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Fully awake now.... Felt so bad earlier! but no questions to answer :( Maybe I should go back to bed to get in sync!
@JourneymanGeek What do you mean by knock you off the perch? :P
@SimonSheehan: ahh, it seems i am undone! ;p
@JourneymanGeek Oh? :P
i'm second now
not that i intended to be first... i just accidentally went 4000 rep over my original plan ;p
@JourneymanGeek On what? Sorry, feeling a bit out of it tonight :P
@SimonSheehan: i think more that you weren't around. I once decided to get to 6K rep before i get my new laptop. Still waiting on the laptop. I'm at 10K+ rep ;p
Haha. Sounds like quite the wait :P.
naw, i just had a very good run of questions i could answer well ;p
i should be getting my laptop any time soon
I've had quite the run this week. xD
For my first week, that is
I was pointed to this: stackexchange.com/leagues/3/week/superuser And found i was #1 :S
It's all quite shocking to me
But, i've been very nicely welcomed by all, so its good!
that tends to happen XD
first question i could answer in two days :)
3 hours later…
did you ever finish your blog post on the registry @Wil?
A: Why does my computer run fast after a clean install?

WilThe registry is a bit of a misconception, The way it works, it could be filled with junk but it shouldn't slow down your machine - imagine, all roads are linked, but just because there is a traffic jam somewhere doesn't always mean it will affect you somewhere completely different! It is pretty ...

would be a good entry for SU blog
also, 150+150 rep up for grabs on PF post ( + PATH post), once it crosses 48 hours, that is
@SimonSheehan 'grats :)
@GeorgeEdison give me a combined SE flair + short image filename & you're sold
I actually have a combined flair.
...but the wizard is broken right now.
I just previewed it :s
oh, wizard. Right.
@JourneymanGeek sorry this guy's giving you a hard time (see his post revision)
Q: I would like to know the reason this question was closed, please...

broiyanIt is an on-topic firmware and GSM network software question. GSM SIM card type phone non-volatile memory or network storage?

@nhinkle: i don't actually worry if people think i'm wrong, when i'm right ;p
loved that pic :P
@JourneymanGeek well, I just wanted you to know, we've got your back
there, Sathya
(Mods can see deleted chat messages too, btw @nhinkle :P )
@Sathya I know :)
back to this person, nice of him to edit :P
perhaps thought edit history won't be available? heh
Yeah. At least he changed that before a mod got there. Too bad for him I noticed it.
eh, you beat me to it @nhinkle I had a nice post there
I'm amused by how he says, "my question is better!" when his is largely incomprehensible. Because attacking a well-respected user with 10x your reputation makes a lot of sense for winning over the mods...
@Sathya what were you going to say? Feel free to rain fire upon him
I closed the page, but it's still there in Local storage
First -
  Your question title is no where related to your actual question.

Next - your question is incomprehensible. What are you asking for?

The FAQ states:

If you have a question about …

 - computer hardware
 - computer software

and **it is not about …**

videogames or consoles
websites or web services like Facebook, Twitter, and WordPress
**electronic devices, media players, cell phones or smart phones, except insofar as they interface with your computer**
a shopping or buying recommendation
I'm tempted to delete the question he asked. It's crap and his "no no its on topic" is annoying and cluttering.
In other news, HOLY CRAP GUYS 6400 VIEWS ON THE BLOG TODAY!! In only 5 hours!
i have to go, at least for a bit
it was posted to reddit by @IvoFlipse
@Sathya I know. Most of the views have been from hacker news, which ivo also submitted it to
i submitted it to /. but it hasn't been published there, at least not yet
oh, didn't know it was on HN. goes to check and upvote
ok, answered for myself ;p
personally i think he's totally trying to hide twotiming ;p
@JourneymanGeek eh?
the GSM question? ;p
Oh. Personally, I don't feel an additional response was necessary, but it certainly doesn't hurt.
phones usually store numbers locally unless you explicitly have it in the simcard. it isn't network synced. The only possibility i see is a cloned simcard, which can hardly occur unless someone else had your phone...
aww, but i like being indigent once in a while
read it ;p
oh, i was about to say the same thing, but throwing my rep around felt like bad form ;p
speaking of which. downvotes are free so... downvoted to boot ;p
@JourneymanGeek that's why you have a mod throw it around for you ;)
true ;p
ooh, tactical downvote <3
i have a nice round rep again
we need to get this guy to blog for us:
@JourneymanGeek oooh tactical upvote!
the monitors alone...
I'm off. See you all later
Thanks @JourneymanGeek for using your powers for good, not evil, tonight!
1 hour later…
Getting the Most Out Of Mac OS X’s Exposé http://is.gd/yfavsd #SuperUserBlog
morning all
@JourneymanGeek Don't take my threat seriously, I'm already spending way too much time here :p
well, quite honestly, i don't really care XD
goes looks for more questions to answer ;p
haha :D
groan why do things always break so early in the morning :( why can't they wait until I'm awake
@DMA57361 what happened?
@slhck meh database system's down
its too stupid a question for SU, but how do i turn aero off on windows 7?
ugh, bugger
DWM crashed and that solved a lot of my freezing issues...
@JourneymanGeek Under System -> Performance or something?
@JourneymanGeek there's a tick-box somewhere... but I'm on XP right now and can't recall where :)
It's when you right click My Computer and go to Preferences iirc
grumbles and wishes i'd get athena II sooner
my current laptop is a little creaky for windows 7
yeah it used to run fine for a few weeks but on my desktop it's gotten slower and slower
it's a 2.2 GHz c2d, 1 gig RAM, no graphics
I don't know what I did to that machine :p
no graphics?
at all?
mine's about the same spec, intel x3100 graphics
laptop tho
i mean no dedicated graphics card, only intel
yeah, same as mine
it's a Dell Optiplex I got for free from my father's office, so I shouldn't complain tho :D
no computers like free computers ;)
even if dells sometimes have biazzare configs
like what for example? :P
one i opened up had only one IDE slot
well plug
and their PSUs are often non standard
yeah mine's a small profile (do you call it that way?), so everything's a bit crammed in there
oh, those silimline ones
dell + slimline = i won't touch it
i hate working on SFF boxen with a few exceptions
SFF + sata is not that bad
as I said, it was free anyway, and it even has SATA
not too bad then
i need to check if the PIII i have, and the SGI onyx will boot
i'll need to steal a monitor for the SGI tho, i need an older LCD minitor from the office
(both free, other than shipping ;p)
oh that's geeky :D
if the SGI dosen't work, i'm tempted to strip it down, and build a PC inside it ;p
always a good idea haha
well, same thing as my complaints about modern keyboards
while the functional parts of hardware have improved, they don't make things like they used to
the SGI is 25 kg and the size of a bar fridge
so I guess you're into buckling spring keyboards?
odd that you might say that
i'm ordering one tommorrow ;p
well, the best keyboard i've used was likely microswitch based
Well it turns out the secretary in our office refuses to work on any new keyboard
so I had to do some research about keyboards :P
unicomp is about the only company that makes em
the nice thing is you e mail them about any 'special' things you want, and they reply quick
and how much does that cost?
makes me almost regret that the keyboard i'm getting is pretty much the last keyboard i'll get in a while
same as a standard one of the same model
that's nice :)
the 'base' model is something like 80 usd. isn't cheap
hmm, but I guess it's durable
i'm going to get a US keymap with a european style big enter key
well, people still use 20+ year old model Ms
you might laugh, but I've gotten so used to Apple's notebook keyboards that I almost can't type on an ordinary one anymore
@slhck ick
every time I have to type on the Apple keyboards in the Uni labs I hate them a little bit more
I mostly use thinkpad keyboards
they're fine, but i need a full sized one for when i need to do serious writing ;p
faux chicklet keyboards are vile ;p
@DMA57361 it's really weird, but I have to use them, so I don't have a choice
i can switch to a ordinary one fast
i just hate the logitech we have
(basic model..nothing fancy...)
and... the dog wants a walk
well my meeting's over
so I gotta go too
see you around
@DMA57361: eh, to me that's not the only reason to hate em ;)
@JourneymanGeek are you about to get keyboard-type technical on me again? :/
more like how locked down those systems are, and such
oh oh
oic, well the Lab computers dual Mac/Win7, so I don't actually use the Mac part
just the horrible keyboard (and irritating mouse)
seriously, the scroll wheel is a little ball instead... so it's really quite hard to scroll down without also scrolling sideways a little bit
i wouldn't mind it if you could use the little ball as a pointing device
@JourneymanGeek you want a pointing device embedded on the top of your pointing device...?
its pointing devices. all. the. way. down
lol, indeed
don't forget, i'm a trackpoint affectionado. a standalone trackpoint is pretty much my holy grail
besides, IBM almost did it!
meh, I like my mouse :P
rofl, oh dear :S
look at the year ;p
what difference does that make; it's still "oh dear" :P
it needs some side buttons
i'd so use that ;p
well why not buy or build one ;)
oh, if i had the skills i would
i could even harvest the trackpoint from a dead thinkpad for that ;p
misses his desk
aww hell. I hate it when I have a report where I know how many records are supposed to come out as a result, but then only about 70% of that count are actually outputted :(
i blame the gnomes
the problem is there's two reports, the first is dead on, the second... not so much
so that means it's (hopefully) not my fault - else the first wouldn't be right
which also means it'll take much longer to find the problem, cause now we have to work out what the problem is! joy :(
wow, just spending 5 minutes on SO makes me angry
@slhck dare I ask, but why?
ugh, questions like this: stackoverflow.com/questions/6028792/… and even more so the answers
instead of looking for duplicates just always posting the same sh*t and linking to some tutorials they dug up
it's a bit of a reoccurring problem on SO
and then even getting upvoted for that
@slhck also a serious problem
@DMA57361 I remember this discussion on meta about the new system where they'd expected the quick and dirty answers to receive [0, -1, -1, -2], but that doesn't really happen anyway
yeah, they really need to get harsh against bad and dupe questions IMO
but the number of questions and users is so large that this can only be achieved by the users - and most of them want rep...
but I think you'd need way more >3k people to actually do that instead of posting answers
quite, there's been a few suggestions on MSO made about rewarding people for finding dupes, etc
but realistically I don't see that happening or working
btw, did you exercise your free question down-vote against that question?
of course I did
good good :)
only to see that it's been upvoted again :P
I need 1k on SO to see vote splits :/
+1/-2.. I wonder how I even got to 1.5k.. can't find the motivation to go for more
@slhck it's too hard for me to find questions that I can answer that haven't already been done, I stopped looking months ago
@DMA57361 oh well, at least here it's working better imo :P
@DMA57361 Btw can you move this to SO? superuser.com/questions/284529/…
@slhck well SO has 10× more traffic, don't forget
@slhck nope, but I'll kill it. It's been duplicated twice (on SU and SO) and the SO version was closed - so they don't want it.
D'oh, should have closed as dupe. Oh well, it's shut now any way.
@DMA57361 sorry I noticed it's a dupe after I cast the OT vote
@slhck doesn't matter ♦'s can override the close reason
@DMA57361 Yeah but then you'd have spotted the dupe :P nvm
it's at -2 fwiw
@slhck I'd spotted the dupe anyway, but didn't think to close as dupe until it was too late. :)
@slhck - about that I'll mention what I mentioned to @Tombull in Ask a SU Mod
in Ask a Super User Moderator, 21 hours ago, by Sathya
A: Why was this question closed as off-topic without being migrated?

Jeff AtwoodWhat's the golden rule of question migrations? Don't. Migrate. Crap. Guess what I thought that question was? Go on, guess!

@Sathya shame we lose the formatting in the one-boxing, it loses some of it's impact ;)
yeah :(
@Sathya Oh yeah that figures thanks for the pointer
well guys, gotta grab some lunch now, see you around!
the /admin/posts/migrated/here is a goldmine for clearing out crap
cya @slhck
does this seem homework-y to anyone?
Q: Find a table in excel and understand formula

user81607I have inherited a spreadsheet with an IRR calculation that has the following formula: {=TABLE(E47,C41)} I would guess it is a structured reference referring to a table, but I can't find the table. Q1: What is the formula doing? It pulls in an NPV amount, which is then used for IRR, so it see...

and if so, does it matter?
a. no b. not much
sounds a lot like typical inherited no one knows how it works but it does
@Sathya No - completely forgot :( I will try to do it early next week as I am in the middle of a project at the moment... I don't mind cross posting with SU blog? / or just posting on SU blog and linking from my blog
@DMA57361 Thanks for that tweet - is there a quick guide anywhere for VS - my big problem is understanding/trying to start a new project... I installed turtoise and mercurial on my last machine but just didn't have a clue how to actually use it
... I mean, is there any all in one tool as I didn't get the creation steps... ahh... maybe I should just re read the hginit site!
@Wil no idea, I don't use VS. But TortoiseHg is done from explorer right-click menus
create folder, right-click -> create repo, do work in folder, right-click -> commit, repeat
@Wil bare in mind that the hginit site works with CLI Mecurial. TortoiseHg provides GUIs (which is really useful) but the principles are exactly the same (because it uses the CLI stuff in the background, obviously)
@JourneymanGeek ?
I remember the first time I was trying out a VCS
I'm trying to remember mercurial... but i've used it once ;p
and that was to install qweb on my own irc server
seemed easy tho
@Sathya VCS?
@Sathya I just know that I am getting to the point where things are getting very confusing and I need something... but they all just seem to be so complicated!
VCS = version control system
@tombull89: version control system
like git/SVN?
@Wil been there, done that. I was trying subversion
I am also trying to download TFS at the moment and seeing if I can run that in a VM
@tombull89 yes
@Wil just start with the simple "do work - commit - repeat" cycle, the branching and whatever can be ignored until you get in to the flow of it all :)
@tombull89 Version Control System (Everyone else was saying it, I felt left out!)
hmm... superuser.com/questions/284642/… this belongs on SF i think
@JourneymanGeek Microsoft Team Foundation Server
haha, never used one before...guess I know what it is now.
ahh, that, i know nothing about ;p
@JourneymanGeek he's double posted to SF anyway.
Q: Loadbalancing between two isp uplinks

ChakibHi guys, I have a networking question I could not find an answer for with google. We have currently at work two ISP boxes(routers), i want to setup a firewall to protect an intranet on a local host. The problem is that not every one is using the same router. Here is my question: how can i do t...

Well, I just answered that on SU
@DMA57361 I am just about to try reinstalling it on my machine now! fingers crossed.... It is just, I am finally getting in to projects complex enough where I need to look back at old versions, and it is just becoming a nightmare :S
@Wil prior to me installing something I think I had ~14 copies of one of my Uni projects, so I know what you mean :) some sort of VCS really will help
@DMA57361 Hmmm... Last time, I downloaded mercurial from their site and Turtoise HG from codeplex... it looks like on the official mercurial site, there is an all in one now :S
I think you can just install TortoiseHg and it comes with everything you need
I'm looking at tortoisehg.bitbucket.org btw
in fact, looking at that I reckon I need to update my versions...
@DMA57361 hah!
Also... side tracking... Anyone understand Bitcoin? :S I have been running it for a day on my Core I7, all cores at 100% and it hasn't generated one coin! Costing me more in electricity than it will make :S
@Wil no idea :)
.. and we're back
@Wil another thing which made no sense to me :\
@Sathya We missed you!
ever had this happen to you - when you're furiously browsing, firing off on a bazillion tabs and boom the network goes out - and you wonder if it's you who caused it?
well yeah that just happened here =.=
@Sathya Lol... I now have the router on remote control... if it fails, I press a button and it reboots!
well yeah, you own the infrastructure.
what if you're at a third party place
then blame the admins! Opening tabs should never cause a problem like that!
but yeah... I call it 1+1 = 3... when you do something and something completely unexpected happens, but the result is there and you second guess yourself
Ahh, I got it wrong... Visual HG was the thing I downloaded to get Mercurial working in VS - I think I used turtoise HG last time... I am getting the names messed up!
@Wil especially since it's Tortoise not Turtoise ;)
@Wil: bitcoin sounds like a bit of a wassname...
its overhyped
> Showing results for TortoiseHG. Search instead for TurtoiseHG
@DMA57361 :(
@JourneymanGeek Looks like a nice idea... but I just don't get how it is meant to work... I wasn't expecting a lot of free money, but if it costs more in electricity than coins generated, seems a bit silly as I would be better off buying coins! but... it is an interesting project
precisely ;p
its something like the 'seeder' money is random, but you have a better chance if you donate more processing power
Ok... in one of my projects, I went to command prompt and typed "hg init", then went in to Visual Studio and did commit... it has done it, but I haven't a clue what has happened - I have green icons next to everything which I think is a good thing, but I just can't understand everything :S
@Blomkvist, can you explain what you are trying to do with your answer and comment?
Can a moderator look at this? I simply feel this user is trolling.
Hi folk, I got a question about a Samba share... we have a share located at /smb/share/software, actually only one group can read/write into this folder, but what we want also to do is to protect each file "per user"... if I write a file inside of it, nobody in my group can edit/delete that file... we applied the file mask 0700 but nothing changed... can anyone tell me if this can be done?
@MiPnamic best asking on the main site, I think.
I found that Windows do not create file coorectly
cause if files were created with 4740 perm, everybody can read them, and can't edit/delete
coorectly = correctly :D
and I'm back
@Wil commit has no immediately visible change... but if you right-click the folder the repository is in and choose TortoiseHg -> Repository Explorer you'll see (or use hg log from cmd I suppose)
@DMA57361 I think I have it working... just not understanding it very well... I did hg init at the directory of the project, and now I have commit options... I did commit and it appears to work - I also cloned the project to my NAS.,.. I think it is working!
Just, I don't like using things that I am not an expert at! Don't like feeling out of my depth!
as I said, just work and commit - that keeps the full history - the other more complicated bits can be done when you're happy with the basics, they're not required by any means
@DMA57361 Yeah - I'm pretty happy... (stupid comments) The advanced bits look too advanced, whilst commit looks so simple, I can't believe it is working!
but, I used the explorer like you said, and can confirm it has the full history - very happy
ohhh... I wonder who will have chat line 1,000,000! It appears to be approaching fast!
@Wil lol; what's the prize? :)
ehh... Free membership to Super User :S lol
woot! :D
Just seen, the number is across all chat rooms, probably get to 1,000,000 tonight!
JFYI, I solved with the Sticky bit into file permission
* yawn *
comments for the lulz, special tip to @Wil
1660 messages to 1,000,000!
1659 messages to 1,000,000!
1658 messages to 1,000,000!
Q: How do I use remote desktop over the Internet?

masfenixMy dad uses a computer with Windows XP professional installed on it. He would most likely be taking my Acer laptop with Win7 Home Premium installed on it. I do not want him to install his software on my computer. Usually in his office (he has two computers in two different locations), he just d...

Anyone else want to join in!?
please, not the countdown :|
@Wil must...resist...urge...to...freeze...room...
@Sathya What is the comment?
lol! sorry guys :P
@Wil check the question

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