@Boris_yo 3 kings. 3 operating systems with one intent, grab the younger peoples paychecks. google/android Microsoft/winders and apples/ithingee. the female thing is just because the Big spider in the center might be a big Black widow mama
@Boris_yo I need a title, mabey i can take it off my list of things to watch.
@Psycogeek Movies are subjective which is why "good" movies have high ratings on IMDB. I don't know your movie standards. What if you will like that movie? At least don't go to theater but rent for cheap or wait to watch on cable.
@Boris_yo the theatre around here is a IMAX, used to have to go to a "theme park" to get a big screen and 3D like that. but they plopped one in just 15miles from here. But a movies gotta be really special to go out to such places. All that time spent making popcorn to sneak into the theatre and all :-)