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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

JS (ES7) is getting async/await, C#-style :D
@allquixotic ^
The sad part is it'll probably be at least 2020 before I can really use it. Maybe longer.
Having to support old-IE is a pain...
On the plus side, could probably use that in the bot sooner :P
Well, as soon as PJS implements it. Or you give in and run Xvfb.
@Bob don't tell Zirak; he'll re-code the bot to depend on ES7
I wonder if you can implement async/await efficiently using polyfills or if the core JS engine really needs good support for that
usually with something "thready" you benefit better from a native impl instead of a polyfill (emulation)
@allquixotic Nup. It's a syntax change.
You can't polyfill syntax.
You can preprocess it (e.g. TypeScript compiler). But you can't fix it after it gets to the browser.
@allquixotic It's effectively syntactical sugar. So performance isn't an issue.
The problem is, the browser would throw a SyntaxError on parse. Or, at least it should.
The only way around it I can think of is to XHR the script and then append it to the page, but that's... suboptimal.
And far more than a typical polyfill. You'd need to change the way you load scripts entirely.
you can always compile it down to lower-spec JS code, though... write your code that you read and work with using those higher level primitives, then let it compile down into unreadable soup
> Local delivery restriction, delivery not attempted
so apparently the US Postal Service can deliver mail to me today but FedEx is still too fucking lazy to shovel out and deliver a package that I urgently need "2 day"?
picked up at 10:52 AM on 1/21. Now I'm not going to get it until the evening of 1/27, 6 days later.
I don't understand how a company whose core business is to deliver things as soon as possible can't get off their lazy asses and shovel out four days after the end of the snowstorm, when the dinky little 1970s-era mail truck from USPS can come through just fine.
with bald tires and everything
@allquixotic Yea, you can preprocess it, but that requires a modification to your build process.
That's a non-starter for me.
how's her tamil @JourneymanGeek ?
@allquixotic how far in is it?
Its a song
and terrible terrible accent
@allquixotic Do not underestimate the old school mailtruck. Those things are badass
@JourneymanGeek Does this comment make any sense to you (not the bit about the image - I fixed that) but about the login?
I don't see my image posted and don't see any method of editing it. I don't see how to edit my own question. When I try to login it tells me someone already owns my email account! It then lets me review all the questions posted under this name and they are not mine since I've never been here before. this site is whacky. — user550259 7 mins ago
Not really
It seems a little weird - and I'm not sure what to advise him. It doesn't sound like the signed up for two different accounts problem :/
@DavidPostill user550259 (unregistered)
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