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00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 19:00

@bobble The Sababras
@msh210 I'll mark that down in the morning, thanks
I'm not familiar with the word, is it Hebrew?
(portmanteau of "sabra" and "sababa", both of which are Hebrew, yes)
cool :D
so we have The Timid Trio and The Sababras, sounds like an indie band
Very much so
@Sciborg (Before engaging in combat, could Lae stop by a store? He would very much like to see if he could make a bargain for a rapier)
Sure, you can go shopping in town :D
Okay :D
I might be free around 5:30 ish?
Also, hopefully I could roll well for Persuasion. Considering I have like a -1
i'm just chilling so i'm free whenever
remember i have dinner at 6
Ah, that's right
i also am planning to cook at some point, but i'm procrastinating
@bobble Perhaps a little shopping expediture at 5:30 and pause?
I don't think it should take more than 30 minutes?
sure, my plan until dinner is to read news
i am so behind
In that case I will quick make some dinner and then we shall go Shopping
@bobble A lot of um political stuff has happened. Though you already know my political views from the Reading Room :P
there has been Many Scary World Events
Yes, indeed
"behind" at this point is.... 6 days. I keep up-to-date on Big Huge Things, but I like reading about stuff in detail and also catching up on smaller stories.
Ah, Ic
slaps face focus!
Someone who shall not be named got the Thing done to him for the second time and made history. that's the summary.
I will leave and will be back so I can focus bc there's a test tomorrow O_O
@Sciborg is the Thing getting ketchup squirted in his face?
@bobble I recommend against that
that would be great, pictures please
err, sure, we can go with that
lots of ketchup
I'm not sure I trust rolladie (eyes suspiciously)
I randomly rolled maybe like 5 times and I ended up with 3, 18, 9, 5, 1
They're uptight like you
also, aren't you supposed to be studying?
(resumes back to studying)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I don't know what those are
(curls in a floofball)
(pats floofball)
(rumbles tiredly)
Okay so I rolled again, and right after the 1 I got a 20
This dice
It's out to destroy you
Literally the dice is chaos
(back to studying for real :P)
i'm communing with humn on a spiritual level
Certainly melodically.
Of course
@bobble math question
Or actually anyone else in here for that matter
I'll go to the Grove
@Sciborg @bobble @Graylocke Do ya think we can actually do our shopping expenditure now? I'd like to leave around 5:30-5:45 so I can practice my trumpet and then eat, and be ready to resume by 7:00
sure, up for shopping
Okay, we need to be unfrozen from our creepy bird though
As long as the bird doesn't think we are trying to rob the collection box, everything is fine -.-;
Down for shopping adventures :D
Perfect :)
Okay, so resuming back
I'm assuming you will exit the church at this point, after the bird antics.
Assuming the above ;p
(Sylvan): Do you see a shop anywhere? I would like to see some of their craft.
Rolls for perception
Perception seems fine
Pffft 5+5=10 for perception
You only manage to spot one shop. It appears to be a smaller general store, with a sign saying "Trembley's Goods."
Hm, shall we?
Ink nods, "We can always ask the way to another store, if it is not what you require..."
How large is the store?
I do not like being in cramped places with people all around
It's the size of like a Minit Mart grocery store, not too small but not huge.
You don't see any customers inside at the moment.
I'll go, but I'll hang out near the entrance so I can bolt if needed
Let us go in
(also: I chose Bless and Create or Destroy Water)
(Thank you, Astrid)
Ink looms protectively over the dwarf, hooded again while outside.
Enters the store
(I may need you close by, my tabaxi friend. I may need your charm :))
When you step inside, a small, red-haired halfling shopkeeper with a hat looks up and smiles brightly. "Good evening!"
looks around, counting people
Immediately rolls insight
(on that note: how many other people that I can see?)
(To see if the halfling may be trying to cheat me)
The only other person in the store is a tiefling who is browsing the alcohol shelves in the back.
Go for Insight
(okay, so, sciborg, I rolled a 1. May I try rerolling? I've rolled three in one "session")
(I just can't)
Also - what kind of goods... household goods?
what were the other two 1s?
Both investigation
The goods appear to be miscellaneous food, alcohol and adventuring supplies of various kinds.
Ugh I'll go with the 1 for initial insight
If you want a pity re-roll you can
I can try insight again during bargaining
(What is my failed insight?)
You literally get no read on him at all.
As far as you're concerned he's probably a demon
Ink lowers the hood again and is watching Lae carefully, perhaps expectantly.
funny, dm (on edge) Greetings, merchant. I was wondering if you have any rapiers in your store
(In Common?)
(I'll indicate if I'm speaking in another language)
He nods cheerfully. "I have some swords in the back. You're welcome to take a look. I'm Rodolf, by the way."
hesitantly I am called Lae.
(Cool - Good plan - I will do that too then)
follows Rodolf just outside of striking range
"Nice to meet you," he says, cheerily.
Rodolf gestures to a small rack in the back of the store, where a few swords are mounted in display cases and padlocked. "Have a look."
How much do you charge for a rapier?
He motions to a rapier in the display case, which has a very nicely made silver dragon-shaped grip. "This one is twenty gold."
Ink murmurs to Astrid in Sylvan, "Is the aught you need, friend Astrid?"
murmurs back in Sylvan What do you mean by aught?
@Sciborg Huh. I was under the impression that they were usually 30 gold. Picks up rapier
rolls investigation
You won't believe me but
Ink thinks a moment, "Anything?"
I just rolled a 20
You get a great feel for this rapier immediately. It's very nicely balanced, has a well-crafted grip, and seems perfectly new. Getting it for twenty gold, you think, is a STEAL.
My rolls were literally 1(for fun before session), 20 (for fun before session), 1, 20
"It's a very nice sword. I'm Rodolf, by the way," the shopkeeper says, cheerily. "What's your name?"
Lae smiles I believe, I already introduced my self. The name is Lae.
murmurs to Ink I might want some fresh hotcakes, if you see any - a big of indulgence after traveling
"That's a lovely name," he says cheerfully. "Would you like to buy that sword? It's a wonderful weapon."
I do not have much gold on me, but I have some things I may be able to trade. draws shortswords. Elven shortswords. Fifteen gold a piece. I will give you both shortswords for the rapier.
The shopkeeper nods approvingly. "I'd make that barter, then."
@PrinceNorthLæraðr (there a reason you doing that instead of 1 shortsword + 5 gp?)
@bobble (I don't need both shortsword, and rapiers are 25 gold a piece not 30.)
Hands over both shortsword, smiling. A deal then?
Ink ponders a moment and then looks around for ingredients. "I expect you wish that we make them rather than go to an Inn..?"
"A deal." He gives you the rapier. "May I have your name, by the way?"
Roll for insight, the halfling's annoying me :P
You get the sense he's not doing it on purpose.
@Graylocke Either works, as long as you know how to make them. I am unfortunately not good at cooking. And I don't think Lae knows how to.
@Sciborg (Lae smiles thinly). Lae, good merchant.
takes rapier
"Right, right." He looks suddenly flustered. "Did you tell me that before...? Anyway, yes, enjoy the sword."
"Thank you." Lae nods slightly. "I will be on my way if my companions are ready."
sheathes rapier
(Sylvan): "Searching for ingrediants?"
"Have a lovely day, um..." He struggles for the name and can't seem to remember, so weakly says, "Elf."
@bobble makes a face, realising that this is not likely to go well and he looks expectantly over to see if the halfling is busy. (Elven) "Sir halfling?"
The halfling looks over promptly and replies in slightly broken Elvish, "Yes? I speak that language, barely."
Ink smiles slightly, "May we have directions to an inn or tavern please?"
"Oh, of course! There are two very good inns in town. The Briar and Rose, and the Drunken Dragon." He points out the door. "Both down that way, you can't miss them."
Lae leaves before the halfling asks for his name again
Ink looks down briefly to the dwarf and then says "Which has the better food?"
will roll for stealth if necessary
10+5=15 for stealth
"The Briar and Rose has lovely food. Dragon has better drinks, though."
(Sylvan): "Ugh, I am not one for drinking"
(Sylvan): Agreed
The tabaxi smiles and gently bows his head in thanks and gestures that he is ready to leave to the party.
(Syl.): "Druken people and fermented drinks are... not great"
leaves shop
(I give up, Ink... you are now a boy... ffs)
runs a bit to catch up with Lae
General perception check at outside world
Ink wastes no time in following and says in Sylvan, "The Briar and Rose it is then..."
It's now getting a little bit later, so the sun is starting to drift down. The streets are very quiet and the townspeople have mostly dispersed to their homes.
(To find the Briar and Roses, can I use Survival (tracking)? :P)
(Do we hear/see the tavern?)
Sure :P
As the shopkeeper said, "you can't miss it," and you can see that there is a large sign on one of the buildings with a huge carving of a rose.
Lae points upwards. "Ah, good. There it is."
(request to make it into the inn safely for the night? I need to leave in maybe 3 minutes)
Sure :)
(Also, how much are they charging? Ink might need to roll persuasion for us)
We'll get there next time :p
(It's more of a self-imposed time limit, I just want to have enough time to practice)
(I would like to finish the day at least :P)
(Are we running away from your plot? :P)
(The tabaxi will settle the tab which is unlikely to be overly expensive - certainly cheaper than a sword! ;p)
You are too kind, my friend
Very well, I will head into my room then. My tabaxi friend, perhaps if you could settle the fees out with the keeper
Doing the tavern may take... longer than 3 minutes
Let's save it for next time
(Okay, alright)
We leave off right outside the door
(I'll be free again around 7pm like bobble)
(But we are so carefully avoiding places where conflict can be, 'borg. This is slice o' life 5e style ;p)
@Sciborg (Sounds good. Tavern fight? :P)
Lae will promise to behave. Anyhow, I gtg so I have enough time to practice and eat and stuff
@Sciborg ... bloody birbs ...
(in a tavern, Ink will have to roll self-control to not tap-tap-tap the cup onto the floor)
there, the two important bits of my sheet that y'all might want to refer to
@bobble and now I want hotcakes -.-;
1 hour later…
o/ ping me please once ready
(will be free aroun 7:15)
will return 7:15, then
(I have this tab open on my phone while I work on bunny pillow; I'll see if we're starting and go to computer)
I'm kind of free
will be also studying, so hopping back and forth :P
Are you saying you want to start?
I am very expensive
Before we start, quick math question
I'll be at the grove
Gray, can you help?
I can but try :)
Let me know when you're done, I'm just gaming over here :)
Oh nvm
I misread the answer key
On computer now!
Outside Tavern :P
I think Lae would go in first
Perception roll as I enter
Oooh 17+5
@Sciborg @Graylocke starting?
Aight, one sec
Ink always tries to be last! :)
(we seem to have a Lae barges in front, Astrid slips behind, Ink follows up and watches Astrid dynamic)
So, when you walk into this tavern, you can see it's a relatively nice place, not like a rough-and-tumble bar. There is nice furniture and chairs, a wide counter, and many people sitting at tables chatting quietly; no one is making a fuss. The counter where the innkeeper should be is noticeably empty.
Ink, will you handle the inn keeper?
(Anyone out front greeting?)
I will continue to watch
(Passive perception)
There doesn't appear to be a greeter; some people just glance your way as you walk in.
Astrid sniffs the air, attempting to detect is there are hotcakes
Ink nods and pads over to the counter and waits, looking around curiously.
Roll a Perception for hotcakes, I suppose? :P
You don't smell any hotcakes, but you do smell some sausages, soup and pie from the surrounding tables.
@bobble (eesh, forgot three saves)
Ink, when you approach the bar, a woman who is sitting at the bar, dressed in relatively rough clothing, glances over and sizes you up. "First time at the Briar?" she asks.
Ink looks up and tilts his head on one side and clears his throat awkwardly and says brokenly in Common "No say" before asking in Elvish "Do you speak Elvish?"
Astrid beelines to an open table in the corner and sits watching
The woman shakes her head blankly.
(will be needing math stuff real quick, good luck, Ink!)
She attempts to pantomime to you if you would like a drink.
(does Ink signal to Astrid? She'll come over if asked)
Ink, makes an embarrassed face and looks over at the other two and then holds up 3 fingers with a gesture of scooping food into his mouth, and then holding both paws beside his head in a mime for sleep.
(If Ink sees Astrid watching he will make a "help?!" look at her)
The woman nods and does her best to pantomime that the innkeeper is upstairs and will be back in a bit.
(Astrid isn't very good at facial expressions... I think that would've come up. Any other sort of signal?)
"Oi, Quilly!" the woman shouts loudly across the bar, and multiple heads turn. "This bloke don't speak Common, he only speaks Elvish. Can you translate?"
A woman at a neighboring table looks up very awkwardly and waves hello. "I can translate for you," she says.
Ink looks suddenly startled at the shout and steps back in alarm.
Astrid starts fiddling with their bracelet again - loud noises are no fun
"Sorry for the ruckus," Quilly says to Ink, in Elvish. "What brings you by?"
(Lae slinks to the side, will be slightly afk)
(join me at the corner table!)
"Oh... Humble apologies, I didn't mean to cause problems..." Ink holds paws up, switching back to Elven. "My friends and I were just looking for some food and a place to sleep..."
"Oh, of course. We can go grab Snibby for you, they're just upstairs." Quilly translates this to the bar woman, who hops up and heads upstairs. "Don't mind her, she's... a handful."
Ink smiles and bows his head in a slightly vague way, feeling slightly annoyed at himself. "Thank you for being so considerate and helpful..."
"Oh, it's no problem. I'm Quillian. You're a tabaxi, aren't you?" Quilly studies you with great interest. "What brings a tabaxi to our village? We don't see catfolk here very often."
Ink's ears swivel forward and he says "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am called Ink. We are but passing through and felt the need for some comforts that are not found on the road."
"Well, very nice to meet you, Ink." Quilly motions to Astrid and drops her voice. "Did she come in with you? She seems a bit shy."
(Lae creepily hangs in the shadows)
Astrid notices that someone's pointing at them and gives a small wave
(Right red eye flashes)
Ink smiles and nods, "We are not... the most eloquent of travelling parties..."
Ink adds, "... though if they serve hotcakes from the kitchen here ... we may yet hear a happy dwarf!"
Quilly laughs and motions to the stairs, where the woman and... you think it's the innkeeper? are descending. "Ask Snibby - they can whip something up for you."
Roll me some Arcana really quick?
(for absolutely no particular reason, right?)
I'm seeing if you have encountered this creature type before.
er 12 + 2..?
We got a crit. fail, and a 1
Ink, you are the only one who recognizes this being, as you've seen them in books before - they are a warforged, a kind of arcane golem. They descend the stairs and step behind the bar. In a metallic clangy voice they say, "I see that I have customers. May I get the young madams, sirs or persons a room?"
@Sciborg (you left out an Oxford comma! gasp)
(If I ever don't specify, assume Common.)
Ink's eyes widen and he looks intrigued, mouth opens to say something and then he clearly changes his mind as looks to Quilly and says in Elvish "Can I beg your indulgence to translate a little longer?"
"Don't worry about it," Quilly says. "Snib is programmed to speak just about anything."
Could Lae and Astrid roll Perception, as well, in the meantime?
Ink looks impressed and says to the golem, this time in Sylvan because he is way too curious, "Innkeep, may we have a room for 3 and a meal, preferably involving hotcakes?"
As Ink is talking to Quillian and Snibby, Lae and Astrid, you notice a figure in a dark cloak very quietly slip into the bar, clearly trying not to draw attention, and sit at a table in the corner.
The innkeeper clanks politely and then responds in Sylvan. "Of course."
Dark cloak....
Astrid goes over to Ink (for a feeling of safety) and nudges towards the figure
I approach the dark cloak person cautiously, rolling stealth
You'll have to roll quite high to hide, as it's a well-lit tavern.
You're definitely visible, yeah.
Ink is startled out of his intense wonder and curiosity of the warforged and looks down to Astrid. "Sorry for taking so long, friend Astrid... I have requested your hotcakes..?"
I approahc the man anyways
Astrid is temporarily distracted by the thought of hotcakes, then repeats the nudge
I approach the man
"Greetings, good person. What brings you here?"
The man takes out a pipe and flicks a finger, lighting it with a tiny magical flame. He raises an eyebrow at you as he smokes. "None of your damn business, pointy-ears."
Fen growls
"excuse me?"
Ink looks up and then makes a grimace, seeing (in his thoughts) Lae and Fen being Lae and Fen with a stranger...
(Can I use Druidcraft to snuff out the pipe? Astrid doesn't like the smell)
(that's a valid use of Druidcraft, sure)
(oh, 30ft range)
(i'll allow it because it's funny)
Astrid twitches her bracelet back and forth, and sends a little whisper towards the figure. Their pipe snuffs out suddenly
(Did Ink notice the spell being cast?)
The man indignantly looks at his snuffed-out pipe. "The hell's wrong with this tobacco?" He grumbles and rubs his fingers together to relight it.
"Human, I asked you a question. It'd be wise to try and answer it."
Eye flashes bright red
Once it's relit, Astrid snuffs it out again, twitching their bracelet with more vigor
He regards you, looking unfazed. "Shove off. I've got no quarrel with you. I'm here for something else."
He grumbles at his pipe being snuffed out again and just sets it down, giving up.
Ink hastily pads toward Lae and says in Elven "Ah... friend Lae... hotcakes will be on their way shortly!" and tries to guide LAe back to the table. He adds a polite-ish smile to the man, but only sort of acknowledges him.
00:00 - 04:0004:00 - 19:00

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