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@Boris_yo premium midi samples hey :-) How to fit a great game on 1/2 a floppy disk?
looks like pure kindergarden, i cant believe i played such things for hours on end.
oh for FUCK's sake
same error
@root no prob
I'm going to rip the wifi card out and try again tomorrow
@Bob step away from the computer, and close the window, or you will find out why it is called windows.
Cause it makes you want to chuck it out the damn windows
@Psycogeek shhhh! he's a windows monk :P
is something else but windows :P
@Psycogeek That's 2013 version? Why such graphics?
@Boris_yo it doesnt look like the original does it :-) i think that might be good. top down 3D
@Psycogeek I wish it looked like Might and Magic VII
@Braiam tomorrow he will wake up windows will have installed itself, repaired itself, and will be sitting there all innocent looking with big puppy dog windowed eyes , and then you wonder what was all the fuss last night :-)
@Psycogeek What do you think of games like Rollercoaster Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon, Theme Hospital, Theme Park?
@Boris_yo different. I would play one of the management and building games . I played wildlife park, it was interesting for some time.
@Psycogeek This Bard's Tale YouTube video you showed me has game made in 2004.
@Boris_yo ohh. ok. So i will play it in 2013 i guess
@Boris_yo I think this kind of "memories of the old games" might be better than playing the amiga version on an emulator
@Psycogeek Not sure I can put myself through playing with these graphics... Maybe it is same thing what spoiled audience today says when they try to play 1997-2000 games?
A Quest For Coin And Cleavage. thats catchy :-)
@Psycogeek Quest for coins in our modern days would sound like bum searches for money.
@Boris_yo i do not understand what aspect of the grafics your referring to? the one you linked to looks like it is an old school, like low res or something?
I should see what the gameplay is like in video
@Psycogeek Yes, these are sprite graphics accelerated with 3D which I prefer more than 3D purely. That's me old timer. Gameplay and plot are great which justifies "weak" graphics.
If a directory has the permission 777 and a file in it has the permission 000 what are the implications?
@Boris_yo Aggg, that guy said it can take a month to play , and used words like "grinding" AKA endless milkrun?
@Psycogeek Which guy? That's because you need to build your character to appropriate levels to advance in game and game has many things.
@user2493976 directory can be listed by anyone (anyone can cd to the directory) the file isn't readable/writeable/executable by anyone
@Braiam and who can delete the file then?
nobody, unless root
not even the owner?
yeah, the owner too
@Boris_yo yes he said the world is huge.
just that rm will tell you "remove write-protected regular empty file ‘file’?"
And if the owner of a file doesn't have write permissions but the group to which he/she belongs has, can the owner write to it?
@user2493976 why don't you create a file and test?
@Psycogeek How do you call in english person playing video games, who devotes most of his time to game, sitting on it days and weeks by exploring everything it offers, replaying game in order to explore something he didn't previously, in order to enjoy it fully? I am not sure about "nerd", "geek" and "wanker" but something close must be there.
@Braiam I did, but its allowing write access on a UNIX emulator on Windows, but haven't got the chance to test on a full fledged linux
In the end such person becomes expert in this game and reveals his findings in forums and answers questions of others. This is one of a few people who's aim is to master game.
@user2493976 it ask you if you want to write the write-protected file in each case,
@Braiam oh
@Boris_yo loozer? :-) I dont know , the only term i know would be Gamer. Gamers is what i would call them, they know the games inside and out, they can tell you who made it, the creators, they can break all the puzzels in seconds, they know every trick in the book, and the videos make it look like a cakewalk.
@Psycogeek But there are games who don't put such efforts into games. They just play and that's it. Does that mean they are not gamers?
@Psycogeek In your definition I would call them "serious gamers". Like nerds who earn to get A+ in school and universities, who's passion is learning?
Gamers destroy games for regular people :-) they are so good at the stuff, they demand that it be much harder, and complicated, and they set the reviews up , and the opinions for the rest of the community. Then games are made for them, because they are walking sales tools. But for me i wanted a bit more enjoyment without pure eazy.
@Boris_yo sure serious, or even PRO, getting paid to play.
@Psycogeek Getting paid to complete levels for others? I don't know about paying because if you enjoy something, you do it for free.
Johnathan Wendel (born February 26, 1981), also known by the pseudonym Fatal1ty (pronounced Fatality), is a professional electronic sports player and entrepreneur. Johnathan is considered the world's first prominent and accomplished professional gamer. He is also considered one of the best professional gamers in the world. Biography Wendel has won approximately US$500,000 in cash and prizes from professional competitions, mainly in the Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL). In addition to receiving numerous product partnerships with his company Fatal1ty Brand (Fatal1ty, Inc.), he has ...
@Boris_yo just getting paid to review, run a website that sells, being a beta tester and seller for the game company, making (minor) money off of making youtubes and having people watch them.
@Boris_yo eSports Professionals
@Boris_yo and them too, but if they made a game for him , nobody could play it :-)
@Sathya Except "sports". Cyber sports I take? LAN parties competing with others?
@Psycogeek His is same serious gamer but with little difference because he plays in competitions against multiple players. Not everybody is like him and most get to know single player games inside out.
@Sathya I call these LAN parties.
@Boris_yo hardly lan 'parties'
@Boris_yo That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@Boris_yo Its the reviewers that play a LOT of game, who can rambo an entier army in 10 seconds, find the secrets in 2, and get the girl before the hour is up. All talking about how stupidly Easy the game is . When i got to play the same thing, it wasnt "easy" , and by the time i could play it like they do, i am boored with the repetition.
@Psycogeek They can't master game that fast. They just run through it with cheats claiming it's easy except AVGN unless they already mastered this game before.
The reviewers have the say, a developer watches that, and he sees that the game he made is way to easy, and the next version, i cant even play.
Fatal1ty - 1st thing comes to mind he started from Mortal Kombat games.
Well this man proved that career in gaming can be made... How can one dedicate entire life playing games competing against others? Doesn't that induce headache? Nearsightedness?
@Boris_yo my histroy with that goes back to Tomb Raider. game came out i Loved it, it was not easy, but it was fully playable. The experts get hold of it and make it look totally lame. The easy tomb raider Sold tons and tone. the next version harder and harder, did not sell as much.
@Boris_yo I would hope so, what fun would intense gaming be without causing physical deformities?
@Psycogeek Video games marketing hint - make it easy for audience and it will grow because not all are serious gamers.
@Psycogeek Did I forget to add impotency?
@Boris_yo Might be to late. some people who are older who would play the weak stuff, will no longer even turn one on.
@Psycogeek You say the older person is, the less likely he is willing to play game with hard difficuly?
Lets watch grampa go Online and get slaughtered by a bunch of 14 year olds, before he moves from his spawn location. Why he would lover that :-)
@Psycogeek Heh, what about grandpa who constantly plays games? Someone who played enough games through his life and holds hefty experience?
@Boris_yo wonder how many of them there are? really serious hard hitting games came to the arcades probably first? then 20 years for each generation. 2013-40 they would have started around 1973?
with what Pong and pacman?
I think i hit on another Reality show (ohh nooo) Pinball wizzard grampas playing online
I wonder if it can beat out "My mothers second wedding dress" reality show for the ratings spot :-)
or was that stupid enough for a reality show yet? how about "Me and My shoes" a reality show that has women out buying shoes?
Needs more flare. "Project Desperate $10,000 Shoe Survival" thatll do it. probably have at lest 20 viewers with a title like that.
@Psycogeek Grandpas who played since 70s till 2010 will probably won't match against players in 2040 as game standards change, technology changes so previous experience will barely help...
plus they need Twitch reflex
and one of these
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@Synetech Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
@Psycogeek why that remember me Tron...?
wtf GStreamer SDK, why do you need 10 minutes to "Compute space requirements" when installing? Trust me, I have enough space... 7.4 TB free
@allquixotic define "space" in GStreamer language :P
maybe it just couldn't believe that I had so much space
lol, that applies too
@Braiam ffmpegcolorspace
@allquixotic hi there
@allquixotic you got around to 8.1 yet?
hey, you accept this kind of questions here?
@Braiam it's borderline
Q: Should Tablet Computer questions be allowed on Super User?

Lance RobertsI found out today that Tablet questions on Super User are closed as off-topic. Related question: Will iPad be acceptable subject matter for Super User? I guess not? There is no rational logic for this, since Tablet PCs are just a different form factor of computer, like laptops used to be. Ther...

Q: Please vote on proposed changes to our policy on tablet computers

nhinkleWe recently asked how you feel about questions regarding Windows 8 on ARM. After looking through the answers and comments there, and some lengthy discussion amongst the moderators, we've come up with the following possible changes to our policies on tablets. As the nature of computing changes, s...

yeah, seems that is more on topic in android
Q: Will Android x86 questions be appropriate?

shamblehWith the release of Android x86 available for running the Android OS on a PC, will we be accepting questions that pertain to this?

Should we be closing this question now that we effectively have a more recent version?
Q: Should Tablet Computer questions be allowed on Super User?

Lance Roberts The current policy by community consensus is: Allow appropriate tablet questions, but not actively encourage iOS and Android. Basically they will be treated like Ubuntu and OS X are treated right now. I found out today that Tablet questions on Super User are closed as off-topic. Relate...

@Bob running it now
@allquixotic :\
I've wasted most of the day trying to upgrade
accompanied by a lot of swearing
you and your Surface :|
meanwhile, I need to figure out how to deal with Ralink's utterly worthless drivers
in all seriousness, though, congratulations :P
@allquixotic how are you liking 8.1? is it any better than 8, and should I even bother?
@Braiam yes, well, I'm asking for a personal opinion from someone I highly respect :P
@Braiam also, that article isn't complete
I know for a fact that it's missing at least the encryption changes, if not more
well, it says "complete" :P
also is June article... is old...
last minute changes aren't show
I'm pretty sure the FDE changes weren't last minute
but they also aren't very visible, and don't work on the majority of current hardware, so... yea
@Bob running Start8, it's exactly, completely identical, with absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever... but that's on my desktop
I'm sure it's much better on my Surface Pro, but I haven't updated it yet
ah. you got your desktop updated? nice
this just confirms that I have terribly bad luck at OS updates :P
the upgrade process was painless
I think OpenSUSE is the only one that's not completely died on me
this is the same desktop that epically failed to update from Win7 to Win8, though
Windows recovers far better than Ubuntu, I'll give it that much
but finding the cause is a pain
I don't want your fucking smiley face, gimme some more details and the path of the goddamned dump file
hm. I'm going to need more HDDs if I want to store all these images
upgrading Ubuntu is like taking a car completely apart then putting the engine on the roof, lining up the wheels and tires underneath the trunk, and installing the steering wheel and steering column coming out of the back seat
@Bob isn't that grandioso?
@allquixotic that's why I never "upgrade" anything :P
well, I did upgraded Debian... from stable to testing...
...I shoulda just grabbed a MSDN copy of 8.1, but I really cbf'd reinstalling everything
I think my last WIndows upgrade experience was 98 to XP
@Bob I'm playing around with that Powershell line some more, need to preserve file extensions 8-)
@root use .BaseName and .Extension instead of .Name
@Bob was just BaseName my first shot!
@root actually, even beter
just replace the contents of the parentheses
use this regex instead:
or, even better (if you only want to grab the last paren pair):
@Bob the contents of the filenames always vary, could be Foo Bar (Stuff) (Things) [OtherStuff] or Bar (Fooooo0x!$) [Things] (Other)
or if you want to eat up to the last dot:
the only constant in this large folder is the open parenth is the set character, with all the files, where I want to erase up to the "." of the file extension
wait no
that requires a dot
I do however like \(.*?\), I'm still getting used to requiring a dot before "*"
I'm up.
Time to read up on what @Bob wrote yesterday, for moving my Users folder.
@root yep:
PS > "Foo Bar (Stuff) (Things) [OtherStuff].txt" -replace "\(.*(?=\..*?$)", "(A)";
Foo Bar (A).txt
but that breaks if there isn't a dot
@Bob hmm let me pump this into RegexBuddy to help me understand better ;)
at which point you can go either more complex regex or just use basename and extension
so this wouldn't work if there were no file extension?
what would happen if the file were; Foo. Ba. r. (Stuff) (Things) [OtherStuff].txt
@Bob I'm really not sure about the registry changes... The last time I changed, there were quite a few hardcoded paths and I shouldn't have changed them and I broke things. :/
@root would take from the first ( to the last .
@Bob mmm this may work well across the board, excellent suggestions
let me ponder
@root got the split version working:
gci | %{ren $_.Name "$($_.BaseName -replace `"\`(.*`", `"(USA)`")$($_.Extension)"}
(replace ren with the move thing to deal with brackets)
@Bob yea that seems most efficient. it's easy but redundant to replace all brackets prior to using Rename-Item
@root I'm just using ren because I'm not sure of the exact syntax for move right now
@Bob similar, just a flag for -LiteralPath I think
> Getting ready 99%
> Setting up a few more things 2%
oh for fuck's sake Microsoft
there's no bloody point in having a progress indicator if you just pull another level out of your arse -_-
I mean, if the messages were descriptive...
@Bob Windows 8.1 upgrade has about 12 of those
stupid illusion of progress
@allquixotic 12? -_-
is that a wild guess or is it actually 12?
@SchwitJanwityanujit Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
I would like to try going into network security and I'd like to start with my home network shared with my friends. I have a VERY basic understanding of computer networks; I know some TCP/IP, how to use WireShark, ARP poisoning, putty and the Windows network suite.

Some tasks I'd like to learn how to do include:

Bandwidth monitoring of devices attached to the router
Packet sniffing of the wireless
Break into the network without having the password (if the network is WPS)
Cut someone off the network
ok maybe more like 9
I think this is the 5th one
4 to go if I haven't missed any :(
@SchwitJanwityanujit ok, that's way too many questions to just paste in here like that -- even for the main site that's too many questions at once -- why don't you start by telling us what you've already tried?
@SchwitJanwityanujit bandwidth monitoring? what does that even mean?
that's a cool name.
WPS is very brute-forceable
@Bob Actually once the download is finished and your computer asks you for the license terms you have like 5 minutes to go.
@Ariane nope
going on two hours here
@Bob check how much traffic is going to each device :D
@Ariane you're asking me?
"packet sniffing" and "breaking in" are in many cases illegal cracking and I refuse to help you with those in any way... cutting someone off of the network, provided you are the administrator of the network, is quite easy -- either change the WPA password, or set up a MAC whitelist
@SchwitJanwityanujit you'd need to be the gateway if you're talking about traffic to another net
better yet, set up WPA2-EAP with mandatory client certs for authentication -- then you can really kick someone off
otherwise, you'd better hope you're using a managed switch
or a hub, but those are as good as dead
I woke up this morning after leaving my PC running all night, and it was asking me to accept the license terms. All that was left at this point was to say the settings I wanted and then it prepared my user account which took a couple of minutes. Really, it's weird that it would take you so long.
@allquixotic eww client certs
that's a clusterfuck if I've ever seen one
@Ariane oh, never got up to the licence terms
What's happening ATM?
it's also 4am and my patience is wearing thin
7 mins ago, by Bob
> Setting up a few more things 2%
What do you mean by "you'd need to be the gateway"?
Hmm... well if you have an older installation I guess it can take longer.
@Bob hey, morning!
@SchwitJanwityanujit if it's a switched network and they don't send traffic to you, you aren't going to see any of it
so you cannot see what other clients are sending and receiving in a switched network
if you're talking about something going to another network through a gateway (normally, the hardware known as a router), then you'd need to be that gateway
if it's a hub, well, everything goes everywhere
Oh no I'm just doing this at home
Trying to monitor what goes where on the router
@SchwitJanwityanujit ...what's that supposed to mean?
most networks, home or otherwise, are on switched networks with a gateway for access to and from devices outside the local network
I don't care if it's a home network or in the middle of the NSA, the basics are the same
I don't understand. I'm just a guy with access to the home router and I want to see where traffic is sent on that router
what is this business about gateways?
...go reread my messages
Isn't netstat a good tool to determine this? I know it shows active connections but never tried for traffic.
a game about "real" hackers + guns:
Well I have access to the router/gateway, does that help?

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