A brake is a mechanical device which inhibits motion. The rest of this article is dedicated to various types of vehicular brakes.
Most commonly brakes use friction to convert kinetic energy into heat, though other methods of energy conversion may be employed. For example regenerative braking converts much of the energy to electrical energy, which may be stored for later use. Other methods convert kinetic energy into potential energy in such stored forms as pressurized air or pressurized oil. Eddy current brakes use magnetic fields to convert kinetic energy into electric current in the ...
A break at work is a period of time during a shift in which an employee is allowed to take time off from his/her job. There are different types of breaks, and depending on the length and the employer's policies, the break may or may not be paid.
Types of breaks
Meal breaks
Meal breaks or lunch breaks usually range from 30 minutes to one hour. Their purpose is to allow the employee to have a meal that is regularly scheduled during the work day. For a typical daytime job, this is lunch, but this may vary for those with other work hours. It is not uncommon for this break to be unpaid, a...
Also, most foreigners like Brazilian girls for them being exotic, but well, to mey they aren't. Or because they like large, ahem, derières, which isn't in the top of my personal list either.
But the collision is detect on saving files. You can have then open on a million computers if you want and nothing happens (Ok, I never actually tried that, but all I know about computers tells me there won't be issues. I may be wrong, maybe)
Office is one of the few cases where it can, because it knows that the file just changed locally and there are waiting updates for that file that have not been applied
I use a text editor that detects file changes, like Notepad++ or Sublime
If dropbox updates a file in the background (from another computer), it'll alert me and ask if I want to discard what's the the editor and load the new file, or if I want to save over it
more importantly, it allows me to open the updated file and copy out the changes into my current editor if I have changes that I don't want to lose
However, most of the time I just make sure that I save before leaving a computer
because this means I can just say "reload from disk" on another computer when my editor asks
i.e., Computer A doesn't have unsaved changes, but it has the file open. I make changes on B, and save. Dropbox updates on A. when I go to A and return focus to Sublime Text, it says "Hey, this file changed! Do you want to reload it?" And I just click yes.
@DarthAndroid but suppose you wrote changes on A, but didn't save them yet, you then make changes on B and save them. You go to A and it says "hey this file changed Do you want to reload it". If you click yes, you'd gain the changes saved from B but lose the unsaved changes that were made on A
Right, in that situation, I re-open the file (B's version) in another window on A, and then copy the changes / manually merge the files, and then save.
And I learn not to make changes in two places without saving.
If you have unsaved changes in two places, there's no way around manually merging them
I have a whole bunch of tabs that have been open for months with unsaved data, that I just leave unsaved because they don't really belong anywhere on my filesystem
@DarthAndroid It can't be done in normal ways. There was an unofficial way of doing that, but it required entering a personal API key in an obscure software and it was against google's TOS so I never tried it. Might create a temp google account to try it...
with dropbox and ms office, If you're on Computer B, and try to save, and it's open on Computer A. Will dropbox on Computer B notify you that dropbox can't write the file to computer A?
I am having issues on a network I inherited with a Samba 3 server acting as the domain controller, and many, but not all, Windows 7 Pro PCs. The issues described here and here do not solve my issue.
On boot up, on some PCs, I get an error message saying The trust relationship between this workst...
@DarthAndroid I find windows 7 list of notepads is ugly as hell 'cos it's not easy to sort. But I guess you get around that by using Sublime text editor.. - tabbed.
Any time I open a new notepad window, it goes to the bottom of the list and I have to scroll down to get to it.
and where my taskbar menu is vertically thick, and the notepad button is on the bottom of the 3 rows I have, I can't even click the bottom notepad window, some bug.
@barlop Yeah, Sublime Text is what I use for scratch pads when I need to put something into text temporarily. It's my replacement for editing anything that is plaintext
@Boris_yo No, the reputation is just a sign of how much you participate in the community, but you could easily become mod on a site with less reputation.. it's just that the experienced users mostly know what they have to do.
@Boris_yo The developers and community managers. They can access the database directly.
@Boris_yo We could write a userscript that awards virtual rep for chat participation. And only the guys with the script see it. Wouldn't that be awesome ;P
"virtual rep" in contrast to the physical rep we get on the main site ;P
@ruda.almeida HTML5+schema.org+Fluid. schema.org being a markup to make Google better understand the presented data and Fluid being a templating language
> Pay what you want for Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row 2, Risen 2: Dark Waters, and Sacred 2: Gold Edition. Pay more than the average and you'll get Dead Island: Game of the Year Edition and Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package, which is exploding with DLC! If you pay $25 or more you'll also receive Dead Island: Riptide!
i like getting one of those super powerful vehicles that takes ages to be destroyed, and getting like dozens of police vehicles to roll up and get killed by my tank
@DanielBeck never played xcom; also, people who've played xcom say it's quite different
and the story isn't a clone of anything really... i mean it borrows heavily from genre themes and tropes but it isn't like the story is plagiarized or anything
@DanielBeck heh, i have a troll as my first (ever) shadowrun char in shadowrun returns (never played the pen and paper) - a little bit of decker, a little bit of rifle/ranged, and a little bit of melee
@Boris_yo Well, yeah, they do. But if you want to show off a big fat wallet, you put in the back pocket. That way women will notice it. It's like with a nice car. Nobody will notice it if you don't drive it around
I got a new job in the public sector. During the interview, I blew them away because I knew the "advanced" IT stuff, like RAID 10 vs 5, what the firewall program is in Linux, where username/passwords are stored, what roaming profiles are, etc. I scored 10/10 for that part
So they hired me, and the manager put me at the most "difficult" networked school. I say that because everyone already did their shuffle to new schools, and this place is a mess. I hate messes. Very much so.
They have 8 servers in the building. There are 8 other satellite offices that fall under my jurisdiction. And 3 more servers in the field. Total of 11.
My job over the next few years is put together a plan to make it all work. The last techs never had time to do so. That's where I come in
I took a look, cried, and died a little inside
Complete overkill for what they are using. Disk usage is at about 10-25% on EACH server
The Windows 7 Images don't work worth shit, so I have to rebuild those as well
The main issue is that back in 2010, the school district consolodated a bunch of their satellite programs to all run under one roof. So that's why I have lots of servers. No one has had time to put them all into one or two though
Low pay. The district offered double pay, and now I also have benefits, double the vacation up front, sick days, pension, medical, dental, prescription, travel, IT bonus
Hard to say no, especially when I have to think of my son too
> Does any1 know how to stop Shockwave flash from crashing? I have uninstalled both Flash and my browser (Chrome), installed both from a fresh download, and scanned my computer (come up clean). Everything is updated