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assportment Gads
Well, hard to comment on what goes on in majority muslim countries. But a lot of the time non-muslims aren't in the army.
In America it certainly isn't religion motivating war. other than notions of good and evil, which is dumb but better than notions that good=evil.
@barlop but it makes a good ralley cry , when you need to find a few more reasons :-)
even then, the rally cry is just good vs evil.
not really religion in america
not like jesus wants you to conquer the world by the sword, no rally cry for that 'cos jesus doesn't.
so they're not really using religion as a reason
Also sometimes people join an army 'cos it's fun.
it's not exactly intellectuals that tend to join an army
it's an adventure.
@barlop But we love the Iraqies, that is why we needed to free their people from the tyranny. They just did not want us there, nor for thier homes to be blown to bits, and their doors to be smashed down, and all that fun stuff we do to help.
What they didn't realise.. Was that in Islam, it's considered an evil thing to have foreign troops on your land..
even if they're helping bring down a dictator.
just having them there is an insult in islam
even if it's a personal preference to have them, islam says no
It's not love for Iraqis, but Common Interest, that led to wanting Iraq to be a liberal democracy and staying there trying to make it so.
If all the world were liberal democracies, it'd be a safer place.
But arab muslim countries aren't very good at being liberal democracies.
something america should have realised a lot earlier.
Wow so the Islam is just like the US? He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
that's a bit unclear for me to digest.
Its the declarations of independance for the US, the basis for the whole country .
i'm not american, so it sounds foreign and unclear to me!
But really you have to examine other cultures in their own words.
not try to look at other peoples like they are americans.
@barlop Well have it translated some time, there are about 17 points that WE made when trying to get away from (their words) ""A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people."" americanstandardplayingcards.com/…
Well, it's tiringly ambiguous.
'cos define tyrant.
Many many things in the founders (of our country) document we hold dear, that we are breeching , by treating others the same way we did not want to be treated.
The founders were very concerned about militant islam
You can't treat others the way you want to be treated, when they don't treat you the way you want to be treated, and they are a threat to you.
@barlop No but if you look at the DoI and the constitition, they had no intention of being ruled by a psycotic church again.
America is not ruled by a psychotic church, what's the problem?
@barlop Witch burnings, water dunkings (drownings) , executions for little reasons, opressing anyone who did not do the right religion (including destoying lives and killing them) You know the usual things :-)
America doesn't have that. Though the countries that threaten it do.
@barlop well they did some still even after they arrived on the new land. but that is why most of them Left.
it is classed as "seperation of church and state" original intention would be that people could believe what they want to believe, and the government would not be influenced by the church.
^^ iranian military parade
@barlop almost as good as the olympics :-) are you sure they weren't praising all their allies :-)
here's one from 2007, where they split the american flag. youtube.com/watch?v=uhdXggQVOd0
@barlop that so upstages our military putting underware on nakid peoples heads and taking pictures of it :-)
You can't seriously draw a parallel there.
The underwear thing was a rebel group. Not known by the leadership
This is an actual military rally overseen by the leader.
I mean..
The underwear thing was not overseen by the authorities.
it was some soldiers behaving badly
If you want to contrast it with Islamists, look at Islamists when they behave badly - taking hostages and beheading them.
Ok then better than a prison where you breech all your countries own laws, to hold people against the geoneva convention, Proudly, in another country , cause it wouldnt go off well in our own.
you think terrorists being fought oversees should have the rights of american citizens?
So far it looks a little less benign than gunning down unarmed "terrorists" Running away, in the back from a helicopter with a 50Cal.
@Psycogeek Again, You are not comparing like with like
@barlop they had american citizens in there too.
well I am not going to argue that an ISLAMIST american citizen, a terrorist, that has gone overseas to fight american soldires,should be treated with the rights of an american citizen I don't know why you think it's so important that an Islamist terrorist american that has gone to fight american solders, should be treated so well.
@barlop I hope your better informed than this before you make decisions to cuddle up to the US .
If I imagine for a moment if I were to go overseas and fight british soldiers, would I then turn aroudn to the british governemnt protesting that they guard my rights. It's insane. If anything I should go to the people i'm fightin for and ask them to protect my rights.
@barlop There might be a new kind of war, and illegal one, that comes with illegal rest of the activity. it does not make any apsect of it correct.
well, even then. something can be morally correct and illegal. Or Immoral and legal.
Dude were Americans, we were going to be different, and we sure as heck have the Massive military might, and enough nukes to wipe continents off the face of the map, soooo i think we can do things a bit correctally.
Joining in the same atrocities and ignorance, would make us no better than what were fighting. Hey mabey they can bring "democracy" to your country, and see how you like it?
having a huge nuclear arsenal doesn't protect yourself against somebody else having a nuclear arsenal and using it on you killing millions of americans.
@barlop: worked in the cold war
@barlop I think it's the expectation that everyone is treated with some basic rights. Declared combatants (who don't target civilians) have even more leeway.
@JourneymanGeek That is because the cold war didn't involve militant islam. So you had a deterrent effect
@barlop MAD
and I'd argue a willingness for acceptable casualities might cause less deaths on the long run
see japan.
@Bob To an Islamist, MAD can seem like a good idea
Which only works when neither side wants to die.
hey @Bob and @JourneymanGeek
Wars go on longer cause countries arn't willing to kick other countries in the balls.
@barlop I'd like to point out that 'islamist' does not equal 'extremist'
You have extremists in every religion.
I have a container set up on my box running Debian 7.1 (Wheezy) that I'm trying to get some stuff set up on for RA
@Bob I don't know what you mean by extremist. I'm just saying Islamist. As in militant muslim. Follower of a violent version of islam
except maybe those darned jains ;p
@Bob I wonder how well 2000 nukes would have worked for hitlers last stand?
@barlop The vast majority of islamists don't want to kill people.
Just a few make a bad name for the rest.
@Bob Islamist is not equal to Muslim.
@Bob: there's moderate islamists
see turkey
Which is an interesting case since the army kept trying to get rid of him
@JourneymanGeek you know the difference between an Islamist and a Muslim?
> Islamism is a set of ideologies holding that "Islam should guide social and political as well as personal life".
Not necessarily "I want to kill people".
@barlop Yes aparently you got a hate on for one of them :-)
@barlop: I'd consider the former one which attempts to enforce, by various means islamic political laws into regular life.
@Bob sounsd like a redefinition of Islamism
IE not secular
@barlop Sounds like you're trying to define Islamism differently from the conventional definition.
@somequixotic Hm?
I wonder who coined the term Islamist and Islamism
@barlop: thats entirely accurate IMO. You're confusing bloody lunatic thugs who use religion as an excuse with canny politicians who use religion as an excuse ;)
@Bob I'm setting up an environment for us to play around with for SU-related things or RA-related things
@somequixotic :D
@JourneymanGeek Thats what i been trying to say :-)
The Arab-Isreali proxy war is a way for weaker arab countries to deflect internal pressures outwards.
@JourneymanGeek was Mohammed a lunatic thug using religion as an excuse?
@JourneymanGeek Plenty of, say, Christians who use similar excuses.
@barlop: I could tell you, but someone would have to kill me.
Incidentally, some of those who don't follow any particular religion can and will do the same, just with non-religious excuses.
@Bob ideas I'm working on: file hosting; experimentation with Linux sysadmin (only for very trusted users); a Mediawiki instance for SU (or for RA?); and a SO-ChatBot
@JourneymanGeek by dictate of mohammed
@barlop Quite a lot of the Christian bible is rather violent.
@barlop: dosen't necessarily have to be so though
A lot of islamic militancy is based off a selective, or non existant understanding of their scriptures
@Bob the verses of a scriptural text exist within a religious ideology. So the new testament overriding the old testament, in the case of christianity. It makes those violent verses not very relevant as teachings.
@barlop And just how many of those who try to justify homophobia use the old testament?
Anyone can pull shit out of any text to attempt to justify their actions.
@Bob well, that teaching probably carried on into the new testament
@Bob in theory, yes anbody can pull shit out of any text.. But in practice they do it following rules.
There are reasons why Christians don't use war verses to cause them to go to war.
Or why Religious Jews don't stone people to death.
they don't pull verses out to justify it. 'cos the religion has rules, a paradigm.
Christians might see Homosexuality in a negative way, but they don't KILL the homosexual like the old testament says to
That is because they all accept the New testament does away with that.
It is much easier to use Islam to justify violence
@barlop till you get to the revelations, and destroy the whole world, Hey that worked :-)
@somequixotic Planning to run the bot on Node.js?
Eh. Gotta go buy a car battery :\
@Psycogeek And christians don't go out there fighting to bring those prophecies about. You know Bill Maher interviewed Netanyahu and said "You know they're waiting for jesus to come and kill you all". Netanyahu said "We'll worry about that when it happens". And that it matters what people do.
@Bob was hoping to run it on PhantomJS
i'd add that personal preference plays a role there too.
@barlop there are layers of apoctolyptic nutcases out there, all preping up for some self prophesied activity. and they all got guns, not stones :-)
Again, they dont tend to the religion so much, but mabey some nutcase spouting it.
@somequixotic Ooh, interesting
And you know when the preppers are all going to go ape,, when someone messes with their Territory.
@Bob I have some Java code targeting the RemoteWebDriver interface of Selenium that drives the login procedure and gets a user into chat logged in, and the bot is supposed to take over from there by injecting the bot's JS code into the browser, but when using the GhostDriver (PhantomJS driver for Selenium), it breaks, because SO-ChatBot uses EcmaScript 5 features that aren't available in the ancient V8 supported by PhantomJS.
I even tried a bunch of EcmaScript 5 shims, but apparently there's one shim that's just downright impossible to create, for the "Blob" object in EcmaScript 5, and the V8 version in PhantomJS doesn't support it. it's so frustrating
the code I wrote against RemoteWebDriver could work with pretty much any WebDriver, with slight modifications, but a few things about it make it specific to PhantomJS right now (just about 5% of the code)
I may have to use the built-in Firefox RemoteWebDriver and run Firefox in an X11 session on the server -_-
Is there anything in computers that is technical and more boring to learn , than a powerful text editor?
Q: What does does active mean in the flag queue?

Journeyman Geek I notice that there's an block of bright pink with the words active next to my flag - what does it mean?

@barlop: yes
also ^ thats new
yeah new stuff is boring.. often. What about old though
I find coding like that myself
and consider a text editor a text editor, not a OE ;p
operating environment
coding can be addictive though
don't you find it so?
if it's addictive it's not boring.
@somequixotic o.O
1 hour later…
!!choose x or y
@JohnCavil are you alive
IT WORKS!!!!!!!! O_O
!!choose admit defeat or press on
@somequixotic on
@JohnCavil hello :O
!! hello
@Gowtham That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: help, tell
!! yay it works :D
@Gowtham That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!! shut up
github ain't loading -_-
!! reply ;p
@Gowtham That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@somequixotic: would this framework work for a IRC client? ;p
@JohnCavil Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
@paste That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
What are the commands available @somequixotic
:( No learned commands.
!! learn command
@Gowtham Illegal /learn object; see /help learn
!! /help learn
@Gowtham learn: Teaches me a command. /learn cmdName outputPattern [inputRegex [description]]
aw yeah
!!/learn slidepoop chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/17?m=8231986#8231986
@paste Command slidepoop learned
@paste chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/17?m=8231986#8231986
@paste: this is new
also hello!
!! /learn swear "f$@$ u" *
@Gowtham Could not process input. Error: Invalid regular expression: nothing to repeat
@JourneymanGeek hello
!! /learn swear f$@$ u *
@Gowtham Command swear learned
!! swear
@Gowtham f$@$
@Gowtham f$@$
@JohnCavil Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
!! help
!!/tell Gowtham help
!! tell someone swear
!! purgecommand swear
@Gowtham That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@JohnCavil Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
!!forget swear
@Gowtham Command swear forgotten.
!!urban John
@Gowtham [John](http://john.urbanup.com/2962732) a very extreamly confusing guy. shows that he has feelings for you sometimes, but then might just randomly stop talking to you at any time. veryy flirtatious. manwhore. willll lead you on. halarious. full of charisma. you have to love him. boys are jealous of him. girls are jealous of the girl he is flirting with at the time..
not persistant.
changes moods easily; moody.
greatest, most annoying person on the face of this earth..yet i still want to be with him..
!!/hang a
  |   |
  |   O
!!/mustache paste
!!gradient maroon,teal
In love with @JohnCavil
@paste That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!!/mustache journeyman geek
@JohnCavil Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
@JourneymanGeek That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: mustache
yes i did
I'm going to sleep. Bye. :)
apparently it recognised that FINE stashe. ITS SENTIENT!
!! info
@Gowtham I awoke on Sun, 11 Aug 2013 03:45:53 GMT (that's about 22 minutes ago), got invoked 27 times, learned 2 commands, but forgotten 1 commands
@Gowtham [object ErrorEvent]
!! /learn hi 'Hi you #@#$$ $0!'
@Gowtham Command hi learned
!! hi
@Gowtham Hi you #@#$$0!
!! /learn hi 'Hi you #@#@# $0!'
@Gowtham Command hi learned
@JohnCavil Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
!! hi
@Gowtham Hi you #@#@#0!
@somequixotic: your bot seems to hate himself talking ;p
!! /learn no 'http://images.wikia.com/lego/images/c/c3/39215-grumpy-cat-no-Rwoe.jpeg'
@Gowtham Command no learned
!! no
!! /learn no 'https://i.sstatic.net/xEuLz.jpg'
@Gowtham Command no learned
!! no
@JohnCavil Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
bleh -_-
!! /undo
@Gowtham I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Gowtham
!! /spec cat
@Gowtham John not found in spec
@Gowtham: that would be useful
@JourneymanGeek yess
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
@Gowtham USB 1.0 not found in spec
@Gowtham USB 3.0 not found in spec
!!/spec var
@Gowtham USB not found in spec
tho, that needs to drop the @ to be inline
or be posted as a reply
It's from SO -_-
@somequixotic It needs to be adapted to SU needs :P
omg you guys lol
so much messing with my bot -_-
i haven't even put it on my dedicated server yet, it's running in my eclipse debugger
oh ._.
!!hang quixotic
@Gowtham somequixotic is too long to fit
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, quixotic
@Gowtham Could not process input. Error: Invalid regular expression: missing )
@Gowtham Could not process input. Error: Invalid regular expression: missing )
@JohnCavil Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
@Gowtham Could not process input. Error: Invalid regular expression: missing )
@JohnCavil Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
bleh regex
@Gowtham Registered; need 0 more to execute
oh noes :]
@Gowtham You do not have permission to use the command live
!! hi
@Gowtham Hi you #@#@#0!
@JohnCavil Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
Ah it's not dead
Tempted to try and crash it -_-
!! /learn crash '!! crash'
i'm going to end the process shortly here and move it over to my dedicated server
@Gowtham Command crash learned
@somequixotic one sec
i am going to try to crash it ^_^
It might spam the room, get ready to kill it ;p
!! crash
@Gowtham !! crash
!! tell !! crash
@Gowtham Command ' does not exist.
@. !! crash
@!! !! crash
!! tell 10736919 crash
@JohnCavil !! crash
!!/hang word
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, quixotic, word
@JohnCavil looks like it needs a better parser
!!/hang e
!!/hang s
@Gowtham That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: hang
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, quixotic, s, word
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, e, quixotic, s, word
!! /hang o
@Gowtham That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: hang
@JohnCavil Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, e, o, quixotic, s, word
@JohnCavil Please don't post the same thing more than once in a short period of time. If it's a question, try again in a few hours.
!!/hang i
@Psycogeek You people suck. The word is succumbs
!!/hang t
  |   |
!!/hang e
  |   |
  |   O
e, t
!!/hang a
It's Dead Jim
i'm messing with my so-chatbot-driver script, hang tight
hanging tight.
when would you be back?
!! hi
@Gowtham you are doing it wrong
No i am not, check out the earlier messages :P
@somequixotic WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!
he did it
Oh, you might want to try load-balancing across two or three accounts to cope with flood :P
Though, that might annoy SE admins...
@Bob i have... ruined everything
!!choose "a b c" or "d e f"
@somequixotic d e f
@jokerdino That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
!! tell jokerdino hi
@jokerdino Hi you #@#@#0!
@JohnCavil how about you learn more, chicken little.
!! help
!! tell jokerdino urban dino
@Gowtham Command /urban does not exist. Did you mean: urban, unban
@somequixotic Any plans to make a useful bot out of him?
@jokerdino DINO Acronym for Democrat In Name Only. Refers to people affiliated with the DemoCratic Party who act like Republicans.
!! tell bob spec var
@JohnCavil too true.
i am actually a communist in the democrat disguise.
!! refresh
@Gowtham You do not have permission to use the command refresh
!! tell bob die in a fire
@jokerdino Command "die does not exist. Did you mean: die

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