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Really, who'd you take them from?
She shuts her mouth and glares at you.
(will be less here since i am tutoring)
I let go of the boot and pick up the coins
"Great, now you've robbed me," she says. "Can I go now?"
I grab the boot so she can't put it back on and is thus hobbled.
(to the woman) Wanna trade boots?
She glowers angrily. "Those were expensive to ste - I mean, buy."
I want to know who these coins belonged to before they found themselves in your boots.
Roll a Persuasion on that one, since she's being resistant.
can I?
I think I have more Persuasion, right?
(though worse dice luck tonight)
(in Halfling) mind if I try to persuade her?
go ahead
14+2=16 persuasion
Yeah, who and where are these coins from?
She scowls and spits at your feet. "Fine, asshole," she says. "I charged a 'bridge tax' on a couple travelers a few hours ago. Was gonna buy myself something nice. You want me to do a little dance for you, too?"
(say yes)
If you don't mind, that'd be nice.
Sure, I wouldn't mind. Could be entertaining, why not?
Shall I play a tune, to get you going?
Her scowl deepens. "That was a joke."
takes out his ocarina
Sorry, my mistake.
Shame, I was looking forwards to the dance.
She takes off her other boot, throws it at you, and storms off in a huff. "Keep the goddamn boots and coins, you weirdos. I'm leaving."
(in Halfling) Let her go. Not that we know whose coins these are.
(in Halfling) I think we should let her. Seems to be just another garden-variety bandit.
Let's go give the man his money back, eh?
And maybe bring him a nice pair of boots.
Yeah, they sure don't fit you or me.
(I just realized- the Kith-Johnny duo speaks halfling, and the Lae-Astrid-Ink trio all speak Sylvan)
(oh cool)
starts walking toward the man
The man has been alternating between watching you confront the bandit and nervously pacing around, heavily limping on his left leg. He looks up when he sees you coming back. "Did you spook her off?"
can I roll, um, what's it called, to look around, to make sure she's gone?
Perception works, sure
gah, no die luck today. 3+4=7
You saw her storm off into the woods, and are reasonably certain she's going for good or maybe heading to the village. Given that you took her boots.
(in Common, to the man) She suddenly realized that she had urgent business elsewhere and left in a rush. I'm afraid you just missed her.
She wanted to offer you her boots though. Kind of her, eh?
The man cracks a grin. "Thanks. I could actually use some new boots." He lifts up his good leg to show you his peeling-off, very well-worn boots.
Oh, and here's your pouch back. It seems she didn't need it after all.
proffers the one boot he's holding
The man gratefully takes the pouch, and the boot. "Thank you. I don't know how to repay you, kind travelers."
Oh, yeah, the other boot. *puts that one down too*
Probably want the whole set. Unless you don't.
He sheepishly takes the other one and struggles for a moment to lift his bad leg, which apparently hurts him greatly, before managing to slip the new boots on. "You're too kind."
*bluntly* What's wrong with your leg?
(in Halfling) He's offering to repay us. Maybe he has info for you about a bear.
He smiles balefully. "I was a soldier in the Khalestian War. Took a crossbow bolt to the leg. Didn't heal quite right, unfortunately."
Ah, I see. Knee problems?
@Mithical (snorts)
"Took a bolt to the knee, yes. Tis a shame."
(DM, if I were to cast Cure Wounds on him, would that be a permanent benefit?)
[No I don't know anything about Skyrim]
Ooh, you can roll Arcana to see if that would help.
@Mithical huh?
@Sciborg huh?
@Mithical (Thought you were talking about Lae)
@msh210 (Arcana is magic knowledge. Roll a d20)
That is, you can roll Arcana to see if your Cure Wounds spell will help his limp.
@Sciborg ah I see
(Not sure I want to use it on him anyway. I am strong enough for one more spell today, and may need it.)
(I used my other spell for him already.)
But I can roll to see if it will help, just out of curiosity. Rolling arcana....
You get the sense that Cure Wounds is too weak to heal tendon and nerve damage of this age, and you'd need something like Greater Restoration to make an impact here.
"I just realized I haven't even introduced myself, bah." The man extends a calloused hand to Kith. "Matlock Redburn, at your service. My friends call me Mat."
...I'm rolling Insight
Sure, are you trying to get a read?
@Sciborg yes
This man seems friendly and means you no harm. You get "lawful good" or "neutral good" vibes.
Sorry, sir. Just got in the mood for music, somehow. It happens often.
Nice to meet you. They call me Johnny.
*reaches up and shakes hand* "Kithri Tealeaf. You can call me Kith." *bites lip*
@Mithical (I thought he was sitting)
"It's good to meet a musical soul and a pair of good hearts." He shakes your hand warmly. "If you folks need anything, I live in that village, Seacrest. Just down the way. Come and visit me sometime, maybe?"
@msh210 (I'm two and a half feet tall)
@Mithical (I thought you were taller :P)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr (she gives that impression on-screen)
@msh210 (Oh, I thought Kithri was 3 and a half feet tall :P)
@Sciborg Thank you, sir.
"Seacrest?" *glances at Johnny* I wouldn't mind stopping in. I'd like to get this dagger checked out, anyway." *pulls out dagger that I took from the woman*
He nods. "I can take you there, if you'd like. Happy to give you a tour and place to stay if you need one, too. Least I can do."
I roll 14+0 investigation on the dagger
It seems for all intents and purposes to be a normal, slightly dinged-up dagger that has seen better days. You don't get any magical aura from it.
Sounds good to me, I wouldn't mind a stop in Seacreast.
*shrugs* I'm in.
I don't think I'll have trouble keeping up, for some reason.
He sticks his hands in his pockets and limps merrily alongside you to lead you there. He is going... at what you might call a leisurely pace.
"So, what brings you folks here?"
plays youtube.com/watch?v=PHDycUXzNs0 as we walk along
stops playing long enough to reply Oh, just passing through.
*scratches elbow again* "I'm just a ranger-in-training, exploring and wandering. Say, you wouldn't happen to have seen any bears around here by any chance, have you?"
"Bears? Not that I can recall." He gives you a curious look. "Looking for some kind of trophy beast, or a druid maybe?"
(I'll need to get to sleep some time soon. msh210, not João.)
"Oh, just wondering. I'd, uh, heard some reports of... strange bears that I took an interest in. Nothing important, really. Don't worry too much about it."
I have to run an errand in a few minutes before UPS closes, so we can stop here on the Bears :P
*glances behind us and rolls Perception*
oh alright
and msh needs sleep i think
Oooh bear hunting
Great stopping point :P
Next time on D&D: BEAR HUNTING
(the birds and the bears)
hopefully next session I get to be snarkier :P
or a bird, anyway
i must now scoot off to pop something in the mail, but that was hilarious - i look forward to picking up the Timid Trio over the weekend :D
(I don't trust birbs)
Free today, actually, perhaps?
been a pleasure
That was really fun to watch, btw
the mental image of Kith ripping off the boot just made me lose it
when we meet the Timid Trio could talk in Sylvan and you two could talk in Halfling and it would be hilarious
I'll just scream in Abyssal
And I'll scream back in Infernal
(speaking in one of those should really give you a boost in Intimidation :p)
@Mithical lol
... and I can speak in Draconic... may as well get more monster in there
I'd like to think my running Athletics background gives me greater speed, but nope.
I can speak Centaur!
not scary?
I can speak Primordial.... fwiw.
The HP centaurs were pretty scary >.>;
sounds like if we get together we'll be well equipped to communicate with most hellish creatures
@Mithical I should get a permanent intimidation bonus for being... me
@Mithical Aye
Though most fiends already speak common so
@PrinceNorthLæraðr and I suppose I get a disadvantage
It sounds like if both groups get together we should be the Party of Babel
@PrinceNorthLæraðr with your height? yeah
Well, and that Lae's a baddass
If I say so myself
anyone under four feet gets an automatic -1 in intimidation, anyone over seven gets a +1 :P
Okay, dwarf, get over here!
I need to climb on your shoulders
like Notwen
@bobble do you have Astrid's sheet?
well, g'night/day, y'all
@msh210 \o
and as they say in Halfling שבת שלום
לילה טוב
But hey, we've discovered that at around 23:00UTC everyone's awake, even if they shouldn't be... :P
(it being a quarter to two in the morning, I should also start the sleeping process)
I read that as sleeping princess >.>;
... and started picturing sleeping beauty with a rip-cord like a lawnmower.
@Graylocke OH GOD
I need to get that image out of my head now
Apologies -.-;
I have been plotting too much Invisible Sun before sleep time.
(My game I am running is surreal fantasy... so this seems totally normal -.-)
I have UPS'ed and am officially done running around in Michigan winter, blehh
if Timid Trio has time to play tonight, i would be down
do Kith+Johnny have a duo name?
They haven't come up with one yet, but I vote "The Heroes Formerly Known as Prince" :p
Just back for a second to remind @Mithical to jot down that Kith has more gold now.
Or maybe "The Bootleggers"
@Sciborg hehehehe
No pressure though, I will just peacefully puzzle until then :D
i have to study for math
Maybe if Im done

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