For some odd reason, my dad goes through a fair number of sim card trays. The last one was "just" off so I ended up lightly sanding the top bit to fit. My dad broke it too....
I ended up ordering ones from 2 sellers, one from one, and 2 (dual sim, and dual sim/single sim/SD)....
I figure one of them would fit. The former arrived and it does so my dad's going to have spares, assuming they fit
@WilliamMariager well in most newer phones, since they're just a sealed block, you put a tool into a hole, and a tray you put the sim cards in pops out?
Why are you complaining about downvotes when you haven't got any? In any case downvote comments are not obligatory and complaining about them is likely to result in more. — DavidPostill ♦1 min ago
I guess it depends at what level the permissions operate
Which feels like a question itself
I could quite believe that write() or WriteFile() or whatever could know lots about underlying filesystem etc, but write would fail/exit early if it didn't have permission to write there
I guess allowing it could permit information leakage
"Hey, I want to write to this file: `X:\foo\file`" "(Has write access) Completed" "Hey, I want to write to this file: `X:\bar\file`" "(Has write access but path doesn't exist)" Path error"
Then you could crudely map out tree
But IANASR either
And I'm sure much smarter folks than I have worked this all out
> Using these augmented reality glasses, I could read people’s faces—and so many more terrible things. I imagined using them to scan a room, reading expressions and flagging false smiles (LA and DC, I’m looking at you).
Autistic kid can't read emotion
Mum who previously worked for CIA and wrote some neural net stuff before it was a thing, writes app to read emotions
doesn't release it ot the world and sundry, turns out to be evil biatch.
Can anyone find the duplicate question to this:… I thought I authored an answer that explained you have to select the user account but I can't find it.