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@allquixotic I'll double-check.
1 hour later…
> Microsoft License Advisor is optimized for Internet Explorer 7
and newer versions.
Download latest version of Internet Explorer
!!forget foxno
@Bob Command foxno forgotten.
!!learn foxno <>https://i.sstatic.net/y2xo3.png
@Bob Command foxno learned
Welcome to superuser. As someone who has used easeus in the past, and has actually liked it, I'd like to say stop spamming like an idiot. You're ruining any goodwill users here would have. Let your product speak for itself, not do this... halfwitted spamming bullshit. You've just made it less likely that I'll recommend your product when I feel its suitable. — Journeyman Geek 21 secs ago
I only am pissed off cause I actually like their product
SU seems to be on read only mode again
!! learn yes '<>https://i.sstatic.net/ifgli.jpg'
@Gowtham Command yes already exists
you need to delete the old one first
@Gowtham Command yes forgotten.
@Gowtham Command yes learned
done ;p
@ChatBotJohnCavil Foxes are always red in pictures but never in real life from my experience... must be some certain type of fox that's red...
also coyotes are always huge in pictures, but in real life they're tiny and scrawny as fuck
^-- holywood coyote, not the real ones I see in the fields out here at all
@JimmyHoffa; I've seen red foxes in the UK
and yes, they are quite orangy red
@JourneymanGeek ah, that must be it, must be some UK type of fox
^ coyote
suppose it makes sense, red doesn't match any of the environment colors out here so it would be shit camoflauge, out here foxes are always dirty brown and gray
> Dual Core Server class processor
uh, sure
let me just grab my Atom
@JimmyHoffa some types, yes
not the vivid red, usually
@Gowtham: thats oddly touching
That's the fox I'm used to seeing
The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the largest of the true foxes and the most geographically spread member of the Carnivora, being distributed across the entire Northern Hemisphere from the Arctic Circle to North Africa, Central America and Asia. Its range has increased alongside human expansion, having been introduced to Australia, where it is considered harmful to native mammal and bird populations. Because of these factors, it is listed as Least Concern for extinction by the IUCN. The red fox originated from smaller-sized ancestors from Eurasia during the Middle Villafranchian period, a...
@JourneymanGeek yeah
yanno. I swear the moment I put on my headphones... people keep finding stuff to ask me
@Bob Least concern? I thought fox hunting was like totally unacceptable because of how their numbers dwindle
@JourneymanGeek I'd watch out for @Bob right now, you know foxes hunt domesticated dogs
@JimmyHoffa: mini snauzers were bred to chase badgers down holes
badgers are more badass than foxen
@JourneymanGeek True, I hear one of the varieties just don't care.
and westies are white cause the aristrocratic idiots who bred them kept shooting the dogs instead of the foxen
@JimmyHoffa: rattels arn't true badgers
they're just the Chuck Norris of animals
honey badgers
@JourneymanGeek Exactly!
A cobra bit a honey badger. It died of agony. Then the honey badger woke up from his nap, and ate the cobra.
@JourneymanGeek It died of agony? o.O
@Bob: and getting its head bitten off. Mostly the head getting bitten off.
Yes. Honey Badgers are THAT badass
oh dear...
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek You scared everyone off :P
with the junior beardydog choir?
> On Server 2008 R2 or older, would you ever run a virtual machine based on hard disks that reside across the network on a Windows Server file share?

***“No way! That’s machine won’t run very well!”***

And what about a SQL Server running against a database file that is on some network file share?

***“Absolutely not!”***

Ah.. but with SMB 3.0, those are actually supported scenarios!
that sounds like a horrible idea ;p
2 hours later…
I'm pretty certain the upload speed from my raspi over bitorrent sync is limited by processor power
@JourneymanGeek Halloey, ever tried such equipment? dx.com/p/…
that does look cool tho
@Boris_yo any good with linux?
@connor.js Not at all though I have it as secondary boot option in case Windows fails.
@JourneymanGeek It has hundreds times of magnification but it has 2MP camera. How good magnification can be with so little megapixels?
quite a bit
@JourneymanGeek You too have apparel promotions where they offer you $50 off if you buy for $500? It's like come buy half of my inventory and get $50 off.
no idea ;p
I buy almost no clothes locally
@JourneymanGeek You order them online? From where?
donno, my mom does
@JourneymanGeek For you?
what does slhck stand for ?
anyone know ?
@Ash Shashlik
what does that mean ?
Shashlyk or Shashlik, , , is a form of Shish kebab popular in India, Iran, Mongolia, Morocco, Pakistan, Israel and other places. Shashlyk (meaning skewered meat) was originally made of lamb (in some extent pork or beef) depending on local preferences and religious observances. These skewers of meat are either all meat, all fat, or alternating pieces of meat, fat, and vegetables such as bell pepper, onion, mushroom and tomato. Preparation Meat for shashlik (as opposed to other forms of shish kebab) is usually in form of large chunks of meat, marinated overnight in a high-acidity mar...
@Ash: I believe he's mentioned it before XD
and not shashlik
@JourneymanGeek you know ? can u tell me
something like soulhunter or something
without the vowels
I'm half considering moving my torrent setup off my raspi
Apparently I'm basically overtaxing the processor, and the raspian has seriously outdated packages
switching to arch won't be so hard, but I'm hearing not so good things about it
and pidora died
@JourneymanGeek Pidora :)
@JourneymanGeek Torrenting overtaxes your processor? Report to IRS!
why does @slhck <kbd>tab</kbd> doesn't autocomplete ?
@Boris_yo someone complained about that being мат
@JourneymanGeek "a lot of attitude called Ash" what is that attitude ?
the dog is called ash ;p
well , i'm gonna change my name :-)
(originally he was called ashley, but thats a girly name.)
thats why i changed my name from ashlie
2 recent display names
display name last used
Ashlie Oct 16 at 11:22
DEFCON 1 Sep 16 at 14:07
what a coincidence
@JourneymanGeek Ash from Pokemon
@JourneymanGeek Yes it is mat
@JourneymanGeek - lol
@Ash: The number of times I have said the L word here is. something people around here joke about a lot
@JourneymanGeek eww for what?
also, pokemon
@Ash What do you mean exactly? Where should it autocomplete?
@JourneymanGeek soulhack :P @Ash
@slhck Soul Reaver - sounds familiar?
@slhck soulhack or Shashlik ?
Shashlik doesn't make any sense
@slhck: close enough! As I said, I wasn't entirely sure. Certainly not Shashlik
I used to use soulhack but that was already taken on some sites. So I needed an xkcd-like acronym that nobody else would use.
i get it now
And it worked out.
@slhck i am able to mention people in chat while they are offline but you
"@slh" tab doesn't autocomplete when you are not in chat
for instance i am able to mention @connor.js while he is not here.
but not "@slhck" why ?
I don't know, good question.
Hm. Anyone know why these redirects wouldn't be working? I want to redirect an old domain to a new one…
@slhck fyi xkcd isn't an acronym.
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName www.example-old.com
    Redirect permanent /cn example-new.com/en
It redirects to https://www.example-new.com/cn
@Ash I didn't say it was. I just said I needed an acronym that was like xkcd.
quite clear now !
damn, there's a pretty epic (and surprisingly educational) comment thread on my ipv6 question
@slhck Is mod_alias loaded?
@slhck What is XKCD? Abbreviation? What is full word?
@OliverSalzburg I figured it out. The server was listening on another port.
So the rules never got called.
We're behind a load balancer which forwards HTTP on 81
@Boris_yo It's not an abbrevation—it's nonsense
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
find: missing argument to -exec'`
Works in Bash, not zsh.
@Psycogeek ^ You think this is legit?
@Boris_yo looks like a ok method. Done correctaly, for a specific purpose in mind. like adding a spreader with a proper seating method, for "improved" thermal conductivity, to a poor sink method (like the one you had). done wrong or for the wrong reasons, it would be worse than leaving it as it was.
like if you got to much lift off with the "padding" , you could create a thermal pocket for overheating instead of cooling :-) If the contact to the next part is then even more offset (because of angles), then you would have very poor connection. Properly done, and well tested prior to capping it all up. it should improve it.
Here is one of MY "best answers" (got a badge for it). superuser.com/questions/407198/…
@slhck disciplined badge > Deleted own post with score of 3 or higher. is the post question / answer ?
@Psycogeek I... need 10k rep :(
@slhck Guilles will kill you...
Is disciplined badge for removing question / answer ?
@Ash Post means question or answer.
@Braiam Who is Guilles and why would he kill me?
crap, now Gilles will kill me D:
Ah. For spelling his name wrong, fair enough. But why because of the command?
Dog goes moo, cat goes croak, bird goes quack and mouse goes blub. Cow goes woof, frog goes meow, and the elephant goes squeak. Ducks say tweet and fish go toot, and the seal goes MOO MOO MOO. But there's one sound that no one knows...
!!tell 12371297 no
That was just an excuse to test the new extension functionality :P
Q: Why do some RJ45 plugs have the lock release clip under a rubber cover?

Michael KjörlingSome RJ45 plugs have an exposed lock release clip, like this: However, others place the release clip under a rubber cover, like this: I find that the rubber cover is almost never anything but a nuisance. Does it actually have a function besides being annoying? Can I take a suitable tool a...

Viral question coming up :D
@OliverSalzburg ya think it'll get 17million views like a Viral youtube video :-) naw not here it wont.
@Psycogeek No, but it'll be the Super User equivalent of that
(would need really really stupid question, with follow-up really stupid answer for that)
i was looking at the one below it. superuser.com/questions/681308/… (trying to retract IE) . The "side by side" packaging will just remove so easily :-) Just get a crowbar, some dynamite, and some way to get the monkey wrench out of it. OR it might be time to think about a backup image of the system.
What free game recording software do you guys use ?
I am trying to save a screencast of Dota2
@OliverSalzburg you could have used !!foxno, but that's pretty taboo unless you're Bob
Anyone here is using Fierfox on Liunx?
Q: Visiting a site turns the system unresponsive

That Brazilian GuyI'm using Firefox firefox-25.0-3.fc19.x86_64 on Fedora 19 (kernel 3.11.9-200.fc19.x86_64). If I open this link using firefox, my system becomes unresponsive. Running htop on a second monitor shows a massive spike in memory usage, my 3954 MB of RAM gets all used up immediately, then the swap gets ...

@ThatBrazilianGuy I have, but I'm not using it right now
@ThatBrazilianGuy: I have the same setup on my desktop's alternate boot
If I can remember, I can take a look in the morning
@Gowtham camstudio.org might work
@ThatBrazilianGuy are you sure that site isn't intentionally some kind of malware? run enough JS and it could be an intrusion attempt
does it load any plugins? flash? java?
@allquixotic Well, I got it from the official CC search: search.creativecommons.org
@allquixotic: it isn't doing anything unspeakable to my windows/firefox install
@ThatBrazilianGuy oh ok
i think i know the problem :D
intel iGPU?
It could have been compromised (God knows the official(?) br cc site is serving malware for months and months and months), but it doesn't do anything suspicious AFAIK
openclipart uses vector graphics, which means that the vectors are probably being rendered in hardware (maybe through OpenCV) and you're causing some kind of edge case in the graphics driver
@allquixotic @JourneymanGeek is there any way to internally debug FF and see what is using its resources?
i bet if you run about:memory and click the measure button you will see that FF itself isn't using any special amount of memory
off hand, I can't remember
@allquixotic me: AMD Phenom(tm) II X2 550 Processor, friend: core i7
@ThatBrazilianGuy: its happening on both?
Hi All
Hi @Hennes. Congrats on whatever happened on Nederlands. ;P
that would rule out the intel iGPU
could still be a graphics driver
I do believe he got the cooler job
@ThatBrazilianGuy both running Fedora 19?
@JourneymanGeek What, they're now using @Hennes to coold down processors on Philips? O__o
@allquixotic yep
@ThatBrazilianGuy Just as long it is not us coming to the conclusion that "Echtgenoten die minder gelukkig waren met hun huwelijk, overwogen vaker hun partner te verlaten." (translated, partners who are less happy in mariage are more likely to consider leaving their partner".
Now that must have been an expected result. Who the heck researches such things.
@ThatBrazilianGuy run firefox from a terminal with LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose firefox, let the memory stack up, then post the console output and dmesg output
THough it does provide a valid option to use 'O RLY?' ;-)
!!help orly
@allquixotic Command orly does not exist.
!!help orlmente
@allquixotic orlmente: User-taught command: http://i.stack.imgur.com/Pn6ki.jpg
!!forget orlmente
@allquixotic Command orlmente forgotten.
!!learn orlmente '<> i.sstatic.net/Pn6ki.jpg';
@allquixotic Command orlmente learned
<img src="/people/lalolalo/lalolalo_kagami_mochi.svg" onerror="this.onerror=null; this.src='/image/90px/svg_to_png/2342/lalolalo_kagami_mochi.png'" alt="#" style="outline: medium none;"></img>
that's from that openclipart site... it tries to load the svg, then if it fails, it loads the png
chances are the svg is loading successfully (for some definition of successfully), but the hardware acceleration used to render it has a serious memory leak
that page is extremely slow on FF 24 on Windows, btw
scrolling around pegs a CPU core and gives me about 0.3 fps
@ThatBrazilianGuy try with hardware accel disabled -- in FF Options under Advanced under Browsing, "Use hardware acceleration when available" -- disable it
that should at least narrow down the problem
although not completely because the window is still being composited in hardware by your shell, but the pixmap of the window is being drawn in software, so yeah that will probably take care of it
also @ThatBrazilianGuy go to about:support, click Copy text to clipboard, and post it

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