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Get linux then
@JayakrishnaPillai most folks here have (fast) SSDs
Ha. And, immediately, on first launch, I can say the UI is an absolute failure.
@JayakrishnaPillai dosen't solve everything ;)
I get 2-3 s
Poor HiDPI support, failure to show on the primary monitor...
and I really shouldn't be surprised by the horribad MDI implementation, but I'll switch to SDI first
Its not for professional use, get Photoshop for that.
oh god. the SDI dock behaviour is ... well, I can tell how much actual thought was put into the UI
it's like the quick crap I cobble together :D
GIMP loads up pretty fast for me 2-3s. For normal use its great.
@allquixotic I suspect it might have something to do with number of fonts. Probably some poorly-scaling behaviour.
do you guys install a ton of fonts? ;p
(I think I have 4-5 non standard ones at most, and that's cause dyslexia ;p)
@JourneymanGeek Nah, but the built-in fonts in Windows (w/ MSOffice?) and macOS are much more extensive than what (K)Ubuntu provides, AFAICT
I like how InDesign can load different fonts for different projects.
I dont use that many fonts btw
@Bob if it's reading every last byte of every font on the system, that's 542 MB of fonts.
May be that is the reason
@allquixotic It was actually a fair bit quicker on subsequent loads. Probably managed to cache.
And I mean some app cache, not disk cache.
Hm. So possibly mac-specific... maybe failing to save w/ some permission issue?
@Bob seems likely
it's slow every start on mac
I just realised I've not actually installed PDN on this machine :P
hm... can't remember the last time I needed general image editing actually
most images I deal with now are screenshots... snagit and greenshot both provide decent enough editors for that
@Bob oh, I mostly use the screenshot tool to make screenshots so, PDN for editing
@JourneymanGeek tried greenshot? :P
I badly messed up my last attempt at a majorish edit, but it was me, not it ;)
@Bob eh lazy
@JourneymanGeek lol. I got it because lazy :D
meta.stackexchange.com/questions/300971/… (nice thing about the jelly. I don't need to resize screenshots ;p)
I average 1-5 screenshots a day, and it took maybe 5 mins to install... saved 6-28 days and a lot of monotony :D
I don't XD
oh and crops
(there's a big mess off to the left you can't see ;p)
@JourneymanGeek when I glanced at this, I saw Ash with a halo over his head
how's he doing?
@allquixotic not quite nearly ready to cross the rainbow bridge.
Doing well, wee bit grumpy, and his leg gives him trouble somedays... ;p
(and he still drags me for slightly shorter long walks when he can)
@allquixotic Ash would be the dog?
He's cute.
@FaheemMitha most of the time I'm in charecter. ;p
@JourneymanGeek Pardon?
Hence the references to "the human" (IE the person behind the keyboard) and the roomie "the dog" . I totally moderate chat as my dog..
(the roomie thing started cause... @allquixotic thought I had arthritis, when its ash that had it.)
@JourneymanGeek That's confusing.
@FaheemMitha people get used to it ;p
@JourneymanGeek Oh
@bwDraco Move what? Do you still need it?
@FaheemMitha Ash is the IRL dog, @JourneymanGeek is Ash online. There's a human somewhere, not certain what's his role in all that. Probably feeding the dog.
@ThatBrazilianPony yes. And chaperoning the walkies.
@ThatBrazilianPony That makes me more confused than ever.
Oh, I see @JourneymanGeek has a picture of a dog as his avatar.
hmm imgur.com/a/UmJOs cameras on my OP3 and my jelly under 'ideal' conditions... TLDC - the camera on the jelly is pretty terrible ;p
@FaheemMitha I've always had different pictures of the same dog as my ava, other than the short period when we had ... something else.
@JourneymanGeek Anyway, cute dog.
I've always been Brazilian, except for the periods when I'm not.
@JourneymanGeek Stop talking of yourself in the third person! @ThatBrazilianPony never does that!
@FaheemMitha current ava is in my mod hat ;p
Paws against the wall, dog!
@JourneymanGeek Mod hat? Is that a thing?
@FaheemMitha yes, literally.
Mods get a hat with a moderator diamond on it
You could try a deerstalker.
@JourneymanGeek That's an interesting perk.
Mod perks are T shirts (I think 2 - SE and Site, but I could be mistaken), and a hat, and stickers.
100k perks are better ;)
@ThatBrazilianPony Never mind.
@JourneymanGeek Huh? superuser.com/help/privileges goes only up to 25k
Are there "secret hidden easter egg" privileges?
@ThatBrazilianPony This was mentioned before - there's a swag pack for 100k and 250k for most sites
yeah, its kinda easter egg
also, you get an email from SE when you do
I guess I should start answering more questions again :)
tbh tho, I'm in no real rush for 250k, I answer stuff for fun and I'm currently trying to hit 20k on MSE
I'm not really aiming for any particular reputation milestones. I answer questions because they're interesting. At 32k, I'm already past the point where there's anything big to gain.
For me my next big personal milestone is beating JohnT ;)
@JourneymanGeek ty singapore, great race :D
@JourneymanGeek That's... well, depends what your benchmark for "terrible" is :P
a wet night race
@Bob hm. Compared to a potato?
@JourneymanGeek Well, this is my "terrible":
@Burgi ahh, yes
roomie was not amused by the rain
@JourneymanGeek Can you try taking a photo in low light, and a photo of text (e.g. book)?
@Bob The resolution pixel ammount isn't low but... Why is Monet inside your phone?
@JourneymanGeek Basically, try to recreate the photos here: arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/10/…
Oh wait that's "medium" light
@Bob Got any Exif on that image?
low light
its too dark to do text ;)
@JourneymanGeek compare the op3 in the same light? :P
@JourneymanGeek maybe tomorrow for that, then. or desk lamp? :D
@bwDraco you're gonna have to look/ask here: arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/10/…
@Bob lemme turn it on
@Bob the OP3's image looks brighter than reality
@JourneymanGeek pretty normal, actually
it probably auto'd a fairly high sensitivity and low shutter speed
@Bob I only see generic camera data in the Exif.
@bwDraco what are you looking for?
Aperture, shutter speed, ISO.
@bwDraco for that particular photo? probably isn't any. depends if firefox os saved any...
@Bob I have the wxIF add-on and the data on the image is just generic.
for other photos of the same scene? you might be able to pull it off the nexus 5 or iphone 5s examples
Just a moment while I fetch it...
Caption	Exif_JPEG_420
Make	Spreadtrum
Model	SP8805ga
Orientation	Normal
Software	Software Version v0.0.0
Creator	Artist
Copyright	Copyright,Spreadtrum,2011
Focal Length	3.8mm
Color Space	sRGB
Date	2007: 5:22 9: 9:57 (no TZ)
The image from the Nexus 5 contains location data, pointing to southeastern New Jersey.
@Bob updated with the op3/dog
iPhone 5s output: 1/120s f/2.2 ISO 40.
@JourneymanGeek thanks. so the jelly is "not great but not terrible" in my rankings :P
It's not exactly a dark scene.
@bwDraco they did say mid light. the tools one right?
@Bob I'm looking at the forest trail scene.
@Bob added text with semi crap lighting
@bwDraco oh, I was talking about the tools one for "low"
tho I should redo those
@JourneymanGeek ok that's almost as bad :P
Exposure value 10.67 (relative to ISO 100) - that's a fairly bright outdoor scene.
In photography, exposure value (EV) is a number that represents a combination of a camera's shutter speed and f-number, such that all combinations that yield the same exposure have the same EV (for any fixed scene luminance). Exposure value is also used to indicate an interval on the photographic exposure scale, with a difference of 1 EV corresponding to a standard power-of-2 exposure step, commonly referred to as a stop. The EV concept was developed by the German shutter manufacturer Friedrich Deckel in the 1950s (Gebele 1958; Ray 2000, 318). Its intent was to simplify choosing among equivalent...
the one with the keyboard's the op3
on the other hand, rediculously small phone
and handy for android screenshots ;)
Power + Volume Down!
@JourneymanGeek briefly tempted, but I don't really need to carry a third phone :P
@bwDraco at very small sizes so I don't need to resize
Hmm. LineageOS lets me select a specific area to take a screenshot of.
SOmetimes I need the whole app ;)
@Bob this is kinda a second phone
EV is closer to 10.7. That's about shade lighting. Not super-bright but most cameras should not have trouble with that.
1 hour later…
@DavidPostill first release should be empty
@Avery lol
@Bob go to windows, tick "single window mode", thank me later
but yes
I did one rewrites for my current biggest project
and will do another soon
Here's my comment:
> You know what the problem is? Optimization. Apple can optimize the hell out of their processors and software because they make everything in-house. Nobody else can do the same because they have to optimize existing software to run on their phones, even with custom or semi-custom SoCs like Samsung Exynos or Huawei Kirin, and would have to rewrite the guts of the Android system to get similar results. Apple can write their software to fit the processor like a glove and vice versa.
@ubu16, sorry, I haven't had a chance to get on the site for a couple of weeks. Glad your problem decided to fix itself. Thanks for the thoughts. Yeah, Florida and Texas are still digging out from a mess. I'm 900 miles from south Florida and fortunately, my area wasn't affected.
@JourneymanGeek, the first time I'm able to get back to the site in weeks, and I'm greeted by two adorable pix of Ash. The high point of my day.
Something I found a few days back, if you're interested.
2 days ago, by bwDraco
I discovered a way to set the charging target voltage on my phone \o/
With root, of course, and I suspect it'll work on any phone that uses the Qualcomm charge controller.
Set voltage from 3.6V to 4.5V (but don't overcharge!) in 20 mV increments by echoing the desired voltage in mV to /sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_max. Before proceeding, read out the default value from that file so you know what the stock max voltage is. Don't overcharge--you don't want your phone to go the way of the Galaxy Note7.
I use this function to limit the battery's voltage to extend service life.
Unfortunately, it resets each time you plug in the phone.
(at least on my OnePlus 3T, which also ignores the setting on Dash Charge)
3.9V limit.
(continuously connected to a power bank)
Actualy, 3.84V limit, not 3.9V.
Guys, I have an exam coming up and I need to stay up and study
Does anyone know of any tricks to stay awake and not fall asleep?
@rahuldottech Lots of caffeine? I also know of some other drugs that are probably not legal in your jurisdiction ...
@DavidPostill Yep, I'mma overdose on caffeine right about now
@DavidPostill 1. Shops are all closed at 1:30 AM; 2. I don't do drugs :)
@rahuldottech I guessed as much :)
@DavidPostill Taking a nap never works for me for some reason
If I'm tired, I can't get up from a nap till I get a full sleep
Anyway I'll go study
@dav thanks
> 1. Get Up and Move Around to Feel Awake
this got me to dose off while walking and I crashed to ground twice.
It's risky if you're wayy too sleepy.
> Nap
hard to wake up from
> 4. Eat a Healthy Snack to Boost Energy
this works, but a snack might be hard to obtain or consume in certain conditions
Snacking often helps me stay awake, texts can be condensed and core concepts extrapolated from the internet.
@Nick And you can spend hours trying to find a reliable source on the internet :)
@rahuldottech Fixing the internet will keep you awake :)
@DavidPostill that's something done before starting. Usually every school board / uni has some kind of reliable extra resources/material available.
@rahuldottech If you have coffee on hand, make another cup. That's what I did.
@Nick So reliable that there are published list of mistakes. Just one example
@DavidPostill Corrections are good aren't they? I'm sure not everyone can get everything right. That's why peer review is important before submission, and expert review before publication.
@Nick Of course. I'm just pointing out that nothing is reliable.
@DavidPostill ok, this was scary.
"A typical tire is around 2 foot in diameter, giving around 840 revolutions per mile. At 60 mph, that gives you 840 rpm, 1,120 rpm at 80 mph, and 1,400 rpm at 100 mph." -Aaron Hubbard
@DavidPostill DSM5 has like 100 pages talking about changes from DSM4
well no.
It's from 809 to 816
7 pages. Still a ton.
@Avery That's redefining stuff rather than mistakes though, no?
redefining can be considered that old stuff were mistakes
redacting, retconing, revising, whatever.
errors need not always be mistakes. A mistake would be not to adress errors
The Enterprise is an amusement ride, manufactured primarily by HUSS Park Attractions and Anton Schwarzkopf beginning in 1972. The HUSS ride was an adaptation and improvement of a design produced earlier that year by Schwarzkopf, with an increased passenger capacity. Despite not owning the original incarnation of the ride, HUSS was issued the patent. Although Schwarzkopf was the first to build the more standard Enterprise, the overall design was actually predated by another ride, the Passat, which first opened in 1964. This is only considered to a precursor, however, as the mechanism used to lift...
Maybe that Koala experienced something like this ride.
2 hours later…
everyone is either dead or sleeping. not chatty. it's chatty in like with a group or rocks.
Kia ora!
How might I go about determining which component is at fault when a desktop won't boot (it does a bit of HDD access but then goes totally idle, monitors report no signal)?
I'm pretty sure the RAM and HDDs are fine
Alternate boot method isn't really an option; I can't even get to BIOS and even if I could, I can't see anything
@BenN I'm afraid there's no PowerShell command for that.
Just kidding.
My first step would be to try a new PSU first
@BenN Pull any non-essential components out and see if it boots.
Just leave in enough for it to pass POST. 1 stick of RAM, Video card, etc.
Ah, good idea
I'll also try the alternate PSU, but I need to get another one first - hopefully the computer shop on campus will test one for free
Aren't most PSU failures fairly binary?
@BenN one reason we test PSUs first is its the cheapest thing to replace..
@MichaelFrank That's what I thought too, but I have seen bizarre things happen in an old PSU
can you pull the PSU and jumper the black and green wires?
^ Was about to suggest this also.
are there any error lights?
Unfortunately I'm not really set up for such things anymore - I can only have so much equipment in the dorm
No error lights, no beeps
@MichaelFrank Mostly, but I have seen a PSU that would power up its fans, power up the mobo fans, but wouldn't boot. Rare, but possible.
Do you have a paper clip? :P
"set up for such things" - piece of wire...
Actually I don't even have that :/
I have a screwdriver, a single flash drive, a bunch of Ethernet cables, and that's the extent of my rescue kit
I have backups though!
They're even 100% up to date
@BenN add a flashlight, and a phone ejector thing, and that's my work toolkit.
I'd usually steal socks paperclips as required
@JourneymanGeek "phone ejector thing"?
@ThatBrazilianPony sim tray extractor
How one ejects a phone? By defenestration?
@ThatBrazilianPony rockets!!!
Unrelatedly, I found this, while trying to find an appropriate image for "schnauzer" and rockets...
Huh... I didn't know there was a correct way to listen to a tuning fork...
@Ramhound ^
I think I fixed it :D :D :D
Removing unessential components (h/t @MichaelFrank) appears to be the trick
@BenN smells of gpu, esp. if no beeps or error codes. you using integrated?
Specifically I had a parallel card that was problems
This was the same one that I talked about years ago that caused BSODs when I plugged a printer into it
I never bothered to remove it
@MichaelFrank The correct way is listening to a tuning fork. The wrong way is listening to an eaten popsicle.
.... parallel port card?...
Hooray for cheap peripherals
Yeah, back home I had an enormous old printer that I wanted to get working, and it only connected via parallel
I gave up because of the BSODs
Jul 23 '16 at 17:36, by Ben N
I really learned to appreciate driver signing when I bought a cheapo serial port card and its driver caused my machine to BSOD whenever its monitors turned off
(it's actually a parallel card, not sure why I thought it was serial)

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