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00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 19:00

"I'm not sure I quite appreciate the attitude, human."
Astrid hurries to the table with Ink
"You're the one who came up trying to start something, elf." His eyes glitter. "Beat it."
rolls insight to get a grasp of him
Ink doesn't understand the conversation between Lae and the man, but does understand the tones of the voices and his ears flatten on his head with a look of concern.
You can immediately tell this guy is bad news and does not like you. You also notice that under his cloak and hood, he's wearing armor and carrying a spellbook at his hip, despite obviously trying to conceal it. He seems very not friendly.
"I'll ask you one more time. What are you doing here?"
roll intimidation
13-1=12. Ugh
He blinks slowly. "Like I said. Got no business with you. Away with you."
And what buisness with whom?
Ink gently places a paw on Lae's shoulder, "Friend Lae, we are guests... perhaps we leave this man to his devices? Keep our own company?"
"If you're so determined to not leave me alone, then fine." He blinks again. "Have you seen a man who limps on his left side?"
"No, I have not. Why?"
"Just curious." He sits back in his chair and kicks up his boots on the table. "Shoo."
Lae scowls deeply. "I'll keep my eyes on you" and slowly starts walking back towards the inn room
Make one last perception roll
nat20, let's goooo
What are you trying to perceive specifically?
General environment of the inn or any sudden movements. Anything that could be a threat
Ink fidgets, tail tip twitching his cloak as he hurries after the elf back to the table.
Besides Grumpy Guy, the inn seems relatively quiet. The woman and Quilly are sitting at a table together, murmuring quietly and shooting you curious looks; you get the feeling they are gossiping about you.
Oblivious to gossiping
Storms into inn-room furiously
(Our inn-room, fyi)
Ink isn't following to a room, then, but to a table to wait with Astrid for food.
Astrid murmurs to Ink in Sylvan, "Did they say how long to wait for food?"
Snibby approaches the table and gently sets down two plates of fresh hotcakes with butter, a little canister of syrup, and two glasses of water. "May I get the young madams, sirs or persons anything else?"
Astrid squeals "Butter hotcakes!" and gulps down half in one bite
Then looks up and says "Thank you, I think that is all, for me"
Ink looks up, eyes focusing as from a long way away, thoughts clearly following Lae and Grumpy Guy and alert for the potential of danger. "Thank you kind uh... sir..? madam..? person..? I think that will be all... Let me reimburse you for the meal and the room?"
"Of course," Snibby says politely. "That will be two silver, please."
Ink nods amicably and produces them from his pouch.
"Thank you kindly," Snibby says, taking the money. "If the persons require anything else, they must only call me."
(Lae is still fuming in the room. Fen sympathetically licks his hand)
Ink carefully divides his plate into two portions, making sure there is some left for the elf, and eats some absent mindedly.
Astrid has vacuumed up all the hotcakes on their plate, and is now sipping some water.
As you enjoy your meal, the grumpy man, who was cocking his head in apparent concentration on something, suddenly stands up without having eaten or drank anything and sweeps urgently out of the bar, one hand on his spellbook.
(... toward the exit? or the way Lae went?)
Out the exit.
Lae happens to step out of the inn room to check on Astrid and Ink and sees the man leaving
As curious as Ink is, he is actually visibly relieved, even more so when Lae arrives and he pushes the half-plate of hotcakes towards him.
Lae rushes over to Ink and Astrid
Sylvan: "I'm going after him. I don't like his energy. He's up to no good."
(Sylvan) "... Uh..! Really, friend Lae?" he looks startled and concerned again... his other expression.
Sylvan, to Ink: "I'll follow Lae if you do"
Eye flashing bright red, and Lae's magical arm forming, Lae says, "Yes. Anyone who calls an elf "pointy-ears" is up to no good.
Ink hears Astrid and sighs, shrugging and murmuring in Sylvan, "... Or just uneducated... but I will follow your lead, friend Lae."
Astrid downs the rest of the water-glass and tidies up the plates before standing up and going
With grip on his new rapier Lae storms outside
Perception check once outside?
How many of you have darkvision?
Okay, I'm getting a new dice roller
(Pretty sure I do...)
I do, as a dwarf
It's late at night now and the streets are unlit, so it's tough to see without darkvision.
Does Lae have it too?
I just rolled a 1 followed by a 20 again
Yeah, you might need a new roller
Roll again somewhere else :p
(I have Light, so I can make something light up... if Lae admits he needs something to see)
Okay new roller
(i need to switch over my laundry, one sec)
When you step outside, you just barely manage to catch a glimpse of the man disappearing around a corner, heading out of town.
Ink's claws are flexing and he takes a long, deep breath... preparing himself.
I rush after him as sneakily as I could
(roll stealth?)
Stealth it up
12+5=17, not bad
But also night :)
Ink hurries to try to keep Lae in sight, but lags enough to keep Astrid in sight too.
That's pretty stealthy, you are probably well-hidden.
The man is heading very briskly down the road out of town, and doesn't seem to have noticed you.
Softly in Sylvan: "Astrid, some rain for me?"
Astrid asks Ink, "What are we doing?"
"I'm going to hunt that man."
Ink says with the wryest of smiles, "Keeping our friend safe"
"You're planning to hurt them? Kill them? I didn't think that was what we did"
Ignores Astrid
How far away is he?
Ink looks up at that, assuming we are hustling behind Lae behind the man.
The man is now heading towards an intersection in the road, and is slowing down, as though waiting for someone.
He's about 50 feet away from you.
Astrid, rain please?
Perception roll
Anywhere to hide?
Ink murmurs, "We had best not be hunting a man just because he didn't like your ears..."
There are some boulders and outcroppings nearby that you could conceivably hide behind and stay within earshot.
(Dashes over)
Astrid follows Lae, asking more insistently. "Are you planning to hurt them? For what?"
(Draws bow and arrow for the ready)
@bobble I need to know what they are up to.
Then why are you bringing out a bow?
In case they are dangerous
There is a person now approaching the man - a woman who is cursing and seems to be missing her boots. "Your job went wrong, asshole," she says, as the man folds his arms impassively. "I didn't get nothing off him, and these two jerks stole my boots. Some halfling and a bard. Why did you want me to swipe from the guy in the first place? He only had two cents on him."
Ink reaches his paw forward, some moths fluttering in from seemingly nowhere to pick up a small rock from the ground, in preparation. (cast Mage Hand)
"Stop whining," the man says, dismissively. "Did you find anything on him or not? Anything about who he is? Where he comes from?"
Astrid reluctantly adjusts her handaxe to a more ready position.
"No," the woman says. "And now I've got to replace my damn boots, thanks to you. Jerk."
Ready the water, astrid. I may need it.
(I want to prepare a distraction - if Lae makes noise I want to throw the rock to make a noise in the other direction :P)
"I know he knows something," the man says. "He must be connected to them somehow. Keep following him, see what he's up to. Don't try stealing from him again, that was too bold of us."
"It's good you pay me," the woman says, and hobbles angrily off, grumbling about her wet socks. "I'll see you in Hearth."
(should I fire?)
Astrid rolls a drop of water off a sleeve, leftover from messy drinking. "Fine, fine, fine Lae. I got a drop ready to cast. Only if they start being a threat"
(you're the hot-headed one who can understand what they are saying :) )
The woman heads off, and the man sighs deeply and starts walking back down the road, seemingly deep in thought.
I put the bow and arrow away, drawing my rapier. How far away are they?
@Graylocke (who is "you" and who is "they"?)
(you is Lae, they is the pair who are having the meeting)
The woman is heading back down the road in the opposite direction, about 60 feet away. The man is about 40 feet away heading back to town.
(Could I reasonably jump to him from where I am? What advantage disadvantage do I have?)
Is there anything "of interest" nearby?
I've gotta look up jumping rules, uh, hang on
Roll Perception if you'd like, Ink.
> Your Strength determines how far you can jump.

Long Jump. When you make a long jump, you cover a number of feet up to your Strength score if you move at least 10 feet on foot immediately before the jump. When you make a standing long jump, you can leap only half that distance. Either way, each foot you clear on the jump costs a foot of movement.
Uh.. 7 + 4?
Besides the road, the rocks you're hiding behind, and the town in the distance, there's nothing of strategic interest nearby.
So could I make it to 40 feet? Or is it better rushing up to him?
It's basically just your movement speed, so it doesn't matter if you run or jump (unless you take Sprint action to double your speed)
I sprint over to him, knocking him down to the ground
Do I roll strength to see if I actually knock him?
Okay okay wait slow down. You take the Sprint action?
And then you try to tackle him?
You are aware that this will start combat?
Okay, I just confront the man, because no combat just yet
(based on the idea that all we know is that he called you pointy-ears and talked about some people we know nothing about ;p)
Not enough time, otherwise I totally would
How do you confront?
I point the rapier at him just outside of striking range
(Do you have some devastating one-liner?)
"How's this for pointy??"
something like that :p
I'll take that
"What the hell are you up to?"
The man slowly swivels around. "Ah," he says. "I thought I heard something moving earlier. What's your quarrel with me?"
"Calling me pointy-ears, bastard. Now I heard everything that happened in that conversation. Care to explain?"
He raises an eyebrow. "Didn't I tell you it was none of your business? Don't go waving that sword around unless you want it to rust."
"Answer the question."
"I won't ask again."
"If you must know," he says, clasping his hands behind his back, "that friend of mine was sent to get the identity of someone who I suspect is a dangerous criminal. She decided to be a bit overzealous and rob him. Not my intention, I assure you."
I call bs
Insight roll
He's being truthful that he wants to know this person's identity, but he's lying about the rest of it.
Or at least, he's concealing information.
Okay, enough I will engage in battle... the next session, if that's okay
I need to head out
Astrid remains crouching where Lae used to be hiding. They're stressed and making all the plants around them grow one by one.
Next time on D&D: COMBAT?
Ink is remaining where he is still prepared.
dun dun dun!!!
(imagine individual blades of grass sprouting higher)
did you like how i'm secretly tying the campaigns together :p
so subtle
so sekritly ;p
very subtle, much secretive
i feel bad that Astrid is so quiet, we need to find ways to help them talk more ;-;
we love shy dwarf friend
So far Astrid has been in situations where they can rely on Lae or Ink to do the talking
Lae does the bashing, you mean
Does Astrid earn an award for Creative Use Of Druidcraft?
Yes :P
Could Astrid use Druidcraft to get material for Light?
I promise to learn Common -.-;
Because Light needs either a Firefly or Phosphorescent Moss
Are there fireflies around at night here?
Next time on D&D: Combat and Firefly Catching
You could just grow phosphorescent light
* And getting shy dwarf friend to talk more
could druidcraft create phosphorescent moss?
Sure, I'd allow it :D
Dang bobble, unlimited light!
Also, how long does the rain last for create/destroy water?
It says I can touch an "object"
Does "object" include party members?
You may NOT turn me into a disco ball, dwarf!
that was not the exact plan
(Also, subtly notice that Lae switches from "Dwarf" to "Astrid" during tense moments)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr forever, I think
It's "instantaneous" to create, no indication of going away
Just like a natural course of rain then? It stops when the weather feels like stopping?
Oh I thought you meant the water existing
It exists forever, but I only make a 30-ft cube, once that is gone no more rain
How long would it rain for that I could stay hidden in?
Sorry for Ink being annoying, North :)
Q: What effect would 90 gallons of rain falling on 30 sq ft have?

AncientSwordRageCreate or Destroy Water can create 10 gallons per upcast-level of rain in a 30 ft cube, up to a total of 90 gallons. It can also be cast so it falls as rain. It looks like that would produce a rainfall of about 100 mm/hour or twice the violent shower listed here. I've calculated that the water ...

> Assuming that the rain is "Instantanous[ly]" created uniformly throughout the "30-foot cube" where they represent about 1-9 in 400,000 of the volume (while not stated, this seems a reasonable ruling) and given that terminal velocity of raindrops is about 10m/s, they will hit this speed in about 1 second. However, a 3 m fall takes about 0.75s so all the rain is on the ground in less than a second.
less than a second of rain
Oh drat
That actually doesn't do me any good if I'm trying to hide
How long would you need?
Constricting it to a smaller area might help.
Probably about 12 seconds, or two rounds at minimum
(I want to get Darkness! That will help :)
I need one round to hide, another round to attack
Ah, I don't think it's possible to use it as a weather effect
One of the answers explains how it's instantaneous, so it wouldn't really last for any real use
Which makes sense
It's not a concentration spell
@Graylocke Oh no, I thought Ink was great :D
the rain bit seems intended as an area-effect fire-fighting spell
I was planning to multi-class into light cleric, so it might help any forest-fire setting I might accidentally do, but now I'm not sure I'll actually multi-class
Ranger has a lot of fun stuff
My justification for Bless, by the way, is that Pan is a god of shepherds and flocks, and so Bless would allow a priest of Pan to support their "flock", keep them safe
Okay so weather control is a level 8 spell, sooooooo I doubt I'll get my instant hide anytime soon :(...
(Sorry everyone for Lae being so hotheaded)
to be fair, he was pretty racist :p
"pointy ears"
I'll stick some points into your body, punk
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Ink is just very aware of "not fitting in" ... and isn't so quick to anger :P
It's a good balance
Though also aware that his only option is burning them ;p
Lae is less awkward and more tactless, I realize
Has very little idea of social norms
I had to break character just slightly during the bargaining process of shopping
I knew Lae would be rather rude (not on purpose, but just ignorant) but I (player) could not piss off shopkeeper
shopkeeper is a little... unusual
worryingly forgetful
Good thing I rolled a 20 on that investigation
there is an explanation for shopkeeper's weird behavior, but there weren't any rolls that were sufficient to realize it :p
What was it?
smiles cryptically
aww, come on
I gotta get something for rolling so many 1s
mysteries make things more fun
well you'll just have to go back there and find out
unless it's going to kill you in which case i can just tell you
It will kill me if I don't know
Henry Gustav Molaison (February 26, 1926 – December 2, 2008), known widely as H.M., was an American man who had a bilateral medial temporal lobectomy to surgically resect the anterior two thirds of his hippocampi, parahippocampal cortices, entorhinal cortices, piriform cortices, and amygdalae in an attempt to cure his epilepsy. Although the surgery was partially successful in controlling his epilepsy, a severe side effect was that he became unable to form new memories. The surgery took place in 1953 and H.M. was widely studied from late 1957 until his death in 2008. He resided in a care institute...
he's got a similar thing to this guy, basically
How'd he remember the sword and stuff, though?
he can remember stuff for about 8-9 minutes if he concentrates really hard, so he usually focuses super hard on sales until they're completed and then he can forget about them again
got brained in the head with a mace
he's a very nice guy, though
I wonder if I could've convinced him to also silver it for free :P
sometimes i put a lot of work into minor NPCs for no reason
With my rolls, I either get flat out no with 1 or hell yes with a 20
So far I've made 4 rolls
You roll much more often
fair, but I knew that roller was broken when I kept alternating between 1s and 20s
I was so dumbfounded after I rolled a 1, that I rolled again and got a 20 and then I was like, nope, not using this anymore
Wasn't planning to take the reroll, I was just trying to see if the roller was okay
no worries. there are lots of better rollers out there
Keeps a log of all my rolls too so

First session! Woo! 1/10/21, 7:17

Rolled d20+3 and got 13
Note for above roll: Perception roll

Shopping excursion 1/14/21, 5:04

Going into tavern 1/14/21 7:17

Rolled d20+3 and got 18
Note for above roll: smelling for hotcakes
Rolled d20 and got 1
Note for above roll: Seeing if Astrid has encountered Snibby's kind
Rolled d20+3 and got 14
Note for above roll: Perception after Snibby comes in
my incredibly impressive log
bow to my programming skills
Very long :P
don't worry, i take notes on every session to keep track of what's happened so far
do you also keep a list of all the unexpected things we do? :P
oh, absolutely
> They're, uh, taking her boots
> Okay I genuinely forgot Ink did not speak Common, oh no
> Astrid you savage
that was when you were passive-aggressively snuffing out his pipe
and I would've kept doing it
serious those things smell terrible
My school paid for a tutoring system
And it's pretty bad, not going to lie
I got tranferred three times
does the PSE tutoring system work better?
Which wasted close to an hour
@bobble Way better
PSE tutoring is top-tier
And my last tutor thought sin^-1 meant 1/sinx for a moment
are the tutors told what they're be helping with beforehand?
I've had cough some unplanned anecdote breaks cough when I needed to quick google something
Nah, I explain the problem to them
I spent like 2 hours and I have been completely unenlightened
I have to go to sleep yawn
Good night! I am excited for combat the next time (tm)
good night! :D
i had fun double-DMing
sleeps well, dreams nice!
(Ink needs to actually learn Common - I promise that I will learn...)
Oh btw this whole like "no hesitancy before hunting/attacking" is what makes Lae a true neutral
I figured that he could know a couple of really broken words but not understand sentences ^^;
I must zzz as well
Sleep well bobble!
zzzzz time for me as well probably <3
Sleeps well dreams nice evilDMick :)
2 hours later…
@Sciborg since João and Kithri don't know about that ^ interaction, they can't act as though they do. Right?
4 hours ago, by Sciborg
> They're, uh, taking her boots
I very much want to see the rest of the log now
4 hours later…
@msh210 yup, that is meta-knowledge you cannot use :p
4 hours later…
Having a speed of 35 ft is really really useful, I have to say
I can outrun a lot of humanoids
And I'm planning to cough get mobile at level 4, because being able to move at 45 ft sounds hilarious
Yeah, wood elves be fast :P
I be zooming
God I'll be able to dash 90 feet at level 4 with the mobile feat
Who's the runner now, Johnny? :P
Oh I could walk five hundred milessss
(In under a minute)
Who even needs a horse when you have a wood elf with mobile feat?
Pfft, I can run faster than a horse
"So uh, Lae, do you want to travel to the next town on foot?"
"But you have a horse -"
Though a bit deceptive- most humanoids can run at 60 feet so
I can't wait for a humanoid to try to run from Lae, only to just get tackled by him
Humanoid runs into forest Lae: "Omae o wa mou shindeiru"
Doesn't realize that difficult terrain in the forest doesn't impeded speed "So, you have chosen death"
(and we cut to commercial break)
Meanwhile, Astrid huffs in the background
@bobble Next time, on Dragonball Z
@Sciborg The horse is too slow
00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 19:00

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