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hmm, how often do the month league tables update?
@JourneymanGeek I think daily. I've moved up again
mine looks the same from yesterday ._.
which shall be my goal for this month ;p
hm. ok, my crt weirdness got wierder
it ONLY flickers if more than a portion of the screen is white
or any colour other than black
fixed <3
I hate how it is physically impossible to take good pictures of the moon with my iPod Touch :<
lol. you need a proper camera for that ;p
@JourneymanGeek: I don't have a proper camera :P
i don't think i can take good pictures with my semi proper compact either ;p
2 hours later…
Goodnight everyone.
anybody here good with vpn's? @Wil if your up and not too busy?
Hi, has anybody encountered this feature in chrome
@Trufa uh... what is that?
<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>}</kbd>
You can't be on a text box
@KronoS it is a gigantic text box that appears
and you can enter a URL
it is very weird
I don't have that feature... currently using chrome right now as well
@KronoS what OS?
win7... I'm assuming your ubuntu
@KronoS yep, would this be on topic here, to ask a about this feature?
I am intrigued
it seems really off
or maybe I should go to askubuntu?
Ubuntu question are on-topic here...
askubuntu you'll get more detailed answers most of the time, but we still have quite a few linux guys that stay here
@KronoS hmm I think I will ask over there, since you werent able to reproduce
Thanks for the feedback!!
@Trufa reproduce 0_o
@KronoS hmm, yes? reproduce? :)
Uh ok.. :P
@KronoS I meant do have the same results on a different computer
Ah got... I'm a little bit preoccupied and so didn't think too much into it... sry makes sense now :)
Q: "weird" Google Chrome feature, huge address bar pops up

TrufaI am quite puzzled by this feature since it just seems off. When I press Ctrl + }* and I'm not in a text box. *(basically the key below the +, left of Enter) I get this: A huge address bar where I can type (in this case I had typed google.com - it's not by default). The with Enter it goes ...

@KronoS there you go!
@Wil I am in desparate need of your help later on... I'm sorry to bother ya. Give me a pang and I'll be on in about... 9 hrs
1 hour later…
morning all
@KronoS Here!
It's 9:20 AM and only just got up.... Still feel tired! Not sure what is wrong with me :S...
too much sleep? ;p
I could use some sleep =.=
@JourneymanGeek well, first in ages... just seems the more I have, the more I need! I have hardly had any sleep for weeks (like 4 -6 hours) a night and I have just been getting headaches etc. all catching up with me... I went to bed before midnight for the first time in ages last night, but now I feel a little groggy/moody! :S
its better to catch up on sleep in small snatches IMO ._.
@JourneymanGeek a micro sleep (when your brain switches off for less than a second) and your head droops and smacks against the bus window, not so good.
@tombull89 lol I like the term "micro sleep" in that context :)
@DMA57361 I wasn't joking, that's what it's actually called :P
A microsleep is an episode of sleep which may last for a fraction of a second or up to thirty seconds. Often, it is the result of sleep deprivation, mental fatigue, depression, sleep apnea, hypoxia, narcolepsy, or hypersomnia. For the sleep-deprived, microsleeping can occur at any time, typically without substantial warning. Microsleeps (or microsleep episodes) become extremely dangerous when they occur in situations which demand constant alertness, such as driving a motor vehicle or working with heavy machinery. People who experience microsleeps usually remain unaware of them, instead be...
oooh dear... :)
after it happened a few times I looked it up :P and yes, I was a bit tired.
What the heck happened here?
@RandolfRichardson welcome to chat :)
Hmm, that's strange.
yeah, you get a few moments to edit your last few posts
so avoid pressing up
This chat interface is a bit strange.
hello @RandolfRichardson
@RandolfRichardson haha, it take a while to get used to
Oh, I need to click "Cancel editing" after pressing "Enter."
Who got the millionth chat message?
This is a goofy interface. It shouldn't go into edit mode automatically!
@tombull89 someone in AU
@RandolfRichardson no, it shouldn't... and doesn't for most... sounds like you've got a bug :/
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, 15 hours ago, by Rinzwind
good for the opera dudes and dudettes :D
Anyway, thanks for the welcome folks!
dang it, @DMA57361 beats me again >.<
Chat should support the "/me" command just like IRC and most other chat networks do though.
@Sathya ... are we keeping score yet? ;P
@RandolfRichardson I think that's been requested and turned down IIRC
Q: SE Modifications -- Username autocomplete in comments, inline revision source, and utility links

Tim Stone Screenshot About This userscript adds four main features: Various utility links on posts and in the top bar Inline viewing of post revision source Markdown on the post history page Links on comment timestamps for linking to specific comments (with enhanced "link-ability" for people wit...

That's strange.
Overall I think this site has done well for being [web] browser agnostic.
@DMA57361 no, you're far ahead :\
I think there was a StackApps or GreaseMonkey script to add support for /me
@tombull89 or just use *'s and go italic manually?
thinks that it's easy enough to to manually...
I guess it doesn't quite line up right I suppose... oh well, this isn't IRC anyway :P
Actually, a /me command should show an action without any extra background colours like regular chat text has.
meh, it's unnecessary imo, just say it instead of pretending to think it? :)
tombull89 dances
I've been a regular IRC user on FreeNode.net for a long time. It's nice to be able to interject a feeling that gets into the chat but more in the background.
Writing "Hey everyone, I'm dancing" doesn't have quite the same impact as "/me dances" portrays. =)
lol... but this begs the more important question - why do you feel the need to tell everyone you're dancing :/
Ask tombull89. ;-P
Sometimes the context can make actions and feelings appropriate, and then the conversation can go more smoothly with these reflected.
good point, completely missed that line...
well SE chat seems to have managed well enough without /me for the first million messages :)
Well, this certainly is an interesting, and somewhat addictive, web site.
(I wonder if /me would count as messages.)
how long have you been a member?
3 months and 4k rep? that's good.
I'm not sure. I just got registered today (thanks to @Sathya), but I've been contributing for a while.
and an anti-spam evanglist, nice to see.
4k as a unregistered, user :P
It is? Oh, great!
ah, Tom's beat me, yeah that's quite good progress
It's taken me over a year to get to 2.2k
I've introduced police or other government officials to spammers who operate from within Canada quite a few times over the years. So far the results have been very positive for everyone except the spammers. >=D
Wow! 2.2k is a lot. Perhaps the site is more popular now than it used to be, so gaining these points comes more easily now?
top users by rep/day data.stackexchange.com/superuser/s/799/… , @RandolfRichardson comes in about 12th :)
@RandolfRichardson that's... amazing
where's Matt Jenkins, btw?
haven't seen him for few days now
@RandolfRichardson oh the traffic is certainly increasing.
Which countries are you folks from? (I'm from Canada.)
@Sathya don't know, was wondering that myself...
@RandolfRichardson UK
@tombull89 More people are dependent on their computers, and Google makes StackExchange easier to find, so I think this certainly helps and probably will continue to help as time goes on.
UK as well, Junior Network Admin for a secondary (high) school.
@RandolfRichardson India.
@DMA57361 The Royal wedding is well covered here in Canada (even though they didn't come to my province -- British Columbia). Is it a pretty big deal in the UK like the news media here claims it is?
@Sathya That's explains the sun glasses -- you folks get a lot of sunny weather there I hear.
@RandolfRichardson it was - personally I wasn't that interested - but there was so much hype and coverage about it
I'll second that, there was a tremendous amount of hype and media coverage.
@DMA57361 So the news was actually truthful for a change, how refreshingly rare! South Park just did an episode on the Royal wedding, and I do think it was over-hyped (I'm interested, but not fanatical about it like some folks I know).
You folks seem to be a very nice group to chat with. I really like the attitude I see in the Q&A on the main site too. Thanks for all your help with various things so far, and I look forward to getting to know you folks a little bit more as time goes on.
@RandolfRichardson hehe, it does get very hot in here
@Sathya Good that we have reply tracking here, or else I'd wonder if you were referring to chat!
(That's something that IRC doesn't have.)
@RandolfRichardson hahaha :D
@RandolfRichardson yeah, that tends to sidetrack the conversation at times
@RandolfRichardson : i use Action instead... but /me would be nice ;p
Take care folks. I have to get to sleep -- I lost track of time after getting registered here.
@JourneymanGeek I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one.
I'm a total IRC junkie, but there's some things here i like ;p
@JourneymanGeek IRC is a bit overdue for some new features, and this is giving the web-chat systems a bit of an advantage (which is good).
IRC is pretty much stagant, IMO Jabber would be a better bet
GMail question - off topic?
which one?
Q: gmail question - automatically adds people to my mail

user68982Is it possible in gmail that because I usually send forward mails to four constant people, that now when i press forward it automatically puts them in the to field? Or when I send a mail to one - it adds the others automatically. Sounds weird I know. Thanks

webapps ;p
i confused it with the mutt question
@JourneymanGeek ditto
@tombull89 my personal record is migration withing 19 seconds of posting ;) :P
what was? ;p
Q: Mutt, Gmail, multiple accounts

ChrisI have currently setup Gmail as my unified Inbox. Mail from several accounts gets forwarded to it and I heavily use Gmail's 'send as' feature (Where gmail connects to a smtp server and sends the mail over the other account for me). Now my question is whether it is possible to use this feature fr...

the SU > WA migration. It seems to have eaten my comment, though.
@tombull89 that's by design
@Sathya Odd, I'm sure I've seen migrated questions with comments.
@tombull89 it's an on-and-off-thingy
@Sathya I'll not worry then, thanks for clarifying.
I'm surrounded by SQL server DBAs
you know what's worse
there's a worldwide DBA online webconference
via Live Meeting
and every 3 seconds, "now joining... blah" plays :X
Su/SF just gone offline for me, rolling out a new build?
never mind, it's back.
is this possible without snapshots?
Q: Create a new, clean XP-mode Windows Virtual PC instance

JohnI have an XP-mode VPC that I've installed some things on. How can I create a brand new instance or clear this one back to the default state from the template? I thought if I tried to create a new VPC it would offer me an easy "use template" option but I didn't see anything I understood.

@tombull89 I doubt..
2 hours later…
Did anyone else notice @Nhinkle's blog post on Slashdot?
I HATE F**KING SUPPORT COMPANIES... A client got a laptop from (spit) PC World (spit) and it has got numerous errors and I need to take it back refund/replacement...
I refuse point blank to buy anything high value fro any high-street vendor as I know thier support is next to useless.
@tombull89 Ditto, this was for a client, they want me to do get this sorted for them
It is in warranty, so I said there is no point in them paying for a replacement screen/mouse when it isn't their fault
(screen backlight randomly goes)
sometime support companies need to realise that some people they service do know what they are talking about. I know they have procedures and their own customer stereotypes, but sometimes a brain does have to be used.
but that would mean not hireing the cheapest labour
@JourneymanGeek ... I actually tried for a job at PC World for holiday work before I started my company and knew better.... I have the letter somewhere stating "We believe you are over qualified for this position"... They just want someone to do 5 seconds work, if it doesn't fix, recovery disk etc. they don't want anyone who can actually fix machines. (well they put it in similar terms when I tried to get feedback)
Is this new?
@TomWijsman not sure, it's not on here:
Q: Recent feature changes to Stack Exchange

devinbThis is the official list of new features and various changes to Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange network. It is jointly maintained by the community and Rebecca Chernoff♦ (a Stack Exchange, Inc team member). RSS feed for this question

comment flag reasons, that's new.
Q: What's "similar questions" and why is it broken?

TomWijWhile in the middle of typing a question I saw this which looks kinda broken. Is it a new unfinished feature? Well, it does look nice on Meta Stack Overflow though...

greetings, folks
@Wil : i think that's a fundamental flaw in the current system ;p
too many drones, not enough workers
@TomWijsman Did you see anything in this console?
A: Using the windows/super/Meta key in Fedora

Nyuszika7HI've never used Fedora, but I used Ubuntu, and Alt is used as meta key, not Win. You probably need to rebind it. (p.s.: Esc always works as Meta.)

@slhck: A bunch of jQuery related warnings, but not really something that gives me more information. :(
Another solution would be to disable that error dialog if possible.
@TomWijsman Boo.. Hmm... and then there's the web console, but I doubt you'd find something there.
@TomWijsman Could be adblock
@slhck: Not adblock. :(
Okay, going to try it in safe mode...
@TomWijsman Meh, that was my second guess, oh well..
Still happens with all extensions disabled...
So, it's not an extension, seems rather like jQuery has a Firefox bug. :(
is that a new message you're getting?
Yes, a second one.
on which sites does it happen? let's see what FF4 on OS X says
For the first one I've read something about that it only appears on the compressed version of an older jQuery and on the second one it mentions that the MIME type they use is wrong, I only get this second one on my router.
Yet, past the warrings everything works fine on the page.
I don't know of a public example @slhck...
@TomWijsman Oh, ok, development issues then :)
good morning
Well, router has it too...
And have seen it online too but I can't remember a specific example, just on randomly browsing...
morning, @josmh
And one of them is a development, going to see if updating the jQuery there helps.
Latest jQuery version doesn't solve it, I could try to compile a new Firefox version later or somethnig.
howdy again all
Ask Different Podcast #3: iMac upgrades, Spotlight tips, Tiny Wings http://t.co/r0qevRQ #SuperUserBlog
Well, will use Google Chrome for the demo I have to give in some weeks...
@TomWijsman Strange indeed
Eh well, now I know the source and that it aren't the extensions, just need the windows gone if it's configurable.
Q: How do I get rid of `documentElement is null` and `K.style is undefined`?

Tom WijsmanI usually get these Javascript Application Errors: It does not seem to be extension related, but it has got to do something with jQuery. I'm running Firefox 6.01a, although I had this error back on Firefox 4.0 too. Can I get rid of these? I don't necessarily need them fixed as the sites st...

@TomWijsman I removed my comments, don't really fit anymore
Was in the progress of removing mine too... :)
I just realized that. Got a few AJAX errors :D
"error during voting" although I was removing the comment
Yeah, @slhck, it's probably seen as a delete vote.
guess what (:
@RebeccaChernoff erm.... banana?
Posted by Mark Szymanski on May 17th, 2011

One of the defining features of Mac OS X is Exposé. It allows you to view all of the currently open windows as an overview spread out across the screen. Exposé can be activated by pressing the F3 key on a Mac keyboard, or by doing a four finger swipe downwards on a Mac trackpad. When you activate Exposé, you will be presented with the aforementioned view of all your open windows. It will look much like this:

If you click on one of the windows, it will be brought to the foreground.

This seems pretty simple, right? It is, but there are many things that you can do to make Exposé easier to use. For instance, Apple added a feature in Snow Leopard called Dock Exposé. With Dock Exposé, you can view all the windows of just one application. It can actually be activated in multiple ways. The most common way is to click and hold on an icon in the dock for about a second. This will display very similarly to the regular Exposé view except for the fact that it is only showing the windows for the application whose icon you clicked on in the dock. …

ooooo, so the one-boxing is done? :)
good stuff
Posted by Mokubai on May 12th, 2011

Soluto bills itself as “anti-frustration software.” At the moment it is simply a rather elegant Windows start-up program manager, but what sets it apart is that simple elegance and the wealth of information and options that it gives to the user.  There is also an intriguing peek at the future of Soluto in their PC Genome Project.

The Soluto website itself is pretty minimalistic, giving you only as much information as you need; a “download” link, an quick video description, and a couple of recommendations from users are all that grace the page past the obligatory logo and title bar style navigation buttons. …

Why is the "Deposit" account used for spam/offensive posts from deleted users?
Obviously, the account is suspended.
@DragonLord hmmm?
oh, deposit
I don't know the initial reasoning tbh, it predates me getting my ♦ and my joining the site even
Okay, I'll ask on Meta. Thanks.
but it provides a handy source to check suspect accounts against a big register of the IP addresses that have previously spammed us
no, disregard that deleted bit, was thinking of something else :)
Related post on Meta:
Q: I can see answers from Deposit?

BobbyIn the last days (and right now, too) I was able to see answers which got merged into my dear friend Deposit. Is that intentional? I always thought they would be hidden instantly?

I just posted this question on Meta:
Q: What is the purpose of the Deposit account?

DragonLordI've noticed that several answers that I've flagged as spam whose accounts have been deleted have been assigned to the Deposit account. What is the purpose of this account, and why is it needed? Note that this is not a duplicate of "I can see answers from Deposit?", which is about the visibilit...

I gotta go, so see you later.
evening @Sathya
morning @studiohack
how's life for you @Sathya?
not bad
nothing spectacular either
2 hours later…
totally getting that
Question for the chatters, I found this thread superuser.com/questions/188184/… which was closed as an exact duplicate, but the link it is linked to has been flagged as a dupe and then the dupe was removed, is there some way to see that information?
Actually I think my problem is different enough, I will just post my own question
@BloodPhilia I got your email, im all good with the change!
@hobs the deleted dupe is precisely (as in: letter for letter) the same, and it has no answer
so no additional information
I'll just delete the other one as well; it really has no value
@balpha thanks for looking, I guess I found a little bit related to this issue and that was the closest description on the nets and I hoped there was some other morsel not there
2 hours later…
@studiohack, @IvoFlipse: I'm unsure, but is this answer some kind of spam or self promotion? He made an account just to write that. And I doubt if it's going to give more useful information than he already has, as he solely needs the mov file with embedded WMA2 and WMV3 to play. In detail, the codec status is not determined because he just misses WMP codecs...
@Wil: Hmm, it IS solved under Safe Mode. Apparently Private Browsing isn't the way to troubleshoot this.
@TomWijsman Did you check plugins as well as extensions?
It's one of my extensions apparently, going to trial and error.
@Wil: It's thegleebox.com
Installed it back then but I don't use it enough so I can remove it without problems... :)
that cool... so sorted now?
or still not 100% sure?
Sorted out, checked my router, development site and some random surfing and it seems 100% gone. :)
Strange that it happened in private browsing, perhaps it ran there too...
Don't know what the default is.
Well... that was a new one. A friend asked me today, "Is your shirt like a play on words of 'stock exchange'?"
@nhinkle ha!
Q: Manually loading package from Vim-LaTeX in Vim (because auto detection is not always helpful)

przemocGeneral question How you can manually load a particular package from Vim-LaTeX in Vim and how it can be automated for every LaTeX file? I am not interested in copying relevant parts from scripts of particular package to .vimrc as a workaround. Specific problem This is just a supplementary par...

i saw there's a tex.stackexchange.com - is it worth flagging questions like this to be moved or should we just leave them where they are?
Evening (midnight here)
hm i need to update corememory at some point... had another piece of software i forgot the name of

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