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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

And I wish I could do art that didn't involve cheating ^^;
Only Lae and João lack pictures
i have been attempting to doodle Lae, but unfortunately i am Bad at drawing people :p
he's not a human, he's an elf
very different
So for humans I had a bunch of bases that were all for fashion designers ^^;
humans are basically elves, fight me :p
And then yeah... edited them for ears ;p
I wish I had a tablet... it would make drawing much easier than mouse -.-;
Oh should I have posted Ink's character sheet?
(reads a bobble note)
okay - screen cap tiem
what bobble note?
i draw all my Borg Doodles on Post-It notes because i'm too cheap for nice paper :p
i drew Kith and Astrid on the back of scrap paper
Oh @bobble tangent note: Are you free over the weekend to grind out the CCs for the puzzle? I don't really like leaving things hanging, and I just want to get it done and over with so I don't have to think about it
that we were meant to post our char sheets :P
I should be free over the weekend
sure, i think there's only one i haven't fixed
you can go check the doc
I got some work to finish, so I'll check it later
Hehe, so you forgot Common :P
Well I haven't got the Pokemaster's okay yet ;p
3 hours ago, by Sciborg
If we did it that way, then the "Bobble-North-Gray" group could meet at 10:00 UTC-ish and then the "Msh-Mith" group could meet later at a time they can both make it. (I don't mind if that means I have to stay up late)
If you meet up with just Lae and Astrid first, then we share Sylvan
You're not gonna know Common? Oh no :P
Also Lae needs his backstory updated, since he wouldn't meet Kith with Astrid
Just remove Kith, I guess
@Sciborg Is that okay? I mean I am from "Far Away"(TM) so knowing the local Common may be weird anyway :P
Problem is you have it as Kith convinces you to let Astrid stick around - need a different motivation for Lae to tolerate Astrid
Well at least Astrid is fluent in Common, Lae speaks in butched common, and we all speak Sylvan sooooo
@bobble Oh I see! When I go back to work I may end up drifting parties ;p
I mean, my main concern is in what language will you communicate with the other players? just kinda body language? i worry that will limit your social options.
The other players have Sylvan and/or Elven? :P
not all of them, though
I can translate for Gray in any social situation
I'm sure Astrid and Lae can translate
Not Lae. I don't trust his Common
Lae will awkwardly attempt to translate
i mean, i have no problem with it - i just want to make sure it's not going to be a roleplaying impediment is all!
Mith and João ...
@bobble Hm, maybe Fen refuses to leave Astrid's side, forcing him to travel with her
Do they both not have either language?
nope, they picked Halfling and Abyssal
(terrifying >.>)
Are the mechanics to language learning during a campaign?
Well - yeah I was just going to ask that ;p
I could insist on teacher Gray some Common during downtimes
Technically, yes?
There's Downtime Activity rules where you can pick up a language over the course of 30 in-game days
I can be just not "proficient" in it... and have to roll to be understood?
Until I learn?
i guess?
Well - possibly only needs a roll in a stressful situation I guess >.>
(Gray performs confuse the DM)
it's kind of like the Kenku lack of speech ability where i just worry it will be fun at first, but then quickly just get tedious to RP
lol sorry >.>; I can replace it again :P
this is a definite "roll to make the DM very confused" situation :p
I will talk to the tree! Give me the die, DM!
What must I roll in order that my sacred communication be successful?
Well I am hoping before "tedious" I can learn Common
Roll a Nature check :P
I can at least talk ;p
Kenku are birbs <eyeroll>
i'm totally fine with you doing it, i'm just making sure you want to commit to it :p
Well - I do want to learn Common too. So I will also commit to that ;p
Even if it takes me buying it at a level somehow...
Oh - there is a Feat "Linguist"?
It will have to wait until you get an Ability Score Increase/Feat choice, but you could definitely do Linguist
Yeah, of course. I was just looking at ways of gaining languages >.>;
on an entirely unrelated note, I just caught a Wimpod in Pokemon Shield and I need a cute Wimpod name...
awr... that is both cute and tragic :)
like Yoda, but with a P
Baby Poda?
Poda is cute :D
Just because we needed infix
I'm naming her "Miss Poda" and nobody can stop me
(lol - or I could wheedle Mick again for "Prodigy" when I get that Feat choice)
Meet Miss Poda
hee ^^
did you ever get Ranger?
YES! I actually found a ROM for my emulator so I've been playing Red Rescue Team and Shadows of Almia on and off :D
The humor in Shadows of Almia is incredible, it's probably the most well written Pokemon game i've played
Which Pokemon do you have as your special friend?
Gray, do you have an email you would like me to send my completed Astrid sheet to? (When I do complete her, that is)
I did Starly because i love bird type buddies :)
But then for my Partner i have Croagunk
They were my favorites of the options i looked at on serebii
You'll unlock more later and have more CHOICES
i was reading about the other options since there's like a bunch of sidequests apparently
@bobble Sure! I have a gmail account with my name :) (graylocke)
@Sciborg Yep, and the nice thing about the sidequests is you can choose when to do them
some will only unlock after others are complete, some only unlock after certain main-plot events, and so on, but they're not required
Cool :D
unless you're like me and need to complete absolutely everything, and you go gallivanting all around trying to find the last person with a quest to do
so me ;p
I got Croagunk at the end of Mission 6 i think, i'm currently doing the Blue Gem mission i think?
for Red Rescue Team i'm not very far in yet, but i got matched with a Squirtle which i thought was hilarious
My sister got a cartridge with 140 (?) games on it for Christmas, and it has the Ranger games. Problem is she won't let me use it because apparently she wants to play with it herself...
Not saying i encourage piracy or anything, but i can tell you where i got the ROM from
Rest assured that I'm planning how to take use it at some point
I was texting with a friend about Astrid and called them a "chubbdy darling" by accident
(them = Astrid, not friend)
Oh @Graylocke what's your schedule like/when works best for you for campaign in UTC?
though by coincidence this friend actually goes by "them"
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Depends on weekday / weekend :)
i will never cease to be happy that me, Mith and Gray are all Nonbinary Pronoun Buddies
I am in AEST, which is currently +11.
Oh crap, I didn't realize Gray was a "they/them"
Mb, I've been referring you as "he/him"
<shrugs> Gray is a "my gender shouldn't really be that much of a concern" :)
when you're so powerfully enbie that you unknowingly start befriending all kinds of other enbies :p
I prefer "them" because I kinda advocate for non-gender-specific language.
^ i stan this
@PrinceNorthLæraðr You needn't worry about offending me tho :)
@Graylocke Ah, so actually Fridays for you?
(This is so confusing)
Our Thursday is your Friday?
wait hold on, Mith and Msh are much ahead of us. Is it possible their "Fridays" are our "thursdays"?
heh - I guess so. I think I will be what... 16hrs different or something? It's midday +20min here.
what day is it?
North, 'borg, and I are living in Thursday, Jan 7
holy god, it's 8:19 PM on Thursday here...
this infinitely complicates scheduling :P
It's around evening time here
Are you free on Fridays, Gray?
No it doesn't ;p You're the GM - when are you available? :P
Well I do have to go back to work next week :(
Thursdays seem to be the consensus, though that might actually be a bad time for me :/
We can't seem to find a time that works for all of us, yeah.
I am equally available all days, basically. Wednesdays might be trickier
*except weekends
Ah, crap, Tuesdays and Thursdays might be tricky, because Mock trial comp next month
Well - are Friday evenings your time easier?
That would make it Saturday for me which is fine. :)
And I'd rather not DnD in the middle of my bible study :P
That could be... awkward...
Friday is doable for me
It's an absolute no-go for Mith and msh, though, so they would have to play at different times.
But are they on Saturdays?
not sure :(
I wonder what TZ's they are in...
They're in Israel
6 hours ago, by msh210
I can usually do 22:00 UTC but can't guarantee I can do so every night. And Friday nights are completely out.
(have to scoot now, company is coming over !)
good luck with social interactions!
Have fun! :)
@Sciborg That's also midnight for them o.O;
It's insisting that since I told it I'm in PST I must be in Los Angeles
Darlin', there are people outside LA in this timezone. No matter what the City of Angels has to say.
(giggles) Yeah I end up with that as well. (though obviously not LA)
2 hours later…
I decided that I'd like my little religious book to act as my second holy symbol. Astrid doesn't like to use it - usually she'll get by with her bracelet - but if there's a Big Important Spell she'll take out the book as a stronger, more treasured focus.
we not only like nature... but also books ^^;
Does Ink have any books for Astrid to borrow?
Hm... Well Ink has a few things they may show someone they trust :)
Astrid will only let you touch her book if she really trusts you - so not yet.
Some poorly drawn maps of their homeland... maybe a book of tabaxi children's tales... Grimm style... and well Ink will show Astrid the Book of Shadows, but won't let it leave their possession. ^^;
Can Ink sing any Tabaxi children's songs?
Probably :) They have Charisma enough to not entirely suck at performance, but they are not in any way going to be able to compete with the actual bard ;p
Will Ink sing any Tabaxi children's songs?
Uhm - if bothered enough by someone who shows enough curiosity. (They understand the burn for learning new things <- Flaw)
Also - anyone who seems genuinely friendly and not afraid / weirded out... They have been travelling alone quite a while ^^;
Astrid's not good with talking, but she'll make things bloom for you
She's shy ><
Ink is awkward, but curious... and quite sincere in his words... he is more afraid of people's reactions to him, than people themselves.
If that makes any sense at all...
Astrid's scared that she'll do something stupid and loose all her friends. She understands
I went back to he again... Weird. I think Ink wants to be a he -.-;
Ink is fabulous with any pronouns, don't worry
Ink does have rainbowy-fey-fire ... ;p
Also, the Book of Shadows doesn't really contain words... it's more a collection of random bits of nature stuck between pages in repeating patterns that sometimes appears to have runes or words that are made out of the bits and pieces, appearing like a Magic Eye book. :D
Can you think of a good name for a temple of Pan?
Oooh... as a place name or a generic term?
I want there to be a decently-well-known temple that Astrid's trying to get to, and I want it to have a name
Also a name for a male priest of Pan. Right now I have him as Landon, but I'm not entirely satisfied with that.
for the temple?
Is the first foresty-sounding place name I randomly generated ^^;
hmm, I likey! Astrid can say she's trying to get to "Glae" and confuse poor Lae more :D
You could add Vale :)
Sounds like an elven city with a Temple to Pan :)
Ah, so clearly Astrid will want to share her book with Lae, because Lae is the most wonderful party member of the team
No she will not
What if I say you can never play with Fen unless you do?
Lol - That confused me because I though bobble said that and I was like "huh?"
Fen will play with me anyways
No he will not
Fen likes when I tickle his nose with gusts of wind ^^
Let me remind you that Fen is mine
And I can talk to him
So can I
Look, dwarf, I don't think you're having a good influence on my precious wolf
Lae, I'm just trying to be Fen's friend
typo ><
eyes suspiciously
heh, Fen + rid = Friend
rid Fen of that blasted elf, he'll be my friend for life
Still looking for a good name for a priest of Pan
Fen doesn't like rocks. He likes the forest
Yes, yes, thank you
My 8 intelligence really carrying through
I have 10 Int
Better than 8
(waves paws in a placating way) Uhm, "Seraf" is an interesting name?
At least you don't have a -1 modifier :P
A very interesting name
You know that Fen likes me, you can't deny that
@Graylocke Makes me think the priest is some sort of font though
Priest "seraf"
@bobble harumph
I specifically want a male priest
for Reasons
yes boss :D
Okay, let's deal with this in a way you'll understand: life and death
I can purify food and water. Yes, you're good at foraging - but can you completely guarantee that there won't be any poisons or diseases hiding in our sustenance?
Plus I can predict the weather, so you can plan how to hunt
and talk with any of the local wildlife to ask about potential threats
I think that's a pretty good deal for a single Hill Dwarf
And finally: I can take a bunch more damage than you
I'll let you deal with those implications by yourself
Leif ?
@bobble smirks slightly then instantly turns it back into a frown
Gotta go. G'night!
Uh... good night!
They were human? >.>;
Who is "they" referring to?
(is completely oblivious to argument)
Your priest friend?
I haven't actually decided
@bobble oooh, sassy
A good person though, right? >.>
Good as far as I know
Well Oren is also the male version (means pine tree or ash) ^^;
Maybe something Greek-ish, since Pan?
Tolis means uh... wandering messenger...?
I found "Efren" with a name generator and I think I'll use that
Yay :)
I was literally just pressing random buttons on lots of generators ^^;
y'all should be getting Astrid's character sheet now
wahai! gotten
do you see anything I forgot?
nope - looks more complete than mine :) I have left some gaps because my characters tend to decide weird details for themselves -.-;
how often do they insist on pronouns like Ink is?
heh - well I have had a lot of different characters... I tend to let them evolve through testing how I feel they react to certain things... and whatever my subconscious thinks is sensible tends to be how they behave. Not all of them have gender... I actually drew Ink using the female template (shrugs)
I'm not great at "feeling" how someone would react, so I've planned out character traits
Totally fair. I run games in other worlds I invent, so I am used to improvising new ones because I have to be all the NPCs :)
and I am a noob ><
Well if it makes you feel better, I constantly feel like that on PSE compared to all of you puzzle geniuses :P
heh. do you want me to point you at the grid-deductions I'm the most proud of making?
Certainly :)
@Graylocke same 👀
@bobble (has a look)
@Mithical I wouldn't have guessed that ^^;
I've gotten over feeling like a noob for grid-deductions, but I still bow to the (cryptic) crossword masters
I really wish I didn't have the current C4 >.<; I blame msh ;p
@bobble this is introductory? ^^; This has some interesting deductions!
It's introductory because it has several separate sections, each which demonstrate a different kind of interesting Sashigane deduction.
also just realized I mistyped Sashigane as Sahikabe... I've also made a Sashikabe, but that link isn't it
Also it has a fairly obvious break-in, so that you don't feel too frustrated on first attempt
phew - got there - I thought I had broken the bottom right ;.;
I guess this chat doesn't belong in this room though ^^;
ah yeah, there are some assumptions you can make there that are wrong
ninight :)
@Mithical what time zone are you in?
UTC+2 I think?
it's currently 8AM
(nodnods) Just wondering if I can help make Mick's life easier ^^: I think I have the worst timezone because it doesn't match anyone else's
9 hours later…
Good morning!
I'm very excited about our adventure, dwarf
Even if it must be accompanied by your presence
However, as much it pains me to say so, I must admit Fen enjoys your presence
Don't get used to it
Also, if y'all want to roll dice in this chatroom I could get an RPG.SE mod to move it under their umbrella
Hm, okay, you could try
in TRPG General Chat, 2 hours ago, by Someone_Evil
@bobble As BESW said, it'd have to be hosted on rpg. It should be possible for a mod to change the hosting of your current room to here (if preferable).
i may have asked already
Oh, lol, okay
well i didn't ask for the move yet, just how to steal the dice bot
Are there other ways to steal the bot?
They don't seem to think so. It was a fun little courtesy that SE gave them, and only them
Oh drat
But how about how like Codenames has Shiro bot?
look I dunno how it works
I don't think you know either, Mr. 8 Intelligence Elf
Gah, technology
In all honesty, I don't believe it would be very hard to code
It's the definition of RNG: Random Number Generator
I don't know the first thing about coding, but I assume it's just giving a code a set range of number (1-20) and then giving the random command or whatever
@Sciborg Thoughts?
Theirs is pretty limited, too
A: Can we add d10 and d4 support to the chat dice bot?

balphaOkay, d4 and d10 are my graduation gift to you :) They will be available with the launch of the new site design. Since that's the main part of the request, I'm tagging it status-completed. Now, as far as the rest goes, I have to decline that. The dice bot is supposed to be a cute little chat roo...

I think the bigger question is bringing a bot into the chatroom
No way to add a modifier, only a limited set of dice
I don't think we need the picture of the dice either
We just need a bot that'll spit out a number when we "roll" a die/dice
Q: How do you make a bot on Chat?

PotatoLatteIn many chat rooms, such as Codenames, there is a bot to moderate the room, or to help update things. How do you create such bots? Do you need to make an account for this bot, and then program something that "runs" the bot? Or is there something on Stack Exchange that can already have bots?

So we can ask if @Sciborg can do their cool coding-y powers
We just need a basic RNG bot

{#x} optional, roll # sets

{#}d[#|%|f] amount not required, defaults to 1, sides required, number, % (percentile), f (fudge, with +,-, and blank)

{[+|-]#} add or subtract a number
For example, if I go
^^ proposed syntax for the RPG bot
I have zero clue
I was just thinking like
We could always use outside websites - there are plenty of die rollers out there
I could roll my physical dice and tell you to trust me
I would never trust a dwarf with my rolls, thank you very much
Works for me
I want to be able to do things like 3d8 + 2
^ I was just going to say that
I can code this easily in Python or Javascript, but I don't know how to make it a bot
Ooh, it allows me to hold the die "roll" button too
I guess we all just have to swear that we'll keep our rolls honest, or just have 'borg roll for us
@Sciborg for duel wield, I'm a bit confused when it says two different weapons. Do they mean it has to be two entirely different weapon types (like a shortsword and a dagger) or just two different weapons (so two different shortswords, or one for each hand)? It would be a bit awkward to use two different types of weapons for duel-wield
Definitely going duel-wield if it's just two separate weapons
Hm, actually, dueling gives +2 to my damage rolls, not my attack
Okay, lowkey wish I'd gone cleric light domain, but maybe next game :P
Drat, it seems like such a cool class ;-;
Why not nature domain? Are you saying Pan isn't cool?
No, I've always been fascinated by Light Magic and believe it is highly underrepresented in any sort of fictional media
Astrid and their warhammer would like to have a word with you
Hey! I like light stuff
I feel like I should change my patron god in my backstory
Oh, I am definitely double-classing into light cleric later on
What are cantrips?
spells you don't have to use a spell slot for
A: How does casting a cantrip work? Is it different than casting a regular spell?

lithasNo. Cantrips are spells, just like any other spell. There are 2 differences between a Cantrip and any other spell that has a level of 1 or higher: Cantrips do not use up a spell slot Cantrips can be cast on the same turn that a spell is cast using a bonus action Cantrips still have casting t...

So it can just be spammed
Astrid likes casting Druidcraft as often as she pleases to make things bloom
It's okay
Level... ugh
What level do I want to sacrifice?
I just want maybe 1 or 2 levels of cleric
Oh, is ranger not a good class?
at the very least that blog thinks it isn't
Damn it ;-;
they have a two part series that tries to up-power the ranger
I have no experience and cannot vouch for their opinions
Q: What about the ranger keeps making it weak?

DRFThis question was inspired by the first answer of this question which notes that in 5e the ranger is acknowledged as (one of) the weakest class(es). I don't play 5e but I used to play 3/3.5e and remember the ranger also having some significant issues there and being generally thought of as a very...

what ranger subclass is Lae?
I looked at beastmaster and I was like
Q: If Beast Master Rangers could use bonus actions to attack with their companion, what problems would occur?

Man_Over_GameIf a clause was added to Beast Master Rangers to allow them to spend a bonus action to have their companion to make a single attack after the ranger makes their own Attack action, what would the negative ramifications be? My goal is to make the Beast Master (PHB, p. 93) on-par with the Xanatha...

considers revising character entirely at sciborg's great annoyance
because i found this question about a way to up-power Beast Master rangers
I like the hunter play-style better, and fits better with Lae's character
Last thing he needs is someone (or something) else fighting his battles
(though conjure animals is kind of broken because it allows you to summon like 8 wolves)
Whatever, I like the ranger design still
I'll probably branch into light cleric pretty early though
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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