With the Rift, they have one screen, and massive distortion from whatever lenses he happend to buy from the surplus store (which again is genius) And now they are developing Based on that. so the software Pre-Warps the picture, wasting valuable processing , inducing interpolations, and slowing the whole thing down.
If they instead had used modern methods , from modern VR displays (not 1980s) , they would have 2 clean undistorted pictures. Plus the capability to focus different for each eye, plus cover for the problems of eye seperation (distance between eyes) between different people.
With a undistorted picture, and 2 full res displays feeding 2 eyes. they would not need "development" and odd distortions, and all the delays. They could then have applied the Nvidia 3D in ways. High end modern video cards can feed 2 monitors 2 different pictures. So why not feed 2 Full rest full displays Undistroted already in existance nvidia 3D?
@MichaelFrank Well just like the sony and many others, they are often missing at leas these things
1) focus for seperate eyes, every set of halfway decent binoculars has to have it.
2) slider for eye seperations distance. A physical movement of the lensing and back screen. Doing it in software will limit view again, and ends up adding processing.
3) full HD resolutions, on BOTH eyes. Feed both eyes a full res display. And the display is not going to be 100% eye coverage , if were also not going to be seeing pixels. Some of the displays try to shove thier crappy resolution to close to the person (virtually).
The "development" of the rift, is getting people really interested (again genius) , but they are dependant on archaic methods, that cannot be extrapolated to a "premium" system.
-- i dont see it any different then if I tossed together something here in my garage (as i have done before) and asked people to Bend everything to the cheezy way i made it. Especially when say given 6million dollers i wouldnt have made a cheezy pile of junk with an iphone stuck to the front of it :-)
-- What could still be an opertunity to create a real usable VR head device with multiple uses, even beyond the desktop and tons of wires, is now a developmental problem for a system that will make people blind, give them headaches, and take another Wack at destroying the idea that a good VR will ever be created.
-- the china piece of mp4 viewers sold on e-bay, not even worth sticking your eye up to. The sonys cheap versions of the units, the VR thing i pointed to above, and the rift, all continuing to perpetuate the myth that: 1) it wont work with many peoples visions (focus for the eyes) 2) they are going to have huge pixels from the low res 3) it still gives me a headache, even though Viewers (vrses flipping frames and using polarised glasses) could feed the human eye 2 full pictures ,
@slhck I did that for a while at a client before migrating to Keepass. Colleagues still do it. At least with an encrypted email addressed to nobody, it should be somewhat secure.
I just found out I had been using KeePass 1.x on OS X since there was no 2.0 version, so I'm using .kdb files from that. Now there's a 2.0 alpha and it only reads v2.0 .kdbx files, not .kdb — what the fuck?
I could theoretically migrate my file and start using 2.0 exclusively, but I don't want to run unstable software on a database file that has all my passwords.
Is that a Meta mod telling a dev how the system works?
@slhck The software is free and open source, and they advertise their commercial support with the number of open tickets in the public bug tracker. What do they expect?
People buying support and not filing tickets? Pleeease
I am sure this question has been asked several times, but when I search for "favorite user" or "add user to favorites" all I seem to get is posts for favorite question of the week. Please respond with a link for me to read before just flaming me - I did try to search for my question before post...