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(Lae doesn't actually lose track of reality, i was kidding :p)
Lae moves to the tower. As he approaches the tower, Lae makes another investigation roll
No fricking way. Another 1?!
@Sciborg (What's Eryne?)
Would anyone like to roll to save Lae here? :P
I rolled a 17 + 2 = 19!
(how do we do that?)
(Fitting, since Lae knows nothing about a town, I guess )
(Investigation, right?)
Ink, you take a look at this chapel. It is a very large, imposing building, and is obviously the center of town in a sense. Out front are two marble statues of winged humanoids, raising swords over the entrance; there are some nice snowdrop and lavender plants growing out front.
(Would he recognize the religion?)
You see some star-shaped symbols in the patterns of the stained glass windows, but you can't remember what religion they represent.
"Well, shall we enter?" Without waiting for a response, Lae steps in
When the elf is the one making rash decisions :p
Astrid hesitates a bit, then slips into the chapel and looks for a corner
(Yike... BTW - It was lucky the guard spoke Elven...)
@Sciborg (well he wasn't raised by elves)
(Eh - I will learn Draconic later, @Sciborg - I am going to constantly forget otherwise)
Inside the chapel, it is a large, swooping open space with rows of pews, a large altar draped in blue-and-white fabric, and star patterns everywhere on the fabric and banners. It's darkened and seems closed for the time being, but you can see a humanoid figure moving about in the back room, putting things away.
Lae approaches the person quietly, except of course, he's stupid, so rolls a stealth roll
Astrid is torn between wanting to hide and curiosity about another religion
Ink waits awkwardly by the entrance, but politely removes the hood of their cloak because it is a place of worship.
(one moment, i must let the dog out to pee :p)
With that roll, you drop down to a stealthy crouch. You don't believe the person has noticed you - they are humming a hymn and arranging candles in the back room shelves.
Astrid opts for sitting discretely in a pew and watching Lae
"Greetings!" Lae exclaims, as he approaches the person
@bobble (by yourself or discreetly?)
she starts fiddling back-and-forth with her bracelet
The person jumps, and you see it is a tall, white-haired moon elf dressed in purple robes. "Ah!" he exclaims, nearly dropping the candles he was putting away. "You rather startled me."
@msh210 (she's smaller than the average human, probably wouldn't come up very far)
"Oh, apologies." He looks directly at the moon elf. "What religion is this?"
@Sciborg (What's a moon elf? Or is that something the characters will have to find out in-game?)
"Ah, why, you must be new." The moon elf turns his face to you, and you see he appears to be blind; his eyes are milky white and look past you. "Welcome, children, to the Church of Pelor. Have you heard the word of our God?"
"Who is Pelor?"
@msh210 (loreee :p)
"Pelor is our Lord and Savior, the god of summer and the keeper of time, the bringer of bountiful harvests." He smiles pleasantly. "I have not heard your voices before. You must be new children in my fold."
@Sciborg (meaning the characters will have to find it out in-game?)
@msh210 (they're basically this: forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Moon_elf)
(Gray, is Ink still staying at the entrance?)
@Sciborg "Urm, no. We are but passing strangers. However, would you perhaps help us find another, different temple?"
"Oh, of course. I know many of the temples in this region of Velinor. There are many gods and goddesses besides our own, and I am more tolerant of it than most." He gestures expectantly. "Tell me which temple you seek, child."
"My dwarf friend over there," gesturing towards Astrid, "Seeks to find the temple of Glaevale, of Pan. Perhaps you can help?"
@Sciborg (thanks)
Ink watches but doesn't speak... this is both an elf and a cleric, and therefore of some importance. They remain quietly observant near the entrance.
"The Temple of Glaevale, House of Pan..." The elf ponders for a moment. "Ah, I believe I remember word of a temple of Pan out in the eastern woods. Quite an... interesting religion, if I remember."
fiddling increases in intensity
"Eastern woods... thank you."
"One last question, if you please."
(What wood do I come from? I'm just going to make one up)
(that's fine :p)
"Have you ever heard of a group of wood elves who used to reside in Faerunwind? One that was perhaps... destroyed?"
(Is there a donation box?)
"Faerunwind..." He closes his eyes and seems to think deeply. "I do not recall ever hearing that name. I am sorry, child."
Would you like to roll Investigation to see on that, Ink? :P
Insight roll
pfft 4+3=7
You can't get a super clear read on him, but it seems like he's being straightforward with you.
(I thought I was proficient in insight, my bad)
"Thank you." Lae starts towards the door quietly
(9 + 2 Investigation = 11)
You do notice a prominent donation box mounted by the front doors, with a little plaque reading in both Elvish and Common: "Gifts for Pelor."
(gtg. Safe travels!)
(good night/morning! <3)
Astrid decides to get up, goes over to the priest
Um, hello?
Could I trade a candle - one of mine, for yours?
I like collecting different ones, mine all smell the same
The priest looks intrigued. "Why, what an interesting request. I've never had someone ask me that before." He goes into the back room and emerges with a bright white candle, and offers it to you gently. "Here you are."
Astrid rummages in her pack and hands a small tan candle back. Thank you, kind priest.
"Pelor protect you in your travels, my child." He does a small elven gesture of farewell.
Astrid waves tentatively, then turns to go to Ink
Looks over to Ink whispering, "What are you doing?"
Ink looks up from the donation box, "It occurred to me that this temple must take a lot of upkeep..." and he lets the two silver pieces from earlier drop into the box.
You hear the coins drop in and jingle against some others inside. The box seems to contain only a modest amount of money.
confused, Lae does the same, except misappropriates his money and drops two gold piece into the box
Astrid copies Ink, drops two silvers
The priest bows very deeply, seeing you all put coins in. "You are all too kind, travelers. Pelor thanks you for these generous blessings."
Fen to Lae, telepathically: "You dropped two gold pieces, idiot"
Lae whispers to Ink, "Is it okay to take my money back out?"
Ink tilts his head and watches the priest carefully wondering if he can see or not... also the phrase "moon elf of a sun god" whisks through his mind on butterfly wings.
You may roll Investigation on that observation if you'd like.
Dirty 20!
well I rolled an 18
+2 ;p
I was gonna say, first 20!
Sleight of hand roll to attempt to get gold pieces back 2+3=5. Yikes
Ink, you had noticed earlier that birds perch on this chapel. Now, you notice that one of the stained glass chapel windows is cracked open, perhaps for air circulation, and there is a dove seated on the windowsill. It seems to be looking at you intently. You get the sense this cleric may have a familiar.
@Sciborg (you = Ink?)
Ink chuckles and nods to himself and then says aloud: "Don't worry, friend Lae... I will cover the difference in coins... the temple could use the extra donation to keep the cold out..."
Fen to Lae, "That's my dinner, punk"
The dove cocks its head and peers at Ink very intently.
(At least I didn't roll a one! I probably would've knocked the box over)
Gtg! See ya!
Gn :P
Ah, good night :D
Nice stopping point anyways
Good note to end on. Suspicious bird :p
Ink smiles directly at the bird, paws raised.
(Okay :) Night, friend Lae! Sleep well, dream nice :D )
question for experienced people: was that a "normal" speed to move through the adventure?
Slow introduction stuff, admittedly, but i like setting the scene and having a place to start before we get into Combat Shenanigans.
tbh - online? Pretty much for an intro. Plus we are a somewhat timid and awkward group in a town.
Next session we get to fight stuff, i promise :p
I'm recopying Astrid to note the changes in equipment and money
hopefully fun so far though?
I got a cool candle :D
:D I am glad the priest can see... I was debating whether Ink would need to put money in his hand...
It will be hilarious to have the next session start with the antics of Kith and Johnny the Bard
i am immensely looking forward to those two
Ink is extremely cautious... and getting a priest onside in case they start the pitchforks and torches routine... I thought maybe he would need to feel a furry paw give him money for insurance later. ;p
So our characters won't know about them, but we can read their adventures nevertheless
yay :P we are the timid trio :D
Always good to have a cleric on your side ;)
and they are the... well I look forward to seeing what happens ;p
I think I'm going to have it be like a parallel adventure, where you hear about their antics in town and they hear about yours.
Like, they'll probably hear people muttering about the weird trio that came to a nearby town recently
@Sciborg Yes - well... I figure Ink has learned that "All Eyes On Me" is not always a good thing ;p
The Timid Trio would be a hilarious party name, not gonna lie
@Sciborg Another weird trio! What are the chances >.>;
Just realized I could've been using Guidance... but I guess no one asked
Lae wouldn't ask, though. Don't want to admit a dwarf could help them
That would be a very Lae thing to say :P
"I don't need Guidance, pffft"
@bobble: In case you missed it earlier, Ink treats elves and clerics with respect so you both have a kind of level of authority with him through his cultural habits. However awkward Astrid thinks that is ;p
Would Ink ask for Guidance? A squeezed hand and a whisper would probably work
Astrid is the best cleric, fight me
Astrid does not want fighting in her name
*argue strongly with me
Not sure why, but I defaulted to "she" hard for Astrid today
Felt right :p
Ink would not resist Guidance if offered. At the moment, Ink feels a little protective of you both.
We support all pronouns here in D&D Club
I don't need "Guidance" from a dwarf, no less
8 gold pieces smh
(I love this character)
(Hopefully he'll grow into a slightly more thoughtful elf)
This party is a trio of awkward nerd friends trying their best to socialize in a fantasy world and I love them
Ink does try to rebalance Lae's coins to only having paid 2 SP.
If necessary, when he isn't looking.
Probably necessary
@Sciborg Awkward Nerd Friends is a pretty accurate party name ;p
@bobble Mage Hand them in ;p
"Friends" might be pushing it a bit, especially for Lae --> Astrid
I don't need your money, Ink
I will have to kill some goblins, if necessary
Someday you will be Friends... someday :p
Ink feels responsible for the loss and will anti-pickpocket you if necessary ;p
I will take your money and drop it back into the offering box if I magically see two more gold coins, tabaxi
(It's either that, or the other thought... stop Lae from spending randomly by just running the party funds and making sure Fen has food money...)
Maybe once we get out of town we'll stage an intervention for Lae over money
"Lae, for a bit - just a bit! - it'll best for everyone if you let Ink watch over your money pouch"
"The first step is acknowledging you have a problem"
Try to force him to see that he needs to think things through more
Hands over bag
I do not trust myself with money anyways. It is still a new concept
we haven't asked yet!
I'm just imagining now that in order to prevent arguments over who has the coins, we end up rigging a "pooch pouch" and Fen is running around with the party loot.
well, Fen's complaining, telling me to hand it over
"Pooch Pouch" (TM) ... It's like a wallet... with teeth.
Reskinned "Bag of Devouring"? :P
Well hopefully we aren't feeding the wolf coins... >.>;
Shall we find a place to rest? I need to go like ASAP
We can end the session standing there being eyeballed by a bird ;p
Okay, sure :P
Sounds good to me
Dramatic music
The Bird Stare will be the final scene :P
Good night guys <3
Ninight :)
Thanks 'borg :)
(now to pretend I am still working)
@Sciborg question about game mechanics: Let's say I want to initiate an interaction — let's say, to attack someone or convince someone or teach someone something. Can I roll for the appropriate thing (charisma to convince someone) to see how successful I'm likely to be, and then, based on the results of that roll, decide whether or not to take the action?
For what it's worth I don't think so - the roll represents your attempt.
and y'all can see the Awkward Trio's first venture into town!
and I shall go to sleep
@bobble yeah I saw. A little worried about that second guard, tbh.
@bobble good night
And also, @Sciborg , does the DM usually recommend rolls for investigation and the like, as you did, or is that the player's initiative usually (and you did it only because most of the players were newbies)? And — last question for now — how often can one roll such rolls?
2 hours later…
@msh210 Yeah - the bobbly cleric is correct - the roll is checking the "world's response" to you performing the action... unless you have some magical way of unwinding time, it's too late after the roll :)
also... there is a mix of player initiated and DM initiated actions... sometimes because you are effectively rolling "reactions" to something the DM is doing...
sometimes because there is info available that the DM is willing to offer but wants to see how much of it to give...

(e.g. the church symbol... 'borg knows that Ink has no chance of recognising anything as I have +0 on a Religion check... if it had have been the cleric staring at the church, maybe 'borg would have asked for bobble to roll to see if it randomly was one of the things taught to Astrid - not a requirement that it was, not mentioned in backstory... but it may have been? let's use dice to tell us)
not that I am 'borg, but I would have done that :) is up to the DM really.
And usually, you make one roll per attempt... if it is to "know something" then you really only get to check that once. If it is to do something without any pressure on you and you have all day, you might be able to try again... if it uses up resources... then maybe only a set number of times. Again - situational.
Also - I am only talking from "Gray as GM" experience, not how 'borg likes to run things :) But these are generally how things have gone in games I have run and/ir played :)
4 hours later…
@Graylocke Does that exist in D&D?
(yeah, Game Master vs. Dungeon Master)
@Graylocke I was really asking how many different rolls you get per [whatever].
Like, can I do an investigation roll every time I walk five feet?
3 hours later…
Good morning, fellow company
That bird may have cursed me. I woke up with a terrible headache, I'm afraid
I don't think anything we do right now can be "canon", note
(It's not meant to be :P)
the Awkward Trio is caught in time with a weird bird staring at them
Thankfully, some handy herbs [read:advil] have calmed the headache
if you have no head you can't have a headache
He could have a knee-ache
Look half-ling, just because you're short....
you're the tall one
why did I get stuck with the party of Tall Beings?
Fen is a good size
Right, but he's the one that forced me to tag along
@msh210 No worries, I could easily take her down
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I'm just saying, it'd bring you to a more reasonable height in any case
Pfft, in your dreams maybe
@Sciborg Is it too late to change my proficiencies? I'm contemplating whether to be trash at investigating but good at insight
(minor adjustment- I play the lyre now, not the pan flute)
(this is only because the lyre is worth more money :P)
@PrinceNorthLæraðr a fellow lyrist!
(not that I have one on me, but I do know how to play it)
(Aye, being has outlander has its benefits)
@msh210 When you make a roll, you've made the roll - you can't decide not to do it. Otherwise you would never roll below a 10 :p
Part of the fun is taking lower rolls and rolling with it
@msh210 On recommending rolls, I typically only recommend rolls if the situation warrants it and I think they would be fun to make in this moment, but you never have to make a roll I recommend - it's always what you want to do :) and in this case I did recommend more than usual because we are new.
You can roll basically whenever, but obviously rolling constantly won't gain you much information - it's all about rolling at the right time when you think it will get you important information.
and now i must go back to work <3
So I can roll for athletics in a stealth situation?
Also, investigation vs perception?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr ninja parkour
I feel like some of our rolls would've been more of a "Perception" roll, but idk
ey, dmi!
why did you want to talk here?
I like DnD, I like you guys, and I like lurking?
fair enough
so far there's been a Lae-Astrid-Ink session, Johnny and Kith haven't started yet
@PrinceNorthLæraðr If I ask you to make a Perception that feels more like an Investigation, you can just ask to roll that instead, it's fine :)
and vice versa
and hey, Kiwi! :D
hey @Sciborg :)
@Sciborg Okay, good, because my investigation skill is far worse than my perception
@Sciborg thanks
Also, debating whether to be proficient in insight instead of investigation
:O I can read deleted messages
probably a RO thing
I'd have a -1 in investigation, but a +5 in insight
BUt like
The thing about Perception vs. Investigation is that when i'm asking you to make a Perception, it's typically because some a) someone is Stealthing nearby or b) it's a general scout of the area. Investigation is more "i want to look into this SPECIFIC thing."
I'm not sure I would want a -1 in investigation
@Sciborg Huh. I thought investigation was piecing stuff together from what you see
Wouldn't perception still be "look-at-specific-thing" because senses?
Right. Investigation was like you asking to look at the road to see what you can piece together.
That wouldn't be Perception because you were looking at a specific detail.
Oh, I was actually asking to check if there were enemies around
I wasn't examining the road itself :P
Oh, oops. You had said you wanted to look at the path, so I had assumed :p
Ah, should've clarified
There weren't any enemies anyway, so no worries lol
Should I drop investigation for insight?
I would get a +5 on insight, but like a -1 in investigation
Do you have a character feature that lets you switch skills around?
No :/
I was asking if that was allowed :P
Typically once you've played with the character, your choices are set in stone :p
otherwise you could easily just drop and take skills and it would be kinda cheating
Oh well
+1 investigation isn't bad, I guess
If you use your Downtime towards being proficient in a new skill, that's fine though
Oh, I can do that?
How many hours/days are required to be proficient in a new skill?
And what do I need to do? Cost of money?
maybe someone helping you?
> Training
You can spend time between adventures learning a new language or training with a set of tools. Your GM might allow additional training options.

First, you must find an instructor willing to teach you. The GM determines how long it takes, and whether one or more ability checks are required.

The training lasts for 250 days and costs 1 gp per day. After you spend the requisite amount of time and money, you learn the new language or gain proficiency with the new tool.
It takes a while, obviously
oh, so you can't train with a fellow character?
Other characters can count as the instructor
Drat. Anyone proficient in Insight?
gasp you'd have to learn from a dwarf :P
'course, then you'd have to admit that a dwarf could help you
And pay the dwarf, no less
Astrid would do it for free

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