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Even if Windows does get re-written from ground up, at some point, the technology will become outdated (like the 90's technology that Windows is based on is outdated now) and people will find bugs and problems again and call for Windows to be re-written again.
just stop a moment and think back... Microsoft supposedly stopped support of Win95 couple of years back... why is still offering support (in the way of "capability") with each version of Windows?
Hey guys! How can I cross out lines of text on SU?
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute obviously; that's called innovation -- moving forward with new ideas... compatibility inevitably holds you back to the least common denominator of the stuff you're trying to support
because some lazy enterprises doesn't want to update their crap, stopping real development
OS design has to be cyclical by nature -- there's no rule that says we have to design a single platform / ABI that will last forever
nothing lasts forever, because imperfections are part of the human condition, and everything we touch is tainted with that imperfection
but at the same time, we can still point at certain things and say with confidence that they're better than what we had before
NSA: tell microsoft to make now "Doors v1.0" to replace "Windows" in a couple of years, then stop supporting Windows
^ real innovation :D
I understand that, but if you just straight up cut out compatibility, then half the applications that run today will not be able to run. There will be an epic amount of panic everywhere. At that point, you have to force all the developers to re-write/modify their application to fit the new OS.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute then just do not upgrade :/
at some point in our history, we learned that houses are better than huts... this broke compatibility with people who liked to hang animal skins over their huts, and now people needed to build doors, which were an additional requirement... but we acknowledge that houses are better than huts because they're sturdier and safer and keep out the environment better
@Braiam Then why spend so much time and money on a new OS that people wouldn't get?
modern roads with a speed limit in the tens of miles per hour break compatibility with horse and buggy, which can't go nearly fast enough to not be run over on the highway
it takes people a long time to adjust to a new thing when you break compatibility, but eventually they'll adjust
it's going to take us another 10 or 20 years as it is to get everyone to at least use a hybrid vehicle, if not full-on electric
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute people whining about Windows will get it... why you say that people wouldn't buy it?
@allquixotic That's common sense and something every person can understand. However, not every person is computer savvy or know much about computer. You know, people resist to change. And when they see an un-needed change (since they don't understand how the OS improved), they will keep resisting.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute but eventually their resistance will be broken when their hardware stops working and they can't buy replacement parts, and the only new computers that are being sold all run only the next-generation system
@Braiam Business, Schools and Students don't buy it because their "stuff" stops working.
this is exactly what happened when people with loads of 16-bit DOS programs were forced to start using 32-bit Windows and a majority of those DOS programs wouldn't work anymore (especially the ones that wanted to run in "real mode")
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute temporarily, yes, but eventually they catch up -- they're what you call "late adopters"
Average consumer doesn't buy it because they don't understand why they are being asked to upgrade to "the same OS" but only without any support for their programs.
So will people ever catch up to Windows 8?
when there's a compatibility break in something that a large number of people depend on, there is a sort of curve of adoption... there are enthusiasts who download the alpha/beta, followed by early adopters who upgrade right away when it's released as a final product, followed by mainstream who upgrades in 1-2 years, followed by late adopters who upgrade within 10 years
Many schools didn't catch up to Vista and stayed on XP.
it happens every time; it's cyclical, but eventually even the latest of late adopters will catch up
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute if microsoft blows up tomorrow and says that will not support any version of windows but "doors" (I just like the ring of it, so bear with it) people will have to adapt themself the same way they adapted to XP, Vista, 7, 8, Win 3.11, Win 95
of course you can hear stories 50 years hence of some dusty old machine in the back of an office that nobody knows how it works that still runs Windows XP, but that will be the 0.00001% by then
all the statistics and surveys show that Windows XP usage continues to decline... and versions of Windows prior to XP are in the "noise" levels by now (less than 0.1%)
the only thing Microsoft is afraid of with a total compatibility break is that people will take the opportunity of the compatibility break to jump to something completely different, like Linux, BSD, or Mac
because if you're going to not be able to run all of your old programs, you're just as well moving to another system that's free
@allquixotic capitalist bastards!
Well, then you rewrite Windows and every year, with a new release, you decrease the support for the number of previous versions.
they'll probably keep support for the original Win32 API around at least another 5-10 years, until typical PCs (even small laptops) are more than fast enough to run a Windows 8.1 virtual machine without even blinking an eye; that way, they'll be able to let people run their old programs, but completely re-engineer the whole system from the ground up for the new "native" programs
Windows 8.2 in 2014 only goes till XP, 8.3 in 2015 only goes till Vista, 8.4 only goes till Windows 7. Windows 9 only goes till Windows 8. Windows 9.1 (or 10) doesn't go back.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute they've been doing something similar to that in little bits; 16-bit program compatibility was dropped entirely for everything after 32-bit Vista
64-bit Vista, 64-bit Win7, 32-bit Win7, etc. don't support 16-bit programs at all
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the biggest ABI compatibility layer that they're afraid to break is the Win32 API though
meaning 32-bit Windows DLLs and EXEs targeting approximately the Windows NT API and later (with some legacy support for even older stuff, back to Windows 95)
Next step, start developing 64-bit OS only (like Macs) and remove support for 32bit within the next 5 years.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute well, as of Windows Server 2008 R2 (Windows 7 Server), they are no longer offering 32-bit server OSes
16bit was only dropped due to AMD64 dropping support for the 16bit addressing modes in 64bit mode
they were seriously considering making Windows 8 64-bit only, but they decided to hold off one more release
Never heard that.
@Brian but they technically could've kept 32-bit Windows 7 and 8 running 16-bit programs, but they didn't
Doubt they will remove WOW (Windows on Windows) when it already works fine and provides for 32bit DLL and application support on 64bit Windows systems.
Technically they couldn't without a rewrite of WOW - the processors dropped the needed addressing modes.
When Microsoft holds the power to drive innovation forward, then why doesn't it?!
@Brian 16-bit addressing mode was only dropped in long mode, AFAIK; they have to keep 16-bit addressing mode around at least until the eradication of the BIOS, because AFAIK many BIOSes are written as 16-bit programs
It can easily advance technology if it requires OEMs to start making 64-bit PC's only.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute all modern PCs produced by OEMs are "64-bit PCs", in the sense that they possess the 64-bit ISA -- but the question is whether they come preinstalled with a 32-bit or 64-bit OS, which is left up to the vendor, unless and until Microsoft stops offering a 32-bit OS at all
I think the only 'modern' 32 bit x86 systems you can buy are the quarks
@allquixotic That's what I meant. Limit Windows to 64-bit only. That way, if you want Windows, you need x64 processor. Which drives innovation forward because it brings the world on a better piece of technology.
The various 16bit addressing methods work in 16bit CPU mode and 32bit CPU mode but not in 64bit mode. The way WOW was designed was everything has to run under the same CPU mode so out went 16bit support.
it'd be a violation of the x86 ISA specification to completely drop the 16-bit addressing mode, anyway... I can't imagine they'd do that...
@Brian right, but if you install Windows 32-bit, you're not running the CPU in 64-bit mode at all.
In 32bit mode the 16bit addressing methods are there - you can still run Win16 apps in Windows 7 32bit.
A: Does Windows 8 Support 16-bit Programs?

SynetechWhile 64-bit copies of Windows 8 do not support 16-bit applications, they are still supported on 32-bit copies[1][2][3]. However, they are not supported by default and must be manually turned on with a Control Panel applet:

Which brings us back to compatibility.
Or if you use something besides WOW to run older programs, like XP Mode (use it myself to run Encara 94)
er Encarta
@allquixotic Pretty sure 32-bit Win7 still supports 16-bit.
Oh, I'm late to the party.
@Bob see the oneboxed A
Who cares about 16-bit.
that's awesome lol
(awesome and terrifying at once, actually)
!!awsm Oh, I'm late to the party.
@allquixotic Oh, I'm lt t th prt.
hopefully in the mobile world we jump to ARM64 fast enough that people won't have time to accumulate crufty old legacy programs that are unmaintained -- the only apps they'll demand to keep are ones that are still being supported by their devs, who'll just compile a new ARM64 version
won't be long until we can fit 4 GB of RAM into a smartphone, and even less time for a 10" tablet
Some articles in Encarta94 are out of date tho. ....
!!tell 12071683 no
tardar is a pretty kitty :D
biiiiig whiskers
Remember that debate if Microsoft should force Windows updates to everyone?
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute you can't force anything on me! disconnects from the internet
what are they going to do, mail me update CDs and force me to install them at gunpoint?
This is pretty much the same discussion. Force people to upgrade to the newly "rebuild-from-scratch" Windows.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute umm... no one is forcing anyone to do anything
Force them to not have to enjoy the benefits of compatibility with past versions of Windows.
you can keep a Windows 1.0 computer running as long as you can find replacement parts as the mechanical components fail over time
there's nothing forcing you to upgrade, but people who feel threatened by the lack of compatibility because they fear the unknown of having to go out and find new programs, often perceive it as "forcing"
what they really mean to say is that they want Microsoft to continue being backwards compatible forever, and hold back the advancement and evolution of the platform by doing so
With all the virtualization these days most can run old operating systems under a that on new hardware.
If Windows gets re-written, then software will get rewritten for support on it too, which would mean that people would either have to upgrade for the latest software or stick with what eventually becomes outdated software.
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute we've been through this before even when Windows wasn't rewritten, so we already know how that ends
Software projects, including rewrites often fail tho.
people hold out as long as they can, and then eventually they upgrade
for some definition of "eventually" that varies from person to person
> software will get rewritten for support on it too
uh no
pretty sure we've been through this before
Chicken and egg - users won't go to a new platform until there are lots of apps for it and developers won't create apps until there are a lot of users.
wrong word. I meant modified.
@Brian and sometimes it can take a decade for a program to reach beta
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute there's quite a fair bit of software that would have to be rewritten from the ground up if there are any major changes
a single rewrite is more feasible than testing and modifying (oh god the mess of code) every year for a new update, but there's still going to be a lot of small teams and open source projects left behind
so, we agreed that they need to rewrite the whole mess and offer virtualization for compability.... huh, didn't the same happened with W7 and XP mode?
btw, why was XP mode => compatibility and Windows 7 => native windows 7 apps dropped?
@Braiam no, they don't need to
but expecting third-party developers to quickly support all your changes is incredibly naive
@Braiam it was there to ease the transition. they still want people to mvoe on eventually.
also, end of XP support
Since Windows XP is compatible with everything, you just re-write Windows from ground up and for compatibility, you include XP Mode by default. Compatibility issues solved. Better Windows solved.
security holes not solved -_-
OSX went that route - took years
and they didn't really rewrite from scratch but moved and developed another OS and added support for Mac OS to it
Took years for what? Making it happen or fixing the problem that come with it?
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute those are one and the same
Apple's OSX to years to get out the door
er took years
But that's because they are Apple.
you can edit your chat after sending them ;) like this and this
Plus Windows NT 3.1 was MS's rewrite of Windows
This is MSFT we are talking about, they'll pull all-nighters every day for a year to get it done, just so they can get the epic amount of money from it. lol
@AGirlSaidMySmileIsCute are you saying that Apple doesn't make money out of OSX?
They added stuff from the DOS/Win95 line to it to get Windows XP which has done really well.
@Braiam Not as much as Windows.
Feeling old now, Windows NT Advanced Server 3.1 was released over 20 years ago :(
So Vista wasn't a rewrite.?
A google search leads to many discussion boards saying that it was a rewrite.
@JimmyHoffa That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: awsm
@allquixotic that's bad weed
Well I believe I'm going to go enjoy a game of counterstrike, just like I used to over 10 years ago..
and Google really messed up with some nice extensions blog.chromium.org/2013/11/…
2 hours later…
superuser.com/users/235648/vishnu-prasad-kallummel this guy is posting nice, fairly well researched answers.
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek He does use code blocks for running text.
I was meaning the putty snippets
(I did upvote that, if it wasn't obvious)
Yeah, it does look good
Q: Sata cable & lil noise from speaker & xp loading is slow

2SDin my pc , when i copying the files, & audio player (vlc,mpc) are both start then my speaker was a lil noise, (ex..tttttttttttttrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggg), & mouse pointer are slowly moving & my win xp boot loading is slow please, solve my problem. please.

> tttttttttttttrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggggggggg
A: photos on media card

user270434An easy solution is available @ http://kishan1408.in/blog/shortcut-link-virus/ .download relief.zip from the link and replace the letter "j" in relief.bat by the drivename of ur flash drive and run run.vbs.

And that looks totally legit.
for once I am lost for words ;p
Ugh. University lectures at 08:00 AM suck.
1 hour later…
they do
@slhck luckily, managed to avoid those so far :P
9 is early enough -_-
(and the exams at 8:45 are crazy. yay shitty public transport!)
@slhck wut
also, how the heck does that point to a failing HDD?
"slow" is so subjective it isn't funny
mouse pointer is moving slowly? try moving the mouse faster -_-
(or change the pointer speed? :S)
its an xp system
so might be old age and cruft
didn't get much sleep yesterday :/
@JourneymanGeek What happened?
@Bob Why avoid lectures? If you avoid something, you need to catch up later.
@Boris_yo: caffeine and small dogs.
mostly caffeine.
@JourneymanGeek It's bad for you. Every journal edition says coffee is either good or bad and they seem cannot decide which is it. Where do they get their information from? British scientists? I feel they just try to churn as much as they can to keep their journals selling.
@Boris_yo: I generally can't sleep if I have caffeine after 7
@JourneymanGeek Morning?
not being able to sleep in mornings is a good thing
Should add PM pr 19:00 ...
@JourneymanGeek lol why would you drink coffee at 7 in evening? This interferes with your sleeping/waking cycle (carcadian cycle?). It won't be easy to restore them back to normal.
I had a bottle of coke
rather than a can
and had class
Right coke. But it is still caffeine so better not drink in the evening. Not to drink caffeinated tea as well. Best is water.
How to stop webpage from refreshing automatically after certain time?
You can see a developer really invested a lot of time in documentation when you see these comments…
# Run command nad return reuslts
# Thats the reasson for this strange query
@chipsnchops Hello, new user! This is Root Access, a chatroom for Super User, and I am this channel's helpful chat bot. You will need to earn 20 reputation to chat; meanwhile, if you need help, please see the Help page for Super User.
@Boris_yo I mean I've managed to avoid scheduling any that early -_-
A: Notepad++ "Check if file is open in another program" No other program open

TutorialsManI have found a solution for Notepad ++ , while it shows error Check if this file is open in another program here link: http://stackoverflow.com/q/19856853/2591833

I... I don't understand.
Not only is it not an answer and horrible abuse of headings, it's linking to an unanswered SO question..?
> like the tutorial that I placed a link to
@Bob Which university of Australia are you in and what degree you want to achieve?
Q: will adding second nvidia video card increase cpu temperature

user1994660I have quad core cpu Q6600 Today i added second video card and then i see that CPU temperature reached to 88c I want to know that can video card do that or something else is wrong. I checked the temp with speedfan and RPM was 2500 I have very hot climate here as well

I love questions where you have no information at all
weeee run away from chrome
9 hours ago, by Braiam
and Google really messed up with some nice extensions http://blog.chromium.org/2013/11/protecting-windows-users-from-malicious.html
@Bob ^ too late :P
@Braiam eh, came across that from reddit - not a chrome user myself :P
I use firefox > chromium > chrome != ie, but I'm maintaining a chrome extension as well
firefox -> qtweb -> chrome canary
wait, what?
@JourneymanGeek I re-wrote it for readability, but it should be closed anyway
qtweb has a save as PDF option o0
chrome recently displaced opera as my backup browser
though FF aurora is starting to replace chrome for JS development
if only FF let you modify the script files
lol, the close queue in AU is funny, OT> dupe> OT> dupe> OT> -_-
I answered it too, let's see if it's solved
Anybody rents flat in apartment here?
Can someone tell me where the meaning of the single Windows ACL elements (rwxpDdaARWcCos) is documented?
This seems useful for now: eonstorage.blogspot.de/2009/04/…
@OliverSalzburg Sounds like @allquixotic's magic string...
 perm is a permission mask and can be specified in one of two forms:
     a sequence of simple rights:
             N - no access
             F - full access
             M - modify access
             RX - read and execute access
             R - read-only access
             W - write-only access
             D - delete access
     a comma-separated list in parentheses of specific rights:
             DE - delete
             RC - read control
             WDAC - write DAC
             WO - write owner
seems to be different, though
you sure that's Windows? says NFS on that page
@Bob Yeah, the one I posted comes from the getfacl nix tool
Well, I'm using Windows ACLs on this volume, so I figured...
You'd have to look at the getfacl docs, I guess?
Anyway, above is the icacls help's list.
Well, the man page
     access permissions
	     Access permissions may be specified in either short or long form.
	     Short and long forms may not be mixed.  Permissions in long form
	     are separated by the `/' character; in short form, they are con-
	     catenated together.  Valid permissions are:

	     Short	 Long

	     r		 read_data

	     w		 write_data

	     x		 execute

	     p		 append_data

	     D		 delete_child

	     d		 delete

	     a		 read_attributes

	     A		 write_attributes

	     R		 read_xattr
More descriptive here: freebsd.org/cgi/…
     acl_perm_t ae_perm
	 This field defines what kind of access the process matching this ACL
	 has for accessing the associated file.  For POSIX.1e ACLs, the fol-
	 lowing are valid:

	 ACL_EXECUTE		The process may execute the associated file.

	 ACL_WRITE		The process may write to the associated file.

	 ACL_READ		The process may read from the associated file.

	 ACL_PERM_NONE		The process has no read, write or execute per-
				missions to the associated file.

	 For NFSv4 ACLs, the following are valid:
Great, SETfacl has it ;P
Thanks ;)
Just closed 1593 tabs... I can almost hear my browser sighing in relief!
Also, memory usage dropped by 400MB... that's 400MB of unloaded tabs.
@Bob Reasonable price to pay for 1593 unloaded tabs?
@Boris_yo Eh, it's faster in general :P
@Bob Why I can't find Raspberry PI on chinese ecommerce websites?
Maybe because there's only one manufacturer and it's cheap enough already?
How am I supposed to know?
I suggest you ask the people who run those websites.
@Bob aren't you "Bob", you should know
yo dogs
im trying to use an awk command
Q: Why is this awk statement not working?

cardycakesawk 'BEGIN { COLM_FMT = "%-8s, %-8s, %-8s, %-8s, %-8s, %-8s, %-8s, %-8s, %-8s, %-8s, %-8s, %-8s, %-8s, %-8s,\n" } { printf COLM_FMT, ${totals[0]}, ${totals[1]}, ${totals[2]}, ${totals[3]}, ${totals[4]}, ${totals[5]}, ${totals[6]}, ${totals[7]}, ${totals[8]}, ${totals[9]},...

Could you please have a quick look 'cause it's just a simple syntax error
My pic is Heisenberg, come on guys!! :p
@Bob What you said answers my question.
Nightwatch Fun for the Day:
mine is a sad job............
@Boris_yo there's a chinese varient, its probably priced the same way
@cardycakes Why are your accounts not linked?
@vedantchandra What is supposed to be funny here? He used stuck pixels or lens artifact to portray earth?
@vedantchandra what do you do?
(and that isn't even a techie answer. Its physics!)
There's three fundamental modes
There are three fundamental modes ?
@Hennes: er... yeah? ;p
unless my english is lacking
I just didn't use contractions
@Braiam Weeeee \o/ :D
@Braiam: nice ;p
@Braiam Ghost of Braiam's 8888.
@Aaron Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
I got one of my answers downvoted to get that number D:
Lucky you. (In a Chinese way)
First wiki entry made. Hybrid-storage.
Still not sure how I feel about it, but if we are going to use that tag then it should have an entry
Good Morning.
Would it be on topic for this SE to ask about computer builds? Someone recommended I come here.
@Aaron: if it involves purchase recommendations no
if its about a broader topic, yeah
(though, builds are on topic for chat)
I have a build but was hoping some with more experience would be able to look it over.
shoot away!
tho if its an AMD build, there's others who probably know more
Can you go here? This is the build pcpartpicker.com/user/acfreakman/saved/2KEh
First impresion: Expensive (and fast) CPU, little RAM
Which can be fine, depending on your goals
and never heard of the PSU brand
@Hennes 8 Ram is not much?
No. I think 8GB is the smallest you get these days
not these days
This is supposed to be a general use and gaming computer. I have not added the video card yet as I am not sure what is a good one.
16gb is pretty darned nice, with a pair of 8gb sticks
slightly pricy, but futureproof
Ah, that is why you got a 500Watt PSU.
Without a dedicated graphics card that seemed overkill.
graphics cards are tricky right now
lots of great mid-high end options
First review I read on the PSU is not the best one ever
But if you want to play Star Citizen on max detail and good FPS, you need a Radeon R9-290X ;-)
after recording the data and scope readings, the Allied exploded. And I'm not talking about the quiet pop of a blown fuse either, this was something to make one holler things like, "Incoming!" "Honey, I'm so scared, what's happening?" and, "You'll never take me alive, coppers!" This was accompanied by a light show to rival the best Hollywood pyrotechnics displays. I distinctly heard Mother Nature yell out, "Now that's not fair, I can do lightning WAY better than that!"
@allquixotic: the R9-290 is supposed to be ALMOST as good
Grah. I harte shop sites which show up on 'BRANDNAME model review"
Re GPU future: -PCI-E 6 pin connector x 2 (note: 6 pin)
I think my M12 has that
@allquixotic: pity there isn't a simple way of having an nvidia, and an AMD card and getting the best of both without switching between them manually
I think the CPU is total overkill for gaming and is quite expensive. But it might be a good choice if you are going to keep the box for 5 years without CPU upgrades.
@Aaron: If you're getting a lesser known PSU, SERIOUSLY look at johnny guru
RAM is not much by today's standards (but you can slways increase that later)
his reviews are scathing and bloody awesome
1TB disk is cheap and small. It will do just fine for gaming (though I am a SSD fan) and getting a slightly larger disk might only add $10. This also fall sunder future proofing and it is a later replaceable part
The PSU... Well, I spent weeks reading reviews on mine since I wanted a silent PC
So I am tempted to select on that.
@JourneymanGeek I've always wished for that, because some games run better with Nvidia, and some run better with AMD... I guess if you had both in the same system and some way to flip a switch to change HDMI outputs and disable one card, you'd be good, but can the drivers coexist on the same Windows install?
Since vista: Yes
@allquixotic: on windows 7 and 8 I believe so
Drivers can co-exist
there's a hack for using an nvidia card for phyx with a AMD primary card
it almost seems like, if LucidLogix didn't entirely suck as a company and fail to maintain and support their products post-release, they could actually develop an on-motherboard chip that could somehow unify the render between an AMD and Nvidia card and use them both at once
or at worst, let you pick which one to render from for each application process
or games let you pick the primary card
they already support iGPU and one discrete GPU
I remember some old ones did
@JourneymanGeek I don't think they let you pick the card, they just let you pick the renderer... OpenGL, D3D hardware, or software
you can't (traditionally, or even today, without LucidLogix) issue the graphics processing commands to GPU on card X and render to the framebuffer on card Y
unless you write your entire rendering engine as a ray-tracing OpenCL program
@allquixotic: errrr....
there was this ... thing
basically let you have one master card, and render stuff for other cards for more outputs
never heard of that prior to Virtu MVP (except Nvidia Optimus, but that's basically a better, but Nvidia+Intel-specific, variant on LucidLogix, and the whole system is baked into the hardware)
Most modern cards seem to have 3 or 4 outputs though.
That should be enough for most users.
@allquixotic: thats pretty interesting
Re http://www.kegetys.fi/SoftTH/: Nice. Not useful for gaming though since you have 2 idle cards and one renderer.

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