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I know!
That doesn't matter. There is so much inter-related computer knowledge that if you're consistently doing things that require you to ask questions, it's better to figure things out yourself
I think it was a series of free software project maintainers on IRC, plus SE in general, that helped me escape the help vampire rut
There are so many questions I don't have to ask, because I discovered the answer while exploring and trying to solve a different problem months earlier.
of course, the IRC guys weren't quite as nice as SE is
I've always been the guy who went into irc to ask a question
but they got the point across
and ending up answering 20 more
I am more into cross discipline....
I was a help vampire a few months ago getting Linux-Vserver set up on my box, but I donated money to the project maintainer who helped me, as a sort of "I'm sorry" :P
he said it was fine
I want to learn how to be film director.... i want to be a diplomat, ... dentist, psychologist, piano player, hockey coach....
I feel bad for Eric Law because the Fiddler mailing list on google groups is basically a non-stop HV lane
I am sure I will not be able to achieve it all in my life
you know HOV lane, right? well now I invented the term "HV lane" for help vampire lane :D
But I am naive and I will try
gawd. stop it man.
I want to work with computers all day ;p
@EinsteinsGrandson I think you will find that if you learn how to master something -- just one thing, even if it's just programming in Java -- mastering other things will come to you more easily
because, bearing down and spending 2 days solving a trivial Java problem, and the things that doing that will do to your brain, will help you become a dentist, psychologist and piano player
@EinsteinsGrandson: cause you learnt to learn
Because there is common knowledge to mastering anything.
it's all about how you discipline your mind, and your thought processes
Because you know how to explore a topic to the depth required to master it
exactly ^
But you neeed time!
You cannot master anything unless you know how to explore it.
You need let's say 3 years to become a film direcotr
Yes, of course you need time.
(it's 10 years to become an expert, by the way)
You need 3 to 5 years to become a piano player
@EinsteinsGrandson: I'd rather be spending the time learning, than whining I have no time.
As I am saying... This is the problem that the whole world have
Life is short!
So, you have to be quick... if you want to fulfill your dreams!
@EinsteinsGrandson The point we're trying to make is, if all this stuff you want to do requires you to do so much with computers, then becoming a computer expert is a prerequisite that you have to accomplish first, or you will never have time to do anything else.
flips switch Bye!
Why will I have no time to do anything else?
What do you mean?
As fast as asking a question and getting an answer is, investing the time to learn the subject matter is far, far faster than asking every question I have and waiting on answers
Time spent exploring is less than the time required to ask all the questions I found the answers to, even if I didn't need the answers right at this moment
Ok , I will think about it.... I liked the idea of what it does to my brain.... solving problems by myself!
almost invariably, I'll need the answers at some point in the future
I don't rememeber who said it
maybe @allquixotic
by the way, just for your information, I do consider finding the answer on google or on one of the SE sites in a pre-existing question as "doing it yourself"
by "doing it yourself", I do not mean, sit there and stare at the screen until the answer just comes to you
I mean do it without actually asking another human being about it or posting a question
but you can use any resources you want
textbooks, documentation sites, forums, SE, whatever
maybe i don't know how to google!
that's the problem
i always put this question in google:
What is TreeMap in Java
and get kind of good answers
or What is FileInputStream in Java
first of all, avoid asking whole sentence questions in Google -- sometimes your other keywords will confuse it
just try "FileInputStream java"
actually it is better!!!!
or, if you need to know something specific about it, try adding that specific language
"java treemap explanation" or "java fileinputstream (uses | tutorial)"
It leads me to forums
Documentation ... I hate it...
for example if you need to know how to sort a TreeMap you could try
"java sort treemap"
I need to read the whole problem of a particular person!
and then I learn it
documentation + source code is far better than forums most often
so many posts back and forth of people guessing how something works
dude, come on... the Java API docs are among the best software documentation in the entire world
Ctrl+click, "Oh, so that's how they do it."
if you can't learn from this, you are hopeless
well, that and oracle's java tutorials
Yes I can't
those plus source code are invaluable
There is not even search in there!
there is, actually
what do you mean by SOURCE CODE?
@EinsteinsGrandson umm....
where is it??
It's in the JDK
the search!
single click in the bottom left corner-ish of that page, and press Ctrl+F
install the JDK, configure your IDE to use it
then type "Stream" or "File" or something
and go through the classes that result
and figure out which class you need
you can then usually Ctrl+Click on a class name to go straight to the source code for it
then read the docs on the class and figure out which methods/properties
You can see how the FileInputStream is implemented
or how TreeMap and TreeSet are implemented
I would avoid reading the source code of Java itself until after you have learned how to read the API docs
that's crazy
@DarthAndroid's advice is sound for advanced users who already know what info is provided in the API docs and still need more information
Why would I need to know how TreeMap works?
how it has been programmed?
@EinsteinsGrandson to make use of anything, you need to know how it works
Ideally, you don't. The API docs should give you everything you need to know
do you drive a car without knowing how it works? you have to at least know the basics
however, sometimes they assume you know something
you don't need to know the actual method of fuel injection, or know how a distributor works, etc, but you need to know the results of doing various things
What if I will never use Java in my whole life after I leave university?
you can't drive a car without knowing how fast the car will go depending on how hard you press on the gas pedal
@EinsteinsGrandson that is unlikely, but if you become a programmer in any language, the things you learn from Java will be applicable to other languages in many cases
@EinsteinsGrandson It doesn't matter. What you learn from this kind of exploration in java will apply to any language
How about SQL ?
All the SQL vendors have API documentation for their functions
Matlab yup
But they don't have Java JDK ...
they have their own documentation
So nothing I learn from JDK will help me ...
@EinsteinsGrandson that's irrelevant -- the point is, by learning Java, you are learning learning processes that will help you learn Matlab, or C++, or SQL
@EinsteinsGrandson It's now about remembering exact stuff from the JDK or javadocs
It's about knowing how to look things up
your specific knowledge of TreeMap might not help you down the road, but the effort you expended learning it, will help you read other API docs, and learn other environments
think of it this way
you were a baby once, maybe only 1 or 2 years old
what if your parents only taught you how to walk across the living room, and never anywhere else? what if they prohibited you from walking anywhere except from one side of the living room to another?
I just think that I wasted so much time in my life learning ..... If I was president of the planet.... studnets would need to learn only basics...
now imagine you're 20 years old, and you still only know how to walk from one end of your living room to another
how useful would that be?
You spend 18 years learning... and it does not help you so much...
point is, you learned how to walk in almost any environment, up hills, down hills, in big rooms, in caves, etc
if you do PhD.... it's like 22 years
but you didn't have to learn each one of those specifically on their own
@EinsteinsGrandson: learning isn't getting paper
you applied things you knew from previous environments to the new environments
otherwise, each time you entered a new building, you would fall on the floor, completely unable to walk in that new environment
@EinsteinsGrandson It helps you so much. It helps you to be a good citizen of whatever country you're in. It helps you make decisions based on knowledge you've already collected.
I've not got a degree. I know shit.
I mean.... in USA... it's more about learning what you actually need in your career... what is useful..... in EU is more about... you need to know everything... history, geography, biology, chemisty, physics....
effective learning -- efficient learning (meaning, learning in a short amount of time) -- chiefly involves applying things that you already know to help you solve things you don't yet know
I do, however learn all the time
in or outside class
by extension, the more you already know, the faster it is to learn new things you don't yet know
that's basically the clearest I can possibly make it
@EinsteinsGrandson In the US, you learn everything too
It woule be OK if students only learn 50% or less.... I mean in elementary school and high school...
@EinsteinsGrandson: lots of students don't learn ;p
they memorise, the mug.
Even memorising
It's just waste of time!
they don't actually get the skills they should be getting internalised
You need the ability to specialize, yes, but you need a basic understanding of all major subjects.
you wouldn't need to if you can do.
You don't
You can look it up all on Google
google won't tell you how to apply it, though
There are some usefull things.... foregin languages, psychology, math, philosophy....
@EinsteinsGrandson if that's true, then google "how to learn", and now you are magically a master learner
exploration, learning, is all about how to apply book knowledge
But there are many that are just bullshit you don't need in your life
Such as...?
as I said
biology, history, geography....
physics, chemisty
as I said, google is external memory
you would be OK with only knowing far less than what they teach you
you need to know WHAT to google, and how to convert that explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge.
anyway.... We can continue next time... Life is short
I need to work...
I encounter those subjects on a weekly, if not daily basis
Wouldn't know who, where, or what the EU is without history and geography
@EinsteinsGrandson wow, I just read the transcript, I can't believe you're real.
You seem to want to acquire knowledge without learning.
what's wrong?
what do you mean?
how can you know something, anything if you don't want to learn?
@terdon please don't try
it's already been hashed, re-hashed and re-stated multiple times
you don't need to know anything
@allquixotic Yeah, I guess. Wow though.
All you need to know is how to survive
@terdon at least I learned something from this conversation
people like this exist -- he's way too genuine to be a troll -- and they live on the same planet as me
There are so many things that even you know about them.... it has no impact on how your life is...
that's extremely educational towards my cynicism about humanity
You want to learn something... you pick up the subject and you learn
But You have the freedom to choose
what you want to learn
And this is the future
They will teach kids less and less in schools
@EinsteinsGrandson We're not saying you can't do without... we're saying that life is better for having the tools.
@EinsteinsGrandson you know what? I totally agree - self-directed learning can be great, and a lot more engaging than traditional education
They will teach them basics...
but the key word in "self-directed learning" is -- you guessed it -- LEARNING
asking other people how to solve your problems for you is not learning
When you will want to learn more..... you will go to internet and do some ONLINE course yourself...
@EinsteinsGrandson The problem is that you don't know what you don't know. Without basic physics, you may not even know that is a field of study
Imagine in 50 years.... there will be all courses of all universities online for free
@EinsteinsGrandson I completely agree with your vision of the future of education, and it sounds great -- but only if you are actually learning, and not just googling or asking questions on SO about the assignments and then copy and pasting into your homework
What if the whole Facebook will be about asking and answering?
People are more and more lazy now
And it will be even worse
They will not know what the result of 3x3 is
@EinsteinsGrandson I think the problem is self-regulating, meaning, the people who volunteer to answer will go away naturally, as they tire of doing other peoples' work for them
No they won't
There are billions of people on the internet
The only reason I answer anything on SU is pretty much because I don't know the answer off the top of my head, and I just want to find out for myself.
in 20 years EVERYBODY will be online 24/7
All people from Africa, China, Latin America, India
All of them will speak English
Thanks to futuretimeline.net
what is it?
@EinsteinsGrandson and all of them will just be chomping at the bit to answer your questions for you, right?
well, I guess if you pay them :)
@allquixotic Or provide incentive.
people pay Chinese "workers" to play their games for them -- power leveling, gold, etc. in MMORPGs
I guess the next step is to pay someone to live your life for you
go find your wife and marry her and bring her back to you
do your job for you
I don't want to live in that kind of world
@allquixotic Why just chinese? Cheap?
I want people to be independent, rational, self-aware human beings able to think and feel and reason on their own without needing to get help from someone else
otherwise in a few generations there will not be a "someone else"
Imagine you are some Executive in Germany.... You are making maybe 50.000 dollars per month... You work 15 hours a day.... You pay a person to take care of your cars, another for house, another for garden, another for kids....
You don't live your life
You pay people to live your life
@allquixotic And not be sheeple like government wants them to.
@EinsteinsGrandson maybe, but in order to become a highly paid executive, they had to do things themselves first, because when they started, they couldn't afford to pay for all that
They have been working 15 hours a day their whole life
So they have always had money
oh, ok -- "NO" -- I'm totally convinced now
@EinsteinsGrandson working==learning
obviously any argument can be immediately rebutted by saying "NO"
hell breathing==leraning
you learn every day, you'd have to be dead to avoid it
They finished university.... got a good job and were payed 4000 euros a month
I really hope you grow out of this (I am graciously assuming you are a child, it is the only explanation I can think of)
and they have been working like crazy ever since...
They finished university == therefore they have learned something
They've spent 15 uears working, therefore they learned even more
But when you go to business school.... it's not that hard!
Doesn't matter
Well, obviously not! Business school can't be hard, yuppies need to be able to finish it!
What I am saying is .... the whole world works like this
This is what they tell you in any big company
Time is prescious !
An EVGA GTX680 for $420 seems really cheap, doesn't it?
So, you don't have time to learn everything in detail...
You need be effective
and you can't be without knowledge, come on!
and that means.... solving problems quickly
@OliverSalzburg 680 is previous-generation fastest single GPU, so $80 off of the standard $500 price tag is about right
exactly, which takes knowledge
@terdon Usually when you get a job after university, they say to forget everything you learned there.
$420 for a 680 in 2012 would be cheap, but now that the 780 is out, you're going to see price drops
I have always been like that.... Learning to detail....
@Boris_yo which is bull of course, otherwise they would not look for graduates
@EinsteinsGrandson: my other major is management
classes are NOT easy
But it took me so much time.... Time I could have spent for other things!
@allquixotic Well, I'm also looking at the same card on Amazon for $1300... :P
That's why I have this attitude!
Fine, just don't bring it here
@OliverSalzburg wtf? $1300 for a GTX680? that's price gouging
So what is your first major? @JourneymanGeek ?
even on release day the MSRP of a GTX680 from a reputable vendor wasn't any more than $650 or so (marked up due to greed and high demand of a brand new card)
@allquixotic Yeah, it's the most expensive seller. Average price still seems to be ~$580 though
@terdon They deem graduates as hard working people in terms of learning, willing to get their degree and that says a lot about one's personalities. What they need for proof is your diploma.
And this is the cheapest version of the GTX680 I could find right now as well
Maybe we're getting ripped off in .de :P
@Boris_yo you need basic knowledge of your field in order to work in it, come on.
@OliverSalzburg that's likely
also, AMD generally wins on price/performance ratio (total value), so if those dollars are important to you, you might consider whether you are able to grin and bear the awful AMD graphics drivers
Actually, the cheapest is Zotac GeForce GTX680 2048MB PCIe (ZT-60104-10P) which is 299€ = $405.23
a HD7970 is a great value right now
next gen Radeons are on the market and HD7970 is "old news" by now, but still very capable and modern
No AMD for me
@EinsteinsGrandson: computer forensics and information security management
@terdon People say they had outdated or less relevant material to study in university which did not help their job at all but they say familiarity with subject matter and univeristy diploma is what's ultimately important.
@OliverSalzburg Radeon does much better at OpenCL than Nvidia though :P
@allquixotic I don't care
at least for hashing and video encoding
nvidia are better gaming cards
AMD is better at GPGPU
ok, i need to go.... talk to you next time..... it will never end... ;o)
If I got an AMD card for free, I would sell it and buy an Nvidia card with the money
@Boris_yo maybe in your field. In any case, the most important thing you can learn in uni (and usually don't unfortunately) is how to learn.
@JourneymanGeek based on the way that Nvidia was engineering their cards, I really thought that Nvidia would be better at GPGPU, but apparently only their Tesla cards are better
@allquixotic: as we found out when I dabbled in bitcoin mining ;p
how in the world AMD ended up being better at GPGPU, I have no idea
@JourneymanGeek yup, plus the bitcoin wiki says AMD is better
@OliverSalzburg I'm liking AMD less these days because their drivers are such crap, especially after they laid off half their driver team, but I'm not sold on the value proposition of an Nvidia card, yet.
I'm okayish with my Radeon HD7970 at the moment.
very good gaming performance, but chock full of bugs
I had AMD cards in the past, they sucked, their drivers were horrible crap. I'm not buying their garbage ever again. I'm through with AMD
@allquixotic Conspiracy...
I've had plenty of Nvidia driver problems though
they're not flawless
also, AMD has been beating all AAA developers over the head with the AMD certification/tuning program; more and more AAA games are displaying AMD logo animation during launch, indicating it runs better on AMD because it's been optimized for AMD
that works in AMD's favor because, at least as far as I can tell, those optimizations are real, and they work, and they're great
but in general they don't help Nvidia cards (intentionally or not, I have no idea)
@terdon Maybe if everybody gone to university, there would be less thugs and street gangs. At most I prefer douchebags over thugs anyway.
TotalBiscuit always complaining about how games are getting 30 FPS on his "SLI GTX TITAN"s
gee maybe if he used two Radeon HD7970 in crossfire, he'd get better results :P
@allquixotic Maybe he's just an idiot who simply bought the most expensive crap on the market and is now expecting to have a "killer rig"?
I have a single GTX580 and I don't get 30fps
would be cool if he could just maintain two computers with near identical setups except one is AMD and one is Nvidia, and try them both on a game before bitching that it's slow
then pick the one that runs better for the video and make a verbal note in the show that it ran badly on the other cards
that seems reasonable to me, and he makes actual significant RL money from his youtube vids, and it's his livelihood, so I don't see why he doesn't do that
It's been quite some time since I had a dual-GPU setup but it was a PITA 50% of the time because the software simply didn't work well with it
So I usually had to disable 1 core and the game would run perfectly
Which was quite a disappointment since the card cost a shitload of money and 1 core was usually sitting there idle :P
@OliverSalzburg yeah, he does that sometimes too, but even with one GTX TITAN, that should be more than enough to run any game at 60-120 FPS
but he nevertheless complains about some recent AAA titles running at 20-30 FPS with one or two TITANs and doesn't even test them on AMD or mention whether they are AMD-optimized games
I'm not ready to blame his rig or configuration or whatever when it's been several games with this problem
@allquixotic It sounds more like they were intentionally made to run shitty on Nvidia :P
But maybe that's just the side effect of the whole development team running on AMD
@OliverSalzburg that's possible; OR, there are generic, general-purpose code paths that run okayish on any card, and special code paths (either just more efficient public API interleavings/usages, or private undocumented APIs) that AMD tells the developers about to improve performance specifically on AMD cards
I don't really buy into the whole conspiracy thing where vendors work with game devs to try and intentionally slow down the game on the competition's cards
I like to think that people are professional enough to do better than that
rather, instead of making the competition slower, they're making their own stuff faster
and they have absolutely no obligation or advantage to installing a competitor's card and trying to optimize for that too
so unless the game dev does that on their own, it just uses the generic path
@allquixotic Yeah, I kinda doubt that as well. In the end, they want to sell a game that runs well
Either way, no AMD for me!
@OliverSalzburg yeah, and there are quite a few games that run well on everything from Intel Ivy Bridge, through all modern AMD and Nvidia cards, irrespective of drivers etc, where the developer basically said, let's put in the effort to optimize this for every popular driver
I rather use worse, more expensive hardware than give them my money ever again :P

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