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00:00 - 06:0006:00 - 00:00

tailhugs for the peeps
lol - about 1/10 of a fight scene is usable text >.>;
No, "Roll a d20" is clearly useable text
:P We may have to reorder the chapter titles post retranscription...
But I will definitely get those from the paragon of title making, @bobble
Lae has a lot of dialogue that is hard to fit in >.>;
Down to a page and a half!
quietly pets floof
whispers to camera "the elusive nomcat... we must be careful so as not to startle them"
tailhugs a borg and rests chin on paws
the elusive nomcat is also a cutie
important nature fact
How is @Sciborg ?
Doing good, how are you? :)
Okayishly ^^; Reducing our messages still.
Watching YouTube videos about language at the same time >.>;
I'll try not to disturb ya, sorry
Nah - It is too late! I am already disturbed, and have been for quite some time ;p
This is a great example of how much time combat in D&D takes for very little actual activity :)
an elusive bobble arrives?
yay! \o/
An elusive bobble!! drops down this species is highly rare
we must approach slowly
bobble curls into a ball, balancing book on knees
how has bobble's day been?
bobble has been writing essays about why people should give me scholarships
"what adversity have you encountered in you life, and how have you overcome it?"
that sounds.... a bit soul-crushing
"how have you demonstrated leadership skills in the fields of social justice or activism?"
"please describe your involvement in causes related to the environment or sustainability"
tailhugs a bobble :/ yikes... that sounds... really draining
But you see, if I don't get scholarships I'll need a Big Honking Loan for college
that would slowly destroy my soul
The wonders of the American higher education system!
hooray for American education
I would explain ours but it's probably not worthwhile ^^;
is the nomcat nomming on anything at the minute?
Actually, I was just eating some spicy chicken and noodles >.>;
I approve
I am very lucky ^^;
i went over to my friend's house for spaghetti and meatballs, but then we accidentally burned the meatballs so we just had the spaghetti :p
What kinds of food does Ink like?
As we discovered early on, Astrid likes hotcakes
Oooh... that is a good question o.o;
I am thinking... some kind of spicy fish kind of dish... that isn't very common around here ^^:
spiced quipper with a side of fried merrow fins? :p
Does it have a Fancy Name?
Uhm... I have noooo idea >.> I just invented it. It probably needs some kind of pepperberry or something.
Oooh - can Druidcraft help Ink make some? Now that Astrid has accidentally taught him? ^^;
Quipper is a cool fish name though
I love the mental image of Astrid druidcrafting Ink some berries
very pure <3
The flower Ink took from their Book of Shadows to give Astrid when they were potentially leaving the group... was part of what made Druidcraft appear in the Book of Shadows. ^^;
wholesome <3
(Ink can't cast Druidcraft without their Book of Shadows)
I vote for Pepperberry Jam Quipper - fish with a spreading of jam. And outsiders think putting jam on fish is weird but Ink knows better.
Oooh - Bobble the Namer strikes again :)
I approve :)
Also the idea of a spicy and somewhat savoury jam might be non-standard.
Ink is not exactly standard
Not even for tabaxi at this point...
Also - 'borg...
I was thinking...
@bobble i approve of this idea
How do you pronounce "tabaxi"
i always say it "tah-bax-ee", is there an alternate pronunciation?
Because I feel like Ink uses CH where the X is...
Or potentially ZH
Oooh, so there's kind of like a regional accent on the word?
Yeah ^^;
That's a cool idea - i always did picture Ink as having a bit of a foreign-land accent, in terms of what this region has :)
we can make that canon :p
Is Pepperberry Jam Quipper canon?
I was looking at the Forgotten Realms lore and they make the Tabaxi seem from old world South America... which has a kind of X as CH vibe... that's what made me think of it.
Neat :D i like it!
But I don't know whether that is really Ink's vibe... they seem a bit more Asiatic inspired, but... <shrugs> I dunno... my brain was thinking about languages recently ^^;
Ink could try Druidcraft-ing pepperberries next session, off his memory. Not sure if they would be perfect, though
We can have you roll to see how accurately you get them
Astrid should help Ink try to make actual plants... because so far the only cast was done as a "must stop weird man disturbing Astrid"
Which would make sense as a reaction in the magic... call on something and get a thing related to Astrid.
"you feel like your magic is combining with the power of friendship" :D
Well, we're going to be traveling - can spend some session time in camp
Also... Ink is going to find out that the weird fae spirits of the land will help the party make camps now ^^:
Well this is certainly interesting
You're free to invent a food that Lae likes
Nah, I was just reading through the transcript
This conversation? or the re-transcript?
Both :P
For April Fool's Day, I am very tempted to request on Meta SE that mod warnings be written in Limerick form
But I feel like it will not be well-received
I want to do it in PSE, but I feel like other people will piggy on and post more dumb stuff on the PSE Meta
So, I think I might do it for LSE
You could write up my bug report to main-meta
@bobble Which bug?
Maybe I'll post a genuine report/request, but it's just written entirely in a limerick poem
The can't-cancel one
I asked Mith but they never got around to repro'ing it
I need some context
in The Reading Room, Feb 3 at 17:04, by bobble
@people-who-have-meta.se-accounts: there's a bug when you click on "Ask Question" for Meta.SE or SO. It prompts you to create an account. The "cancel" button doesn't work. The back button, to work properly, has to be clicked n + 1 times, where n is the number of times you click "cancel". ("Join Community" has functioning "cancel" and back-buttons, and the bug doesn't show up for other communities I checked.) I would post a bug report except I don't want to make a main-meta account...
Might be... a bit too technical for me to write in Limerick
I shall try
My April Fool's Day idea was to make a 10x10 Nurikabe with a single "100" piece and explain that it's the hardest Nurikabe i've ever created and that the answers must be extremely long and technical.
but i worry that people might downvote it for being obnoxious :p
really? surely not >.>;
there are so many silly answers on regular questions...
or, alternatively, a Pento where the pento fills the entire grid
(So 'borg - is it more canon to have Snibby keep using "sir, madam or person"?
it's a specific catchprase of theirs, yeah
thanks ^^;
i really appreciate you making the transcript - it's a neat memento :)
There's a bug to share
It's been a bother to bear
The cancel works not
Even though I click it a lot
This really isn't quite fair
It's kind of fun to organise our actions into a sensible order ^^;
You should probably confirm that it's reproducible and not just me/my computer before filing a report
Today I logged into the site,
and found that i'd gotten a fright.
The button was broken,
It really was chokin',
The account-making wasn't quite right!
In a hurry I fled to report it,
But oh! another problem comported,
The report was quite scary,
It really was very,
And the site code is not well supported.
> Mods have too much power you see,
And it saddens this poor lil' tree
It leads me to despair
It isn't quite fair
That they be able to speak regularly
> Oh, only in limerick should they
Communicate when they want to relay
A message of harm
Without causing alarm
To speak only in limericks I say!
A button on the Meta.SE page,
Wouldn't let me disengage.
But I don't want to get a
new account on meta
Just to show you my moral outrage.
A rhymes with meta?
"get a" does ;p
In chat there occurred quite a clatter,
Making Mick wonder what was the matter.
"They're talking in rhymes,
And only limericks! What crimes."
Poor 'Borg was left feeling quite tattered.
Gah this enter button vexes me
It keeps on sending messages before I'm ready
Go die in a hole
I never loved you, lol
And if you please, will you set me free
"Go die in a hole // I never loved you lol" best poetic lines ever
Alone and unloved, the button sighs;
It is so small, and so hard it tries;
And when insulted, behind its guise,
Outside looks indifferent; but inside, cries.
In the room made for Sciborg's D&D
Was a chat about Druidcraft berries
Then in came Prince North
Spoke of rhymes and henceforth
All the messages became very silly
Love is like a red, red rose
It's full of thorns and bad for prose
Don't be lazy
Get a daisy
Instead of like all those other joes
tailhugs a North
Shakes branches
I still like "Rose is red, Violet is blue, Flag is win, Baba is you"
Poetry at its finest
Since you brought that game up, I had to play it start to finish ;p
excuse me, my poem about being an enter button was beautiful :p
Took forever with my whole house working on it on the TV
@Sciborg But it's not a limerick
@Sciborg apologies 'borg, it does deserve some kind of philosophical artistic award
"Elegy of an Enter Button," Mick, 2021
> I curse ye now, dear lovely Mick
Ye shall speak in such, as though you're sick
You'll sound like a fool
Forgive me, I'm cruel,
You'll now only speak in limerick
Original limericks were terrible though... because they totally cheat the last line.
hehe, from Wikipedia by John Clarke:
> There was an old man with a beard,
A funny old man with a beard
He had a big beard
A great big old beard
That amusing old man with a beard.
My favorite limerick :p
oh wow :) John Clarke :)
I think the poetry killed bobble :(
we have murdered the crown, what have we done
Hopefully, bobble will return shinier than ever.
wow >.>; that worked o.o;
avast! the bobble returns!
gray, you have summoned the crown from the abyss
Floof has learned a summoning spell o.o Or possibly just precog o.o;
What's this? Floof is evolving!
....Floof has evolved into *Psychic Floof!*
bobble found another bunny pillow pattern, but the sheet given for cross-stitching onto is unusable. therefore bobble measured out a different sheet
I hope @bobble isn't too bogged down with the annoyance of admission request letters :/
bunny pillow patterns are a valid distraction
(or whateveryoucallthem)
Scholarship essays
I turned in the admission applications a while back
Ah okay - those :)
I vaguely knew what they were from the vague information that the rest of the world gets about US culture through TV, movies and "knowing a lot of people on the internet"
Though the details are not really in my floofy brain.
I got the BEST prank PSE puzzle
I'll write an entire CC in limerick
Because, you see, getting accepted to a school does not mean one can afford to go to said school
And require the answerer to answer entirely in limerick
Didn't Jeremy and Stiv already ask do that?
Ye..es, which is totally not how it works here -.-; (at least not right now)
@bobble They did? I wouldn't be surprised
A [poetry] [cryptic-crossword] tag mashup
@PrinceNorthLæraðr oh no
Okay - my brain can't translate anymore. Stopping again.
I'm going to look up PFv1 vs D&D5e things
I must ask a favor of thee:
Write the answer in lim'rick for me
If you do so I'll arc
O'er to you a checkmark
And perhaps a 50-point bounty
When you have a moment Gray, do you mind sending me the names of some villages/towns/cities in your world? i'm figuring out where potential PF1 character would come from :)
Well I have some set, but as I kinda said earlier, I am also happy to work in some player-built ones.
(as I have with the other PC groups that have existed in the setting) ^^
The only thing I was thinking for certain is a coastal village/town, since he gets his love for the sea early and it would be cool if he grew up near the ocean. but that's all i have so far
what kind of person is he?
but a small one?
could be any size, doesn't really matter
@bobble not sure yet :p
and i'm assuming the base PF1 races/classes are okay? i'm not planning on doing anything crazy so it's probably just gonna be standard human
base ones are fine, except (weirdly) dwarf :)
yup :p
because World Reasons
the dwarves are... well... no one knows where they went.
Viscero was the name of a satellite town off the capital city (which is on a cliff overlooking a huge bay)... Viscero is kind of around the bay taking over a um.. isthmus? is that the word? a peninsula?
ooh, i like that.
it might be a little too similar to his name, but that could actually be funny
really? lol was that going to be his name?
The capital has a weird series of buildings on struts and towers and caves and tunnels built under it and down the cliff as part of the city.
"you're... Captain Valerio from Viscero?"
".....shut up"
i'll probably change the name now, lol
Well given the timing of when this may happen, the town can have a different name. <shrugs>
nah i'll come up with something funny
i love the idea of the city having all kinds of nifty towers and struts :D
It's basically built itself up to the edge of the cliff and down the side...
and a little into the water where there are wharves... there are a lot of mechanical pullies and suchlike for moving people and goods too.
the strong Dishonored vibes i am getting are incredibly welcome
The general setting is quite high magic though most "built" magic was from the time of the dwarves, obviously.
now I want to be an orphan who lives at the top of a tower and looks down on the town >.<
They had the knack for making impossible structures and materials and what may as well be devices, although science really is kind of at clockwork level ish.
@bobble Pirate Dad will adopt you immediately
"oh, there is a small orphan? you're my child now"
The other cool city is Rend, which is the city that fills the only real mountain pass in the mountain range that divides the country up diagonally.
I will withhold a description of it if you don't want to have seen it before ;p
It is, however, known that the city is on an impossibly flat kind of chasm as if a chunk of mountain range had been removed... and it is the home of the wonder that is the Dragon of Morvern (the name of the island country)
Anywhom, don't start me on my world or I won't shut up.
curls back up and noms tail to keep from talking about it
@Sciborg would he call himself Pirate Dad?
We are Pro-Rambling here :D
@bobble yes
There a list of PF classes to look at?
All of the PF1 stuff is open source, so it should be online or on the Archive of Nethys :)
I love the idea of my tiny orphan inexplicably being a wizard
Just snuck into some old magic guy's library every night to read the books
So the main classes are very similar in concept to the 5e ones.
An orphan becoming a wizard by sneaking into somebody's library is the purest concept
And then the old magic guy finds out but isn't even mad and is just really happy that somebody loves his books so much
Or like he pretends not to know about it, but then he leaves the door unlocked every night by "accident"
"accidentally" left out a book suitable for becoming a spellbook
"whoopsie, my old brain acting up again" leaves out Novice Wizard's Handbook
leaves plate of cookies
Some additions: Oracle is the "chosen by a deity" class with an affliction added.
Cavalier is like a battle tactician
Magus is a fighting wizard, I guess?
Witch is a lot like Warlock but with a different flavour
Summoners is like a wizard with a unique "monster pet" that evolves as you level
Inquisitor is a kind of law-keeping cleric.
Gunslinger, baby. Gunslinger.
Or, actually, Swashbuckler fits better.
Is that one okay?
Sure :)
Swashbuckler would be far more appropriate
Important follow-up question: Can I make Princess Bride quotes
Only if the NPCs can ;p
Cap'n Valerio Montoya, Swashbuckler Dad Pirate is coming together
hahaha :)
How many more sessions do you estimate for either storyline?
I'm just talking about it now so that I can work out anything I would need to do beforehand :) I am not in any hurry ;p
(I like the Trio ^^;
If Johnny and Kith win this combat and take care of the resulting things, there is still one final Big Plot Thing that must be done, which i plan to have unfold over multiple sessions. So we're getting into the final stretch, but not done yet :)
and the Timid Trio must reach Hearth and do Things there as well
name of orphan: Tifer (pronounced tee-fur). proposed nickname from Pirate Dad: "Ti-Ti"
Pirate Dad accepts this
aw <3
we're acting as if the other PCs don't exist >.>
any PC with dead parents who needs a Dad will receive a Pirate Dad, this is canon
Valerio will adopt all of you
... your crew may have something to say about this
but the crew are a bit busy at the moment ^^;
the crew are slightly........ occupied
but FEAR NOT, they are definitely fine and Valerio's ship is fine and Valerio will do everything in his power to convince you of this
the desired effect of being a tiny orphan wizard is people thinking "oh, look so small and defenseless" and the Tifer going "FIREBALL"
i love this
so you want to be a book-learned wizard?
yes >.> Tifer will be very literate, though not sure where they (gender undecided) would have learned to read
maybe Tifer used to sneak into a local nobleman's school and listen in on the lessons?
since they seem to be good at sneakily picking up knowledge
hehe we could try to get another PC to be a kid nobleman, they can help Tifer sneak in
cough cough north cough
look when you don't have a family then you can spend all the time reading magic books
I guess the world has 4 major magic types... arcane wizardry which comes from knowing how magic functions and using it according to the laws. being magical inherently and using the force of your will to change things. divine inspiration from a deity or other powerful being... or convincing the inherent magic in the universe to help you. That's pretty much how a wizard views the world of magic anyway.
magic with laws sounds perfect for infodumping to a confused Pirate Dad
i just imagine Tifer and Valerio walking along and Tifer is excitedly infodumping about how magic works and a clueless Valerio is just nodding along in bewilderment
Wizards use magical quantum physics <nods>
how would Valerio find Tifer?
I imagine by accidentally using the same hiding place ;p
(Is this a game or a discussion?)
does Tifer pickpocket? :p
(A discussion :) )
@Sid we are just discussing some things about separate characters and the setting for a game that might happen in between to give 'borg a break from GMing
@Sciborg with Mage Hand, a cantrip that from my reading I can already know
much less chance of getting caught
Assuming "unattended" objects could be e.g. food at a market stand while the owner is talking with a customer, or coins poking out of an open moneybag
@Graylocke oh. Understood.
It would be hilarious if Tifer just snuck up and mage handed Valerio's wallet and Valerio was furious and trying to chase them around town to get it back. But then he realizes the thief is a cute small orphan, upon which he immediately forgets being mad and switches to "you are my child now" adoption mode.
"GIVE ME BACK MY WALLET YOU - oh my goodness you are small. oh my goodness"
So what kind of magic does Tifer like best? There's an interesting question.
We can rule out necromancy
Tifer has a hang-up about dead things
well you also get to choose two schools you aren't good at :)
I would totally be down to take a break from our game after the Boss Fight and the Trio reaching Hearth, to do a Gray PF1 campaign for a bit. Would give me a breather to be honest and it lets Gray have a turn DMing and doing their world :D
fireball is evocation if that matters ^^; wielding raw elemental energy
@Sciborg I would have to work out when my TZ crosses with msh /mith tho ^^;
I think you're both awake during us Americans' "sleep" times
For sure - their timezones and your timezone are hard to make cooperate
could work it out tho <shruggles>
assuming they want me to run them a game >.>:
We can ask them when they're online, i'm sure they wouldn't mind. you are great floof :)
but would definitely have to discuss timezones with them
Evocation looks like the "dazzling" school which fits with Tifer having hidden cool magic stuff
Looking for a second "difficult" school for Tifer... is divination even something Tifer would be interested in? They sound a very "let's do stuff now" sort?
Yeah, Divination is not a Tifer thing
That can be your other "nope" school
<nods> Okay so Divination and Necromancy might be their "opposing schools".
(just makes them more difficult to cast, not impossible)
<plots the unique talents>
... is it wrong that I'm already coming up with backstory
bobble, my brain has a 5-page document
we are weird together
is Tifer a human?
how much of that was added after learning you were a Pirate Dad?
the very important "Pirate Dad" aspect added 2 pages
Yes, human
would y'all mind me infodumping current backstory...?
of course not :)
Please do :D
(just a slight observation, cause I mentioned it to borg earlier, there will be some "horse-trading" where I need to make adjustments to make stories fit into the world? hopefully this doesn't cause offence, but I am trying to make the world consistent :) )
(eg the whole dwarf thing, but anyway - I am sure it won't impact many things)
of course! I'm trying to keep this general enough so it will fit any world
Tifer had a street buddy who got sick with a curable illness (though not one that you can procure medicine for if you're broke street kids), and nursed them until they died. Thus hang-up about death. After they resolved to not be so helpless and started breaking into the magic-guy's house because they heard you could do things if you knew magic, and stop the bad stuff from happening in the first place.
tailhugs no worries :) Just making sure that I don't upset ppl because I hadn't said it in here.
hopefully backstory is not too dark >>
this hits harder when you're in the american healthcare system, on some level
@bobble ooh - no... and I have some interesting options for said magic man and suchly if you wanted them.
ooh options
well - maybe you don't know too much about them, but I have some questions that you could answer and I can select from some people have in mind ;p
sure, I can answer questions
So are you imagining that the place you have a way into is... well-appointed?
Like a big selection of magical books?
I imagine at least one room lined with magic books that Tifer can curl up in with a small light for reading
Or more of a merchant type, perhaps only has a limited selection of books.
Or... Okay. <nods>
Someone who isn't around much but has a library of instructional magical books
Tifer would probably do the first sneaking-in when the homeowner was noticeably absent for a bit, so it would seem safer
So... as an additional question... Did you break in on purpose... or did you find a way in accidentally earlier than the sad event and then decided that you wanted to use it later.
Because the city IS on a network of weird tunnels and extra rooms and buildings that are underground and sticking out of the cliff and all over the place... I imagine as an orphan you have some knowledge of some hidden paths to get you safely between places without the authorities knowing?
on purpose, definitely
yes sneaky sneaky
sneaky sneaky
> I was a skinny little kid who could squeeze into places adults couldn't
yes of course I had to drop an MCU quote
<nods> So possibly you happen to have found a back way that leads to a library that would probably be reasonably hidden from people the normal way anyway.
yes :D
Like under someone's place, that you happen to have found a way into through well... not the sewers... the series of weird tunnels and extra streets below the streets.
I imagine Tifer would have been spending a lot of time exploring after the death, as a way of not concentrating on matters of life and death
I feel like it might be a weird jutting out tower from the cliff that is a library of books..?
and you aren't too sure who owns it but you have never seen them?
i can feel the cogs turning in Gray's brain
though you have been very careful not to let on how to get there ?
Tifer would have purposefully avoided anyone else because magic people can be scary
when you're a DM, you get a spidey sense for when other DMs are making Evil Plans
I like the idea that the orphan has a ... semi-safe? hideyhole full of books :)
but since Tifer doesn't own it... there is a constant danger that the owner returns...
And "borrowing" books is clearly a no-no, someone might notice
like if Aladdin had a library ^^:
lol yes
So Tifer must be careful to remember where things go and put them back and scurry at Sounds
Aladdin: Pathfinder Edition
besides, even a half-decent wizard may put some kind of magic against the books actually leaving the tower
found on Chess.SE: Princess Bride reference
@thb A classic blunder, like the only slightly less well known Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.Federico Poloni May 14 '18 at 11:57
lol - I have this idea that there was one time early on that Tifer was going to "borrow" the book out of the library, and at the door the book suddenly remarks "You know you should probably leave me in the tower, it's less suspicious".
bobble must zzz now
sleeps well bobble :) dreams nice!
good zzzzz <3
00:00 - 06:0006:00 - 00:00

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