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uhm 2
@Gowtham it because of all the viruses go scrambling for a place to hide when it shows up :-)
@Gowtham So?
@Psycogeek So Avast is using a lot of CPU because he is playing hide and seek with viruses?
@Gowtham So kid went outside?
Kinda like that
@Gowtham And what is funny here?
@Boris_yo It's supposed to be motivating :/
@Boris_yo i think its reality, it sorta looses the funny
@Gowtham Oh I also wondered if he played video game.
@Psycogeek I put some breadcrumbs to help hard drive's head to find its way back.
I think touch screen devices are less convenient when typing...
@slhck Yelloey!
I wonder if I should get that replaced…
@slhck Happy anniversary \o/
@slhck what's that
@Gowtham A MacBook battery
cool, I bet the Xprivacy author is pissed :P
@slhck ah okay
@OliverSalzburg Ooooh, that one! I had to think twice what you meant.
@Gowtham Well, not okay :P
But a replacement is 140€, that's half the value of the MacBook…
@slhck It does seems ok visually ;p
@slhck apple insert look of disapproval
It's totally bulged
@slhck Whoa, it is. I would totally bring that in and make them replace it.
@DarthAndroid Given how old it is I think they won't just replace it, but it's worth a shot
Double Your Internet Speed for Free: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lG5cEik2ABY

This guys is high...
Doubling internet speed is easy. Just ban all the p0rn,
and enjoy the suddenly superfluous bandwidth.
@Boris_yo 6million views, guy realised that the more full of crap you are, the more people watch.
@Hennes or block all the adds. 1banner add=?? pages and pages of text? I love it when the web page is filled with "stuff" then the webmaster says "you have no idea how much it costs to run this site"
i have an idea that it isnt people writing text in a forum thats taking the bandwidth
@slhck I'd say tell them to replace it. Safety issue.
@slhck @DanielBeck Exactly. "Replace it or I'm going to the press!"
They had enough exploding battery scares, it might work.
@DarthAndroid "Replace it or I'm going to bitch about it on my blog!"
@DanielBeck No no no no, you sound like a hipster apple fanboy then, and they know apple fanboys will just bend over and accept whatever they say.
what forum owners should instead be saying "you have no idea how much it would cost to hire the 16 moderators that run this site"
How can one restore offline files from an earlier version on Windows 7? You don't have access to C:\Windows\CSC by default, and when trying to access an earlier version it just prints an error that \\localhost\$C\@2013-.....\Windows\CSC\... cannot be accessed.
Probably because you hadn't permissions to access it when the copy was created.
@Psycogeek And this of course makes you money? More crap, more money?
@Psycogeek As far as I know there are no adds on my internet. I have browsed it a lot and I never see any :)
Is the Copy SHA functionality broken for anyone else on GitHub?
Like, it copies the wrong hashes for me
@Hennes By that you mean ISPs will avail us of more bandwidth for free?
Only if you use IPv6
@Hennes Me? It is my ISP who decides what protocol I am surfing on.
@Boris_yo yup vicious cycle, more adds that pay for things, more costs , then needing more adds, till the info is a 1/4 page in the corner
@Psycogeek What type of spammers do we know? Email spammers, search engine results spammers and now it is YouTube spammers? People actually have the guts to appear in front of the world and bullsheet everyone? Wow I couldn't do that. You gotta be such a scumbag to do this...
uhm, I somewhat disagree.
1) If I get the chance I select from one of the dozens ISPs to get one with native IPv6
2) TUnnels baby. Tunnels and from there on with native IPv6
@OliverSalzburg Works. You mean the flash button, right? Click it, click the SHA prefix, paste clipboard into address bar -- URL stays the same.
@Boris_yo hey perpetual motion machines, free energy from magnets and all, they can get 1 million from investors. this is serius business not spam :-)
@Hennes So by getting myself IPv6 tunnel I get separate free bandwidth? But it all depends on server loads. People can surf from IPv4 and IPv6 and it is all about server.
@Psycogeek I don't get how this is connected to YouTube spam.
Local servers seem to prefer IPv6 :)
I even use 'tf ::1' to mud
(Tf is a mud client)
@Boris_yo how about guy lies through his teeth, on a political rant on youtube, gets 1.7 mill hits , and $100 from advertising?
@Psycogeek Does that make guy legit? Politicians do lie, do they?
Well could you lie in front of everybody? @Psycogeek
Politician never lie. They do not need to. After all twisting the truth is enough.
@Boris_yo sure but they dont do that so people watch, they do it when everyones watching ???
Actually if something is controversial, then people can lie without knowing it. But could you lie knowing it that you are lying? Could you mislead somebody in technical topic knowing you are misleading people?
@Boris_yo for 1 million dollers? hmmm, lets see how many magnets i can get in my overunity motor :-)
@Psycogeek No for 100$.
@Boris_yo oh,,, no the guy was proud of the $100, but I add up the costs and time and all, and figure he is making $5 and hour.
Wait a minute... You are Psycogeek. That means you are expert in human psychology.
@Psycogeek How you calculated this? We are talking about guy who climed double internet speed?
@OliverSalzburg Wud up man? Play WoW by a chance? Love MMORPG games?
@Boris_yo No that would be psychiatryGeek, quite the opposite of a Psyco
@Boris_yo No, I don't and never have
@DanielBeck Yeah. Earlier I kept getting the wrong hash and it caused me quite the confusion
@Psycogeek So psyco is not psychology?
Now I can't reproduce it :P
@OliverSalzburg So you don't know about Matrix Online...
@Boris_yo the guy with the fun little fake tech videos got 8million hits, that should be around $400 (if its is relative)
It comes to measly 0.00005 cents per 1 view... o.0
@Boris_yo no the psyco was to ID me as a crasy man, so people would not take my word for anything, and find out for themselves the truth.
@Psycogeek Oh so there's something you don't want people to know about yourself? You seem like a normal person to me though...
@flote Good day!
Plus somone would have to be crasy to use that nic, only 4 others haver tried, and failed :-)
@Boris_yo evenin'
@Psycogeek Failed? You didn't kill them, did you...?
@flote Come join us for a chat.
@Boris_yo where? o.O
@flote Here?
@Boris_yo No I didnt have to keel them, you cant impersonate a psyco, you have to be one.
sure! :p (I'm already here)
@Psycogeek Well man, everything will be alright. Just chill out.
this seems to be a solid hang out. it looks like the same people are still hanging out here as earlier today.
@flote Have any questions that you posted?
@flote Yes not much new people come often. If more people would be hanging around here, then chat would be flying. You would have to be fast catch and read replies.
I solved them @OliverSalzburg was a great help. my virtualbox wouldn't work and I had to upgrade ubuntu which of course failed. but all is good now, before the work day was over too!
@flote Are you a programmer?
i've become the company's IT guy out of necessity even tho I'm just a geeky web programmer
but I'm slowly getting the hang of linux
had a few long week ends at work due to nooby mistakes,
makes for a good learning experience
@flote You worked Saturday and Sunday? Are you in USA?
haha, sweden
small company
@flote Don't you have laws for employees there? Did you voluntarily accepted to work one weekends or employer made you?
and if I didn't fix what I broke, none of my co-workers would have server access come monday, so what choice do you have
@Boris_yo .00005c a person you raped the mind of. was it worth it
I volunteered
ceo == brother in law tho, so saying no is a little tricky
@flote Well, still you got money and experience for that.
@Psycogeek Oh noes! I paid him 0.00005c! Well I was generous anyway.
yeah, well not technically overtime, but I can take other days off for the overtime. 1 hour week end is the same as two normal hours, so you get good time off for a week end's work
@Boris_yo I guess you have to think about that eventually, a few thousand dollers in one hand, and a whole world of idiocracy in the other
brb, gonna tuck the little girl in
@flote You get double time?
@Psycogeek You watched Idiocracy!
@Boris_yo imdb.com/title/tt0387808/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 yes it was good the first time around, but the 2nd viewing, i quit 1/3 of the way through, it could have been better
@Psycogeek I liked the movie due to its message.
@Boris_yo they can remake it in 2020, if anyone exist with the skills to write :-)
@Psycogeek Or with necessary IQ
@Psycogeek You know there are films that you feel IQ loss after you watch them? Happened to know those?
@DanielBeck Yeah, I think I'm going to bring it to the store tomorrow. Problem is, it's a retailer and not a real Apple store.
As the 21st century began, human evolution was at a turning point. . . . . . . . With no natural predators to thin the herd, it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most, and left the intelligent to become an endangered species.
So all you smart people get out there and save the world BREED everything
@Psycogeek Began to reward who reporduced the most? Are you talking about movie or real life situation currently with social security rewarding those who breed most? Err did not fully get it...
@flote re?
@Boris_yo I'm back
@flote Yes Arnold. Now get to the choppa!
get down!
@flote Put za cookie taun!
@Boris_yo It was the first lines of the movie.
@Psycogeek Oh so you hope it won't happen in our world?
@Boris_yo I cant really comment. it would go way to far off topic here.
@flote I see disasters around the world and I mean floodings, earthquakes. Hope you are fine there.
@Psycogeek What's the topic here?
@Boris_yo computers?
certannly not getting into politics, theres a place for that
@Psycogeek Yes sure.
@Boris_yo sweden is usually safe from most natural disasters. :) avalanches are about as bad as it gets
and the closest hill around here isn't more than a few hundred meters
@flote But you are aware of happenings around the world? Scary.
@Boris_yo haha, well I'm not American ;)
@Psycogeek Watched Man In Black 2? I did yesterday and it sucked. Bah...
@flote What do you mean?
@Boris_yo a lot of americans have little knowledge of what is going on outside of their borders.
I guess it's somewhat understandable as most western culture is pretty US-focused
@flote Is this stereotype?
and it's a big ass country
@Boris_yo yes, very much so :p
@flote And this too? :D
but I think it's a generalization with some evidence behind it
I've been in school with a ton of americans
@flote in order for americans to "know" what goes on outside, would be to go outside :-) the news and web isnt going to represent it well.
yeah. it's easier for swedes to know about other countries too, because sweden is a tiny tiny country population wise
and it's close to a whole bunch of other countries
I can be in denmark in under half an hour from my apartment
and the rest of europe is just a few hours away.
I can't get out of the city I'm in in under half an hour
yeah, swedish cities are pretty small too :p the largest, the capital is only a little more than a million
I couldnt find out what goes on in another country, because it is enviromently unfriendly to show up in them all. and i havent walked through this one far enough yet.
@flote Yours?
@Boris_yo not quite there yet unfortunately
@flote how would that do in the first 45MPH headwind?
@Psycogeek just go where the wind takes you
@flote Your just trying to make me famous , like Amelia Airhardt
@Psycogeek :)
I like how the 1800 line installation instruction of ncurses begins with "READ ALL OF THIS FILE BEFORE YOU TRY TO INSTALL NCURSES"
@flote Isn't it a manual?
@Boris_yo no, just the installation instructions. but it seems to replace the existing compiler environment, and there's a bunch of warnings regarding that. then it goes through all the compiler flags etc
@Psycogeek Why my public chatroom I made weeks ago does no longer exist?
@Boris_yo you opened a public room here? did you squat it?
is this chat open source? does anyone know what's powering it?
The principles of homesteading and squatter's rights embody the most basic concept of property and ownership, which can be summarized by the adage "possession is nine-tenths of the law," meaning the person who uses the property effectively owns it. Likewise, the adage, "use it or lose it," applies. The principles of homesteading and squatter's rights predate formal property laws . . .
@Psycogeek So I am not active chatroom member making me inactive squatter?
did anyone try the native dota linux client?
@flote Err.. nope.
@Boris_yo I will occupy your room, for $50 a day, keep it open for ya :-)
@Psycogeek Who is accepting payments?
If anyone comes to try and take it, i will sick the dog on them
@Psycogeek Sick or seek? I don't want sick dog in my room.
@Boris_yo SIC the dog, but not a dog that the spelling is incorrect
@Psycogeek Just learned that sick is less used term. Sic I like more.
SIC = socially interceptive cat?
@Boris_yo So your ready for my PayPal account or did you want to see my Hobo squatters resume?
@Psycogeek The room is not mine. It is moderated by guys here so they are the ones to get ready for your PayPal account or Hobo squatters resume if they want to see it.
oh well I was talking about Your room, you re-make it, and i will make sure it stays open
Just pay for the first 100 days (according to my contract) and i will skip out of town . . . i mean skip to your room and hold it
@Psycogeek Sorry but I only accept precious metals.
@Boris_yo like rare precious metals? I might be able to scrounge up some Livermorium.
@Psycogeek Unobtainium please.
35 atoms of livermorium have been produced, I could get you one or 2
problem being the 60milisecond halflife
I can Ping you and see if the latency from here to there would cause a problem
@Boris_yo this is much better than unobtanium, its Ununhexium making it 6 times better
@Psycogeek Produced at Hadron Collider maybe? Are your sneaking skills any good? I see you are trying to sneak into secure perimeter.
@Boris_yo dont need to sneak, that lab is letting things out all the time, all i gotta do is be downwind
@Psycogeek Why something that is so valuable wouldn't be secured? I think ye pushin' mey lies mate arrgh!
@Boris_yo where in israel do you live? I have a buddy from Herzelia
think about it. If the next man made nuclear partical they make, causes a chain reaction that destroys the planet, it sinks into the sun, the solar system collapses, bumping into the next solar system, and chain reaction domino effect destroys the whole galaxy. you could say you own a piece of history.
@flote You want me to give him "the package" or something?
haha. nah, just curious. I went there a bunch of years ago. it was nice, we drove around a little all over israel.
and I even learned some hebrew! "gum ani medaver hevrit"
@Psycogeek I don't have plans to destroy earth actually. But I hope Nibiru does it :)
@flote That's correct and actually gum ani medaver ivrit. I am from Haifa but it is hot in summer here. This summer is a bit colder than previous ones though.
Wow, the video of that train derailment in Spain is pretty brutal.
@MichaelFrank yeah. crazy. did they find out why it was going that fast?
The driver was a moron?
There was speculation that one of the drivers had been boasting on Facebook about driving that fast, but they couldn't verify the reports.
@MichaelFrank yeah, I just read the same thing
I'm off, see ya
Well gentlemen, it seems that this gives another reason for Facebook to close.
@flote Bye
@Boris_yo How?
@MichaelFrank Well they say Facebook has the fate of MySpace... I also read in newspaper article that people are slowly leaving Facebook.
@Boris_yo Regardless of those 'facts'. What does a train crash have to do with the decline of Facebook?
It does not make sense to put out meaningless data the newspaper said.
@MichaelFrank That people are doing crazy things just to get famous.
Actually it does not have to do with Facebook decline. You asked how to close Facebook?
That's soooo not what happened here. Boasting on Facebook != Famous.
@MichaelFrank No? That driver wasn't boasting high speed? Wait it was a speculation.
I didn't say he wasn't. I said he wasn't boasting to become famous.
And yes, it was an unverified report.
@MichaelFrank But why people usually boast on Facebook? To get envy of others? To get famous?
Let's replace fame with recognition. It works better.
Even these days when car accidents occur, people instead of doing something start filming the event and upload it to YouTube. They exploit the situation.
@MichaelFrank Recognition is a less of fame, right?
It's different, and this driver doesn't deserve to be famous.
Also, I must take off. Got some jobs to do.
@MichaelFrank Yeah, bye.
Wow. Some people really invest all their rep into bounties :D stackoverflow.com/users/364312/oshirowanen
I was like, how do those badges and the rep add up?
@OliverSalzburg That's what I did too - lot's of bounties, low rep but still lots of badges.
@Boris_yo Huh, never noticed
@OliverSalzburg I am generous, ain't I?
@Boris_yo Well, you got something in return, so I don't know
@OliverSalzburg I just gave a lot of reputation every time. And people were attracted to it like flies.
@Boris_yo They got rep fever
@OliverSalzburg This should be added to Wikipedia.
"Rep fever - a term first coined by Oliver Salzburg ..."
I wonder how file sharing services/websites can determine if uploaded file is copyrighted or is legal at all. Do they have moderators checking every upload? Seems like impossible thing to do.

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