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like if Service has the magic phone extension to dial the engineer
@allquixotic Lots of people can't ask nicely
!!xkcd shibboleet
@Bob so you're trusting a company to translate your ANGRY ALLCAPS RANT into civil discourse to the company that's done you wrong?
funny. you could have used your issue with Microsoft as a perfect test of Service
I should try to use them to get me FiOS from Verizon :D
ServiceTechnician892398: Thanks for your request, Sean. We have resolved your problem by having Verizon put in a request for FiOS for your neighborhood. You'll get it in NaN years.
@allquixotic Oh, I just rant about them in RA.
I'm generally fairly civil over the phone/email.
Except if you read through the recent emails, you can see me losing patience bit by bit...
Also, it's not one issue... it's an ongoing chain of issues. The first few are resolved, but the last few... nope.
And they still haven't responded to my email asking about billing.
the companies I'm most satisfied with from a product quality and support/service perspective, of late? some you'd expect, some you wouldn't
expected: Blizzard, Bioware (despite the "EA" branding), OVH
unexpected: Toyota (!!!), Amazon, eBay
and this little company called AppDynamics that is incredible (though I have only dealt with them on behalf of my company at work)
@allquixotic I actually expected Amazon to be in the expected list :P
brb work
@Bob a lot of people hate Amazon because they're becoming a big fat corp like Microsoft, Dell, etc. and due to the scaling out of their tech support workforce, they're very much in danger of losing their service quality
no problems with product quality really, but their physical item return policy is great, and their AWS support is above what I expected (dealt with them both as part of the company and personally)
also it's been a while since I put in a support ticket, but VMware is at least responsive when it comes to support... they keep you updated
Anyone want a free return from Bangkok to London in premium economy? I accidentally booked twice.
@kerbalspacebecky O_O
that's, what, at least a thousand euros? you can't get it back?
find a girl in Thailand who wants to come to London? lol
£1100, I'm gonna have to call them in the morning to see if I can get a refund >_>
I'm not really into Thai girls...
But you do have the option of getting off in Hong Kong or Kuala Lumpur
You can typically do that early
@Bob Huh, apparently if you legally purchase a license of Windows 10 and you only install it with the intent to access it over RDP rather than locally, you violate the license O_O webhostingtalk.com/…
> install the software on a device for use only by remote users
Is the pluralisation of "users" important?
The way I read it is that it implies for use by remote users other than yourself
@kerbalspacebecky Yea, that's how it read to me.
does that mean if I buy a shitty tablet, stick it in a corner and remote into it, its a server?
@JourneymanGeek Why does it have to be in a corner?
Wallmount it!
@kerbalspacebecky which also makes sense since windows won't let you run multiple sessions without haxxing
@MichaelFrank ceiling mount makes more sense....
@JourneymanGeek But that's where all the heat is D:
Then you can lie in bed and bitch about the small screen
What you need is some kind of floor mounted bed raiser.
I need the opposite
@kerbalspacebecky I see a double booking on Mr. Ca*****, should I remove it? ;-)
Who the hell is Mr. Ca*****
@kerbalspacebecky A bed mounted floor lowerer?
@kerbalspacebecky Dunno, but you will know how to find him under account 20978! :-D
Bed mounted ceiling higherer
@kerbalspacebecky Words on the street reveal he likes to post videos and comments to YouTube... :-)
@kerbalspacebecky insert Taylor Swift raise the roof gif
!!google taylor swift raise the roof gif
@MichaelFrank Hello, Mr. Car Wash!
@TomWijsman "Is this hot?"
@allquixotic Yea. Almost lol'd at that one.
Would have looked insane at work
@MichaelFrank No, but this is.
@Bob @JourneymanGeek: Me to "Service": Verizon reps called us, and came out to our house and told us we would be able to get FiOS in "weeks" in 2007. We have repeatedly called them and requested that they fulfill their commitment to give us FiOS a couple times per year, but they won't offer us FiOS. There are houses that can get FiOS at the end of my street, just a few hundred feet away (can walk there in 2 minutes). All they'll do is put in a "request" when I talk to them. Can I pay them to bring us FiOS? Can Service get past the first level techs of Verizon and get someone with more decis
how do they get service faster than you do?
@allquixotic here it was like
"Hey, you should set an appointment from X-Y to get the fibre point installed for free"
I could switch ISPs with maybe 2 phonecalls
@MichaelFrank apparently their business model (eventually) is to have skeleton keys into the innards of big companies where they can get answers quickly
Huh. GetService sounds cool
I wonder if they can reduce the number of companies I need to sue to get service
> "How much do you sell my info for once you're done helping me?

$0. We will never, ever sell or use your info for any reason except to help you resolve an issue. For more details, visit our privacy policy."
Good to know!
Wouldnt it imply, that he is giving away your info for free?
@allquixotic The funny thing is that's exactly what MS does with Azure. But of course they probably have their own special "licence".
sigh. On one hand, searchability. On the other, filling up candidate profiles per employer is a pain
Q: why only GUI is freeze on linux ?

hyungmo1004I'm amateur programmer. I was build a GUI server program by codeblocks with wxWidgets then run . after about 1 hour ? GUI is freezing but console is not freeze. why only GUI get freeze ? whats the problems?

hi guys
I have been stuck at this sockets issue in python. stackoverflow.com/questions/36123075/… . Any pointers if possible.
@AbhishekBhatia upnp doesn't need to appear on the manual port forwarding list
how are you testing the external connection?
are you using mobile internet, etc.?
a lot of home routers don't support NAT loopback, i.e. you can't connect to your own external IP from behind the NAT
I have an application in python. It works if I add it manually.
no I am using wifi at home.
@bob is there any automated port-forwarding approach?
as in how skype does it.
I tried to write a low-level networking code following this: mattscodecave.com/posts/… I am not able to get past the discovery in windows, although in ubuntu it works for discoverting upnp devices
@AbhishekBhatia you can usually connect out from a system on a high port
skype just has a known server listening to a port
(but people should know this :( )
@AbhishekBhatia Skype doesn't directly connect two peers to each other; they connect to a server in the middle which can accept inbound connections
if you have two peers behind a NAT (which is basically everyone in the world by now), chances are NAT-T won't work and you'll have to connect them together somehow using a server in the middle
either with a VPN (like Hamachi does - to put them on the same private subnet) or at the application layer
@allquixotic everyone on ipv4 ;p
@allquixotic can provide more information on the solutions. Any useful links if possible.
@AbhishekBhatia I just told you the solution. You need a server on the public Internet. There is no other clean way around it.
@allquixotic i understand that a client sends data to server which in turn sends to other clients. But what do you mean by putting on the same private subnet.
SQL Developer why you put large files in roaming app data?! >:(
@AbhishekBhatia Then your upnp approach may well already be working, but your testing is broken
You can't test this without an external internet connection.
The vast majority of home routers simply are not capable of routing to their own WAN IP.
That's a ... novel ... way to look for a job
"Qualifications? ... salesperson, cashier?"
@AbhishekBhatia I mean you set up a VPN so the clients all connect to the same server and get on a private subnet together
it's a basic concept of how VPNs work; that's what they do
@kerbalspacebecky mieu! (:
@allquixotic It's also unnecessary when you only need a single socket...
@Bob are saying it will work if the two computers are on a different network not same
Look up NAT loopback.
@allquixotic Behold the terrible mushy mess that is crappy phone camera in low light
@AbhishekBhatia You can't tell if it works or not. Because you can't test an external connection without having an external connection to test from.
I don't know how I can make that any clearer.
Anyway, the modern robust solution is NAT hole-punching. uPnP is the cheapo solution that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.
That requires an external accessible server to initiate the connection but actual data is not routed through that server.
I thought the modern robust solution was killing off NAT and going IPv6
@kerbalspacebecky Well, the one that's currently practical. IPv6 isn't practical on many networks yet, unfortunately.
@Bob I don't know how reliable NAT hole-punching is; looks like it would be fairly easy for a stateful firewall to block it specifically.
IPv6 would be the future solution.
@allquixotic It does make certain assumptions, but IIRC it should work with typical consumer routers.
At this point I don't have any faith in the ability of any networking to ever work on 100% of configurations unless all it does is establish a TLS or unencrypted HTTP socket on port 443 or 80 with a remote server (and even then, sometimes a domain is blocked, or they may force a MITM on the client side to prevent sneaking through naughty traffic)
unless a specific server/domain/IP is blocked (or not whitelisted, in the extreme case), or is communicating inside the tunnel with a protocol or data content that is deemed unallowable (and there's MITM), I don't think there's a single "Internet connection" in the world that is intended to be used as such that blocks all of TLS on port 443.
@Bob By external connection: do you mean a different clients connected to same wifi. Or different clients connected to different wifi.
He means nothing to do with wifi.
external connection just means different computer?
Outside computer.
A: What does it mean (to decode) in the execution cycle

bwDracoDecode means to parse the instruction (and any arguments) so that the correct instruction is executed. A typical instruction can contain one or more arguments. These arguments may refer to registers or memory addresses or can be immediate values to be used directly during execution. In addition,...

Am I right?
I'm not 100% sure about the accuracy of this answer.
In conclusion, does skype use NAT hole-punching or upnp or vpns. Any ideas? @Bob @allquixotic
@AbhishekBhatia it mostly uses NAT hole-punching, or if that fails, it directly connects the clients to a server. I think it also tries to support UPNP but it's so unreliable that it's almost never used.
@allquixotic it uses UPNP all the time on my network,and it seems to work fine.
I've never actually checked how well UPnP worked on mine. Maybe it's all fine now.
I remember it being a pain in the arse back in... oh... '06? '08?
Most routers support upnp now, right?
Hole-punching is also more likely to work on less restrictive corp networks where there's no way in hell UPnP would be allowed.
The more restrictive ones are a toss-up. Depends whether the NAT impl only allows incoming from the same server outgoing went to.
Also, nat-pmp
@AbhishekBhatia External. Outside your network. Not on the same network. Not on the same router. Not able to access your computer. The entire reason you'd bother with UPnP in the first place.
External, outside, WAN.
Not LAN.
*pulls out thesaurus*
@kerbalspacebecky Is that common?
@Bob oh thx.
@Bob pretty much all Apple devices?
Here's the issue I am facing. I have two computers connected to the same router. If I add a entry to the port-forwarding table there able to communicate but if I add to upnp table there are not.
@Bob I think web.skype.com is all tunneled through your TLS/HTTPS socket
@kerbalspacebecky How about on non-Apple devices?
@AbhishekBhatia If they're both on the same LAN then this really has nothing to do with port forwarding.
Just connect directly to the target computer.
@allquixotic Eh, I don't use Skype at work :P
@Bob far as I'm aware they mostly use UPNP. Modern routers should all support both.
I writing for a general setup just testing right now for computers on same network. The client on one-end connects to other via the public-ip only.
But I can't understand the difference btw upnp port-table and port-forwarding table. And why the latter works.
Ugh. WebEx can go die in a fire.
@bwDraco hey! I made the list!
any suggestions on that?
Teamviewer: connected in seconds
WebEx: 10 minutes later...
because of the way your router was designed.
@kerbalspacebecky are you replying to me?
@Bob We have Skype for Business here... Which is some kind of weird abomination that seems to have been created through attempting human alchemy.
Only if you want me to be.
Urgh. Narrow bezels make for awkward typing on phones. Good job my keyboard is so good I don't have to hit a single correct key for it to autocorrect the right word.
So I can basically just ignore the edges of the keyboard
@kerbalspacebecky yeah, of course. I didn't understand by router-design were you referring to my problem or Bob's?
Bob has problem?
@AbhishekBhatia protip. upnp can DIAF. You want to use normal port forwarding whenever possible.
haha. na, I thought the team-viewer thing. Sry I am kinda sleepless.
@JourneymanGeek Normal port forwarding is a user thing. UPnP is a programmer thing.
@JourneymanGeek any automated approach works for me. I don't use VPN thing though, it's renders a completely different model.
Ok even I'm impressed now. I type "ldkfnmdn" and swiftkey correctly gueses I'm trying to type "problem"
swype gets it right most of the time
except when it doesn't
I have autocorrect for tapping disabled, though
@kerbalspacebecky any way around it?
The only thing missing is this doesn't autocorrect for erroneous presses of the shift, delete or space keys.
Though it does autocorrect for a complete lack of pressing space
You can almost type a whole sentence without pressing space.
@AbhishekBhatia essentially upnp is a way to open up ports. That said, you cannot reliably assume it is switched on on a router
@JourneymanGeek Which is why pretty much all bittorrent clients have a test button.
Even when you use the s key instead of a the entire time!
@JourneymanGeek In my case, I am able to check it is and it adds the entry to upnp table. But doesn't work only port-forwarding works
@kerbalspacebecky What about only pressing space? How long will your keyboard type until it's just repeating a couple of words?
@AbhishekBhatia which is one reason you shouldn't rely on UPNP
But once you add to upnp table shouldn't it work? You mean the router ignores that table while routing.
@kerbalspacebecky can illustrate on the router design issue you mentioned if possible.
@MichaelFrank quite a while. It went to the point I got message too long.
And I dont know how to split messages into multiple lines on mobile.
I have a job interview in Aberdeen on Wednesday so I won't be able to come in today to finalize matters any time after 12pm the same time as the s5 but is smaller than the s4 to the s5 was the big increase in the past that due to the nature of the above I have set up a bit of a holiday and then wasn't really motivated anymore
motivated anymore and I have no idea where to go to the airport soonish the same time as the s5 but is smaller than the s4 to the s5 was the big increase in the past that due to the nature of the above I have set up a bit of a holiday and then wasn't really motivated anymore and
"I have a great day and I will be a good time to get a chance to get a chance..."
I guess I don't do a lot of typing on my phone...
@kerbalspacebecky I thought you just hit enter...
@JourneymanGeek Enter just sends on mine.
@kerbalspacebecky ...that's actually a change I asked for. Sorry.
Looks like I've never typed "penis" on this phone. It also doesn't seem to have it in the dictionary
@Bob lol
I thought I saw an option to switch it somewhere
Though might not have been on mobile.
Q: Enter to send in mobile chat

Ben BrockaPlease make the enter key send messages in mobile chat. It's how desktop chat works on SE and perhaps more importantly it's how mobile chat systems almost always work on iOS and Android. Requiring people to tap Send instead is disorienting and annoying.

guys any pointers on my issue?
!!wiki pointer
Pointer may refer to: A dial indicator, that points to a value on a dial or scale Pointer (rod), an object used to point manually Pointing stick, an isometric joystick used as a pointing device Point man, one who takes the front position in a combat military formation Pointer (journal), the official journal of the Singapore Armed Forces Priscilla Pointer, American actress The Pointer Sisters, an American R&B vocal group formed in 1969 Pointer, a kind of pencil sharpener used for 2.0 mm diameter lead In commerce: Pointer Telocation, an Israeli company specializing in stolen vehicle recovery Pointer...
you left hanging with router design statement. Any explanations please if possible.
any *suggestions?
@kerbalspacebecky TIL " Pointer (journal), the official journal of the Singapore Armed Forces"
And if not nouveau riche then some other French term, since nothing says derision like denouncing someone in French. — Hot Licks yesterday
> Windows Server Antimalware
MSSE for Server 2016
@HackToHell Did you have a VS/Azure sub with spare credits?
Would you be willing to test something for me?
Would probably cost up to 50c... so only if you have spare/unused
1 hour later…
I just realised something
I left the fastrack plugged in and.... my system did not crash
@JourneymanGeek so... your backups aren't working?
the crashing stopped
I guess its a veem update since there's no way in hell maudio did a driver update
Good morning
Warning: Second answer in two days with a direct link to DirectoryBones.exe, hosted on lelichka.com (domain for sale). According to VirusTotal the file contains HEUR/QVM11.1.0000.Malware.Gen
@JourneymanGeek I see you just deleted it ;)
@Bob caloric or volumetric elephants?
@JourneymanGeek I assume the latter :P
@Bob Does the answer change if they are pink?
"Seeing pink elephants" is a euphemism for drunken hallucination, caused by alcoholic hallucinosis or delirium tremens. An early literary use of the term is by Jack London in 1913, who describes one kind of alcoholic, in the autobiographical John Barleycorn, as "the man whom we all know, stupid, unimaginative, who is also half cocaine; who walks generously with wide-spread, tentative legs, falls frequently in the gutter, and who sees, in the extremity of his ecstasy, blue mice and pink elephants. He is the type that gives rise to the jokes in the funny papers." A reference to pink elephants occurs...
would it kill SSD manufacturers to include a couple screws?
Wierd thing is that the shitty chinese ones came with em
the good ones never seem to
only 350 first posts? i haven't seen it this low since xmas
Friendly reminder to everyone to check your backups. One of my hard drives failed this morning with no prior warning, fortunately I juuust about recovered the files I'd been working on the last couple of days ...
Nearly cried a little :(
you have 14k+ rep and don't backup.... ;)
SMART is stupid, seems to be showing perfect results and the drive is 'Working Ok!'... I've had to hook it up to a Sata->Usb and use R-Studio to mount it as a drive (Windows sees it as raw). Every other file chucking up read errors as I try and copy it over. Working Ok!
@Burgi Not daily. Well, not til now..!
that said i need to do a back up
Usually remember to do one a week or something...
And if I'd had any reason to suspect it I'd have been a bit more proactive. Meh :(
Goes out and buys ALL the external hard drives
i need to buy a NAS
What sorta nas?
@Burgi I've only have had a decent backup system for the past year or so.
@Jonno Automatic backups, man :P
My important stuff is on RAID 1 and has daily backups.
My system image is about a year old... so that could hurt
and my NAS is a seagate ._.
@JourneymanGeek At least it's not a DOID
Supposed to be temporary one tho
@Bob I boot a system off the uDOID
Galaxy S7 for 812 AUD
If there was a comparable discount on the Edge, I'd honestly just buy it...
@Bob I'm working from a laptop and travelling. If I had a slightly more permanent set up I would, but as it is I just have a couple of external hard drives, a laptop with an SSD and (now a failed) HDD, and occasionally good enough internet to pop things on dropbox/photos on Flickr.
@JourneymanGeek any, i haven't thought about it much tbh
@Jonno btsync!
i think my last backup was in october
any good?
Plan was to pick up a HP microserver and load it up with bigger drives
It works.
Nice thing is built in btsync support
Management UI is nice and simple too
is it quiet? mine would have to live downstairs in the living room in full view of my parents
dead silent
I don't particularly trust seagate drives tho
its maxtor for me....
had 3 fail
Maxtor got swallowed up by seagate
I've had 2-3 seagates die
i've had no issue with seagates
WDs are so so
HGST on the other hand...
If I did the microserver thing, I'd try to go with pairs of drives tho
(That's to say different brands. Or 4 different models)
> where the best place to develop substance.
> develop substance.
> substance.
Q: Linux operating system

user573689good day i have I have some questions about Linux and how powerful it is and where the best place to develop substance. What is the best issue or a copy of the Linux operating system .. You develop it yourself and more opportunity in the workplace.

must have substance
posted on March 22, 2016

The more pressing issue is whether it is “SQL” or “Sequel”. Duh.

wow @Sathya you have a double digit userid....
@burgi: on chat, yes would have been single digit if they hadn't killed the original root access and moved it to new server (+ timezone)
you remember when all this was fields? ;)
heh, lets not get me all 'young boy, you have no idea ....' :P
"beer was a penny a pint and the summer went on forever..." etc etc
He's also still rocking that SU shirt from... 2012?
Windows 8 launch..
still have it and surprisingly fits well
Aug 6 '10 at 10:54, by Jeff Atwood
I ran the monthly cleanup task on SU which culled some old single use tags..
those days when celebs would hangout with us..
in Super User on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Jul 14 '10 at 21:10, by Sathya
TBH I came to know of this room only after meta bug reports on "chat" than on blog.stackoverflow XD @Jeff
my first message on chat :P
Now I'm curious what mine was. ... we've been through this before haven't we?
hm, can't find a way to search all your posts
ie, with no text, just get me a list of all posts
lol. apparently @TomWijsman talked about me before I ever joined RA
Apr 20 '12 at 11:25, by Tom Wijsman
Uhm, look at the names (except for Bob).
Oh... whatever happened to meetups?
May 1 '12 at 23:16, by Journeyman Geek
john carmack reads SU?
@Bob atleast it wasn't something like "omg that bob guy! what a bastard..."
never took off..
Maaaaybe this one?
in Dropquest II Stack Alliance, May 12 '12 at 5:02, by Bob
Wow, that's... 3 AM Sunday... I signed up but I might be asleep :P
It was all downhill from there :P
not as bad
i think i have bought doom about 3 times, if i ever meet john carmack he is damn well signing something for me
speaking of heros, they are shutting lionhead studios down
btw, wrt Carmack reference, that's because he saw the question on twitter and answered..
A: Transatlantic ping faster than sending a pixel to the screen?

John CarmackThe time to send a packet to a remote host is half the time reported by ping, which measures a round trip time. The display I was measuring was a Sony HMZ-T1 head mounted display connected to a PC. To measure display latency, I have a small program that sits in a spin loop polling a game contro...

4.8k rep from one answer despite rep caps..
@Sathya That's more cause it sat at the top so long :P
not as much as
his answer got 2 downvotes....
Q: Why does Windows think that my wireless keyboard is a toaster?

ydaetskcoRI've inherited an old PC from my girlfriend's dad and when setting up the printer I got a bit of a surprise: Two questions spring to mind here: Why does Windows think my wireless keyboard is a toaster? Why does Windows even have an icon for a toaster in the devices menu?

@Burgi I find we've had a lot of downvotes recently. Pretty sure these were all at 0 for years.
also can you get enough power from the USB to power a toaster?
@Burgi Nope.
Toasters approach 1kW.
A standard USB 2.0 port provides some 2.5W max.
I suppose you could use a lasert to toast bread...
would take a while...
The new USB-PD standards can provide 100W max but that's with fairly specialised chargers, and still nowhere near enough.
tbh i always use the grill, toasters never do it right
Best toast I've made? Frypan...
also coconut oil, but that was a happy accident
thats fried bread...
naw, gotta grease the pan a bit
robots can be the best drivers and the best chess players but they can't make good toast
I suppose that's grilled cheese....
also, potato masher to get it nice and compact...
actually you know what? they should do twitch plays F1 and have an actual F1 car controlled by the intertubes
...you're not supposed to compact toast :P
s/F1/smouldering pile of wreckage/
@Bob 100w is plenty, if you have patience, and insulation
To be fair, insulation is pretty much a requisite if it's going in a keyboard and you don't want to burn somebody's fingers.
@kerbalspacebecky Is it actually enough to produce proper toast? Hm.
I mean, rather than some dried out mess.
wouldn't it be more of a bread warmer
i refer you to my previous statement.... all toasters are crap at toasting
!!s/all toasters/your face/
@kerbalspacebecky i refer you to my previous statement.... your face are crap at toasting (source)
i see...
I had a decent toaster once
ironically it was a cheapie one I picked up at argos ;p
You have Argos in Singapore?
i was going to ask the exact same thing
I lived in the UK for a few years ;p

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