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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

I am crying :D
@jokerdino BOB,
works xD
@ThatBrazilianGuy pong
@Braiam Thanks, will try!
Oh shit, I can't take it anymore. Autocorrect! ;`D
@Boris_yo it's funny lol
please caesum
Can someone plz help me run something on my computer?
I get a problem
what does proprietary graphics mean?
@Omnitic Yes, I believe many people can.
!!tell 12456126 meta
@Omnitic Please don't ask to ask; if you simply ask your actual question, we will help you if we know the answer or can help you find it. This is much faster and simpler than asking if it's OK to ask. As a rule, it is always OK to ask in this channel. Please go ahead.
@Omnitic as opposed to open source, proprietary graphics drivers are closed-source and you can't view the source code of them
I don't get the image when I run this.
in the website it says I need proprietary graphics
How can I get those?
@Omnitic what operating system are you running?
Which image? Which site? What are you trying to accomplish?
I want to run this game called yu gi oh pro on my linux mint computer.
here is the link to a guide to run it: ygopro.co/tabid/95/g/posts/t/302/…
@allquixotic Command hv, created by allquixotic on Wed, 23 Oct 2013 12:05:20 GMT but hasn't been used yet
!!info hv
@allquixotic hv: User-taught command: http://i.stack.imgur.com/TlV1F.png
!!forget hv
@allquixotic Command hv forgotten.
I already installed it and ran it but I can't get the image, i get sound and everything but not image.
!!learn hv '<>https://i.sstatic.net/TlV1F.png'
@allquixotic Command hv learned
the website says i need proprietary graphics, but I don't know how to get those.
any ideas?
@allquixotic linux mint.
@Omnitic try googling -- there are only a few thousand posts detailing how to install graphics drivers for your hardware... you should start by figuring exactly which graphics card you have in the first place
@ChatBotJohnCavil I wonder what does this mean...
it's literally two or three googles max
google 1: how do i find out which graphics card i have on linux mint
google 2: how do i install proprietary graphics driver for <graphics vendor>
i can't even think of a third one
that should literally be all you need
@allquixotic I tend to disagree. His question is not impossible. He seems honest. He just doesn't seem to know what are video drivers, graphic cards, etc
@allquixotic 3. how do I install wine on mint OR debian
No, wait, the post covers that
@ThatBrazilianGuy fair point :P but I didn't click the link due to dubious domain
I allready have wine.
I managed to run it, no image, so I need drivers, thanks Ill try what you say
> How do you make it run on Linux?

Open up the Terminal and install WINE

Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint and other APT distributions: Visit here for info http://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu
Fedora and other YUM distributions: yum install wine-*
Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S wine Please uncomment multilib repositories in /etc/pacman.conf first.
Others: Use Google or install WINE from source.

When it's done, download YGOPro and simply run the ygopro.exe.
Please note that you must use PROPRIETARY graphics drivers (closed-source) or it will not work.
also it should be mentioned, if you only have an Intel integrated GPU on your CPU or motherboard, then no proprietary graphics driver exists for your hardware at all
yup, just need graphics
thats what I have.
so once again, google... I could easily tell you, but you would benefit much more from learning how to learn
I have an intel gpu
aha, so you already know that you have Intel :)
but you said no drivers exist
in that case, it is completely impossible for you to obtain a proprietary graphics driver for your hardware on GNU/Linux, because no such driver exists
then what can I do to get it to run?
the only thing you could possibly do is install a newer version of the open source graphics stack, but given the questions you've asked so far, that is probably way above your skill level
are you running the very latest version of Linux Mint?
no, I have 14
@Omnitic You have two options: (1) buy a new video card, (2) give up
oh, okay
well in that case, a newer version of Linux Mint will definitely have a newer version of the open source graphics stack
so I would suggest you try that before you buy anything
ok, Ill do that, thanks
what is hv?
like a troll?
@Omnitic don't mind me; I get a little grumpy sometimes when people ask the same stuff over and over... nothing to be concerned about, please carry on
that, and I have to attend a baby shower in 15 minutes that I totally do not care about, so I'm not entirely in the best mood ;p but yet I helped you, so there's that at least
just imagine me as a male version of Ms. Tardar Sauce, here:
@ThatBrazilianGuy fedoraproject.org/wiki/… change the build defaults and you are good to go ;)
@Omnitic Wait, Mint 14 has already been released?
@ThatBrazilianGuy um. 16 is out
Mint doesn't follow Ubuntu version conventions
Ubuntu goes YearYear.MonthMonth
Mint goes 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, ....
actually Mint 14 -> 16 should provide substantially newer and better Intel open source graphics drivers
(depending on your hardware of course)
...Intel and other companies with an interest in the open source graphics stack have been investing a lot of resources into making the Intel open graphics drivers more feature-complete and less buggy in the past year or so
but most of their resources are focused on chips manufactured in the past 2-3 years
!!learn ohhh '<>https://i.sstatic.net/8xRk1.jpg'
@allquixotic Command ohhh learned
ohhh someone is kissing my gf !
@Gowtham you have a gf?
lol, I was talking about that image
@allquixotic I am not sure if that will ever happen ;p
I was like.
@allquixotic Is @Gowtham a someone?
@ThatBrazilianGuy No it's a cat
were you the one who doesn't understand orlmente Gowtham?
"realmente" is Spanish for "really", so it's a bird with a funny expression looking like he's saying "Oh, really?!"
ORLY == Oh really? == ORLMENTE == O realmente?
...they added a traditional-looking Mexican hat because it's in Spanish
now that I've explained the meme it's no longer funny
!!learn whocares '<>http://i.imgur.com/69uwiwL.jpg'
@ThatBrazilianGuy Command whocares learned
> "realmente" is Spanish for "really"
Portuguese too
@ThatBrazilianGuy I have about 10 Portuguese songs in my playlist :p
@allquixotic Oh, i found out about it
@ThatBrazilianGuy Claudia Leitte's cover of Josh Groban's Voce Existe Em Mim is the only song I've listened to recently in Portuguese ;p
the rest are kind of down the bottom of my spotify list hehe
Claudia Leite
You have pictured me.
oh ok
well then the Josh Groban original :D
hmm NSA developed SELinux stuff ...
No, really, I will make you a mixtape with Brazilian music.
@allquixotic help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, afk, awsm, color, convert, define, domain, findcommand, forgetseen, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, test, why, ok, hello, lol, gates, friday, after5, theanswer, caution, nicethings, europe, potato, goaway, status, idk, beatingbloodoutofarockwithascythe, thatword, poptart, toostupid, routertroubleshooting (page 0/1)
@ThatBrazilianGuy Any famous Brazilian artists ?
!!tell 12456581 toostupid
@ChatBotJohnCavil Huh?
@ThatBrazilianGuy kinda sucks ;p
@ThatBrazilianGuy I don't really know Portuguese anyway ;p I know Spanish well, but there are enough differences for Portuguese to be largely unintelligible
Did @Gowtham just said:
ThatBrazilianGuy kinda sucks ;p
@allquixotic Funny. If a person speaks Spanish to me very slowly, (and without slang obviously) I can understand 75% ~80% of it.
@Boris_yo ._.
Didn't mean to @ThatBrazilianGuy ;p
@Gowtham (famous != good) == true
@ThatBrazilianGuy the spoken syllables of Portuguese don't translate to my Spanish listening comprehension very well, but I can read a decent amount of Portuguese
@ThatBrazilianGuy #tsb
@allquixotic I think I was like 9 or 11 when I found a book in spanish and started reading it, without ever having any knowledge in spanish. you can understand the context
@ThatBrazilianGuy Why did that?
lol nice
@Boris_yo "Oh! A book! Let's read it"
@Gowtham #tswhat?
true story bro, i think
13 mins ago, by allquixotic
ORLY == Oh really? == ORLMENTE == O realmente?
No, Orly:
Orly is a commune in the southern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located from the center of Paris. The name of Orly came from Latin Aureliacum, "the villa of Aurelius". Paris-Orly Airport partially lies on the territory of the commune of Orly, which gave its name to the airport. Transport Orly is served by two stations on Paris RER line C: Les Saules and Orly – Ville. Personalities * Kery James, rapper See also * * Communes of the Val-de-Marne department References * [http://www.ume.asso.fr Mayors of Essonne Association] External links * * [http://www.ville-orly.fr/ Or...
@ThatBrazilianGuy Like me - ''Oh! A wall socket! Let's disassemble it!"
i prefer cool story brah
nah, I bet @JimmyHoffa knows more spanish than any of you!!
@Boris_yo Or like me at age 7~10 "Oh! A tetris minigame without sound! Let's disassemble it! Let's reassemble it! Oh, now it has sound!"
...jimmy hasn't even been here lately :P
@ThatBrazilianGuy Oh! A bullet! Let's throw it into campfire to see what happens!
or like me at age 27 "Oh! A new programming language! Wow, this looks AWESOME!" *downloads it* "Cool.. cool..." *tries stuff* "You know, this really sucks. Back to C#."
well Im planning to learn here:catacademy.com
@Ash It's for cats only.
@Braiam ?
does catacademy charge you a fee-ow to get in?
i think so
@ThatBrazilianGuy mm... why change the title?
@Braiam Of tetris?
It was That Russian Guy
(looks at @Boris_yo)
That Russian Guy, That Brazilian Guy... I see a pattern
<---That USAian Guy
where is That Australian Guy when we need him
and That German Guy and That Austrian Guy
I miss That Help Vampire Guy...
I know a Singaporean Guy Dog
That Singaporean Dog lollll
hmm it'd have to be That Australian Fox then
and That USAian Cat
That Nationality Noun
Poor @ChatBotJohnCavil can't play...
I know some Earthlings
@ThatBrazilianGuy sure he can
That Kobolian Cylon
there will be a bit of a naming clash with That {Indian,USAian} <Thing>
most other countries have unique representatives here ;p
@allquixotic who is that ?
@Gowtham Sathya, although you'd be That Indian Cat and he'd be That Indian Guy, so no conflict there
also Ash :P
then there's That Canadian Guy (Luke) and That Canadian Woman (Ariane)
@allquixotic Isn't Ariane French?
... French Canada = Banqouver, no?
and psycogeek
The regions near Quebec I think
Well, goodbye my fellow Adjective Nouns. I am off to watch a documentary on a band
anybody saw Sathya around ?
He got married recently iirc
@ThatBrazilianGuy French-Canadian.
@Gowtham So did Avirk >:( and they abandon us
@Gowtham That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@allquixotic :P :P
imho, ~30 is the best age to marry
and sathya was ?
~30 I think ;p
@ThatBrazilianGuy Which band? 2.5GHz or 5GHz?
@Gowtham Depends on your intention...
@Gowtham imho, positive infinity is the best age to marry
@allquixotic Will you not get tired of living a monotonic boring life ?
@allquixotic you are an android... your opinion doesn't matter :P
@Braiam no, that's DarthAndroid -- I'm not an android; I'm a cat. you have me mistaken for someone else
Unless you are Elon Musk, life will become boring at some point
@Gowtham it's not monotonic; it's changing all the time
Depends on the definition of change to be honest and it varies from person to person
it seems ridiculous to think "the reason to get married is so you aren't bored", anyway
there are so many people who are bored with their marriage
so that's not a solution
@Gowtham that's great hahaha
@allquixotic classy cattitude
they need to get a pic of Tardar Sauce hunting something
so, now a pic about a cat failz
> chopper vs cat? I know you like cats but they have no chance against the chopper
take that @Braiam
and thus the cat wins :)
Who has the temper to wait until Amazon launches their shipping quadcopters? Do it yourself!
2 hours later…
!! s/b/m/
@allquixotic mump (source)
Hoping someone here can help quickly and easily. :) Do 2.5" SATA SSDs use the same or different connectors as compared to 3.5" SATA HDDs?
@CanadianLuke Thank you!
@MichaelKjörling Thank YOU for not asking to ask, and just asking :P JK
Just to be 100% certain, we're talking both data and power then, correct?
@MichaelKjörling same cables, different enclosure / form factor
unless you get mSATA which is a different beast entirely
Good. Then I won't have to worry about adapters. I'm looking at 2.5" SATA SSDs specifically.
Intel 530 series 120 GB SATA-III and Kingston SSDNow V300 60GB SATA-III to be precise.
(The latter because it's cheap ;) I plan for it to serve as swap space only.)
Thank you both :) Is that OK, @CanadianLuke? ;)
Intel is #1!
And if you crack open some of the Kingston SSDnow's, they're Intel inside
@CanadianLuke Yeah, that's what two of the IT guys at work told me about Intel's reputation too.
For the Kingston I basically looked at what my retailer offers in terms of 2.5" SATA SSDs, sorted by price, and picked the cheapest. It'll sit idle holding no useful data probably 99% of the time, but I figure putting swap on a different drive should also allow the system drive (which will be the Intel) to relax as far as writes go. I'm not particularly worried about write cycles but figure why stress the more important one unnecessarily.
With my current utilization the Intel one will sit at about 9% used in terms of capacity :)
@CanadianLuke What about Samsung and Crucial?
Crucial, the first batch we got had about a 75% failure rate within the first 3 months. They started selling Samsung after I left that shop, so I have no opinions on Samsung's SSDs
@allquixotic mSATA is a PCB for PCI express slot!
@CanadianLuke Crucial M4s? No way they had Marvell controller and are considered reliable where I live.
@MichaelKjörling So you want Kingston 120GB for swap and Intel 128GB for data? You are taking writes thing too seriously. One of NAND chips are rather to fail before amount of writes reaches its wearout.
Don't use SSDs for swap! It's going to kill it and be a waste of money, all at the same time. I'd much rather have my RAID0 array for my Swap like I had before
or just have a hardware RAID0 array (with RAID controller) of 4TB 7200RPM disks and a crapton of RAM, like me... bootup is slow, but once it's running, it's great... most stuff honestly hits page cache in RAM, and what doesn't ends up with great throughput from the array, plus the array has a little bit of cache on top of the disks' internal cache
@CanadianLuke How should laptop users live then?
@Boris_yo For swap? Just on a regular hard drive. Swap gets written to a lot, which is why you'll sometimes see Windows not put a swap file on SSDs in the first place... At least, not Windows 7 when I would install it
@CanadianLuke You would install Windows 7 on SSD and get message that you cannot proceed before you put HDD in?
What? No
If I installed Windows 7 from the OEM disk with just an SSD installed, the swap file isn't turned on by default
@CanadianLuke But Windows cannot exist without swap file. People tried turning it off and experienced a lot of BSODs by solely relying on RAM.
... I'm running without a page file right now
@CanadianLuke How much RAM?
wat... Can you show me settings of your swap file?
When I'm back in Windows, sure
@CanadianLuke We will probably forget about this later...
@CanadianLuke Should I set swap file to lesser size on SSD?
Like I said, I just turn it off. Stop all swapping. And I've never had a BSOD because of no swap file
But if you're getting BSODs for that reason, I'd be wondering about my RAM
That's what I have.
yay! My SO account has the same rep as my MSO... now I need to answer something else...
@CanadianLuke the only thing that needs swap (for god's know what reason) is MSOffice, no other program needs swap...
It used to be used long ago for allowing programs to pass information back and forth. Again, I don't use it and I haven't had a BSOD on my own system for many years
@CanadianLuke Did you read comments below?
Yup, but very, very briefly
I gotta run, I'll be back in a bit
@Hennes That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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