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overall traffic
I hope
@JourneymanGeek Tape screws on laptop's chassis next to holes?
@JourneymanGeek I don't know, I grab chassis a lot, turning and flipping it...
or maybe a picture of the chassis
@Psycogeek I reckon any USB 2.0 full sized cable is good no matter the cheapness. Micro usb is another matter. The micro end breaks, and are generally pretty crappy for charging (in my experience).
@Paul: and some don't do data but charge ok
@Paul Nawp.
Specs require 28AWG.
Cheap manufacturers have been known to use 30AWG and lower.
Some cables simply won't work because the resistance is so bloody high.
the most reliable micro-usb cables I can find are these wierd ones I get from Daiso
Other cables have shitty terminations and only work if you move the connectors just so.
Protip: don't buy micro USB cables off eBay. Out of 5, one worked. For half an hour.
@JourneymanGeek Are SATA ports hot-swappable? I want to take 2.5" hard drive from one laptop and put it in another to be secondary so I could back up from it.
in theory yes
@Bob Yeah exactly
in practice there are VERY few reasons you want to do that
@Boris_yo You what? Pictures please.
(actually, some of them do work... I've kinda learned to tell from the photos :P)
@Bob Were sellers from China?
@JourneymanGeek like that time I unplugged half my RAID 1 array :P
@Bob: I have a few from dx, and they don't always work reliably
@Bob Heh. Write a blog.
@Paul I never did finish setting that up :P
(heh, I swear network cables are the only thing you can buy, sight unseen and expect them to work)
I've posted a few pictures in this chat, actually.
then again, I have so much cat 5
@Paul I just love the "retract" cables for the mini and micro. Nothing is cooler than a cable that rolls itself up. (they still cheap and dont roll up, but the idea was awesome :-)
@JourneymanGeek erm... I hate to disappoint you, but...
@Bob: then again, I have spares ;p
oh sure, if you're happy with cat3 cable
seriously, I swear some of that shit isn't up to cat5
@Bob: oh
have you ever seen the ethernet cable asus supplies with their routers?
@JourneymanGeek nope - never had asus routers
the routers are pretty nice
they come with flat ethernet cables
By the way everyone. The Journeyman Geek 'lol' count is up to 7543
Oooh, I just got a shiny ubuntu badge
@Paul What's mine? Pretty sure he's infected me :P
naw, I had my shots.
@JourneymanGeek Those just look so breakable...
@Bob: I know!
I want to redo my cabling but I don't have access to the room at the moment
@Bob 1070... you aren't even trying :)
also, I'm pondering another pair of power line adaptors
probably won't unless I need to get a wired network somewhere
@JourneymanGeek They didn't work for me in two properties with two different brands. Lots of people have success though, but I am kinda put off for life
@Paul: I just plugged them directly into wall sockets, and they work fine
Maybe I got lucky, I bought the cheapest brand, and they very sensibly have them pre-paired up
(and don't use a default, standard network name on singletons)
@JourneymanGeek Me too. Except they didn't. Unless the sockets were in the same room, which kinda defeats the object.
@Paul: might be the way they are wired up?
If our laser measureing tape wasn't broken I could tell you how far ;p
but its far enough that we don't get wifi there
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, I expect so. I did get data but not nearly up to speed, and not consistent. If they just didn't work I would have been happier.
~60 feet
signal does fluctuate a little but within acceptable levels
@Psycogeek I changed motherboard and activated Windows 7 successfully. Although when it came to changing motherboard, it could take 2 hours less if I was more careful with storing screws appropriately. There was 1 cable I did not know what it does because it was hanging unplugged and there was no appropriate socket near. It could be cord from laptop screen since I heard that there are those who come with 2 cords and those that come with 3 cords.
@Paul: we got the 200Mbps varient, signal is just off 80MBps (which is 'ideal', and anyway, those things only have fast ethernet) . Its connected up to a router on the other end
(and there's 500 and 600 now, but meh, I didn't even know if it would work ;p)
@Boris_yo You will only find out what that last connection was for After you put the last screw in the case. It is the way things are meant to be. And when you discover what it was supposed to be connected to, it will require the complete -dissasembly back to where you started. It is part of the exercize :-)
@Psycogeek Yeah. It goes between the motherboard and the case.
@Boris_yo what i wanted to see pictures of was you putting the thing in, Or a sucess picture of it actually working :-)
@Psycogeek Yeah, except it was this way after I disassembled laptop so I did not touch it at all.
@Psycogeek You could notify me about this prior to disassembly.
I out Arctic MX-2 and I guess cooling just as it was before?
@Boris_yo If you went out and spent $500 on something we would get to see pictures :-) so if you save $500 , it is only right that we see that too.
Ah ok, so my script wasn't working because I was trying to open the "command" argument rather than the "filename" argument. That is an hour I will never get back.
@Boris_yo: what was wrong with it before?
@Psycogeek lol! With replaced motherboard, service tag changed as well and guess what? It shows warranty until May, 2014
@JourneymanGeek Component failure
@Paul lol ;)
@Paul You might have independent breakers.
We recently switched to that after the main RCD kept tripping.
House is mostly wired, so the loss of powerline adaptor capability isn't too big of an issue.
@Boris_yo So if you keep fixing it yourself, you will have a lifetime warrenty . . . that you wont need.
@Bob: That would be interesting
since both the plugpoints are on different breakers
@Psycogeek Keep fixing means keep looking for replacements. I was lucky to have popular model of laptop because there are so much of laptops that Toshiba and Lenovo make that not only it is hard to locate drivers for them, let alone replacement parts.
@Boris_yo parts and Information. good reason to have a popular item that fails miserably.
@Psycogeek So in addition to proper working motherboard I have also got warranty as a bonus?
@Boris_yo great.
Command line on system startup, like a boot CD/DVD — Rafael 3 mins ago
@Psycogeek Although express service tag is old...
@Boris_yo so now you can get that motherboard replaced under warrenty :-) or have them connect that last wire. But isnt the warrenty void when you break that "warrenty Void if seal not intact" sticker?
@OliverSalzburg He wants MS-DOS prompt.
@Psycogeek Where is that sticker supposed to be?
@Boris_yo Like as an autostart on the desktop?
@OliverSalzburg Yeah like "Safe mode with command prompt"
@OliverSalzburg He wants to use medium to boot PC to MS-DOS prompt.
Funny how his backup plan is to use an entirely different OS
Does he want to boot into a command-line only interface without the desktop, does he want a command prompt on the desktop, ...
@Boris_yo You sure he wants MS-DOS?
@OliverSalzburg Pretty sure he doesn't. MS-DOS: diskpart: Bad command or file name
He's talking about Windows in his post
Why people won't just tell us the problem rather than asking us to tell us how to work their ill thought out solution is beyond me
@Paul X-Y.
Yeah XY
different place on different things. I usually see the
Void" sticker right before i void it :-)
@Psycogeek I think there was one on motherboard but I did not have to do anything that would void it.
@Boris_yo you can always point to the legit service that you got and blame the lack of warrenty sticker on the legit approved service.
@Boris_yo Just tell them after it came back from service it magically started working. They will laugh so hard, it will get you extra help.
@Psycogeek Tell who?
@Boris_yo If you should ever need warrenty service now. Cause I think they will use the usual methods to avoid providing it. They have so many ways to avoid, that i have heard of from people. Example: phones that fail under warrenty , but Pocket sweat sets off the moisture detector, soo User Error.
@Psycogeek I feel the future is bleak...
@Boris_yo nothing has changed. Get a washing machine fixed under warrenty they will say you put in too many clothes :-) Try and get your money back on a set of 60,000Mi tiers that lasted 30,000miles, they give you $5 "pro rated". Try and get a warrenty on a toaster, sorry there were crumbs in it .
@Boris_yo the future is always bleak... don't you know about the good old times????
learn to fix it yourself
our dryer has a fanbelt that cost 5 dollars as a replacement for its broken one (and has gone through 3-4 replacements till we worked out o rings work fine), and a magnet and a piece of steel working as the latch
@JourneymanGeek I almost understood that?
mm... I wonder if I can do that with Toyota's @JourneymanGeek
@Braiam: oh, you probably want a PROPER fanbelt
and a lock. Though, I've seen someone bolt on a latch and padlock a car, Mr Bean style
@JourneymanGeek fuck it FLASH!
@Braiam Dogs don't drive
sure they do
@Boris_yo HA! told you :P
@Psycogeek Return TV? Sorry, you watched it. Return vacuum cleaner? Sorry you vacuumed with it who knows what. Return bicycle? Sorry, but pedals are dirty. Return a fan? Sorry, it reached threshold in its RPMs. Return aquarium? Sorry, your fish were in it. Return pants? Sorry, you wore it. Return hanky? Sorry but you "sneezed".
@JourneymanGeek Too slow.
@JourneymanGeek Clothes dryer?
@JourneymanGeek that is really disturbing. them training drivers that dont pay good attention to the road :-)
Whats next, the dog is going to have a Burger in one paw, and a coffee in the other cruising down the road talking on the cell phone , like nothing can go wrong :-)
@Psycogeek Dog Cruiser TM
Dogs going to have all our car insurance rates going up.
The only good thing about it will be the special dog parking that is 1 mile away, so they can Walk :-)
Would you believe . . . They wont need windsheilds on dog cars, because they love sticking through heads out the window.
Dog & Driver magazine?
Next time they find a Dog on the freeway, nobody will have to stop for them.
That dang dog behind me wont stop honking the horn, and why is he TAILgating my backside.
Hairy was supposed to drive for the car pool this week, but instead he is asleep in the back seat.
@Psycogeek Make sure not to show cat to dogs driving behind.
New law, Licking ones gonads while driving down the road is strictly prohibited.
@Psycogeek :D Especially in drive-throughs
@JourneymanGeek a dog song
@allquixotic oh hi there
@Bob hi... still gotta get going to work :P
1 hour later…
@Boris_yo ?
@Boris_yo: like a washing machine, but with air, not water, for drying clothes when it rains
we usually just hang it out to dry
@allquixotic: old dog song XD. Thats awesome.
not too bad, assuming it's not another dodgy supply
stuff off farnell should be ok
@JourneymanGeek yea, that was my first thought
but so many dodgy power supplies nowadays
I DO believe thats a varient of the 'official' pi supply
@JourneymanGeek it is the official one for Aus, AFAICT
Farnell is the official distributor here
I meant the pins tho ;p
the pins you use are slightly odd
/me is still fond of ol BS 1363
ooh, that beaglebone looks nice au.element14.com/circuitco/bb-bblk-000/…
$10 more than the RPi Model B
@JourneymanGeek Ever got to know drivers on the road, who honk for no reason?
fairly regularly
@Bob: it does
runs a more up to date processor too
oh wait
@JourneymanGeek This is the official one: au.element14.com/ideal-power/25hk-u-050a120-cp-dh-usba/…
that looks like an aussie version of my HTC phone charger ;p
@JourneymanGeek I want them hit by car \./
I'm obviously missing all the context
@JourneymanGeek Stars being humiliated?
Its obviously someone thinking he's funny and failing
@Boris_yo I do not even know who the 2 of them are, so aparently it is entierly possible to fully not care :-)
@Psycogeek I know couple on the right.
@Boris_yo who is they?
@Psycogeek Batfleck and Simpson
@Boris_yo Marge simpson? and Batman?
@Psycogeek Ben Afleck is the new Batman. Jessica Simpson is... herself?
ok i think i have heard of them before, but i have not yet seen any good acting done by them yet?
Jessica does porn right?
@Psycogeek I thought she is a singer.
And ben is he married to the Cardashians?
all 5 of them
@Psycogeek Cardashian siamese cats? :D
Referee what are you doing?
When we will witness GIFs with sound?
@Boris_yo one thing good about it is the referee seems to know the sport (or some sport similar)
@Boris_yo that's called a video
@JourneymanGeek glad you liked it ;p
@allquixotic But you can't display video like you display GIFs online.
@Psycogeek Usually they don't?
@Boris_yo maybe that's a good thing -- I get pretty annoyed at animated GIFs as it is, tacking on sound would make it worse
there are some sites that would let you embed HTML5 video, maybe even autoplay
@allquixotic one way to solve that, Take off the looping. mabey have it run 2 times.
about the 50th time around, i am ready to turn them off again in the internet options. Leaving me to wonder what the heck people are talking about when it is a still picture again.
@Psycogeek I just use the Remove Element extension of my browser (FF and Chrome have it)
I remove most images in chat anyway after viewing them
@allquixotic that would fix it, after all been there done that, if it ever comes up again blocked, i would know I have seen it before.
@allquixotic Sites that allow video uploading and displaying?
@Psycogeek You can specify looping in Internet Explorer?
@Boris_yo no you have to make it that way. And because you either loop endlessly or not, to make a limited loop means the anim is bigger. But that worked for me. Also refreshing the web page will play them to the end one more time. so if you have a dire need to see it loop again, you could.
It wont be long before people will again get bored with them (as they did before), and they will mostly go away again.
@Hennes congrats on being verwelkomenned to the team bij Philips ;-)
Expected start date is the ninth of September.
@Hennes 2014?!
ah. DEc.
aha :)
is that the same Philips as "I've got to admit it's getting better, it's getting better all the time" commercial?
these but some division thereof?
Philips screwdriver
@Boris_yo but he works for the medical division, so, he makes, what, medical screwdrivers? O_O
to open the bolts in your stomach when surgery
@allquixotic :)
Commercials? Do they still exists?
Who saw Cast Away with Tom Hanks playing FedEx executive? Obvious advertisement of FedEx.
Yay for having add blockers and no TV
@Hennes I want ad blockers invented for ordinary TVs.
It is called human:
1) Put up TV. 2) Throw it out of the windows -> no more ads
Get two recorders (old tape era). Use one to watch a movie and fast forward past the adds. Use the other to record while you are watching from tape 1 (Used to do that in the VCR era. No timeshifting option back then)
@Boris_yo PVR timeskip. eat lunch come back delayed watch skip 1/3 of the recorded info.
it's called Netflix, guys.... seriously
Zap to another channel whenever there is an ad. Get annoyed at the fragmented stuff on TV and the limited number of interesting stuff on ad-free channels. Stop watching the dismal TV broadcasts.
just wait until whatever you want to watch is on Netflix, then watch it there... it's cheaper than cable and has almost everything, with no commercials
if Netflix ever had commercials, I'd cancel my subscription :)
@allquixotic Not available in your country.
@Hennes Nice but not so convenient.
@Hennes it is available in my country ;p
You still get the point.
@Hennes Equals to throwing hard earned money out the window.
not my fault Belgium won't sign an agreement with the US to allow corrupt hollywood studios to sue Belgian consumers for copyright infringement ;p
btw Hennes your profile is outdated ;)
> Sadly I am in between jobs atm and I seem to spent a significant chuck of my now free time on SuperUser and ServerFault.
My SE wide profile even.
should read: Happily I am employed atm and I seem to spend a significant chunk of my deteriorating free time on SuperUser and ServerFault.
It can wait. Food first, then coffee, then AFK for work.
@allquixotic Can you broadcast pirated Netflix signal to Hennes' house?
@Boris_yo Can? Sure. Will? No. In fact, foxno.
I just did a 11:00 to 16:30 nap.
I don't think I'm allowed (per @Bob) to use foxno, though
It's against the law of RA for me to invoke the foxno because I'm not a fox
@allquixotic Of course it was rhetorical question. Just wanted to know how it can be done.
@Boris_yo well, even without technically pirating, Hennes could just use a proxy to the US, and he'd be able to use Netflix
even if he legally subscribed to their service
of course because Netflix uses Silverlight DRM, you'd have to use a HDCP remover cable to capture the video
that'd be the only way to send it unless he signed up and used a proxy
When it comes to torrenting video games, cracks, software etc. why there are always viruses in .EXE files? Is it because:

a) Crackers want to contaminate computers and steal user's financial data
b) (Conspiracy) Software giants who pay antivirus companies to false positive popular files to support them and put stop to piracy?
c) ?
d) All of the above.
a) crackers give away stuff , then take the computer as payment. Its part of the fair trade agreement.
@Psycogeek Yeah, I thought this was something that was understood
@Psycogeek Oh that's right. Nothing is free...
If you're not the one that's paying, then you're the product/service being sold.
Isn't this why crackers are run in a totally isolated VM (which gets wiped afterward).
@Hennes Can you run latest video games in VM effortlessly and smoothly?
Why, copy the key.
Also, almost all my software is legal (weird enough)
I thank Steam
Steam is :D
Anyway, running
@DarthAndroid Then people better pay legally than handing their financial data.
Also, most games these days don't come with keys to copy
@Boris_yo Yes.... yes that's the idea on why you shouldn't pirate.
@DarthAndroid Like greedy loser pays twice?
@DarthAndroid yup, your access to the game is an account username/password
I don't mind the kind of DRM that doesn't rootkit your system but basically calls out to their server and makes sure you have a valid account
good anti-piracy while not compromising your system
@allquixotic Until you want to play the game 30 years from now and then where's the server?
as long as they get some kind of 30 day temporary license key from their server that lets you play the game offline for up to 30 days without checking in again
the "always-on" thing sucks
@ThatBrazilianGuy irresponsible devs that don't care if their game doesn't get remembered by society will just shut down the game entirely... devs that realize what they're doing will release one final patch that removes the DRM when they are taking their game down
if they don't want to be part of history, screw them
it's their choice whether they want to or not
they'll be forgotten and their legacy will be nothing if they don't open up the game at the end
@allquixotic But we paid money.
And if the game is important enough to make impact then someone will release an "unofficial patch" ;P
which is their loss more than the gamers'
@ThatBrazilianGuy true
@ThatBrazilianGuy How about releasing "unofficial patch" for Windows XP?
@Boris_yo Not as important as the LucasArts adventures =P
a game with a truly groundbreaking emotional, interactivity or social message or story could conceivably be remembered for as long a time as we remember Plato today from ancient Greece
but if they choose not to open it up, it won't be remembered, and the devs will ultimately pay that price
@Boris_yo they kind of have that, my XP that often required a telephone call, now activates on the web quite easily. before it was a lot of trouble each time. I think they dont care so much to waste real humans times or robotic calls for Xp anymore. If your still actually trying to activate it legaly, then thats good enough.
@allquixotic Whoa, tone it down. I think games as a medium are starting to reach the point where it can be compared to movies in respect to storytelling, depth, narrative, etc. I personally believe it can be much much more intense and transdiciplinary than movies, because movies are passive and mostly linear, whereas games don't have to be.
Damn, there we are, an interesting conversation just when I have work to be done, dammit!
@Boris_yo when XP first came out, and i blew the hash by changing hardware and disabling drivers, i would have to talk to a real human on the tele, explain how flawed thier stupid system was , and beg that they allow me to get back to work :-) Later it was talk to a machine on the tele, no more humans. i have put so many alphanumerics into the stupid thing i make believe that i wrote the code myself.
@Psycogeek Do you prefer robo than human?
@Boris_yo The robo was OK, because it didnt even ask, it just re-activated it. If instead the robot was rejecting, i would be very irritated at the robo.
@Psycogeek Speaking of robo...
@Boris_yo When did OCP hired Black Kamen Rider?
@ThatBrazilianGuy RoboCop is half-masked.
@Psycogeek Thanks for the late pings! But the issue was solved by @Fitzroy, I was just hoping he'd post the answer
(@OliverSalzburg the extension factory ^___^)
@CanadianLuke ahh resolved. that is weird, what it was. so the "administrators" was added to the guest group? or the "users" who had admin right originally were put into the guest group?
The group Authenticated Users was in the Guest group, so every user who logged in would be treated like a guest
It's cause this computer belongs at one of the jails, and they need to lock it down heavily
@CanadianLuke ok thanks for explaining. i dont quite understand much of any of that, like why it would allow interleaving the groups.
I earned a badge :P
@OliverSalzburg grats
@OliverSalzburg Are you ultimately trying to achieve something?
@Boris_yo he wants to win the internet
@Boris_yo Yes. The Stack Exchange Deluxe package
It's not material anyway so why sweat?
Windows Added programs are only good for one thing, if only i could figure out what that one thing is.
@Boris_yo It's not material anyway so why not sweat?

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