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00:00 - 06:0006:00 - 00:00

north! you're up late
North is back ^^
curls in a floooof pile
@Sciborg I will have to be careful not to telegraph all my evil.
i'm definitely not drawing pirates as we speak
I am trying to work out when this group would be best set in the timeline now ^^:
And @bobble sorry, but I could not figure out the login for my sock to repro it
hey so uhh you know that thing that happens where you were making a silly doodle and then suddenly it turns into a character design
hehehe yes?
i drew Pirate Dad
hahahaha awesome
the finger guns are an important part of his character
as is the cthulhu belt buckle ;p
important :p
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
I just realised that the capital is basically on the Cliffs of Insanity!!!
the Cliffs of What Now
well, i guess that explains a lot
Now is your boat called the Shrieking Eel?
for Very Important Reasons, its name is The Flaming Rose
... okay ;p
it's definitely for valid reasons
of course... i mean it was hardly likely to be the Shrinking Violet
not at all frightening enough for a Pirate Ship
this be a renegade vessel, arrr
there will be noooo survivooooors
all those who do not give up their gold shall walk the plank, arrrrrgh
or else meet the swords of his hardy mateys
starts sifting through a cat-a-logue of characters
...i promise this is going to be a serious character and not just a meme. i swear :p
Suuure Mick, sure
arrrrrrring intensifies
So how much piracy is the captain actually doing?
And how much is advertising? ;p
Well, it's complicated. A lot of piracy is just about intimidation and branding. So I feel like he does a lot less pillaging and raiding than he claims he does :p
Makes sense ;p
"there was a mighty gale as we bravely battled FIVE SHIPS AT ONCE -"
"Valerio, there was one ship and it was already half-sunk when we got there."
and then obviously as a result of Current Mishaps, he no longer has a ship or a crew, but he refuses to admit it and insists he is a Brave and Dangerous Pirate
okay :)
who could definitely call the ship at any time, for real, totally
I may think about some NPCs you know or who know of you ;p
i feel like he's definitely still got a reputation even if he's a lot more bluster than bite, he has done plundering and there's probably people who hold big old grudges against the Flaming Rose and Cap'n Montoya
so he absolutely has enemies :p
<nods> I feel that is likely...
but lately he's kinda softened up a bit maybe as a result of meeting the party, so he's trying to lay low
also there may be some less than flattering pictures posted up in places ;p
for sure :P
Basically... Flynn
basically Flynn
he also probably still has contact with his first mate, Simon - i imagine that's kind of his "call to get self out of a pickle" person
Oh! So there were non-ladies on the ship?
Well that is gendering Simon I suppose.
Apologies to Simon.
yeah, i was kidding about the lesbians - his crew was pretty diverse. his first mate was the guy who initially helped him get the ship so they're good buds
i imagine Simon will pop up from time to time
he also definitely has at least three ex-boyfriends who absolutely hate his guts
which will never come up, ever, right :p
Is Mith wanting to play in the intermission game as well? :)
@Sciborg hehehe - I feel like one of his enemies is the ex-wife of one of his ex-boyfriends.
No? Was that a bad reaction? ;p
Certainly wouldn't mind, although as with the main one time restrictions apply
"ah, so you're Captain Montoya."
"er, yes? do i know you?"
"i'm married to George."
@Mithical Oh of course :)
@Sciborg this said in a dark alley when he is apparently being mugged ... before he gets out of it in true swashbuckling fashion
probably by cutting a rope and some barrels go tumbling and he gets hoisted up onto a scaffold or something
vaults up onto the rooftops "tell George i said hello! <3"
Doof voice
i choked on my hot chocolate
Oh boy... these two characters between them already have so many NPCs they could have involved in their lives ^^;
looking forward to seeing all the Evil Plans you have for me :p
if any NPC deals a single hitpoint of damage to Tifer, so help me they are getting wrecked
they will get the ship kicked out of them
anyone: *attempts to hit Tifer*
Valerio: "so you have chosen death"
so discriminating against every tactician who thinks to get rid of the mage first lol
y e s
when bobble tells me what Tifer looks like, i am 2000% drawing them as the "you are too precious for this world" meme
hehehe <3
this but with Valerio
I am feeling slightly out of the loop here though - could I get a transcript link to where conversation about this started please? (read back scroll but still not finding the beginning)
uhm sure :)
we're mostly joking around about our pathfinder characters for Gray's campaign, for if i need a break from DMing or the campaign ends - bobble made an urchin wizard called Tifer
(also am once again in transit so I could be missing something obvious)
3 hours ago, by Sciborg
When you have a moment Gray, do you mind sending me the names of some villages/towns/cities in your world? i'm figuring out where potential PF1 character would come from :)
i made a Pirate Dad who has decided to adopt Tifer as their child immediately
urf... from then on
(thumbsup) thanks
but I did put a little bit of history in after that point.
basically just that if I run an interim game for borg to have a break, I might do it in Pathfinder 1st edition. which is mostly the same as D&D.
but just far more colourful
I will still be somewhat handwavey with some of the more complicated rules because well - they aren't always fun
i have a vivid memory of the first time we had to do vehicle combat in Pathfinder, and my DM opened the tab of the vehicle rules, stared at it for a few minutes, then closed the tab and said "nope we're just winging this one"
2nd ed PF made that even worse
you do get interesting and colourful characters
the main things to note are 1) it would be set in a world I already have and have run with a number of groups previously 2) I have some special changes to character creation because it's pretty much superheroic fantasy :)
(all the special changes are pretty much in favour of the players >.>;
cool :D
Is d20pfsrd.com mostly accurate?
Yep pretty much :)
It is the open access rules set as paizo originally intended
Lovely. I'll have a poke around there soon - have some character ideas floating around...
So the few restrictions might cause some discussion about character origins so we can make sure they fit into the world but I am really into adding in things from each PC that plays in the world, so you are kind of in a patchwork of people's ideas :)
totally not looking at the Goblin race-
Oooh... Interesting :)
Certainly a heavily prejudiced against race!
In Morvern, all orcs, kobolds and goblins are thought of as part of the "svartalfar" (dark elves? I guess?) but they're not necessarily evil :)
Oh - and I could go through the whole pantheon and aspects vs deities as well, but... I don't want to bore people into a coma :)
hehe - well they are thought of as evil, mostly because the general population live in the caves and tunnels and do steal and pillage from the above-grounders.
certainly not all of them are bad, and actually, at the time I am setting this now, the above-ground people (at least the ones in charge) aren't particularly nice
also - some of the goblins etc. live in the non-human elven towns in the forests at this point in history ^^
8 hours later…
Just an evil little goblin who has reluctantly agreed to temporarily give up eating human flesh in order to join a party and find gold
Any particular class?
Haven't gotten that far yet :P busy day
some, also electrician and actual... work
work? D: you mean your job isn't sitting in buses all day?
Unfortunately not
1 hour later…
@Sciborg Urrrm, I wasn't up
I can confirm, your avatar was in chat
Maybe someone else got ahold of your account? o_O
Nah, my laptop was I think restarting or something? Maybe it didn't fully shut down
do you want to join in the PF character creation fun?
Maybe later :P
I'm gonna go take a Practice SAT on Khan Academy right now, so I gotta focus
Hm, I can't even access the wiki because of school
Laptop blocks everything grrr
Anyhow o\ be back later
@bobble a rogue seems appropriate
Neutral Evil alignment
I'll have to warn you that Pirate Dad won't like if you are mean to Tifer.
You are free to be evil, but by gods if you say one mean thing to Tifer, Pirate Dad will deck you
Tifer is too pure and must never be hurt
hmm... Wizards have access to a cantrip called "Drench"
drenches goblin in water
you are aware that Tifer is not an innocent little child - street kids can't afford that
You may be scary wizard who Fireballs people, but Pirate Dad refuses to acknowledge this and insists you are smol friend who must be protected
I'm waiting for Gray to come on again before deciding what Tifer looks like. Depending on the ethnicities present in the city, etc.
I see four options for how Tifer addresses Pirate Dad:
- by first name
- by last name
- by a nickname
- by a variation of "Dad"
If you called him any variation of "Dad" regardless of sarcastic intent, he would immediately accept it
like "Pops" or something, lol
Tifer: "Who do you think you are, my "*daddy*"?
Valerio: "OH MY GOD YES"
"no, no, I was kidding -"
and then Tifer realizes they have made a terrible mistake
@Sciborg Blort promises not to feed on Tifer's flesh
Should we open up to other people joining?
@Mithical good, good
We will probably ask Gray how many players they are comfortable with
It would also depend on msh's schedule, since i know he is busy
I'm not sure if Gray will do my approach of having two parallel parties or if they would prefer to just do one.
I might have to change my bookmark system up
Stick an identifier for the specific campaign before the "Session X" bit
Ah, true
"Campaign 1 Session X", maybe?
No, not anything as mundane as numbers
I must come up with out-of-context titles for the campaigns
For some reason "Dragon Tales" popped into my head and made me laugh
i mean, that's honestly what the campaign has been about
One problem is that it'll break every bookmark I've shared in chat
Yeah. It's okay to just leave it, should be fine.
We'll know where the break is
So we've got Blort, the flesh-eating goblin....? :p
goblin rouge
i am deeply concerned
and then we have Tifer the smol wizard
and Pirate Dad Valerio the swashbuckler
i cannot wait to see North's character :p
I'm not sure what happened to Tifer's parents, would be fine just saying that Tifer doesn't remember them
I see that wizards can't really use armor
This will not worry Pirate Dad at all
Hmm, I think Tifer would have a familiar instead of a bonded object
Scrolling through a list of familiars now
Tifer doesn't strike me as a type to have may things
and not really any way to get them, probably stealing a magic object would be a bad idea
character planning
Both Giant Isopod and Isopod, Giant are available as familiars
Okay, I made myself a list of just the animal names of available familiars (so I'm not choosing based on stats to start) I will start narrowing this down now.
Important information: Blort is terrified of cats
... does this mean I should remove "Cat" from consideration for being my familiar?
absolutely not
> Cat, Cockroach, Iguana (Marine), Hare, Osprey, Lemming, Lizard, Moth, Owl, Puffin, Raccoon, Rat, Raven, Squirrel, Thrush, Weasel, Ermine, Mongoose
the familiars still left for choosing from
> Cat, Cockroach, Iguana (Marine), Osprey, Lizard, Moth, Owl, Puffin, Raccoon, Rat, Raven, Squirrel, Weasel
further removals
any of those seem like things a small urchin wouldn't encounter in a coastal city?
for I am trying to remove such creatures from the list
3 hours later…
@bobble no - that's what makes Mage Armour the spell so useful ^^;
@Mithical yay!
ooh Gray is here!
I request an infodump about what the people who live in Viscero look live :D
Gray is here ish :)
Uhm I thought people might be in the capital! Which is uh Jemryen (I will need to check I have spelled my own imaginary location correctly)
Viscero is a little around the bay from the capital.
oh I was getting my cities mixed around
I basically wanted to know what human ethnicities (for a lack of a better word) are prevalent around "here"
Ooh, that is actually pretty good to know
Uhm - so most of the north are the people who live in the forests and mountains and the few islands. There are a lot more elves up north, though the fully insular wood elves are obviously less likely to be in a city. There are even some half-orcs and goblins (looked on with suspicion). So I haven't done a huge map of RL ethnicities to my world.
I feel like Valerio would be your universe's equivalent of Puerto Rican/Dominican, in terms of ethnicity? Like i could picture him tossing some Spanish into his dialogue and calling Tifer "hija/hijo" depending on their gender
I'm leaning towards male, probably because of the Aladdin reference and the "little boy wizard" tropes
There are no big savannahs, deserts or swamps up north... there are more forest jungles and islands.
The actual coast starts getting a little more... mediterranean in flavour in my head
Ooh, Mediterranean Pirate Dad works too
wherever "and" came from
I don't edit myself quickly enough
00:00 - 06:0006:00 - 00:00

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