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@DarthAndroid DD-WRT hasn't been updated for ages
they've been focusing on commercial partners more - the current 'official' release is from 2008
honestly at this point, if I had a router I needed to replace the firmware on, I'd go with tomato or openwrt
(or buy an asus, which is what I did, though get ANY model but mine ;p)
"Hoi Hennes, we verwelkomen je graag in ons team bij Philips!"
SMS. HI Hennes. We welcome you to our team (philips medical systems).
Please supply these data so we can write your contact.
Job !!
JoB !!!
@JourneymanGeek Again, there are updated builds.
I'm happily using one.
Someone star one of @Hennes messages so I can :P
(Mobile chat can't set the first star...)
I am not allowed to star my own messages.
...NetBeans is using almost double the memory of three VS2013 instances.
Mutters "Java......."
Actually, I never used Netbeans, but
@Hennes It's better than Eclipse.
Half the memory usage, orders of magnitude more responsive, no random crashes.
I am still old school: vi(m), GCC (these days LVM/CLANG)
oh, and makefiles. For C coce, for text documents, for Tex and even for more
For me, Notepad++ on Windows and Vim on Linux. GCC/Code::Blocks for any C/C++.
I'm mostly doing C#/Java/JS though.
@Hennes Job at Philips?
make foo.ps (latex it 3 times to get the dvi, then dvi to ps).
Make print4 (make dvi - does the 3 tex rounds), then the Ps round, then use postscipt to mkake it four pages per A4, then print.
If all goes well I am a "ICT specialist" "Product configuration support officer" at Philips medical systems in a few weeks.
And if they SMS you with "pleas send us you bank account information so we can write a contract" then things seem to go pretty well.
@Hennes Good luck!
@Hennes I need to learn TeX sometime :P
@Bob there ;)
@Braiam Hm? (I can't see message-replies on mobile, either. Yes, it sucks.)
14 mins ago, by Bob
Someone star one of @Hennes messages so I can :P
@CanadianLuke it is possible though difficult and rarely done that acesses to net, and inability to install with MSI can be done with disabling services. So no ammount of policy changing can fix that, untill the "sofware" that controls it is re-enabled. But nobody in thier right mind would use that method. . . (never claimed to be right minded). It almost has to be a setting designed in the system for doing that. There are other ways to disable via the registry, that do not require GPO.
@Bob your sucks too hard...
@CanadianLuke . . . but even people who go through the registry to disable things, will often be using GPO methods, without the GPO interface, changing in the registry policy items that will be reflected in the GPO-GUI just using the registry to set them.
@Bob they are. However you're in the situation where they're not well tested, and you need to trawl through a dozen forum threads to find one that works.
(and this is from someone who runs the router DD WRT started for!)
@CanadianLuke Along the same lines, all this security is controlled via some piece of software, It is Zero secure, if disabling that Security (or policy) software would allow acccess at that point. They must use filter methods, where everthing go Through this stuff (thats what makes DRM so horrible). So it should be able to engage full lockouts , by disabling the things that control that, although i have never attempted such feats, because way to much stuff stops cold.
man, I know that "you can't" or "is not possible" are all valid questions, but hey, someone must tell them "really?????"
@CanadianLuke Other stuff: disabled items, and Many registry changes, will be totally uneffected by repair installs, and even full lapped installs. I guess the idea for that was to keep the changes somone made , which has the ramifications that it keeps the changes :-) So no ammount of SFCscan or Repaired install methods would change that. Although many troubleshooters can find the lowest level of it, very lamely.
@Psycogeek are you going through all the backlog answering every of @CanadianLuke statements??? get a life! D:
@Braiam hey its up 1/2 page here :-)
mine is already filled....
Where he is at is pretty interesting, computer locked out without visable Group policy things. sounds like my kinda fun. confusing viruses :-)
@JourneymanGeek uh, no?
They are beta, yes, but the minimum working build is nicely listed on the compat page, and all the builds are nicely available from the FTP server.
in which case, I probably ought to grab it and update my router ;p
(since oddly, it does pass ipv6 addresses properly)
@Bob: oh
the compat page hasn't been updated in eons
@JourneymanGeek Dogs have routers? I thought they just called it a tail
@JimmyHoffa: I happen to maintain a suprisingly large home network
asciiflow seems dead :/
2 routers (connected to each other by power line networking), between 4-8 laptops and a desktop on wireless, one desktop and a raspi connected via ethernet
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, noticed just last Friday m'self
bunch of phones and tablets
@JourneymanGeek Ooo! EoP; How good is that? I've asked around and never heard anybody who's really given it a go
@JimmyHoffa: for what I paid, pretty worth it - I spent about 65 dollars on the pair
its the slowest variation (which is good enough for my needs)
I'm planning on just doing a hackjob of running Cat6 in the open in my crawlspace (clean easy to get around in and has openings to a small variety of walls from underneath for simplicity) but if I could do EoP and get quality throughput I might just save myself the trouble
I do seem to get some signal degradation when the washing machine runs, but even with that, its fast enough to be useful
@JourneymanGeek I've seen deals for like $30 for these before and thought really hard about it but just didn't feel right about it
@JourneymanGeek "useful" -> you think it does a better job than Wifi-N for you?
@JimmyHoffa: In this case, yes
Because that's what I'm doing right now.
since wifi N won't reach there
Ahh gotcha
@JourneymanGeek sure it has
there's routers released this year on it
@JimmyHoffa: other than the damned thing taking up a plug directly on a socket, and being prepared for your network to slow down significantly when you run a washing machine, and possibly killing off HAM shortwave transmissions in your area...
there's routers with the recommended minimum build being a 2013 build
I should probably hassle myself to lay the cable, can't be more trouble than ~200' of cat 6 at most and maybe 3 keystones. The real hassle will be getting the NID cable run from outside in...
@JimmyHoffa: there's also units that do built in wifi
@JourneymanGeek Yeah I've seen those
If I'd known this would work and didn't have two spare routers...
I might have considered it ;p
@JimmyHoffa that'll be $200 for the cable and $2000 for the installation
@Bob: he'll be laying the cable himself
@Bob What? You think I'm paying somebody to run some cat6 in my crawlspace? Seriously, a few nails between the rafters for the cables to hang on is all I need
and... monoprice.com/… <-- where did you get $200?
@JimmyHoffa: I think if you're willing to lay cable, thats clearly a better option
but say if you're a rental, and need wired cable...
(hell, I'd recommend this to my non technical friends)
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, and besides it's going to be bloody simple because I'm not concerned about getting my whole place wired up, just a couple specific places which are easily accessible, and like I said the only genuine pain in the ass will be getting cable run from the NID into the house but there's already POTS running that I should be able to just latch cat 6 onto and run it through (it'll remove the current POTS I have but I will never use that anyway)
(or are like me, and live in a strangely large apartment that happens to have huge concrete roof-joists that cut off wireless...)
@JimmyHoffa: yeah, different use case
(cat 5e/6 is probably going to beat the crap out of even the best power line networking options)
@JimmyHoffa Different countries.
monoprice is selling homeplug 1.0 adaptors
(tip, get AV or better, since the new AV2 and old AV ones but not 1.0 are compatible)
@JimmyHoffa: MoCA might be another option
@JourneymanGeek Never heard of?
@JourneymanGeek The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles?
ethernet over coaxial basically
@JourneymanGeek What's quality on that? There is coaxial already run here...
@JimmyHoffa: apparently better than homeplug
I think I have an article on that somewhere
apparently this is what I was reading frequencycast.co.uk/echobox.html
(granted, these guys hate powerline networking ;p)
(not to be confused with coaxial -> cat 5 baluns)
hmm, where would i get 100' of all copper (including sheild) Oxygen free RG6U in white ? for 20cent a foot or less.
Last time the cable company was here, I told him i would run the lines, if he would give me some wire. He reeled off 250Feet of some of the bestus wire, and it is still working great, where other stuff has lost interest :-) I still have no idea how the heck this stuff degrades in time, theres nothing there?
as long as its installed properly (and cable companies who do their own wire do a VERY good job making cables) I don't see much chance of degradation
I mean, our central TV antenna is close to 50 years old, and still works
@JourneymanGeek I have a line of 58 run underground, only some 75 feet, and that stupid wire looses more decible thingies than all the rest of the lines in the house?
@Psycogeek: erm
you have weakened signal stength? ;p
might be damage, or some other signal that interferes. Beat me, I'm not an EE ;p
@JourneymanGeek It (for some reason) has gotten worse over time. It is the one coax that is Stuck Good in the ground. it was laid in a pull through pipe, but without a backhoe :-) i dont think i can get the wire out. So we replaced everything else to compensate.
@Psycogeek: I thought this was in reference to networking ;p
@JourneymanGeek Mabey it did get damaged, land settling and all. It is networking, because that is how we connect to the modem. It was the cable modem (200feet down) that dropped out first, the tv was still doing ok.
well, cable modems are a little more finicky to signal quality
(well, in our case though, we've gone through 3 cable boxes, but only replaced our modem cause the new one had VOIP)
@JourneymanGeek There are many other people (and pros) who say that the coax cables degrade over time. But i have no proof of that actually occuring, becuase we usually upgrade the qaulity of cable TOO.
@Psycogeek: oh, thats very likely
The latest craze in hype cable , is Quad sheild, I am not sure if I am impressed :-) when they always use alum on that sheild. For a few cents extra the wire that runs through the "foil" of the shield could be copper? Unless it is the 2 different metals reacting problem. Without "oxygen" like argon or nitrogen filled, there are not oxidation reactions.
Some of our "pro cable" (not coax), uses copper copper, when running a video signal down it (vrses good coax) the signal is improved by large ammounts. Enough to make a run 2times as far with the same losses.
Oxides of metals are insulators not conductors in most cases. so the Hype of it being oxygen free, sounds interesting :-)
Whatever the cable company handed me, also is some dang good cable, the leftovers have made some amasing short runs even. So buying some of the even better cable at the "home store" or radio shack, might not cut it.
bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1006852-REG/… does exist, helps to know that.
@Psycogeek: aluminium, while reactive, has this lovely tendancy of only reacting on the surface
@allquixotic hi
hmm found a way to get great cable cheap on youtube, but Why would I need a long pole tree trimmer :-)
Germany again, why german do stuff well? Like software that works great.
It used to be americans were capable of great products, then they found out that china can make stuff for them, and they could just collect the profits.
@Psycogeek: technically it was first the japanese, then they worked out they could outsource it to the taiwanese... who worked out they could oursource it to the chinese
lol but sadly true
@JourneymanGeek Next stop: Africa.
(Seriously, apparently China is outsourcing some stuff to some African nations... at least that's what I heard some time ago.)
...fuck's sake
> You may find the information in this post of use forums.iis.net/p/1174735/1967915.aspx#1967915 .
> For all who looking for similar solution – pls read next: (bunch of links)
Would it kill them to just post the bloody solution in the same post?
Final destination:
> Content not found
We could not find the page you requested.
@Bob if it was selling something they would (meaning i dont see people marking the same ad i saw 50,000 times as a duplicate :-)
@Bob: this is why link only answers are bad ;)
what is bank switching ?
i tried wiki
but i cant understand
@Ash it is when you use a different finatial institution to do business with :-) or "Bank" can refer to a whole group of connections.
@Psycogeek here is it but i dont get it wisegeek.com/what-is-bank-switching.htm#didyouknowout
But really your asking (as everyone always is asking) What does it MEAN , when used in this context, or todays tech Label of the day?
@Psycogeek "These separate banks can then be used to switch away from code that is no longer being used, such as read only memory (ROM) used when starting up the computer, and open up banks of memory for multiple users on the system or store memory for other devices on the system." - does it mean that processor can use one module then suspend it and use the next ?
hai @slhck does this question fit here ? superuser.com/questions/680461/…
@Ash That is what i get out of it. to stop using one hardware resource, and begin to use the other.
i thought so :-)
If you had 2 chunks of memory one slow, and one special added in thing that is really fast. then you can get everything to hop right over to the fast one. lots of driver tricks to pull that off.
@Psycogeek thanks for that
@slhck : It's not actually an acronym. It's just a word with no phonetic pronunciation -- a treasured and carefully-guarded point in the space of five-character strings. does that what slhck stand for ?
@Ash i have made a "casting" mold before out of whatever i had laying around, and "Potted" (to encase a electronics board) with J&B weld :-) epoxy which has lots of metals in it, so it conducts some heat out of the part.
@Ash Rubberised Plasti-Dip would be fun to play with amazon.com/Performix-11603-6-Synthetic-Plasti-Dip-Coating/dp/… but it wouldnt have any solidness, so it couldnt keep the things from breaking.
@Psycogeek I'll give 'em a try after i manage to collect some $ to buy 'em.
Re wires: If you lay an outside wire then you need one which will not degrade in time.
And one which is rodent proof
Else you might just one coat contacting (and interacting with) the earth.
Also: outside non-fibre lines -> I hope you are safe from lightning.
It is one of the few places where I advise to go wireless (in SOHO situations. Corp goes fiber. Redundand fibre)
Right. Back in an hour or two (job interview for something less fun that the philips job. So I do NOT want THIS one. But it is a good exercise.
@Ash do any of them have Lights? where it was desirable to see it working or plugged in via the light? I luv when you can see if your chip is still "filling up" .
@Hennes I never thought about how fiber "wire" wouldnt conduct lightning. Sort of optical isolation , uhh cause that is exactally what it is.
i love the lights !they had lights.after the work around i cant see them.
@Ash they look sort of cool and techy all raw :-) Just wouldnt be good in the pocket like that, but cool for the desk. A higher grade clear non shrinking non-bubbling epoxy would get all that going.
yeah..they r cool raw
why dont you write 'em down as an answer ?
@Ash With glow in the dark powder mixed in. I dont know the answer, because as of this date, i have never got my hands on premium clear epoxy. its always "in the big can" and a lot more $$$ expencive than cheap quick consumer junk, that yellows, and gets brittle over time.
@Ash youtube.com/watch?v=Sc_BYLNQk8U this stuff. Then complicated with making a mold, making sure it doesnt get in the wrong places, having some way to releace it from a mold. etc. much more pro than making One item for ME :-)
@Ash It is actually an acronym. Some people here might know what it really means :P
Your question is fine, btw.
@Ash: that question looks like a product req
How so?
Also, I've had good luck supergluing broken cases
@slhck: it really ends up coming down to 'what do I use' IMO
1. Buy a cheap 3D printer.
2. ???
3. Profit!
that might actually be a viable answer ;p
@Bob I am going to wait till epson or HP comes out with one. $100 for the 3D printer, and $1400 for chipped cartriges to printe with :-)
and then you can hack it by pressing ok a few times
@JourneymanGeek The most amusing part about the Peachy printer is it literally uses audio for control.
I imagine trying it on my laptop (with Beats) would be rather... interesting.
@Bob: glitchart!
@JourneymanGeek Heh:
> Does latency in the sound card system affect the printer at all?

It’s not an issue at all. The speed we move the mirrors at is extremely low for sound cards. Far below the human range of hearing making the printer completely silent. Prints remain looking great even if you turn the sample rate way down.
I get the feeling the dodginess of Beats' bass is going to be an issue here.
US automated phone activation succeeded.
@Psycogeek Fibre is always used it you lay a direct line between building. And since fibre can break you best lay a few lines and put those in a nice sturdy protective pipe.
Does anyone here know how to start the Run dialog box using the command prompt?
Q: Open Run... dialog from command

user1105047I would like to run the Run... dialog (the Win+R) from a batch command? There is an shotcut to it in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools but that shotcut goes nowhere, the target is just "Run..." and the target directory is my desktop. How can I run t...

Huh, I answered that O.O
Completely forgot about it...
I have never used powershell before
@Justin You like Aeroflot?
@Justin I would recommend learning to use it ;)
It's very powerful, though the syntax can be a bit annoying.
I would like to have the Run Dialog start with this command: steam://connect/

Is that possible?
For things like this, you can use the powershell -c command to run a single PS command from the normal command line.
@Bob Okay, I'll go try it right now. Thank you!
@Justin Not with the COM object called from PS/VBS.
You can do so with Win32 API functions, but that's getting into more full-fledged programming (and you may as well make your custom window at that point...).
See the article I linked to in that answer:codeproject.com/Articles/2734/…
Actually, no... you can change a lot of text but not what's entered o.O
@Justin Anyway... if you aren't too scared of PS you can try to build your own form, then you can take input from there and send it off to Start-Process. Start-Process (or just start in the old command line) runs the exact same ShellExecute(Ex) as the run dialog.
There's also ways you can have a window take input in VBS.
I'm actually trying to write a C++ application that would open Steam and have it connect to a certain server. I'm a beginner...so ><
I managed to have my application create a process and start the run dialog now.
@Bob I haven't been learning Visual Basic :o
@Justin Ah. You shouldn't be opening a run dialog :P
I personally prefer C#, where that would actually be quite trivial (one-liner: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("steam://blah");).
@Bob :D Nice answer
@Bob Should work fine with ShellExecute
@OliverSalzburg Yea. I was hunting for an example :P
(Though, I think you should probably use ShellExecuteEx)
wait, our @Bob wrote a nice answer???? O_O
@Bob Nice, am I able to do something similar in C++?
@Bob This is for http://http://support.microsoft.com/kb/224816
1 min ago, by Oliver Salzburg
@Bob Should work fine with ShellExecute
@Braiam I'll have you know I have a lot of nice answers :P
@OliverSalzburg Thank you!
@OliverSalzburg @Justin I'd recommend looking for a newer example with ShellExecuteEx if possible :P
That particular one was aimed at Win2000 O.O
@Justin You're welcome. As @Bob pointed out, ShellExecuteEx might be better suited though
It'll probably work, but... eww legacy code.
@Bob It'll still work though and the principal is the same
@OliverSalzburg How's the moving coming along?
@slhck So far so good. Still waiting for my shower :P But I got my new bed in yesterday
Home office is already set up
@OliverSalzburg Cool :)
Glorious :D
@Bob Wow, thank you so much! :D
@OliverSalzburg True. Though, the example was in VB :P
@OliverSalzburg BEWARE! there are cables behind the table D:
@Bob There was 1 line of C++, that was all I read :D
@Braiam I'll move them up. I just need one of those things to bolt under the desk
@OliverSalzburg Oh, so there is!
I must be blind today...
@Bob Well, I skipped everything else ;D
@OliverSalzburg That sub looks familiar :P
ooh, split keyboard
@Bob It's a pretty bad Hercules 2.1 system :\
Hungarian notation hurts my eyes :(
@OliverSalzburg All the cheap ones look similar, apparently :P
@Bob they are SONY inside D:
That's the one
This is the system that sparked the ferrite bead question
brb FF using 3.2 GB of RAM (o.O)
@OliverSalzburg Heh, better than mine: logitech.com/en-us/product/ls21-2.1-stereo-speaker
Then again, I use a headset for just about everything anyway.
I'll have to make large investments into my home office soon anyway. I'll have to move the company gear into our actual office. Then I need new stuff. Maybe I'll also get proper speakers. But I probably won't and just get more RAM or something :P
More RAM is always good! :)
never heard of the company >_>
@JourneymanGeek It's just some name "they" put on crap they imported from China
Pretty sure of it ;D
@OliverSalzburg Pretty expensive if it is.
(I've seen Hercules in some places. They're actually pretty old.)
1982. very old.
Hercules is a manufacturer of computer peripherals for PC and Mac. History Hercules Computer Technology, Inc. was formed in 1982 in Hercules, California, by Van Suwannukul and Kevin Jenkins, and was one of the major graphics card companies of the 1980s. Its biggest product was the MDA-compatible Hercules Graphics Card and associated standard, which was widely copied and survived into the 1990s. Hercules Graphics Card, by including the printer port, promoted this dedicated port for printing as a faster port than the serial port. The company also produced CGA compatible cards, and also tri...
> Hercules Graphics Card, by including the printer port, promoted this dedicated port for printing as a faster port than the serial port.
@Bob I paid 37,62€ (53.74 CAD) for mine
...why are you providing the price in CAD?
Things I'm apparently not allowed to export from the US:
> Registered philatelic articles with fictitious addresses.
> Seditious literature.
So much for free speech.
ooh Seditious Literature. How Nefarious.
> Used bedding.
> Fruit cartons (used or new).
I swear they had a slow afternoon.
(note there's only 10 items on this list...)
oooh... this is export from US and import to Aus
still doesn't explain a lot of this
> Silencers for firearms.
@Bob: used bedding and fruit cartons - probably pest prevention
Note firearms are not on the prohibited or restricted lists. Just the silencers.
@JourneymanGeek Still oddly specific.
> Goods bearing the name "Anzac."
@Bob wait a darn minute... really???
> Australia has one of the strangest prohibitions – “Registered philatelic articles with fictitious addresses”.
> China prohibits “Wrist-watches, cameras, television sets, radio sets, tape records, bicycles, sewing machines, and ventilators.” I guess they are afraid they might be manufactured in China and they don’t want the shoddy material returning.
Huh. Actually, I think the thing about "seditious literature" might actually be unconstitutional...
We don't really have constitutional free speech, except political speech.
@Bob To spice it up a little ;D
And because I briefly forgot where you're from ;P
So... are monoprice cables any good?
> 3ft USB 2.0 A Male to Micro 5pin Male 28/24AWG Cable w/ Ferrite Core (Gold Plated)
@JourneymanGeek ^ more ferrites on USB cables :P
@Bob they so cheap who cares :-). Every one i have got has worked.
@Psycogeek Cheap until you factor in Aus postage :P
Still, it's cheaper than local and probably more reliable than eBay.
@Bob cept shipping from china can be Free .
so you can get them direct :-)
@Psycogeek And they don't work 95% of the time :P
I got a 18" hdmi cable with Ferrite beads Ooooh. probably about as usefull as seat belts on a jetski
monoprice is ok
their shipping is expensive
@JourneymanGeek Just what I was afraid of :P
@OliverSalzburg Someone put grafitti on your video wall.
@Psycogeek Plot twist: it was me!
@JourneymanGeek $8 to US addresses... could be better, but not too horrible. + $15 parcel forwarding.
The $45 direct to Aus is ridiculous.
@Psycogeek Half day changing motherboard, 2 confusing hours of messed up screws, depletion of 4 rechargeable batteries used in flashlight - all equals to good times. I made it.
@Boris_yo: protip. Get some tape, and tape screws RIGHT NEXT TO the holes they come out of
@JourneymanGeek Nah, I just remember them ;)
(Helps that my laptops only really use two screw types, and they're different diameters...)
apparently I'm hitting close to 100gb this month
the hell?
Money saved - $791 - $236 = $555
thats pretty close to twice what I normally use

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