently 39c and rising (with the humidity)
ouch :S
48 °C?! Say whaaaaat?
Try to write what instead of whaaaaat
Yeah, big ouch. I'm hiding indoors today I believe. Except to swim
@SimonSheehan presumably if that's a semi-common temp you've got a/c?
@HackToHell "available on Windows Server 2003" is different from "only for servers"
btw @SimonSheehan I finished those courses by 12:00pm :D
@Sathya Very nice :D @DMA this is Ontario, so winter temp average is -15C, summer maybe 25C. I do have a/c luckily
25-30c without the humidity is normal. It hasn't rained in a month and we've had wicked humidity though.
@new123456 - I got bored, so you can try this data.stackexchange.com/superuser/q/106447 as a starting point
@ManjotSingh I know quite exactly why I write what I write.
@SimonSheehan fair enough, still ouch :S
@DMA I'll survive one day ;) Interesting fact though. In 1938 I believe, we had our first record breaking temp of 38 degrees, and that's when we started recurring temperatures here. 80 years and 10 degrees later..
Either 38' or 49'
fun times :S
@OctavianDamiean No issues
I think the highest temp recorded round here isn't past the mid-thirties
@DMA where do you live?
@SimonSheehan UK, Essex
Oh okay. Does temperature not flucuate as much there?
not so severely as you
-15°C would be pretty rare, even at the dead of night
and summers often peak in the high 20s
As I said to @Sathya last night, lowest I remember is -50, then there's today's 48. So almost a 100 degree difference :/

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