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Q: When cleaning up tags, please use one post per tag so that real community input can be given

Lance RobertsPlease Don't Let This Happen To Your Site A recent problem surfaced on Meta Super User, where they have one question that they use for tag burnination/cleanup, and they just edit the question every month to a new burn order. This has led to a large amount of upvotes on the post, that are usuall...

This guy...
I'm a little angry right now. More than someone should be angry about an internet thing :P
@OliverSalzburg I feel an XKCD coming on
!!xkcd 386
Why is this on MSO? This is a MSU issue. MSO doesn't tell other sites how to run their community. Other sites -- often for very good reason -- deliberately have different policies than SO. This is intended and expected by SE. All it seems you're doing here is trying to attract attention and shame the SU mods, but your viewpoint is invalid to begin with, because it's based on the false assumption that the post you're referring to is edited without community consensus, when in fact, community consensus is raised in separate questions before the tags are moved to that post. — allquixotic 11 secs ago
I'm going to write some angry code before reading anything on that thread ;P
I'm going to implement all the DELETE actions of this REST API
and.. I got downvoted ;p
wait, I will destroy him with facts :D
I hit 3k on MSO now ;)
@Braiam: I almost pointed out, I have over 1.7K flags and as many edits, when he pointed out he had 4.5K rep
ups, downvote :D
its probably the OP
yeah, all post received a autodownvote
@JourneymanGeek I don't have edit privileges on metaso, could you correctthe edit you made to @Braiam's answer? "Is was not" to "IT was not"
Thanks @Braiam
@terdon forgive him... dogs has no grammar sense :P
Poor puppy. Though in this case, he did not insert the mistake, just didn't correct it.
man, tone down the awesomeness :P
@OliverSalzburg: should you be giving the cousins at MSO a headsup at the shitstorm that just got blown up?
@JourneymanGeek I haven't checked it out yet. But the question already came up earlier in a different context
How do I set multimonitor wallpapers in Fedora 19 just like I had in Ubuntu 12.04? Anyone has any idea?
@ThatBrazilianGuy you should really ask in UL as I see you have done :P
@JourneymanGeek When in doubt, flag it. I can't get involved in it right now :P
@OliverSalzburg: oh, I mean in general
@JourneymanGeek I think it would be helpful to get a community leader from SE involved... someone like Grace Note
@Braiam But... but the place is so empty....
@JourneymanGeek I don't think I understand what you mean then
not "that guy is a ____" more "lots of people are worked up over that question"
I'M NO HELP VAMPIRE!!!!!!!111!!!ONE1 runs
I have no idea how intersite moderator dynamics work ;p
@ThatBrazilianGuy change your display name to "That HV" :P
@Tanner! LTNS!
now ^ that is awesome
@allquixotic Hey there
how goes?
where you been hiding dude?
darn lag
The guy was acting under false assumptions when he wrote his answer to our tag cleanup question. I demonstrated that fact to him. I don't see what else there is to do and I don't think someone else could explain it to him more clearly
with a toothy ava.
@allquixotic working lol
@Tanner -_-
@TomWijsman Good call
And extra upvotes!
@allquixotic I tend to sit in comms and read. If I come to RA I actually chat and do no work so..
@Braiam Uh, handles a different thing.
...how can he not see how hypocritical he's being? -_-
It's like arguing with a brick wall.
@ThatBrazilianGuy meet your new gravatar ^^
@Bob he reminds me of EC, kinda
yeah, that was the "source" of the edit
How does one get >50k on metaSO and not have a single account on any site that has even 10k!?
@allquixotic I was actually thinking that earlier.
@terdon posting funny cat pictures
@terdon flaming wars :P
@terdon Ah, the classic politician.
actually he did.
he did what?
I'm top 13% this year on MSO...
Still... "I don't like you saying the tag is bad! You must do things my way!" is what I'm getting out of this.
That's what we're all getting
@Bob I would love to kill some tags on AU too... configuration on of them
as I said, he wants us to arrange our pantry in alphabetical order. I'd rather have my mustard with the ketchup, not the damned marmalade.
@allquixotic Better now? Like my new avatar?
the comments are way out of control now, I'm waiting for a MSO diamond mod to come along and just wipe out the comments, post an answer and lock the thread :P
@ThatHelpVampireGuy you have to sync it with all you accounts
@ThatHelpVampireGuy LOL! awesome!!
!!tell 1 {0} foo
@JimmyHoffa Command foo does not exist.
@Braiam I'm not entirely sure if configuration is necessarily a meta-tag, tbh. But I don't like how he tried to handle it.
@JimmyHoffa hey JimmyFP :) how goes?
@ThatHelpVampireGuy: SPARKLICOUS!
got any good references that are fairly accessible to an experienced OOPer / FP noob to learn Haskell?
@JimmyHoffa Command {0} does not exist.
@allquixotic You could just change your DE to Xmonad and see how long it takes for you to smash something :P
@Bob oh ok; I'll do that in a VM... Xmonad and programming in Haskell... I'll even write a GUI in Haskell to learn how it's done
@allquixotic: I think I know a guy who does haskell.
@JourneymanGeek Jimmy is our Haskell guy
I will give him a poke if he is concious
we were talking about it yesterday
he successfully convinced me to learn Haskell
I know people, who know people.. who do things.
I know everyone over this planet...
o_O every time our A/C unit starts up (on the roof, right above my head) it makes a LOUD thump and the lights flicker and air rushes through the vents... it makes me think the damn thing is coming down on my head
a acuitance of an acuitance of an acuitance of an acuitance of an acuitance of an acuitance
@allquixotic learnyouahaskell.com/chapters my preference, it's very slow and drab at the beginning, but all of a sudden after going over the basic primitives which feel totally normal and boring, it suddenly starts doing things with them you've never seen before that gives you a headache. It's important you bore yourself through the beginnings though or else when it starts showing more abstract approaches you'll be pretty lost
@JourneymanGeek You look like a regular terrier but you have 60k rep... You're no regular dog... What are you? Say it? SAY IT!
@JimmyHoffa good, I like things that move slowly actually, much preferred over something that moves too fast
Was really hard for me because when I started I was so used to just fidgeting in the code to learn a new language or reading a couple tutorials. This didn't work for Haskell, was the first language I had to read a book to get in years...
@JimmyHoffa hey, threading was the first CS concept I had to read a book to learn in years after I learned single-threaded imperative programming
@ThatHelpVampireGuy: Mini Schnauzer cross - they're one of the smartest small dogs ;p
new tools == growing pains
Okay now I read that question again and it made me angry again :P
@allquixotic and start using regex to parse html ;)
I use regex liberally already
@allquixotic Haskell's a great deal more than a growing pain... When it started doing more complex things I found myself going to sleep with symbols in my head I had a really hard time rectifying and had the most unpleasant dreams in code ever...hardly slept the first week I really learned Haskell...
@OliverSalzburg take some endorphine
sleeping with code? what happened to the sexy beauties that all guys dream of?
@Braiam Most developers occasionally dream in code, usually when they're struggling with some problem that they don't have solved yet, or just happen to be jamming out a ton of code on at a clip because of schedules
@JimmyHoffa I don't dream in code, but when I close my eyes after a full coding session I sometimes see code
@JimmyHoffa you didn't got it, I said sleeping with code
but I always think of GREAT solutions to really troubling programming problems in the shower
I can't remember any dreams. Unless you count the code thought up and written while dozing slightly, which I now have no idea how it works.
@allquixotic I think this is as universal as dreaming in code :P (surprised you've never dreamed in code?)
@Bob this morning I remembered that I dreamt last night about thinking I needed to drink gasoline for some reason, and I wasn't sure if it was bad for me or would make me sick, but there was some instinct inside of me that sort of told me it was probably bad, but I wasn't sure, and I felt a compulsion to drink it because somehow that would help something (?)
Dreaming in code is basically identical to what happens to people in other professions, their job get's stressful or really difficult or they just can't get it off their mind, they go to bed and find their dreams filled with them continuing the work of their day
that's all I remember
I've had weird I-am-a-industrial-spy-kind of dream... but never about code
@JimmyHoffa I've had a few dreams I remember where I spent the entire night (what felt like 6 months) fretting over a problem and seeing the same error pop up again and again or similar, and rarely a dream that I fixed it, but never actual code
the wierdest dream I had was I was like this indiana jones girl spy.
you were a girl? and a spy? of the Indiana Jones type?
though, I dreamt the solution to the end of halflife 2.
@allquixotic: twas awesome ;p
@JimmyHoffa Except you might actually get something useful out of it :P
also wierd
ever dream that you were pregnant?
since I am very much a male dog with a beard.
I have
@allquixotic Yeah that's the same thing. Haskell did this to me except instead of error messages it was a problem I was trying to solve and I couldn't figure out where to use the $ or <$> or <*> or . or >>= or other various what appeared to be arcane symbols, and I couldn't in my dream make heads or tails of any of them so my mind just kept trying to solve problems with them except they were like chinese to my brain. Unpleasant.
@JourneymanGeek Did you have a marathon Tomb Raider/Indiana Jones session or something?
I have last week dreamed that I was dreaming, them I dream that I awoke. At the same time I dreamt that I had to wake up, made a physical effort to open my eyes really hard, then I woke up.
...or have I really?
@ThatHelpVampireGuy I once dreamt that I had to wake up, so I did, in my dream, and I was "awake" in my dream, so I was all happy and satisfied that I was awake, but in reality I was asleep lol
my mind hid the fact that it was asleep from itself :P
@allquixotic OMG!
I once dreamt that Cthulhu (the Entity) was lettuce (the concept of the food), and lettuce was Cthulhu, they were the same thing
yeah, I've had of those
one time, very recently, I got a phone call while I was asleep and I told the person who picked up, "we're working on a bill to pass for that, don't worry, we're working on it, I'm sure the President will sign it"
not yours @ThatBrazilianGuy
US Fed fiscal nightmares :S
@allquixotic agh, you're clearly letting that get far too close to home :P
@JimmyHoffa actually it's very close to home
I'm a federal government contractor
I once dreamed I ate a sandwich... I actually made the sandwich and eat it, but heck I couldn't taste it... and woke up hungry...
Yes, I know, reel in horror, run away, burn me at the stake, etc
@Braiam too bad you didn't taste it, then it would be like holodeck food, the best kind, you get to enjoy it but then it doesn't make you fat :P
@allquixotic heh that sucks
@Braiam Where do you live?
@allquixotic Once while I was a kid I went to sleep dressed in pajamas, and woke up naked under the sheets. I was really puzzled, and my mother said I undressed, handed her the clothes and said "please, put it in the drawers" and went back to sleep.
star wall is now to be filled with peoples' crazy dreams
@ThatHelpVampireGuy Maybe you are moonwalker?
@allquixotic YAY :D
@Boris_yo no, he didn't dream about being Michael Jackson...
!!tell 11711201 yes
@Braiam now I will show ya the true meaning of recursion
@Braiam the true meaning of recursion is recursion
@ChatBotJohnCavil He's now angry grumpy cat.
@allquixotic check it again...
@allquixotic Once in high school I dreamt that I had called a friend, and then when I got there the next day I was confused because she didn't brought what I asked her to.
@ThatHelpVampireGuy dude, that happens to my father all the time... he tell me to do things "for him" in his dreams...
Ha! The exact opposite thing happened to me, only it was a friend who called and I thought I'd dreamed it.
@terdon if it was a girl, I'd have thought I dreamt it too!
girls don't (ever) call me.
@allquixotic here, you need to make it just pick a random picture from a directory and render the text on the picture realtime deebujacob.blogspot.com/2013/07/…
@allquixotic awwww
By the way @ThatHelpVampireGuy if you ask a question in chat, stick around when people try an answer or you will live up to your new name. :)
@allquixotic how sad...
@allquixotic Haskell will solve this problem! Err... well cough uhh... Yeah...girls love...universal quantification... O_O
@JimmyHoffa lol
I already have a strong background in discrete logic and number theory, as well as faint memories of nightmarish OCaml and LISP from Programming Languages (junior year), so hopefully I won't have to do too much legwork in chapter 1 and 2 :P
@allquixotic Even company's customer service representatives ;)
Click-upvote and Josh, good for you. I'm impressed that you found girls that were both hot and liked programmers with no sense of humor. — Kevin Feb 13 '09 at 14:55
@Braiam wut....
@allquixotic Yeah the beginnings are really easy, I have no education just a lot of Microsoft development in my background, but those were boring as get out. Though when I tried skipping them I found myself totally lost because the way those basics are used is so bafflingly different from normal
@terdon Oh noes, people will now judge me by my (fake) name. .___.
@JimmyHoffa now, looking back several years (I'm in my late 20s), I kind of wish that I had had the patience to really learn FP in college :((
...I wish I'd had the patience to go to college....
I had the opportunity, it was right there, but I more or less BSed my way through it, and I know it, because when I learn things for real, I can retain them for a decade or more
I still know single-variable calculus like the back of my hand because I got A's in Calculus 1 and 2 after trying very hard in those classes
but I haven't actually practiced it for years
@ThatHelpVampireGuy There goes your reputation...
@allquixotic read the answer
that comment has more upvotes than the answer itself
I've actually had a good number of "friend-zoned" female friends, but always taken
I need to write this NUnit snippet in Haskell: if(girl.relateTo(this) > 50) { Assert.IsTrue(girl.Taken); }
where relateTo() functions kinda like a String comparator in Java, except the range is from 0 (hate) to 100 (family member unconditional love)
@allquixotic When I was single, I had a few girls giving me a chance with them, but only girls from other cities / states / countries.
A friend joked my chance with girls was inversely proportional to geographic distance.
@allquixotic you in incest? family member?!
@ThatHelpVampireGuy lol
@Braiam significant other is often considered a member of the family here, especially when married/engaged
@ThatHelpVampireGuy he's so mean
@Braiam Yet he's right, my wife moved from another state to marry me.
@Braiam relate to != relatED to
@terdon exactly
@terdon I don't know Haskell, so I'm forgiven :P
@OliverSalzburg still waiting for a MSO diamond to come clean up that godawful post
@allquixotic They're sleeping on the job :P
who took the dog out?
@allquixotic Flag it
Although it should have been auto-flagged "Question has accumulated more than a fuckton of comments"
> Note that the mods have refused to allow the rest of my post on this answer because they disagree with it. Meta Stack Exchange post on concept of community consensus.
Give me a fucking break
@ChatBotJohnCavil give Oliver a break.
@OliverSalzburg you want me to roll that back for ya? I'm not a mod so he can't accuse me of that :)
He actually waited until the question was unlocked to make that stupid edit?
@terdon Nah, it's best to leave it in
Yeah, I was not being serious, that would just start another edit war on a useless post.
At least he seems to have gotten the message about "the nazi thing"
Not really, we've just taken over poor @JourneymanGeek's answer for our little comment war. Sorry JG
Trivia: What is the name of stronghold where trolls dwell?
@Boris_yo The Internet
@terdon as long as his tail is still kinda facing towards the sky (I'm thinking Minecraft dogs here; their tail angle relative to the sky indicates how much health they have remaining) it's good
@ThatHelpVampireGuy This is broad answer.
@Boris_yo is the correct answer
No, the answer is Trollhold. I do not contain trolls.
> Welcome to Trollhold, land of a thousand bridges!
@JimmyHoffa Where did you get that?
@Boris_yo Wouldn't you like to know!
@JimmyHoffa Okay, then why are there so many bridges?
So the trolls have somewhere to sleep of course!
@Boris_yo Because it's not squirrelhold, land of a thousand trees
@Boris_yo That's how all the segments are connected to form the internet
found the bay, the fort has to be near
@terdon They sleep under the bridges? So if I travel to San Francisco, I will find them under the Golden Gate bridge?
@Braiam Based on my experience, I'd expect the troll bayians would place their fort somewhere in the sea of memes
oh an underwater fort
@Boris_yo :) Trolls (not internet trolls) are associated with bridges.
that way they can rescue their comrades when they get shot out of a cannon from Twitter (provided it's facing eastward)
@Boris_yo One troll per bridge. The golden gate bridge troll is particularly sizable, but surprisingly friendly so it's ok
@Braiam Where is Google here? YouTube where is?
!!xkcd 802
is SE on that map?
the troll bay is in the middle of the map... so they can travel anywhere!
@Braiam Hey there's even factory of DELL Latitude laptops!
@Braiam Nice strategic location. And who said trolls are dumb should envy them because they show smarts!
no fair, the trolls have access to the most Tiberium!
@allquixotic if it's it should be near usenet
@allquixotic Where did you find Tiberium?
@allquixotic nah, data from 2010. Probably would be today though.
@ChatBotJohnCavil I don't see continental similarity between this map and our world.
@terdon We need to contact author and ask him to include SE.
> We No Longer Live In Actual Countries But Digital Ones
@Braiam Where do you live?
*checks profile*
I live on MMO Isle... southeastern district... just at the base of the "mountains of steam"
> There is a country in the globe,
> placed in the same path of the sun,
> Native of the night
> Placed in the unlikely archipelago of sugar and alcohol
darn translation is so bad...
@Braiam Shenanigans? Do you mean Shenanigans? You guys are talking about Shenanigans right?
Ah, Adobe.
100 MB download for a 16 MB installation.
@Bob 84mb of various tracking and annoyatron software distributed randomly throughout your system
@JimmyHoffa Pedro Mir poem about my country and who in the world are Shenanigans?
@Braiam Writing in puzzles is not user friendly.
@JimmyHoffa oh yea... most of them
@Boris_yo man, read my profile!
!!define shenanigans
@terdon shenanigans Mischievous play, especially by children.
@Braiam I knew that. I forgot it.
!!how to improve my memory
arg, grammarly is mad...
@Boris_yo That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
> Use the help command to learn more.
!!help how to improve my memory?
@Boris_yo Command how to improve my memory? does not exist.
@ChatBotJohnCavil Well maybe it's time to? I know you have access to underground military complex where memory module implants are carried out. Can you give me access? And what is the cost of such operation?
I can't believe nobody here caught the reference...
@JimmyHoffa This actor played his role as antagonist in X-Men 2.
Q: System unit configuration. What does 3/3/3 mean?

DariaIf I choose system unit, for example HP Compaq and I have the next configuration dc7700 CMT E4400 160G FDD DVDRW 1G XP Pro Office Ready 3/3/3. What do the digits 3/3/3 mean? There also can be 3/3/0 or 2/2/0 etc.

I had trouble with which tag to add after removing the only/last one.
[Desktop-computer] seems a bit weak though.
hp? model terminology?
sometimes I look at the answers instead, like warranty
10k network wide :D
!!tell 11712589 yes
@Braiam oh, the answer to what it is is already given. And the answer is fine.
I just ran into the question because it has a tag on the burn list.
I can remove that tag, but that leaves it with no tags.
And new questions and edits need one tag.
@Hennes sorry, what?
Re "hp? model terminology?"
@Hennes I know that, I'm telling you what tags can you use instead
This might be a good picture to add to the !! list
@Hennes I prefer it the way your screenshot is as if it's flipping the cat off or the cat is flipping someone off
Someone flagged it for another room, but I have no idea what the accepted culture is within that room.
@LucasMalor Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
In order to celebrate my new user name, I hereby demand that you answer my question: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/96344/…
Would it be very hard to see what is on your monitors after you stretched wallpaper over them?
Sometimes I love being a non-native English speaker. I can just seem not to grasp things. :)
Escuse me. what talking about?
As a ex-coworker once said: "I will come on to you in the morning"
Hmmm, people order LEGO from USA like crazy due to price difference. Am I missing something?
Insane prices for lego at other locations?
Over here I might just as well buy gold bricks. Those might be cheaper.
@Hennes Yes man.
@Hennes From where? Federal reserve?
Are those furloughed ?
@Hennes Yes, I guess most of them.
The US could just sell all its gold to pay of its creditors like Luxemburg and Belgium.
And yes, these are in the top-10 countries who own the US
China ofcourse being #1
@Hennes Now my non-english-nativeness prevents me to grasp it
That: Which of the sentences?
@Hennes Wait. US owns federal reserve.
Ah, I can see where you replied to. That is new
"Coming on to someone" is making a romantic move.
In this case the coworker wanted to tell someone that he would fix someones computer in the morning.
@ThatHelpVampireGuy What's with obsession over changing avatars and now user name?
@Boris_yo What's with your obssession over my supposed obsession?
You're the only one that questions it
Each and every time
@ThatHelpVampireGuy Inception?
@Boris_yo he changed it today after we jokingly prodded him about it :P
I ask because this is unusual. Paranormal maybe.
@Boris_yo No, inception meme is reference to Matrioshkas
just call him "That", because all his names are always "That" something
@allquixotic Unless he removes the only clue. Then he could become new personality and we will never truly see That Brazilian Guy again.
@allquixotic That[noun]guy
@allquixotic oh that guy
I guess it is a matter of his unique personality I will never understand.
@Boris_yo also known as Ruda :P
@allquixotic Maybe his real name...
Time to change my name to 'that Bazilian vampire'
@Hennes Not you too...
My imaginary name. ;-)
@Hennes Do you have imaginary friend?
@Hennes Your name is already imaginary! Well, your avatar is anyway
@terdon He wants imaginary within imaginary.
@Hennes There's already someone with the title.
Why people of earth speak various languages? So they can conspire!
@Hennes I was first here who showed you this!
36 mins ago, by Hennes
Sometimes I love being a non-native English speaker. I can just seem not to grasp things. :)
lol Why?
@ThatHelpVampireGuy I liked this one and one about territory.
"I was told some laptops and even some apples can be left plugged in continuous and not suffer any issues"
How about leaving some peers plugged in? And how about oranges ?
pears hennes Pears

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