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in a sense, we're the answer quality filter ;p
well, at a level lower than the mods, who're human exception filters
Now the FSF guy is running ReactOS
ReactOS is an open source computer operating system intended to be binary compatible with application software and device drivers made for Microsoft Windows NT versions 5.x and up (Windows 2000 and its successors). A spin-off of a previous attempt to clone Windows 95, development started in early 1998, and has continued with the incremental addition of features already found in Windows. ReactOS is primarily written in C, with some elements, such as ReactOS Explorer, written in C++. The project has been ported to the ARM and AMD64 processor architectures, and partially implements Windows ...
In a KVM, of course
I think I posted a link about a bug they found in UEFI/EFI implementations...
ROS is nice
they have really slow development and quite a lot of attrition with developers tho
wait, what?
I'm reading the ROS newletter... they mention Alex Ionescu working on something...
did he come back?
@allquixotic That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: ban
@ChatBotJohnCavil Oh, John now has the Googlesauce?
lol i had my shift key stuck down and i was like WTF why is caps lock reversed
(ROS dev, stopped developing for them cause he got poached by one of the sysinternals guys)
@JourneymanGeek -_- I know who Alex is, but I didn't know he stopped working on ROS
@allquixotic: he did it in 07
I've been following ROS for ages
him coming back is a VERY good thing
@Braiam it's not broken -- the list of users was cleared last night
I'm not going to leave this room now... :(
@allquixotic It recognizes me?
@Braiam wut? afraid to be greeted by cavil?
I think its cause of your high total rep
actually it already knows you're here, since you're, like, here
I didn't know I am a regular :/
no, the algorithm for greeting is much simpler, now.
var message = "Welcome to Root Access chat for " + bot.adapter.link("Super User", "http://superuser.com") + "s! " +
"I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask " +
"your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands";

var messageForSpecialPeople = "Hello, new user! This is Root Access, a chatroom for " + bot.adapter.link("Super User", "http://superuser.com") +
", and I am this channel's helpful chat bot. You will need to earn 20 reputation to chat; meanwhile, if you need help, ple
even if you don't understand JS, you should have no problem reading that
it's really that simple. no "owner" check, no mod check, no special message for 10k users
if you have enough rep to chat, you get the standard message
if you have less than 20 rep and can't chat, you get a special message
@allquixotic :(
also, calling it "special" sounds weird :P
@Bob legacy variable name. if you want, you have commit rights, and you can edit single files from the github UI, so login and go here, click Edit, and change the damn thing... lol
@MIfe Welcome to Root Access chat for Super Users! I am this channel's helpful chat bot. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. For bot commands, type !!listcommands
ROS is a lot slicker than I remember
and yeah, I'm moving my /home to another partition :P
firefox is borked.
@JourneymanGeek it's still got a long way to be as good as Windows 2000
I do like its package manager
now see, while I generally double facepalm at the prospect of a Windows 98 (or 95, or 3.1, or OS/2) VM, I don't really facepalm at a Win2k (fully patched) VM, because it can actually run quite a lot of good stuff, and it doesn't phone home to activate, so all you have to do is get one serial key off the internet and you're golden :P
I once tried helping out with ReactOS. It wasn't fun.
and I believe Win2k can run a moderately recent web browser
@allquixotic: I have 98 (with ugly hacks for virtualbox) os/2 and 2k
@allquixotic: yeah
firefox 3.6/12
mm... mega indexeddb is humungous
too bad Win2k didn't include a "Platform Update" to support the Windows XP APIs, like Vista did with 7
@allquixotic: probably intentional
vista was such a complete embarassment that they had to do something XD
@JourneymanGeek exactly :P
I used a fully patched Vista for over a year as my work desktop for 40+ hours a week, while my home desktop was Windows 7, and I didn't find Vista overly abhorrent
there were a few limitations, like you couldn't rearrange windows in the taskbar, but mostly it was Windows 7
never had vista ;p
went straight from xp to 7
for a multi-monitor setup, Windows 8 is a huge seller for me -- provided I can install Start8 -- because you can install a second taskbar on your other monitor
my next portable system might end up being a chromebook
oh. I've purchased every Windows version for myself since XP, at least one copy... as much as I dislike Microsoft, I have to keep apprised on how stuff works because of the job, and I also play games on Windows
@allquixotic What do you use Start8 for?
And yes, the multi-monitor taskbars are nice
@DarthAndroid for the start menu- duh :P
That's what the Windows key is for
@allquixotic: oh, I missed vista cause it was in the middle of my 5-7 year update cycle
@DarthAndroid: start menu, not start screen ;p
What do you use the start menu for?
@DarthAndroid Start menu != Start Screen
@DarthAndroid: starting programs with less context switching?
@allquixotic: I have the one that lets you windowfy metro apps
What's less context switching than Win+R,calc,enter or Win+Q,itu,enter ?
@DarthAndroid well, let's see: I keep my most used programs "pinned"; I have a one keypress, one click way to open the control panel; it doesn't take up the whole damn screen like the start screen; I have 1-click restart/shutdown/logoff buttons; and one key to start searching the start menu; I also have a categorized (folder based) start menu like every Windows has had since '95 but Start Screen doesn't.
Can launch programs before the start screen fully shows itself from keyboard
@DarthAndroid I'm glad you're so in love with the start screen, but I tried using it for a rather long time, and decided that Start8 is simply better for me, so attempting to sell me on how the start screen is just as good will not be fruitful; furthermore, attempting to tell me how the start screen is just as good or better will only make me dig my heels in further.
just letting you know.
perhaps my only argument is "I'm used to the start menu" -- and that's one argument that you absolutely cannot debate -- and even if that were the ONLY bullet point in favor of the start menu vs start screen, it's enough for me to keep using Start8. besides, I already purchased it, and I feel like I've more than gotten my $5 worth
not to mention I would rather click on the icon in the frequently used list or the pinned list to start a program instead of typing a substring of its name... the search-centric / typing-centric usage model of the start screen just doesn't jive with me
(checks govuptime.com To be fair, how much is $5 USD really worth these days? ;) )
@allquixotic I was on Vista pre-update for a while. It honestly wasn't that bad.
@allquixotic Yet you love the Surface :P
@DarthAndroid five small bombs
@Bob it's called touch
I have Start8 installed on my surface, but I use the start screen more often than the start menu when I'm using the touchscreen
but my work desktop and my home desktop both lack a touchscreen
@allquixotic I wasn't talking about start, I was referring to your dislike of MS.
I think the government shutdown is smart. Save some money, get some rest, good times
I don't get people's dislike for Windows 8 start screen. It's that bad. Get over it.
@OliverSalzburg All the gov employees living paycheck-to-paycheck or on foodstamps think otherwise
@Bob good point, but the hardware is too good for me not to buy it
If it's that much of a problem, pin your programs on the taskbar.
@OliverSalzburg it isn't saving any money
the tea party conservative House of Representatives that hates government and wants the country to exist in a tyrannical, privatized, anarchistic dystopian non-state, unanimously passed a bill to back-pay all the furloughed workers
so all the people who aren't working are going to be paid what they would've made during that time, for not working
the democratic senate and the president are going to pass and sign the bill, respectively, as well
so basically the entire government is in agreement to pay the furloughed workers for sitting at home... yet they won't agree to fund them so they can work
it's beyond insane
how to move /home in 5 simple steps:
1. sudo mkdir /new_home && sudo mount /dev/sdb10 /new_home
2. sudo rsync -avx /home/ /new_home/ && sudo rm -r /home/*
3. sudo mount --move /new_home/ /home/
4. sudo nano /etc/fstab -> then add the entry for the UUID of the new home partition
5. sudo mount -a and VOILA!
All the research and grants that are now useless because funding won't come through until may of next year or not be given out at all are also not making the gov't researchers happy either
Writing a thesis on the mating habits of some mouse in Canada? Sorry, no funds until after mating season is over, and that's assuming you already had the funds approved
my customer is furloughed, but I'm still working... contractors got lucky... but our funding will eventually run out and then we'll get furloughed too, unless they bring the government back up
@DarthAndroid not to mention all those time-sensitive space projects that NASA can't work on, for events that only happen once every hundred or once every million years
@allquixotic apparently JPL/APL are still going
@Bob those facilities do a lot of defense research, so that comes as no surprise
they're sort of hybrid civilian/defense
all the defense govvies and defense contractors will be all hands on deck, doing business as usual
but some of the civilian staff may be furloughed
It's a shame that it's political suicide to suggest a reduction in defense spending.
Since that's what we need :/
@DarthAndroid that's one area where we're spending way more money than we should, but nobody in either party wants to cut it -- instead they'd rather cut things that only piss off a portion of the population, like peoples' retirement or disability checks, education, etc
Republicans' motto: steal from the poor, give to the rich and the military-industrial complex
Democrats' motto: steal from the poor, give to the poor, the rich, and the military-industrial complex
not much better
I have to imagine that congress critters on both sides of the aisle have to be getting enormous pressure from big businesses that depend mightily on government funding for the continuation of the "industrial" side of the military-industrial complex, and they aren't getting that funding because they were deemed non-essential
sad as it is, that pressure might eventually be the deciding factor that causes the terrorist tea party to concede and fund the government
halt ?
@Braiam halt!
I don't even...
mwahahahaha, harrymc has a downvoted answer (wasn't me lol) on a +400 bounty question :D
and the top answer is +7 and accepted

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