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Ankle Biter looks decent
nice... effectively free dmg on people are trying to pin you or grapple you
oh - since you are a city goblin...
I will trade your +4 Ride for +2 Perception +2 Survival
if you want :)
that works, if we're not planning on being around many horses :P
well everyone made city intrigue and heist characters with the potential for getting on a boat
not many horses either way ^^;
there may be some dungeon crawling though - but again... horses...
not reaaaally necessary
I do advise looking at Weapon Finesse
that reminds me - what kind of weapon do I start out with?
well it seems like you want a "ssstabbby" one
probably a dagger makes sense for a goblin
You are pretty good with the dex so... tbh if you wanted to you could take dagger or a rapier that we reskin to be less theatrical and more... pig sticker
it just also happens to be light and you wield it very quickly.
unsure what you mean by a pig sticker
hehe something less refined looking than a rapier
just sharp and metallic and gobliny that you happen to wield with extreme dexterity
sounds good
if you go with weapon finesse, you get dex to attack in melee rather than str... but up to you
tbh - goblin seems somewhat weaker than the other starting races... they get a lot more things
can I wiggle it to get two feats as if I were human, since the rest of the party is human? >.>
hehe let me compare human and goblin :)
well you get Darkvision and 2 skill boosts instead of an extra feat
that is really the main tradeoff - well that and for some reason you have an attribute disadvantage >.>;
okay how is this... I'll take away the +2 PErception/+2 survival (which is the equivalent of a feat) and you can trade it for a different feat :)
I will give you yet another bonus after that anyway
In order to work out what background feat I'm going to give you, I'll need to know Blort a bit better... cause the bonus will be...
well - what is Blort about? the money? :P
or if I just swap out the ankle biter for the finesse...
...sheesh, that took forever to send; looks like my internet cut out
@Graylocke mostly; also the food >.> he's a greedy little goblin, but I'm planning to have his alignment change over the course of the campaign if it goes on long enough
he's bitter from the discrimination against goblins - see the conversation with Rio above somewhere about nobody wanting a goblin on a ship
yesterday, by Mithical
"Pfah!" The goblin snorts. "Asss if I haven't already tried, Captain. Nobody wantssss a goblin on board. The talessss are told that you are different. It ssseemss the ssstories are not to be... heeded."
Mmm :/ prejudice against the green skin is one of the few left
though individuals have all kinds of prejudices -.-;
so for your background Gray-given feat that is extra how about:
you have an innate sense for where the nearest source of food is... you can just smell it. You get +2 to rolls involving things of value.
he has no lost love for the rich and noble (such as Lynn)
(for comparison - the pirate has innate sense of the weather and its changes, he has +2 to rolls involving ropes.
(and I seem to have fallen into the same "he" trap that Ink fell into... :/)
you can be a they or a she :)
be whomever you want ^^
was originally planning on having Blort be none
Sure I will try to back that up :)
(I edited Ink back into they in the story ^^)
@Graylocke does "food" include dead bodies?
(also the street wizard has an innate sense of the crowd's mood, and +2 to things involving "get me outta here")
@Mithical does Blort think that is food?
because if so then I would be hard pressed to say no wouldn't I :p
yesterday, by Mithical
"M'lady. Ressst asssured, I only eat people who are already dead."
we'd go into some weird ethical dilemma about sheep and who can be bothered with that
so yes - dead bodies included
whee :D awesome, then
you just don't make a distinction about species! it's less controversial!
so I think that leaves me with the Finesse feat and the "sense food + proficiency with totally not stolen valuable things" feat?
you get that second one for free
so you can either take one more, or take the "city goblin" racial bonuses of +2 perception +2 survival
because I only get 1 feat according to the book
so "city goblin" sounds good to me
yeah - I was letting you trade out some goblin features for a different feat if you wanted to
not class -.-;
No one is going to see Blort coming >.>;
+13 stealth .. lordy
Your perception is +8 and you would still start at a disadvantage to see yourself coming
I made a mistake
This is silly
Goblins get a +4 Skill Bonus to stealth
They are also SMALL
that is a separate +4
and I checked that twice now
you have +17 stealth
that is phenomenally silly
but amazing <3
you also get +1 to hit and +1 to AC
but your weapon dmg is smaller because your weapon is smaller ... which we factor in (and won't be too much of a problem because sneak attack)
and no one will even know you are there because how could they?!
so I am imagining some kind of patchy leather armour?
...can I make armor out of the skin of other (dead) goblins?
... I can't argue with that... I don't know that it is pleasant, but I am sort of worried you had to specify "(dead)" :P
so it is "leather armour" just we won't talk about the leather
sounds good
file this in the "dead meat is dead meat" drawer
so +2 from the armour itself...
and does this cost gold? CHaracter creator says I start with... 140gp to spend on equipment
yeah you have enough for leather armour that's 10gp
So to explain the armour stuff...
there are different ways in which you can not take damage in combat
you can "not be where the sword hits"
or you can "soak it up and not get hurt"
so if you have a reason that you don't get to include any kind of movement (flat footed), the only things that will apply are your armour and your size bonus
so 10 + 2 + 1
if something just needs to touch you and doesn't care about getting through your armour - that's your touch AC... strangely that just includes your dex and your size and not the armour
and if you get it all, you get it all
CMD is just weird and I left it in there, that's if someone tries to trip you or whatnot
it's yet another stupid formula for whatever reason
and what's the "flat-footed"?
anyway - I put them all in there so you don't need to add them up under whatever circumstances
oh - when you can't move for some reason
eg... you were ambushed and you haven't had a turn yet?
or... your feet are stuck to the floor?
I see
the great thing is that it's one of the conditions on an enemy that lets you sneak attack them (also known as backstab!)
the other one you want to remember is "flanking" which is basically when anyone else in your group is distracting an enemy, you can go up on the other side, whether they know you are there or not, and you can sneak attack them then too
basically Blort likes their enemies distracted or surprised or otherwise helpless
more ssstabs
what do you call yer wicked blade? :p
will have to come back to that ;)
and you can have the not-rapier that's only 20gp
so - you've only spent 30 on those things... so you can have whatever else you like out of your starting cash ;p
some thieves tools probably ;p
will have to scroll through the options
please do :) If you are overwhelmed by choice there are cheat modes:
I am seriously terrified by Blort now ^^;
they could be anywhere
who knew L1 rogue goblin was so scary...
OMG <3 so cute @.@
(also if you want some ranged weapon? go ahead and look - I think you have the ability to use all simple weapons anyway
I think the rogue's kit may contain thieves' tools...
oh, it does - missed that
:D more $
I feel like Blort is the kind of character who'd keep an extra weapon somewhere - like a simple dagger (2 gp)
...or a switchblade
hehe sure
or boot blades
hehe but you wouldn't be proficient in them sadly.
some extra daggers are always handy
concealed about your person
I just put the stats in just in case you ever need to throw a dagger from the stash
So If I take 2 more daggers - that's 4gp, leaving me with 56gp. A Cat Burglar's Kit is 15, leaving me with 41gp.
oh, thanks
Blort stealing all the cats
Feb 21 at 19:35, by Mithical
Important information: Blort is terrified of cats
I had forgotten
The one nemesis - a real cat.
I have to wonder if that is actually tea Blort is drinkin'
of course
<.<; "Of course"
Anyway... I think that's basically it for character creation now?
awesome, Blort is scary and amazing :)
thanks for the help gray, you're the best
^^; eh - not really - but I am glad I am at least helpful!
I should probably naps >.>;
yeah... what time is it there?
11:37pm! :D
ah, so not that late :P
*marks down nine hours ahead of me*
Yeah :) By "naps" I meant "put something on that will force my brain to stop working in the next few hours
and in case other people were wondering about the tea...
ah hehe :D
o.o; amazing
3 hours later…
+17 stealth?!?!
+17 stealth
that comes from having a bunch of bonuses
From Dex, being Small, Class Skill, being a Goblin, taking a rank, etc.
I understand why Blort could sneak into the noble party
@Graylocke "You never see it COMING
Just gotta learn how to use the rapier and the dagger at the same time and the enemies will never know what hit them
do you get a bonus for sneaking up on someone if Tifer dumped a bunch of water on their head right before?
Lynn can daze someone and make it easier for Blort
Although you don't really get a bonus
@Mithical Haha, Lynn can make cat sounds
Lynn wants a dagger in the back
If you dagger Lynn then Rio might dislike you
Or he might like you more
All depending
For party connections we have Lynn--Tifer--Valerio--Blort
Nice visual representation of how Lynn and Blort are not the closest
If we can have NPCs in the party, Saffra would be one hell of a tank
Feats I'm considering for Cool Factor: Boon Companion, Cosmopolitan, Weapon Finesse
Feat's I'm considering for how they're pre-reqs: Alertness, Iron Will, Street Smarts
Cosmopolitan's definitely a really really good choice
Boon Companion fits with the flavor of not-a-normal rat
Weapon Finesse with how Tifer would have some ability with a dagger
and then the pre-req feats are, well, for pre-reqs
I wouldn't recommend weapon finesse
You're not going to want to fight up close to begin with
@PrinceNorthLæraðr ^_-
Well, Mx. Sssssssstabby is a different story
Did you decide Lynn's gender, by the way?
@Mithical Oh, sorry, didn't realize Blort was non-binary. My apologies
@bobble Nope.
It's currently male but I'm not a hundred percent sure if I want to stick with that
Though I'm like 90% sure I'm sticking with male because I did post that picture of Kai from Lunar Chronicles
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Blort is Agender
There is no gender, only gold
"what's in your pants?" a dagger and now you're dead
@Mithical Ah, okay
Does agender fall under non-binary?
depends who you ask, but... sure
@bobble Lynn is male. So... we have three male humans and a goblin. This is starting to sound like a Hollywood movie
Swashbuckling pirate and orphan boy wizard is already a Hollywood movie
Pirates of the Caribbean + Harry Potter
"Captain Valerio."
What are Lynn's and Blort's movies?
Lynn is Arthur from the TV series Merlin
I... don't have anything for Blort :P
We can be "Three Guys and a Goblin"
"Three and a Half Buccaneers"?
Not sure Lynn could be a proper "Buccaneer"...
(and don't hold Rio to male too much, he has a drag queen side :p)
We'd make Lynn a proper buccaneer, arrrr
If he swabs the deck enough it should build some character
Again, not sure how you would get him to swab the deck
What's he gonna do? Sing at me?
He has magic
Magic shmagic
Now, Blort I am afraid of, because oh my lord
Blort is going all in on the Stealth-ing
When I read their stealth bonus i had to double-take
@bobble "Good work, Westley. Good night, I'll probably kill you in the morning."
no killing please
But Ti-Ti
but if you try to kill them they'll try to kill you back
That's the idea, yes
Makes it exciting
... may I introduce you to the idea of running away?
Alternatively, may I offer thrilling sword combat on the deck of a sinking ship
Tifer is not good at swording
You are good at Drenching
Tifer will hide in the nest at the top of the mast and rain spells down on below
... occasionally these spells may imitate rain
This is good
You are the best hide-in-the-nest-and-shoot-spells wizard
@Sciborg dun-dun dun-dun dun dun dun-dun dun dun dun-dun dundun dundun
"He's A Pirate" blares in the distance
I look forward to the first time Blort sneaks up behind someone and stabs them in the spleen
Literally nothing can beat that Stealth bonus
@Sciborg that's... what I was humming, yes
'Tis the only correct pirate song
did you have an idea for a Blort Movie, 'borg?
Mission Impossiblort
involving much sneaking, stabbing and money
I have not seen Mission Impossible. Or Merlin, for that matter
I am, as always, a disappointment
You are never a disappointment, you are best crown <3
@bobble I have not seen MI either
And I'm in season 3 of Merlin
@Sciborg Ha, you amuse me
@Sciborg You don't want me to sing at you
Where would Lynn be in the hypothetical pirate-ship battle?
We have established that Rio is swashbuckling all over the deck and Tifer is up in the nest
Well, if there be any rats on board, he be hidin' in the brig, arrr :p
@bobble you have no idea where Blort is
I figured :P
Blort is always hiding :P
I'll have you know that I expect many quips from Valerio
Seems required for swashbuckling
If I'm not quipping every three sentences, am i even a swashbuckler
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
@bobble Probably on the Bird's Nest
squished with Tifer? :P

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