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and the primaries are off
so far (it's super early yet :p) my prediction is right on target
Where's EC?
@allquixotic No, I'd say the users who don't care about moderation or any of that stuff don't even visit the election page. Those who do know the users who go around commenting, editing, etc.
@OliverSalzburg Kicked.
@OliverSalzburg Tim Post removed his nom :D
@slhck Outrageous!
the one thing about this election that I really enjoyed :D
does anyone have a link to the piece of js which sorts the candidates by their votes?
can't find it
@slhck you kidding? people want the badges! of course they visit the page :P
now, whether they vote... can't say for certain
@allquixotic Of course it would be nice to analyze previous elections and see who people vote for etc. but at least from my point of view, all participation (with answering and getting reputation being just a tiny fraction of that) helps getting elected.
@Sathya pin it when you find it... that sounds super useful! I'm un-pinning my Catalyst msg now
@slhck I can't substantively disagree with you because I don't have enough actual empirical evidence to show you to back up my claims, but my gut tells me you're dead wrong, and that getting reputation is an enormous fraction of the "help" towards getting elected
anyway, maybe one day SE themselves will analyze the elections and let us know
@allquixotic Hm. @DanielBeck and me for example didn't even answer questions in tags that were as popular as Windows. We just commented a lot, voted to close, participated on Meta, et cetera.
But no hard facts there either :P
So anyway, I'm eager to see responses to the questionnaire.
okay here we go, thanks to @Undo
Q: 2014 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Grace NoteIn connection with the moderator elections, we are holding a Q&A thread for the candidates. Questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall now serve as the space for the candidates to provide their answers. Not every question was compiled - as noted, we o...

Copy + paste in this code in Election page for some fancy graphs & sorted votes
I feel mentioned.
@Sathya it's beautiful! D:
So it just shows upvotes, basically? All others remain at 0?
Or -1 for those I downvoted?
@Undo you're your code is beautiful! D:
@slhck scores below zero are set to zero; earlier negatives were shown but it was then set to zero.. not to demoralize
@Sathya I see. Never really checked that.
@allquixotic Not my code.
It's Jeremy Bank's code.
Which Seth dug up for me.
@Sathya that's a nice feature
Because I'm not smart enough to write something like that :P
  1. Journeyman Geek      [  107] ( 63k rep, 2186 helpful flags)
  2. Canadian Luke        [   57] ( 10k rep, 1066 helpful flags)
  3. DragonLord           [   54] ( 10k rep,  744 helpful flags)
  4. Mokubai              [   52] ( 23k rep,  918 helpful flags)
  5. MaQleod              [   21] ( 10k rep,  348 helpful flags)
  6. Moses                [    1] (  4k rep,  370 helpful flags)
  7. Malachi              [    1] (  0k rep,    8 helpful flags)
  8. HopelessN00b         [    1] (  0k rep,  173 helpful flags)
nonsense ;p
Current scores
it's like a horse race. we need an announcer.
"they're neck and neck! OH, AND DRAGONLORD PULLS AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Journeyman is going to win."
"And nothing's changed"
"Go vote for Journeyman!!!!!"
^ Something like that?
@Undo nah; we already know JourneymanGeek is going to win the Triple Crown. the actual intrigue in this race is who's going to win the #2 mod spot.
yeah, true
@Sathya Wow, those were some quick votes
I wonder what % of people who were on the site at the time that the primaries launched, decided to go vote?
we as a community could certainly learn something from knowing our "voter turnout" -- this figure is HIGHLY publicized in U.S. Presidential voting elections
we have that
> 200,725 voters were eligible, 121,419 visited the site during the election, 65,118 visited the election page, and 21,571 voted
can't get to that page on SU now, will be able to once the election is over.
ah, nice
wow, so there was only a 17.7% turnout on SO
i wonder if SU folks care more or less about the election than SO folks
SO folk -> busy coders -> more interested in getting their immediate programming problem resolved than voting
SU folk -> busy ordinary people -> more interested in HALP MY COMPUTER IS ON FIRE!!!!! than voting? ;p
From last election when @slhck @OliverSalzburg & @DanielBeck got elected:
> 10,103 voters were eligible, 3,011 visited the site during the election, 2,057 visited the election page, and 1,011 voted
ok, so HALP MY COMPUTER IS ON FIRE!!!!! definitely overrules any thoughts of the election -_-
when I got elected
> 4,566 voters were eligible, 505 visited the election, and 213 voted
@Sathya even worse -_-
Including screen sharing.
actually, 213/505 isn't too bad. that first figure just looks like a lot of people never bothered to even click on the election (possibly because they weren't active on the site at the time)
1011/3011 isn't bad either
21571/121419 is bad though :P
One step ahead of you ;p
@slhck I tried it, and it seems to rely heavily on P2P, which the ISPs here in the U.S. actively try to prevent/limit because it uses too much upstream :( they see P2P-ish behavior (even if it's legal) and start to throttle you to hell and back
maybe Skype/MSFT should pay Comcast $2 billion to get in the new "fast lane" that Tommy opened up
@allquixotic I was gonna say..
It's a disaster with Netflix I heard.
yup, but Netflix is going to be paying up to keep in Comcast's and Verizon's good graces, so the interruption to Netflix will be momentary
it's the other services I'm worried about
Yeah, those who can't afford to
And after all, if the experience for the user is bad, they'll go somewhere else and never return.
too bad US citizens who can't afford to move to another country (for any reason, such as the other country won't take them, or they don't have the means or education or can't get a work visa) are pretty much stuck with whatever ISP they're offered
it's either that, or pay the high cost of living to be in Austin, TX or Kansas City where Google Fiber is
trying to get a place there with fiber is very hard because people are flooding in from all over trying to get it
Just because of that?
it's not "just" dude, it'd be like living in Pennsylvania when they first started having an electrical grid in the US.
people want top tier internet just like they wanted lights in their house
people use the internet for more than reading the online newspaper you know ;p
Hm, if you put it that way.
my grandfather's house didn't have electricity in Missouri until he was 10-11 years old
he was born in 1916
Well, yeah, I just had to spend three weeks on 3G at home. I know what you're talking about :P
thing is, back then, these people were not even connected in any way (emotionally, socially, economically, etc) to the global economy or the global social network, so they didn't know what they were missing by not having electricity
they "managed just fine" on their farm
they were entirely provincial and their whole world was their local region
people who are on the internet but have terrible service are connected in some way to the global economy, but it's like only being able to have a taste and then having it snatched away from you before you can start to benefit from it fully
like "here Jonny, have an ice cream cone! :D" --> Jonny takes it, takes one lick --> mom snatches it away and throws it in the trash -- "that's enough for you!"
those of us who read news sites and participate in online communities and investigate what applications are available, know what we're missing by having crap internet
You're right of course, but it also depends on what you need the Internet for.
Or rather, what you think you need it for.
@slhck I read a great comment on slashdot (5 insightful, and it was indeed) that said that having high speed symmetrical 'net creates new needs in people
We have all the bandwidth we could ask for here, but I still wouldn't subscribe to Netflix. Dunno.
you don't know what you need until you get a taste of it
@slhck Netflix isn't even the reason why I want higher speed internet
@allquixotic Just an example. Can't think of any other reason, to be honest.
Of course, there's gaming (low latency) and reliability (for whatever security-relevant applications, monitoring, assisted living, etc.)
I want symmetrical so I can cancel my dedicated servers and run always-on servers from home and be able to serve streaming music, website, backups, etc. all from home -- the only thing I'd then need "the cloud" for is off-site backups, for which I would probably use Glacier, or keep using CrashPlan like I use now (I've spent 8 weeks uploading my backups and I'm still not done)
also, two-way video chat sounds fantastic, as does streaming 1080p youtube (so far I can only reliably stream 720p)
reliability is a huge factor, too -- here in the US, reliability is right up there with throughput in terms of our grievances
even people who have downright acceptable bandwidth -- 150Mbps cable or so -- often report terrible reliability
Oh dear..
Anyway… I have to leave now, was an interesting discussion though!
I could save about $150/month on hosting bills if I could just have servers sitting in my room
and I already shell out a ridiculous amount for my LTE for high latency, meh downstream, and above average upstream (which is sad that my cellular is higher upstream than most peoples' cable or DSL)
the primaries are much closer than I expected them to be
!!xkcd new
Does have an IPv6 address?
@Undo What is it?
Is it amazing?
@OliverSalzburg lmgtfy ipv6
> 2001:4860:4860::8888
> 2001:4860:4860::8844
>; The Google Public DNS IPv6 addresses are as follows: 2001:4860:4860::8888; 2001:4860:4860::8844.
@Undo Boring!
Although they did keep 88(88/44) on the end of them
@allquixotic I'm sorry for trying to have a conversation! :D
@OliverSalzburg look at my IP; my IP's amazing! Give it a lick; mmm! it tastes just like raisins! etc
@allquixotic I honestly heard that in my head as soon as I asked
@OliverSalzburg eww, that's dirty!
get on my IP; I'll take you round the IPverse! and all the other places too! (I think you might find that the IPverse pretty much covers everything!) shut up PC get on my IP! (sexism redacted)
And now I know all the word to the amazing horse song \:D/
good lord
Mozilla sucks
Firefox 29 menu bar actually looks like it does not belong
good lord, IE11 won't let me place all my buttons on a single row
@Ramhound yeah, that's why I got rid of it, and installed OmniBar
FF 29. looks awesome to me
AKA Firefox Chrome
Fireome? Chrofox?
nooo, it killed the addon bar and now i have this mess of icons at the top
foam actually sounds like a great web 2.0 app name.
@JourneymanGeek hi puppy! haven't seen you in a few hours :)
how're things?
just woke up. Having coffee. Need to dig up the person on the other end of the leash for walkies ;p
decided to pop online to see how the election was going, which seems to be pretty good ;p
how being @allquixotic feels like:
@JourneymanGeek "dig up the person" did you burry him in the back yard again?

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