Volo's Guide to Monsters, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Xanathar, Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Tomb of Annihilation, Player's Handbook/Monster Manual/Dungeon Master's Guide, etc.
Even if an action isn't explicitly allowed in the book, i.e. you want to backflip off a guy or something, if you describe it i will decide if you can roll for it :p
(in case you're wondering why that is: it was convenient for my parent when my sister and I were young'uns, and it doesn't seem important enough to try to change)
It is mid-morning, on the fifth day of the month of Alabaster - mid-spring, when the highwoods are blooming. Your small group has tentatively banded together and has emerged from the forest, to find yourself on a very nicely paved cobblestone road leading to a small town in the distance...
...and if I could have everyone make me a Perception Roll! :D
Astrid and Lae, you're not terribly familiar with the area, so you sort of take a good look around and scan the horizon. You can see some birds flying over the town, some smoke coming from chimneys, and a few people moving in the streets - it seems very peaceful. Nothing else jumps out at you.
Ink, you happen to notice one extra detail that Lae and Astrid do not, with that excellent perception roll. The most prominent building in the town, rising above all the others, is a very large... what appears to be a chapel maybe?
You look closely at the road. It's very nicely paved and hewn from cut cobblestones, and was obviously made by craftsmen. You don't notice anything weird about it.
As you approach, you see that there's a sort of small gate out front, with two guards stationed wearing pretty rough-shod armor. They are watching your approach with interest, and one raises a hand and waves hello.
Ink suddenly realises that the other two aren't really equipped with "making friends with guards" skills and steps out to the front a little with a placating gesture to them both.
"Ah... we are travellers from various lands beyond yonder woods... we have taken to walking together for protection... you know how it is in the woods." Ink is being somewhat evasive but polite.
"Oh, sure, sure. Woods are gettin' real nasty these days. Plenty of bands like you about." The guard shrugs and gestures pleasantly, stepping aside. "Don't go causing trouble while you're here, and stop by the Meadow Inn if you want a nice glass of ale. You folks have a nice day."
Ink is not sure of the protocol at this town, and has two SP in one paw, which if the guard doesn't seem obviously requesting, get slipped back into a pouch.
Lae, as you pass by the guard, Dirinor just smiles pleasantly and seems very relaxed. The other guard, however, is giving all of you a very suspicious look.
Ink suddenly motions everyone, "Come now... let us not bother these fine custodians of the law any longer..." and tries to usher them on and end the conversation.
You see a mixture of humans, halflings, and a few scattered elves, mostly. You don't notice any exotic races like dragonborn, tieflings, tabaxi, etc. - it seems largely humanoid in makeup.