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@JourneymanGeek I think squats damaged my knees.
you were doing them wrong then
squats and knees? o.O
I jumped off a platform for obstacle course training , landed badly. Then did the actual obstacle course and landed even more badly.
also. most of my joints make cracky noises ;p
@JourneymanGeek Why you did that? Have mercy on your body.
yanno how you can do it with fingers?
@JourneymanGeek oh those
@Boris_yo: standard training
cracking the joints
@jokerdino: shoulders, knees, back, ankles, toes...
@JourneymanGeek you covered most of them. :S
@JourneymanGeek Maybe you were not physically prepared enough?
@Boris_yo: maybe
also, I didn't get treatment for months after I got injured
then was in physio for half a year
@JourneymanGeek You did more than you could handle.
I could handle quite a bit
Went back and did it two more times with no injuries ;)
the whole course, not just the insane jumping off crap
@JourneymanGeek You mean this time with injuries already, you went back and did it 2 more times?
I got better
I still failed the fitness test, BUT I did really well in the two stations I did pass
@JourneymanGeek What happens if you fail?
you fail the whole basic training course
back in those days
@JourneymanGeek Will you get punished by army?
not really
army needs remfs too ;p
@JourneymanGeek Remfs?
does India also have a mandatory military program where every male gets drafted?
@somequixotic @JourneymanGeek is in Singapore
@Bob i know
As far as I know the swiss, South koreans and taiwanese have compulsary conscription
@Bob i was mainly asking because many of the Indian dudes i work with have joints that creak around like a skeleton from a video game, though they are physically fit... :P
was wondering if they also had to jump from high platforms and hurt themselves like JMan did
might just be genetics
like the hobbit feet
Remfs are those who treat troops as expendables while sitting behind their control panels and deciding whoever gets support, supplies etc.? In other words remfs are non-combatants?
in 2013, some remfs could be "combatants" if you're a Cyber Warrior though ;p
@JourneymanGeek I am one of those...
like deckers in shadowrun :D
I'm an actual remf
actually, annoyingly, I'm an obsolete remf
@JourneymanGeek are you a decker? :D
@somequixotic Playing army simulator?
since the role I was supporting got moved out from being under the unit to a centralised command
@somequixotic: I was logistics ;p
@JourneymanGeek Who no longer has purpose and must be deleted?
the smallest, most insignificant, most badly fitting cog in the machine
@Boris_yo: worse. I got moved over to general equipment
@JourneymanGeek General Equipment ... GE. Nice dishwashers they make though...
its the guys who handle random crap, tables, bedsheets, coffee...
@JourneymanGeek ...and spreadsheets?
no spreadsheets
Microsoft Sleep
File -> New Bedsheet..
@somequixotic: when I was at the department I used to be in, we used to take turns sleeping under the desk ;)
@JourneymanGeek Why would you do that? Didn't you have beds?
@Boris_yo: we were supposed to be working ;p
@JourneymanGeek But isn't it obvious for supervisor to take look down under the desk?
@JourneymanGeek Then supervisor must be physically unprepared to crouch.
Supervisor: "Where is JourneymanGeek?"
Guy: "He's out back shoveling mud."
Supervisor: "Oh, OK. Carry on, then."
Supervisor: "What was that?"
Guy: "My chair creaked Sir."
Supervisor: "Oh, OK. Carry on, then."
@somequixotic: usually we say toilet.
@somequixotic "Your chair creaked? Are you Indian?!
I don't get it
@somequixotic: our workshop was away from the main building, We used to go up there to do paperwork. It was a good excuse to be missing from there
I have no idea how classified or not my old job was ;p
@somequixotic That's pertaining to your message about creaking joints of Indian guys who look fit...
@JourneymanGeek How many push ups you do?
@Boris_yo ha ha
back then?
the actual number is classified
@JourneymanGeek I did 20. That's humble, yes?
good for you
@somequixotic: I did. LOTS.
I was a shitty soldier :)
@JourneymanGeek If you did lots more than 20 and were considered shitty soldier, then what kind of shitty soldier I am?
I think the most I did was 120
punishment tho
@JourneymanGeek 120 pushups?
at a go
@JourneymanGeek Picture or it never happened!
crazy bastard that ;p
Later I found out 20 is the legal limit ;)
@JourneymanGeek I am sorry sir, but I cannot get my head around 120 pushups.
so the NEXT bmt, when someone tried that...
@Boris_yo: you asked ;p
@JourneymanGeek Can you sue your sergeant for making you go over the legal limit?
he could get charged
@JourneymanGeek You used doping!
wouldn't happen, I was going for psycological warfare
@Boris_yo hi5 man !
I'm sure he went back and looked it up ;)
@JourneymanGeek Like reading thoughts and controlling enemy troops with your mind?
making them think you know more than you do
@Gowtham High five to you too.
Haven't exercised for half year. No I am back and everything hurts. I let my body forgot about exercise and that's what happened. It's that shit all over again.
wtf is a "MP5 Player"??
@Bob You can play with guns in it :O
mp3, mp4, mp5?
Chinese ?
@Gowtham Ya lol
@Gowtham Of the portable media player type, not weaponry.
Is there any other way to search code in a repository without cloning them to your computer ?
@Gowtham Hehe. You love those MP5 navy seals carry, eh?
respy lol
@Boris_yo I like the Desert Eagle better
@Bob: one more than a mp4 player? ;p
@jokerdino it's short and ... lollable ;p
This one goes up to 11 5
@jokerdino It was somehwat like this in reality. Mp3 music, mp4 some video codecs are supported Mp5 more video codecs were supported, it might even play a higher data rate video.
@Gowtham Made in Israel. Come and visit and buy.
@JourneymanGeek missed a spot
@Boris_yo mail me one :D
@Gowtham repo, we call it
@Psycogeek for real?
we should just call it media player
@Psycogeek Are you sure? Maybe it's something that's hasn't entered standard yet?
@Gowtham next time, just ask me kindly to edit the message. don't flag and ping every mod O_O
@jokerdino There were some (called) mp4 devices, that would not actually play a Divx , MSmpeg4 , or Xvid. :-) let alone what gets packaged into Mp4 containers . i am soo confused
Q: Where can I browse Android source code on-line?

J. Pablo FernándezParticularly, where can I browse the source code for the contact application? Is the only way to go to download all there is?

@jokerdino k ;p
@Boris_yo Sure i am sure, were talking china junk right ? And I am cheapskate right :-)
@Psycogeek Yeah... China can come up with whatever they want?
user image
@Boris_yo and they did, they had things so wrong in so many MP4 devices, they had to invent MP5 to indicate that it would really finally play a video.
This may be just another stereotype...
@Psycogeek MP4 is just a container format, and the problem is that many conflicting proprietary extensions exist to some of the video codecs that MP4 supported, so there's Xvid, Divx, Microsoft, etc.
@Psycogeek So they compensated with their "innovation". Okay.
it's a real mess
@somequixotic that is why i tried to specify the codec not the container. Which is no less confusing.
@Boris_yo funny you should say that
@Gowtham what is this I don't also...
@jokerdino So you believe women's logic is more complicated than men's?
@Boris_yo when did I say anything like that?
@Boris_yo and just when you think you have figured out a woman (what is womens logic?) They will change it on you. (up until the time that the estrogen runs low)
@jokerdino You didn't I just assumed because you said it is funny I should say about it being stereotype.
@CanadianLuke Hello!
I'm back!
Internet was down for the school throughout the entire province!
@CanadianLuke Welcome to the real world...
Then of course, 5 minutes to log in to StackExchange...
@CanadianLuke yay, did you fix all them servers yet?
Not a chance!
@CanadianLuke i guess thats a no.
I got them working, but definitely not fixed
@Psycogeek You mean they will change my logic?
@Boris_yo Women do not require large ammounts of logic, generally they apply more memorization.
@JourneymanGeek It's the paid software we have all been wanting for years \o/
They call that a TEAM, she remembers everything (you did that ever ticked her off) and you process it all.
@JourneymanGeek lol ?
@Gowtham kik is the new lol
kik yjrm
@Gowtham its software we have all been using for free for years, just not via AMD
@Psycogeek It's like memorized logic? Isn't their emotion logic?
@Psycogeek uhm windows ? :P
@Gowtham Yes there has been Free 4gig ramdisk from a shareware type developer now for 10+ years. In 32 bit systems a person could even Ramdisk the extended and unused memory.
In 32 bit systems a person could even Ramdisk the extended and unused memory.
really ?
How ?
I currently can't use 1 gig of my ram :C
What's the name of it'
@Gowtham I dont know? but in XP i was able to set it up to use the other 4gig.
@Gowtham physical address extension (PAE)
@somequixotic AFAIK, there are currently no programs that allow me to use that
I remember googling for programs like that a while ago
@Psycogeek :C
@Gowtham i will get the name it is around here somewhere, dont want to boot back to xp.
@Psycogeek ok
I guess that one was the DataRam Ramdisk.
I knew I played too much Diablo when I hit a squirrel with my car and I got out to see what it dropped. — zzzzBov 20 hours ago
Before things like chrome shoved all the net temps into ram (or cache or however) Using a ramdisk for a net temps location, was lots faster feeling , with a normal broadband type connection.
Ramdisk is created out of normal usable ram
Then i would use ram disk as temporary working spaces sometimes, for fair sized files, then move them (manually) back after having routed them through various things. I never applied the Refill on boot methods , For me it was usefull that it Dissapears on boot.
Wait a second it actually works \o/
@Gowtham I wrote up all the pitfalls that will happen.
It's bloody fast :D
@Psycogeek lol ;p
ramdisks aren't much better for gaming than HDD because you still have to load the data from HDD to ramdisk on boot (or at some point) and that takes time
Now I have no idea if Gavotte RAMDisk supports pagefiles ;p (I am not sure of it saves the data to HDD during shutdown)
Tempted to copy my ff profile to RAMdisk and symlink it
@somequixotic I tested using it with the refill on boot method. I made a specific partition that was the exact same size. So it was easy to put anything in, and back link it to the partition or the ramdisk, to keep it solid. I never did like it enough to keep doing that.
hi ruda
:D :D
@Gowtham It doesnt look like you have the write cache on? :-)
I don't think there is a option to enable write cache, it might be enabled when i rebbot and switch to HDD mode from RAM disk mode
@Gowtham I am just trying to confuse you.
good, it's not working :P
surprised the 4Ks are that slow
must be suboptimal blksz
@Gowtham those numbers dont look wonderfull. Shouldnt it be like 4gig speeds?
It's mounted as a RAM disk, will mount it as a HDD and try later
@somequixotic blksz ?
Comment on SU ""You are using a pirated version of Win XP, so if you have a problem with that, please ask your cracker of confidence or rewrite your question""
@Gowtham block size
ah okay
@Gowtham Oh shit. What's that? How you got such speeds?
@Boris_yo RAM Disk
@LouisTakePILLz Hello, did you take your pills today?
@Gowtham Then that's smart...
@Psycogeek Doesn't sound legit.
@Gowtham Now let me get this straight. With RAM disk we are able to find the actual speed of RAM in MB/s?
user image
@Boris_yo no, any good ram throughput benchmark kind of utility would be way better to determine your ram speed. Ramdisk drivers have some overhead. Which makes me wonder if AMD didnt optomise the code better.
@Psycogeek The problem is RAM disks overhead? That's why we never get actual throughout of RAM?
@Boris_yo a RAM "disk" is a virtual filesystem driver, so anything that attempts to I/O with the ramdisk has to go through at least one syscall, though probably more than one... each syscall requires a context switch from ring 3 (userspace) to ring 0 (kernelspace) in the CPU, and several types of syscalls require significant serialization overhead in userspace, in the kernel, or both, as well as potentially an inter-processor interrupt (IPI) which makes all CPUs wait and have to sync up
due to the overhead of syscalls, there is an upper limit on the amount of syscalls that can be made per second, before the CPU is spending 99% of its time just context switching
it's probably easier to hit that limit than to max out the raw throughput of RAM
a pure userspace program that just reads and writes values in its own process space will be able to saturate RAM though, pretty easily
Sounds complicated. I still am to find out what is kernel. I like corn kernels though.
Got call from +000001400 but didn't answer. I suspected NSA...
user image
is anyone there?
@Nikola Sup?
@Nikola don't ask to ask, and don't ask if anyone is here... instead just state your question and if someone is here they will respond
nm, gone
</3 Didn't wait for me to say what's up....
Q: Just noticed this on someone's profile page

Steve P.I think the picture pretty much explains it all. Not sure if this is the case for all SE sites, but this is from StackOverflow.

@CanadianLuke Does not surprise me. I have seen similar mistakes on other websites about amount. Not that big of a deal.
@RobertHarvey By that logic, SE should do absolutely nothing about anything until they've figured out how to prevent the eventual heat-death of the universe. Oh, and seeing through the continuation of humanity beyond the red dwarfism of our Sun in a couple billion years, which is coming up Real Soon Now(â„¢). — somequixotic 24 secs ago
I Don't buy Steven Seagal as good actor anymore. Seems like he gets lazier with his films and less believable.
Is anyone there?
Again, just start chatting
does anyone know what "coreES" is? I heard the name somewhere...
@Nikola in what context?
No, it's some kind of computer program, but I'm not sure what it does or what it is.
@Nikola in what context did you hear it? were you walking on the street and somebody yelled at you, "CORE ES!" and that's it? or were you talking about a particular subject? or something in the news?
"ES" can also be the abbreviation for "Spanish" (Espanol) language in internationalization packages, so in that case it would mean "Core" (whatever that is or refers to) in Spanish
then there's OpenGL ES, which is OpenGL for embedded systems
No, I can't remember where it was (someone yelling it at me would be funny, though)
But thanks for the help
I have to go, bye
So guys do you have an answer to my question after 9 hours?
If I spend 24 hours a day on SuperUser and after 10 years achieve a rep of 999 bilions of billions , does it mean I can post questions and chat at any of those 105 websites of Stack Exchange?
Or the rep on SuperUser does not matter... and I have to fulfill the requirements of each and every of 105 websites of StackExchange to be able to chat and ask questions on any of 105 websites of SE...?
Q: How to trace someone by having his browser logged-in to FB for example, that shows his identity?

Curiousity CuriousityHow to trace someone by having his browser logged-in to FB for example, that shows his identity? I know that you can trace someone by his IP Address and going to his ISP. But other than that, I mean if my ex is currently logged-in on Facebook on one tab of his brower and on the other tab side-b...

Why would anybody delete my answer to my own question when there is no other answer that answers the question?
It's forbidden to answer your own questions?
@EinsteinsGrandson Are you sure it is according the rules?
what do you mean? @Boris_yo
what do you mean? @Boris_yo
what do you mean? @Boris_yo
is DD-WRT off-topic here?
(where here = "on the main site")
(in regard to this question)
@EinsteinsGrandson Why would they close your question without reason? Something is not right here.
I answered my own question
@tapped-out DD-WRT is on topic
after 24 hours I find the right answer
and answered my own question
so that when somebody else will have the same problem as I had... he/she will find the answer below the question
@EinsteinsGrandson I don't remember myself answering my question on SU.
But somebody deleted my answer
What was your question?
@EinsteinsGrandson You know who? You say deleted? They did not even put it on hold and have explanation?
I am writing him on facebook
I see it as deleted 4 hours ago
What Voldemort?
oh, your answer to this question:
Q: Network addressing without wasting IP addresses

Einsteins GrandsonI know how to do the classic "network addressing" when I am allowed to waste IP address ranges... But what if I am not allowed to do it? For example in this case: Imagine, there is a network 6 which has 8 computers. We see that if the IP address wasting was not allowed, then the network 6 wou...

damn onebox
So you know why he did it?
well, i flagged it as "not an answer" because, as i recall, it was really ranty and there was no actual "solution", just commentary
it was the exact answer to the question!
there are two answers by you in that question @EinsteinsGrandson
i can't see the answer anymore (i'm under 10k :P) but the answer i flagged was really, really confusing; i couldn't find an answer anywhere within it
just 1
> I was talking to another PC network professional, who has 20 years of experience, yesterday and he told me that when there is a free unused range of IP addresses, it's allowed to "put" as many networks as possible to this unused range as long as they fit in there...
that's the first one
This is it
This is the answer
that's the second one
"... is it allowed to do it like this?"
Is it allowed to put 2 small networks into the unused range?
the first one is nonsense. it isn't answering the question. a network is an IP range as defined by CIDR. your question is about not wasting IP addresses. You use the phrase "as long as they fit in there", which, they would only fit if they are compliant with CIDR. Otherwise you can't enter a valid netmask.
That was my original question!
That's not an answer. That's the problem.
you're asking a question within an answer; thus it's not an answer!
the second one contains a lot of large tables in Polish (right?) and StackExchange is conducted in English
let's say the seconde one in Polish has to be deleted
But the other one can't be!
Since it 's the exact answer to the question!
The answer I was looking for!
no -- the question is about wasting IP addresses, and the answer says nothing about whether putting networks in "as long as they fit" is wasting IP addresses or not
The questions is:
How to do the NETWORK ADRESSING when the wasting of IP addresses "is not allowed".
They can see the question, there is a topic about it
What do you mean? @ekaj
"The method for the case when it's forbidden to waste IP addresses I used is right? "
OK. Where in your one-paragraph answer do you tell us How to do the network addressing when the wasting of IP addresses is not allowed? You simply tell us that it is possible to "put as many networks as possible into the unused range as long as they fit in there". That doesn't say how to do network addressing. It doesn't say how the networks have to be configured. It doesn't say how you can avoid wasting IPs.
I only wanted to put as many information to the question as possible, nothing else!
Herpderp language barriers
Can I just delete the question?
The question is valid. But the answer doesn't match up with the question. The answer by ultrasawblade directly answers your question and does a good job of it.
You can delete the question, but it's worth keeping on the site IMHO.
ultrasawblade didn't help me at all
I know I wrote the question in a very bad way
But it was hard to formulate it
if your actual question is the last sentence of the question itself:
> Would I continue and use now unused range - or is it allowed to put only one network into any free unused range?
Yes, exactly!
the answer is "you can put as many networks into a free unused range as you can fit", which is basically what your first deleted answer says. but the problem is that other users interpreted your question as being something entirely different
Tha was my original problem!
OK, I understand this now
you have more than one question within the same question
you answered one of those questions and other users answered other questions
the moderator thought that your answer was not applicable because apparently everyone else thought that the other question was the main question

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