She scowls and spits at your feet. "Fine, asshole," she says. "I charged a 'bridge tax' on a couple travelers a few hours ago. Was gonna buy myself something nice. You want me to do a little dance for you, too?"
The man has been alternating between watching you confront the bandit and nervously pacing around, heavily limping on his left leg. He looks up when he sees you coming back. "Did you spook her off?"
He sheepishly takes the other one and struggles for a moment to lift his bad leg, which apparently hurts him greatly, before managing to slip the new boots on. "You're too kind."
You get the sense that Cure Wounds is too weak to heal tendon and nerve damage of this age, and you'd need something like Greater Restoration to make an impact here.
"I just realized I haven't even introduced myself, bah." The man extends a calloused hand to Kith. "Matlock Redburn, at your service. My friends call me Mat."
"It's good to meet a musical soul and a pair of good hearts." He shakes your hand warmly. "If you folks need anything, I live in that village, Seacrest. Just down the way. Come and visit me sometime, maybe?"
"Seacrest?" *glances at Johnny* I wouldn't mind stopping in. I'd like to get this dagger checked out, anyway." *pulls out dagger that I took from the woman*
*scratches elbow again* "I'm just a ranger-in-training, exploring and wandering. Say, you wouldn't happen to have seen any bears around here by any chance, have you?"
"Oh, just wondering. I'd, uh, heard some reports of... strange bears that I took an interest in. Nothing important, really. Don't worry too much about it."