@JourneymanGeek actually any appliance that expects an earthed connection is generally not double-insulated, so... without the earth, incorrect contact = live case = poof goes the human
A cheater plug, AC ground lifter or three-prong/two-prong adapter is an adapter that allows a NEMA 5-15P grounding-type plug (three prongs) to connect to a NEMA 1-15R non-grounding receptacle (two slots). They are needed to allow appliances with 3-wire power cords to plug into legacy ungrounded (two slot) receptacles found in older buildings. The use of such an adapter avoids the need to replace receptacles, but is potentially hazardous if the grounding tab is not connected to electrical ground. A safer and more reliable alternative identified in the US and Canadian electrical codes is to replace...
@bwDraco Thanks for filling it out! Just curious: why did you assume I support net neutrality? (I do, I'm just not aware of where I excplicitly stated that.)
@Rahul2001 Ah. Well, yeah, the research kind of sits in between ISPs and video providers. As an ISP, you want to be able to manage traffic in a way that makes all users equally happy – especially on mobile networks –, and as a video provider, you don't want the ISP to know what your users are consuming, or interfere with your own video streaming algorithms.
@JourneymanGeek @Bob @Rahul2001 If you think there is a possibility you might be shocked then make sure it is the back of your hand that will be shocked and not the palm side. An electric shock makes your muscles contract so if the shock is to the palm side you can't let go. If the shock is to the back of your hand the reflex is to make you hand jump away from the shock. :)
Heh. Speaking of Backups... I have a Seagate Backup Plus 5 TB harddrive to back up my 2 TB harddrive. I figured it would be more than enough, but I'm getting messages saying I'm at 90% capacity. I suspect that what might be happening is that Windows and Seagate are both backing up data. Should I turn off the Windows backup and just let Seagate handle it?
@Rahul2001 Manage what? Not having a room when I was younger, or sleeping on a hot weather without A/C?
The former, poorly. The latter, never even tried in a long time. I think the warmer I've seen in recent years at night was 35 ~ 37 C and it's either air con the entire night, or two fans and lots of baths.