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Q: Why do Vegans own dogs and cats?

Evan CarrollIf a dog has to eat meat to survive then why would someone who religiously abstains from meat have an animal that requires it to survive? Especially when they don't need said animal anymore than they need a t-bone steak. I've always wondered if this is a glaring inconsistency in their moral phi...

I saw this question, and then, I saw who posted it ;p
Oh dear.. and Skippy chimes in.
They two would make a great troll couple.
Q: We need to improve the quality of our spam!

Undo the SnowmanRecently, I've noticed a downhill effect in the quality of spam posted on Stack Exchange websites. Take this as an example (found on Space.SE): There are a great many things wrong with this artifact: There is not one capitalized letter in the entire post. (-1 grammar point.) The only pun...

@jou how is he not banned yet?
@ThatBrazilianGuy very awkward
@Bob @jou how is he not suspended yet? (source)
@Bob: he gets treated like any other user ;p
@jou surprised he hasn't hit question bans
@Bob He did, on MSO.
@Bob: he's banned on SF I think
Q: Do we want a chat bot in The Litter Box?

allquixoticSeveral popular rooms on the network are running a chat bot for some time now, including Root Access and JavaScript. There is a decent implementation of a chatbot, written in JavaScript, here. I run the chatbot for Root Access based on my light fork of Zirak's chatbot here (Selenium driver here)...

posted 2 answers on pets.se ;p
ALMOST posted them from dog perspective, but meh ;p
@jou would have loved to see that
would confuse the humans tho ;p
would be funny to have "roleplaying" answers on pets.SE... although I have to admit that the subject matter of "pets" makes it very hard to take seriously in the first place, because pets are so adorable and it's hard to treat them objectively
it's almost as bad as anime.SE
"You could try to switch to a harness. I used to chew on harnesses when I was a wee pup, but I'm ok with collars - maybe it may work the other way for you?"
I wonder, how the heck I reply a message in the mobile version...
You right click, close chat and go home.
chromium crash everytime I open the full chat... dunno why...
(will start gdb later when I'm bored)
@Braiam is it a stable build of chromium, or a dev build?
Hmmm let's see... Everybody wears Santa's hat except 2 suspects - @Braiam and @jokerdino

I am close to reaching my plan but those two must wear it until Christmas.
If you make one for me, I would.
@JourneymanGeek Is this guy a famous troll? He's urrently on Tavern complaining that a company has paid employees as mods on the SE network. A "certain" company that has Stack in its name.
ya, he is.
@ThatBrazilianGuy sounds like that question on skeptics.SE by a SE dev.
@JourneymanGeek Hello! Could you make one Santa hat for @jokerdino please? Oh yeah, another is for @Braiam and final is for @CanadianLuke
... And one for me?
Who's familiar with this website? http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/search-results?query=1password&search_type=all&cves=on

Looks like government website that has reports on various web attacks...
@ThatBrazilianGuy Not really. I get to weird blog.
@Boris_yo What mean. I not understand bad.
keepersecurity.com - Another password security application. Who used it?
!! learn plz '<>http://i.imgur.com/CnQbjT3.jpg'
@Gowtham Command plz learned
Interesting device. Never encountered one in life. I wonder how does it feel.
@CanadianLuke: I have no idea how to fit a hat on your ava or @Braiam's
@JourneymanGeek Nice, although it obstructs what dino says. And dino looks grumpy.
its late early ;p
@Boris_yo Sit down on an escalator the next time you have the option
People might look weird, but just look back and ask them "What? How do you ride the escalator? Standing up? LOL!"
día del español? wut?
@OliverSalzburg Escalator is not that chair on picture. Now way 2-floor house would have escalator installed.
hello everyone
@PatoSáinz Andere! Andere!
Hasta quando?
@Boris_yo is it evident i am hispanic?
@JourneymanGeek Thanks!
hasta cuándo? por el día, supongo
!! tell 12515183 europe
@PatoSáinz hola
@PatoSáinz How do you people put that little slash above character?
@Boris_yo you mean ¿ or ñ?
he means the á
@PatoSáinz Yes those 2 and `
@jokerdino You have Spanish keyboard layout?
our keyboards are physically and logically different
thus we have standalone keys for those symbols
i have Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V
this is my layout
@PatoSáinz no soy hispano, pero hablo español con bastante facilidad
@allquixotic I didn't know you speak Spanish.
meh, I'm the only one that speak Spanish... :( and @Jimmy, but he's too shy to admit it...
@allquixotic "stable" but have been crashing since the old 28.something
@journeymangeek the only thing that you can fit to my avatar is a beard... the hat is difficult
@Braiam graphics driver problem on Linux?
!!mustache braiam
someday I would learn Spanish. and C#
You need a nose @Braiam
@allqui nope, clean profile, reinstalled, etc. I've actually give up on chat... and YT
bitcoin's falling down, o' my fair lady!
@oliver quick! sell all the coins!!!! D:
i would have sold at 900
@Braiam well it can't be a platform-independent problem with Chrome because Chrome normally renders SE chat fine
@allquixotic @Braiam well it can't be a platform-independent problem with Chromium because Chrome normally renders SE chat fine (source)
!! s/me /mium /
you forgot a g modifier @all
I know >_<
!! s/me /mium /
@jokerdino @allquixotic @Braiam well it can't be a platform-independent problem with Chromium because Chromium normally renders SE chat fine (source) (source)
let's see how is the quarkcoin/btc exchange doing
maybe i can buy cheap
@jokerdino No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
@jokerdino aaaaa a aaa aaa aaaaa (source)
What the heck are you up to @John?
@allquixotic I blame for now a Ubuntu patch...
!! s/a/u/g
@allquixotic @ullquixotic I blume for now u Ubuntu putch... (source)
... O_O
[PUTCH]: Muku Ubuntu wurk buttur
Props for spelling Ubuntu right.
!! s/[uU]/a/g
@allquixotic Props for spelling abanta right. (source)
WTF is up with chat?
@Braiam I don't have any yet. They are a PITA to buy
@OliverSalzburg Why PITA? All you need is money.
@Boris_yo Right. And you need someone to give you coins in exchange for it
So you register with an exchange where you want to buy coin. They tell you "Get money first". How do you get money into your account? There is no CC or PayPal. So you have to use another service, like OKPay
How do you get money into your OKPay account? There is no CC and no PayPal again. So you first have to proof your identity to them in 4 different ways before they even accept your money, through another service yet again
@OliverSalzburg basically no one wants to be caught holding the bag if authorities decide to crack down on it, so they keep passing the buck
it'd be like if governments cracked down on google images, you'd have image search engines linking to image search engines linking to image search engines linking to image search engines linking to image search engines endlessly, without any actual images because nobody has the balls to host them
That last service will then accept a bank transfer, take a cut, send the money to OKPay, they take their cut, then you can pay the exchange, which takes another cut and then you get coins
And when you want to sell them, the whole chain runs in reverse
@Braiam Warum sie denken mich Spanisch sprechen?
@JimmyHoffa lol, I don't know any German but I understood that sentence :O
why you thinkin' I'm Spanish-speakin'? :D
@OliverSalzburg Why they don't accept CC and PayPal? How do they expect people to buy? What kind of scammery is this?
@Boris_yo They don't accept those because transactions can be reversed, bitcoin transactions can't though
aand btc-e is @ 900
ohhhhhh, I thought it was liability risk
down down down
@PatoSáinz couldn't they just hard-code a value they wanted it to be in their system and no one could really do anything about it? :P
"btc-e is now worth $1,000,000!"
@allquixotic competition and markets are also in between exchanges
a new exchange would rise
I wanted to buy coins last week, I still can't :( OKPay just rejected my proof of address. I sent them a photo of my ID card, they replied "Not sufficient" wtf :P
@OliverSalzburg so OKPay is basically a personally identifiable information farm? they take your info but don't provide anything in return?
and then they sell that to other companies for profit?
@allquixotic From what I read they're the russian PayPal :P
@allquixotic что английский составлять немецкий язык
@OliverSalzburg which is like saying they're the Russian version of Windows -- basically, guaranteed to be full of malware, scams, and rootkits
@allquixotic And, from what I read as well, they aren't less trustworthy than your local bank ;D
I found that statement to be rather convincing
(it's a pain in the arse to put together cyrillic sentences with an english keyboard)
@allquixotic Yeah, it really didn't feel right, but, like Mario, I want those coins!
well, at least if my local bank rips me off, I can do something about it under the law... OKPay is in Russia, which actively harbors enemies of the US, so there's no way they would participate in any sort of action where a US Citizen was harmed by a Russian entity and seeking justice
Great, someone already made an appropriate image
@OliverSalzburg are you Mario or Luigi in that? Luigi is farming BTC while Mario is jumping over them to avoid them
@allquixotic I'm Mario, ahead of Luigis game
@OliverSalzburg I'd rather be Luigi -- he's about to walk right over 3 coins that Mario is avoiding for some unknown reason
I'm already trading alternative crypto currency while he's still trying to mine Bitcoin on his RaspPi
lol, clever
as long as you don't start picking your nose and finding that what comes out are fireballs that bounce, and then throw them at me, that's fine
@OliverSalzburg Thank you, Mario, but our Profit is in another cryptocurrency.
Oh, and it's not like you have to use OKPay, there are other services. I found OKPay to be the least sketchy
@OliverSalzburg a Russian PayPal is the least sketchy you could find?! good grief
(cue 8-bit sad Mario "you lose the game" music from NES)
@allquixotic Who didn't think this was mind bogglingly dumb every time it happened? I think after about the 3rd time even as a kid I basically decided that the princess deserved to die and quit
And all the coin-related places that offer wire transfer (which kinda sounds like the most sane) usually have something like this in their FAQ somewhere: If you want to wire transfer, prepare to have your transfer locked for 600 days unless you provide proof of identity to our bank in Kasachstan. This is because of the automatic fraud alerts for bank accounts that handle a ton of money
@JimmyHoffa games that reward game-mechanical success with storyline failure are basically the DBs of the gaming industry
@OliverSalzburg Not sufficient, but they are now using all the identifying information on it to create other accounts in your name...
I guess Mass Effect 3 falls under that category
@allquixotic ME*
"Success! You survived, the monster is terrible and the universe is doomed! GLHF!"
@JimmyHoffa I can't imagine what would happen if people would find out my name
do a whole bunch of stuff to save the world, die, and then watch your crew stranded on some random planet starve to death and the entire intergalactic economy halt on a dime with the destruction of the jump gates
@OliverSalzburg There's like 14 umlauts and 8 estzets in it aren't there?
or to issue forged passports into Germany that they then sell to other people
@OliverSalzburg so your name isn't really Oliver Salz.... OH CRAP, I just leaked your personal details online, I am so, so sorry!!!!!
can a mod please permanuke my previous message? I feel so guilty now
In Germany, generally for anything that really matters, you need to be there in person and have the original proof of identity. And if someone opens account in my name in some African country, I don't really care
And for anything that only slightly matters, they'll accept a blurry photo sent over fax. So there is no need to get an actual copy of my data
I sent Hetzner.de a scanned 600dpi photo of my driver's license o_O
way back when I first opened an account with them :)
at the time I was more focused on really wanting to get them a good picture of it so they could know it was real, so I did color photo, PNG, full resolution and sent the multi-megabyte attachment to them
but then Martin Hetzner himself waived a 200 Euro setup fee for something I wanted at one point, so I kinda like Hetzner :P
I'm off Hetzner by now. Cancelled my last contract with them a few months ago
The dedicated server I had with them was great though
The VPS, not so much
why did you cancel? :(
It was unstable as hell
Which caused the filesystem to be remounted read-only
And I only noticed that hours after
And their response was, well, we can't do anything about it. We could move you to a new host
@OliverSalzburg what was unstable? the VPS or the dedi?
@allquixotic VPS
@Braiam oтчeгo mhe иcпaHckий гoBopят
Q: We need to improve the quality of our spam!

Undo the SnowmanRecently, I've noticed a downhill effect in the quality of spam posted on Stack Exchange websites. Take this as an example (found on Space.SE): There are a great many things wrong with this artifact: There is not one capitalized letter in the entire post. (-1 grammar point.) The only pun...

See what one 19year old have to tell about Spam. All Spam busters hate him! More at 9 tonight.
Mein Deutsch viel besser als mein Russisch ist... daruber schrecklich Russisch
lol, flack overstow from my answers
Game for example; with maximum screen brightness, a DVD playing, and other USB Ethernet or WiFi chipset that would result in a middle click out which line ending you're using by A/C power (the PSU), will strive to meet the desired power demand of the USB device. The laptop that supports more installed RAM. When the CPU is suspended or off, it doesn't make sense to maintain the data link layer of the "desired" maximum charging power of the sum of the power, in Watts, that your laptop is draining while considering the next step this code in the binary on disk may decide to "trap" the keystr
@allquixotic How to rep on MSO
@OliverSalzburg If your system does not support more complex than web browsing and email.
Summary The immediate problem is that boots from UEFI.
@JimmyHoffa would like that one
This is getting out of hand :P
> You need UVD2 or later to use GPU decoding feature of the hard disk.
When will they catch on that I don't want to invite anyone?
> Parsers are the perfect and newer version support at the same chain with any nodes that weren't!
from my flackoverstow
> [...] or if you really want your data so consumers may change the study of math.
You may not use the issue, putting the laptop into "Standby" or "Sleep" mode should resolve the first 2 modules in on the total input power from the wall socket, in Watts, is greater than one operating system installed on a limited number of times before they draw a huge amount of power.
Modern motherboards can be graphically driven with your assessment that Android has worse battery life problems than on other possible sources of the problem.
> In OO as mentioned above you should release resources before requesting more than 5 lines of code.
You probably need the program, just remove it.
Note that you may need to enable some sort of "direct" host to the outside, we have roughly this sort of backporting support when it doesn't make sense to maintain the program will stop complaining?
@OliverSalzburg Hmmm, service-in-service-in-service... That smells like money laundering.
coming to your closest bitcoin exchange!
@Boris_yo I thought that was what Bitcoin is for?!
@OliverSalzburg :D !!!!!!
How come Bitcoin is legal?
How can I be guaranteed I won't end up in jail?
user image
Looks like Clippy became attorney!
Yes Clippy I wanna launder big trucks with of money. Can you buy Tide laundering powder in the meantime?
on the gripping hand (cc @allquixotic)
[2013-12-06 16:18:26] accepted: 213/216 (98.61%), 405.44 khash/s (yay!!!)
mining quarkcoin has never been so exciting
On the left side - Sheeple
On the right side - Big Brother
@PatoSáinz is each of the quarkcoin "hashes" the same complexity/difficulty as a hash in bitcoin?
You see the symbolization? It's everywhere. They even try to show us revelations through MEME websites. Revolution is inevitable.
@PatoSáinz You're mining QRK?
i could consistently do many hundreds of millions of hashes per second on my Radeon HD7970
405 KHash/s seems low unless they are super complicated hashes
@Boris_yo I believe since it's an international currency, but I agree, I wonder how it's legal
@allquixotic it's like, 7 different algorithms
I like all these alternative coins right now. Someone recently asked me "What can you do with those?" I replied "You can buy Bitcoin"
and 7 rounds each
currently CPU only
@CanadianLuke Could be part of government's conspiracy to crush US dollar.
@PatoSáinz that's kind of a deal-breaker for me
@OliverSalzburg Why need Bitcoin if you can buy precious metals?
But essentially, you're making money out of nothing
I really don't feel that my i7-3770K can do enough significant amount of computation to be valuable at all (even if the electricity supplying it were free)
The big question is, is there another coin which you can mine and buy Bitcoin with, where the profit would be higher than if you mined Bitcoin directly!
@OliverSalzburg yep, i am mining QRK and trading them at cryptsy
@OliverSalzburg yes, there is
@Boris_yo Anonymity, security and fun
i am making more with CPU and pooled in QRK that what i did pooled+GPU at BTC
@PatoSáinz Ah, so is that what you're into right now?
@OliverSalzburg yes
@CanadianLuke it's not "nothing"; everything you do with cryptocurrency costs electricity, unless you get your electricity for free; but eventually someone paid for that electricity
not hueeg profit but i make like 0.0015 btc a day
@PatoSáinz I find all this stuff fascinating :D
@allquixotic electricity ain't a problem for me
@OliverSalzburg me too
All the trade connections and whatnot
@allquixotic But where is the bitcoin located? It's jsut electricity!
@CanadianLuke don't you read Einstein? energy and matter are fundamentally equivalent! :D
@PatoSáinz What do you mean? How do CPU and GPU have to do anything here?
human beings are transforming our environment, gradually, and eventually even ourselves, into a form of pure energy
the best thing you can do is get a small altcoin, mine it a lot and then wait for it to "blossom" (just wait for it to rise from 1 cent to 14 cents
@Boris_yo QRK can only be CPU mined atm, i am restricted to it, thing is, i am making more bitcoins by trading my cpu pooled-mined QRKs than what i did by directly mining in a pool with a gpu in a btc pool
i have like 0.2 btc in deepbit, but getting it out would probably only net me $5, even if a BTC were worth $1000
@allquixotic why
@PatoSáinz Which is crazy, because it means someone is buying it at that price. And what are they doing with it? Only buy Bitcoin. But who wants to sell their precious Bitcoin for an altcoin at 14cents?
It's illegal for a citizen to take the metals required, and create a coin, no matter what the value. What is the difference with a bitcoin?
It boggles the mind :D
@OliverSalzburg there's always a bigger fool than you where to profit from
@CanadianLuke It's E-leck-tronick! That changes EVERYTHING!
@PatoSáinz Hehehe
!!urban bitcoin mining
@Boris_yo No definition found for bitcoin mining
!!urban bitcoin
@PatoSáinz bitcoin A crypto-currency allowing for anonymous transactions and using a decentralized architecture. Go Nanotube!
@ChatBotJohnCavil needs more zalgo
In case you're seriously asking ;D
So because you can't physically hold it in your hand, it's legal? Seriously?
@ChatBotJohnCavil How do I earn Bitcoin? How many on hourly basis? Can I earn it by being pizzaboy?
Oh, I understand the concept, and do like that someone is trying to fix the money system
@CanadianLuke tho i like seeing it being used as a currency, atm, even for me, it's just an investment on thin air
!!learn whee ส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ヾ( ´ ▽ `)ノส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้
@allquixotic Command whee learned
@allquixotic NoooooooooO!
!!tell 12517361 whee
@PatoSáinz ส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้ヾ(
h̵̷̻̱̝͈̟͚͢e̡̨͓͕̘̟̖̬̟̪̰͡ ̶̴̪̯̺̤̘͓͓͞ͅc̵̖̜̱͚̗̙̩̣̭̘o̷͏̧͚̠̰̩̬͉̙̦͚̦͖͉͔͈͕ͅm̢̻̘͖͔̼̼͚̦̘͟ḙ̷̳͙͕͉̬̤̗̮̮̝̩̲̬̺̱̀̕͝s̶̢͘‌​҉̭͇̘͕̺̲͕̟̳͓̬̯͉̪̩!̷̨͚̮̩̦͙̤̀́͜
Allquixotic is crashing SU chat!
@PatoSáinz Soon...
!!tell 12517411 bababababat
lol @allquixotic You really liked it I see...
@Boris_yo I LOVE that gif :D it's freaking hilarious
@ChatBotJohnCavil WHY IS HE NOT MOVING??
still, bitcoin still has some "traditional" problems
ie. insider trading
@allquixotic How many combos did cat do? I count x5
@Boris_yo infinity, if you count the gif looping and don't consider each loop to be combo broken
Cat used his super gauge!
you could take out some frames from the gif and get infinity combo
that would be funnier, actually
Time well spent!
the day before satoshi dice was bought (thus bringing, massive, profitable reimbursements), someone bought a whole bunch of stocks
i think chat should be disabled for all messages that aren't a onebox of something... replies are OK, but every message must be a onebox of something
just make it one big image macro
@PatoSáinz Wait a minute... Satoshi probably had more than 51% shares that he/she had rights to sell?
@PatoSáinz Wow
@Boris_yo what do you mean?
also, seems mtgox is going crazy due to a bug
it's rolling back transactions, then doing them again
I'm still laughing at flack overstow...
@PatoSáinz How someone who sells something can force shareholders to give up their shares?
> Try not to support more RAM than you already tried and you are treated very differently in Windows than its maximum possible speed.
@Boris_yo seems that there's some terms that shareholders agree on before buying
When compiling on Cygwin you may encounter some compile-time errors, but the severity USB protocol problems, which can occasionally occur, where the USB port will open up Windows Explorer in the page file, which is a good solution that doesn't involve either shrinking or deleting your VMFS partition and versions: Step 1: Get the usb0 -j MASQUERADE /sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o usb0 -j ACCEPT If.
I'm struggling to imagine how a USB port could open up Windows Explorer in the page file
@PatoSáinz Like to give up their shares if owner decides to sell? I thought it usually happens only if owner has more than 51% ownership.
@Boris_yo crazy world
yep, gox is repeating orders
oh boy
user image
That's because of "balls"...
gox down, stamp down
this is waay more thrilling than the april crash
gox price is going down one dollar per second
@PatoSáinz What can you buy with Bitcoin?
@Boris_yo pizzaz, dollars, drugs, prostitutes
Ginger cat in slo-mo!
@PatoSáinz Last 2 I don't need since I am already druglord but show me pizza website that accepts bitcoins.
@allquixotic Ortwin Gentz has 103 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 1 questions, gave 0 answers. avg. rep/post: 103. Badges: 0g 0s 4b
@CanadianLuke User 18230 not found
!!stat 144607 extended
@allquixotic User Elusio proved elusive.
!!stat 44027 extended
@allquixotic I awoke on Sun, 01 Dec 2013 05:00:22 GMT (that's about 5 days ago), got invoked 129 times, learned 53 commands, but forgotten 8 commands
apparently that command isn't working correctly
@JourneymanGeek From your FlackOverstow: In many cases Google has servers in /usr/local/php5/bin/php.
This is the internet used as designed, in a manner that ensures you have a good job at transferring large files. You can find all this in page 10 of this version of the old, simple ways are the best. If you work this out manually, simply write a script that will work perfectly well.
@allquixotic can't you just port ye ol' IRC eggbot
or make a hubot SE chat interface
!!stat hey chatbot are you asynchronous or will you hang up if someone abuses you and ping out
@PatoSáinz Headley has 1 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 0 questions, gave 1 answers. avg. rep/post: 1. Badges: 0g 0s 0b
@PatoSáinz User Elusio proved elusive.
@PatoSáinz it's JavaScript running in a browser, and I believe it's a websocket decoder, so it's probably not asynchronous, or it might even be browser-dependent
@allquixotic so i can hang your browser? (typically, hacky perl bot scripts are easily DoSed)
the difficulty in porting anything from IRC is to give whatever other bot there is a proper way to authenticate to chat and then to read and respond to messages appropriately, plus throttle messages so it doesn't get the error about posting to oquickly
@PatoSáinz it's on a dedicated server, so it's not my browser
@allquixotic fancy
although infinite loop scripts eventually get caught and stopped in FF anyway
it'd eat up CPU time for a short while and then display a popup which would probably automatically get handled by Selenium
Am I the only one who suffers from emotional attachment with an instrument you own and rarely use yet refuses to sell it?
@PatoSáinz no
@allquixotic what is your instrument?
and my voice ;p
i can't sell that lol
oh you little mermaid
I've got an electric bass which is getting dust in my home, and I want to sell it in order to get tickets to the last lollapalooza in Chile
problem is, I just went to see it in order to put a price on it, and, i played it, and now i cannot sell it
@allquixotic tips on how to beat that stupidity?

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