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but if you're running it indoors where you have a good A/C unit working as a dehumidifier, you can pretty easily push temps down to 8c without issue
(well, depending on where you live )
@DarthAndroid lol serious?
I thought it's under hood of Ferrari!
Totally serious.
@OliverSalzburg wait, didn't mod had a hammer that allowed users to speak in chats regardless their reputation?
@Braiam I guess so but I never really use it
Sometimes, I think software terms are made up just to sound cool. "Oh, yeah you just need to mount the SAM registry hives." God I feel like such a badass saying stuff like that.
@DarthAndroid people think the same about you ¬_¬
@OliverSalzburg time to practice the swing?
@Braiam I'm kinda afk right now
@Braiam I'm not made up; I'm a real boy!
Also, if that's what they think, then who do they think made me up? Am I some sort of shared hallucination?
btw, I think he got the server for... free? superuser.com/q/673871/235569
Gah, lucky @#$#!$%
A: Apache/MySQL server blocks

allquixoticHere's my guess, having interpreted the logs as literally as I can, while also extrapolating a bit: Something (probably hardware-related, although it could be a software bug or filesystem corruption) is causing the MySQL daemon to deadlock trying to complete an updating query. You are running A...

"I have a bunch of problems. I don't have enough information to definitely know what it is, so can you tell me what it is?"
Me: "Sure! I know what it is! Well... *I think*."
I'm born for that sorta analysis, though. :D
@Braiam ooh, another question to upvote... now he has enough rep to chat
Yo, you have enough rep to chat... come on over :) — allquixotic 7 secs ago
I love when people include way too much info in their logs
/bin/sh -c php /var/www/html/teenfaith/moodle/admin/cli/cron.php
right. time to look up that domain
not that it'll work if their server is sick
err... I kind of not wanna to look up for it... teen-something...
@Braiam it's just some guy's blog, apparently
a guy who happens to be religious, hence faith
amazing how much you can tell about someone from just peripherals, like the guy who asked the Q has rep on Christianity.SE
mm... that would explain... somethings
@allquixotic and a surprising amount on Demonology.SE, be careful what you say around him...
@JimmyHoffa demo -- wait, what? that doesn't exist! :D
maybe it should though :\ :/
@allquixotic This is SE, it would just be full of people from U&L bitching about HALD
@OliverSalzburg Get your issue sorted out?
@JimmyHoffa hald / HAL is obsolete now though
udev is the successor, ;p
in The Whiteboard, Aug 21 at 13:39, by Yannis Rizos
@GlenH7 No idea what you're talking about, it's all Greek to me.
@CanadianLuke Nope. Your config is very different from the one FreeNAS writes. Our config is much longer, especially due to LDAP and XFS. But I don't think those parts would be causing the issue
@JimmyHoffa speaking of The Whiteboard, naive young coworker with very little programming experience outside of academia ended up pouting enough to convince me to give him the matching piece of the work while I work on this ridiculously convoluted Word document extraction stuff
the result is cringeworthy
@OliverSalzburg Link to the question again, I'll give it a second look
I think the runtime is worse than O(n^2)
Q: How do you get OSX to play nice with Samba (or vice versa)?

Oliver SalzburgI have a FreeNAS server on a network with OSX and Windows clients. When the OSX clients interact with SMB/CIFS shares on the server, they are causing permission problems for all other clients. The details of this behavior seem to also be dependent on the version of OSX the client is running. For...

I might have a few question for you tomorrow, but I'm already done for today
@allquixotic agh.. post the problem and your approach as Q on P.SE, get some suggestions.
@JimmyHoffa see, thing is, I'm pretty sure I could make it work, but I'm not working on that part right now... he is... and he seemed really confused when I started talking to him about the approach that you outlined for me a while back
@allquixotic ahhh heh yeah. Plug your ears and move along
@CanadianLuke By now I know that inherit permissions has no effect on the issue and switching to UNIX ACLs doesn't seem to be relevant to any parts of the issue either
his code is a nightmare of dictionaries and hashsets :D
unnecessary copies, etc
Whoa hey, you're going to break your monitor like that!
@JimmyHoffa thanks
@OliverSalzburg I'll see what I can find for you anyways. Have a good day, and you have my GTalk address, feel free to hit me up there too
oh joy, my new Audible credit arrived! ... now I can buy another audiobook that I'll probably only listen to the first half hour of and never pick it up again
@CanadianLuke Cool. Thanks a lot
Also, can you post your entire smb.conf file? Even just to pastebin?
sorry I got you into this Oli :(
I should've said "just use Windows and stfu", but I don't know if you would have taken that as actually good advice at the time
> It doesn't really matter whether you stir, dip, or do nothing; the tea cools at about the same rate
@allquixotic Only time I listened to an audio book was driving, took me about 6 months to get through it but the hobbit is awesome! Driving was highly enjoyable.
Just started it everytime I was driving alone, to/from work mostly, and occasionally found myself stuck in my parking spot in front of my apartment building because I couldn't turn it off.
Worth a shot (if you're a good and safe driver with good habits and won't find yourself tuned out of traffic running into sign posts and construction holes)
Shipping container architecture is a form of architecture using steel intermodal containers (shipping containers) as structural element, because of their inherent strength, wide availability and relatively low expense. Advantages ;Strength and durability :Shipping containers are in many ways an ideal building material. They are designed to carry heavy loads and to be stacked in high columns. They are also designed to resist harsh environments, such as on ocean-going vessels or sprayed with road salt while transported on roads. Due to their high strength, containers are useful for secure ...
Does anyone know how to get windows 8 installed into UEFI when it was already installed on the HD non-UEFI without reinstalling the OS? (Or "refreshing" it which uninstalls all your apps and is therefore the same damn thing as reinstalling)
@JimmyHoffa good question. don't have an answer tho. I imagine something to do with bcdedit though
@JimmyHoffa actually I've listened to about 5 audiobooks on Audible all the way through using that method; 25 - 60 minute drive to work every day (depending on how many accidents (note I didn't say whether there are any; there's almost always at least one accident))
@allquixotic bcdedit /set {default} UEFI-install-now-just-do-it-pretty-please
I'm a very good beta mode driver, and I have bluetooth audio in my car and LTE all the way to work, so yeah, I can definitely do that
but there are several audiobooks I bought that I just can't get into
I'd rather listen to music than listen to a boring audiobook
@allquixotic Yeah I hear ya. Just choose more wisely. :P how about stories of uploaded lobsters?
I thought I'd like listening to a Star Trek audiobook, but it just sounds wrong to hear someone narrating a Star Trek scene in excruciating detail, talking about what the characters are thinking and so on
Star Trek doesn't work unless it's that perfect motion of live acting and dialogue and effects
That's one of the (extremely few) fiction books I've been suggested to look at that I'm genuinely interested in
@JimmyHoffa two of the books I've listened to all the way through were books about specific bio-physiological phenomena that impact our diet -- I want to say diet book, but not like the typical diet book, because the focus is more on scientific and technical aspects of endocrinology, metabolism, etc.
I'm not trained in that stuff but I find it immensely interesting, and I've been losing weight ever since I made the decision to stop eating wheat and sugar
not losing it fast, but I can tell I'm losing it
it's more motivating to me to do something to adjust my diet when I know the deep physiological details of how they work
right now I'm working on "Schneier on Security" and "The Science of Battlestar Galactica" and "Thinking about Cybersecurity: From Cyber Crime to Cyber Warfare"
previously completed "Wheat Belly", "The Power of Habit", "Fat Chance", and "Quiet"
1 hour later…
On the subject of IP6 : Is there any huge nessisty for a regular person to have IP6 today? What year (do you figure) when it would become more nessisary to access everything on "the web" say like small sites that crop up, having to use IP6 to get to them?
Kerbal Space is on sale this weekend. Should I get it?
@Psycogeek I think in most cases, regular people don't really get what IP is at all. Any necessity would be driven by an ISP I reckon, if they run out of IPv4. And even then, the first iteration would probably be to have IPv4 on the inside of the router anyway, to avoid support concerns.
@Paul What's the price?
@JimmyHoffa 40% off, so depends on your currency. I think $16 USD
@Paul Hrmm... Iduno. I just grabbed the humble bundle last night (hell of a bundle for $5!)
I think I'll let that pace me
@JimmyHoffa I saw @JourneymanGeek and others chatting about it yesterday, sounds fun
@Paul thanks, so that indicates that it would be used more for the whole interconnecting aspecets of the web total, and not addresses for websites themselves?
@Paul SHHHHHHH, don't tell Jimmy!
@Paul Yeah, I've seen folks talk about it, apparently it is quite good... if it has co-op I might give it a shot
@Psycogeek The main purpose of IPv6 is to make mayonaise manufacturers stop having factory device issues, it's all a pork-barrel project. runs away
@Psycogeek Well I imagine that websites comprise a serious chunk of IPv4 space, but you could have an IPv4 to IPv6 NAT on the external interface of domestic routers, and so have IPv6 throughout the internet, without pushing it onto peoples home networks
is laptop sata same as desktop sata?
@Paul well in my not having IP6 scenario, it extended to everything here on my side. as it isnt on the nat either (XP ICS computer is router like device)
@Psycogeek You lost me there - you are saying you don't have IPv6 or you don't want it?
I was thinking about fully disabling IP6 also in the windows 7 system, instead of just turning off the protocol. That system should be operational for ~10 years (assuming me being alive then) . and re-enabling "creating" is harder than destroying :-)
@Paul Dont want it , if i would not need it, or even if it would be just a minor annoyance that it wasnt there, and the old system still functioned.
X Y problem, real question. "who needs this chit, and whats going to die when it aint there or working"
@Psycogeek no
most people don't
in fact, until the point where you can go full IPV6, its entirely pointless. ;p
Oof this is hard to say no to with how much I loved having a projector... I have a 10% extra off promo code for newegg.com/Product/…
@Psycogeek 10 years is a long time, but you could probably maintain IPv4 private addressing
1280x800 is more than tolerable to me
So am i saying it wrong? Was the intention ever that there would be websites that would only be accessable via the bigger longer number address? That once websites would use these numbers for thier addresses , even with DNS naming stuff, something on MY side still would have to speak in Big numbered IP6 addresses?
500 lumens is pretty damned weak though, but hell I have some nice blackout curtains :)
@Paul Right in 10 years everything changes again. but given present trends , wild assumptions about growth and all, i wonder if a time might come when "little johneys blog" is hanging out on a IP6 address? (if it even works that way)
@Psycogeek No, you are not wrong, I am being simplistic perhaps. The main problem with ipv6 is rollout - you can't start releasing ipv4 address until ipv6 addresses are in use at both ends - the client and the server. But there has to be some interim step. If I was running an ISP trying to drive IPv6 I would use a proxy server as an interim step. I would have my ipv4 customers using my proxy server, and have it do the ipv6 part of the conversation.
@OliverSalzburg that question is very interesting. My housemates use OSX and I use Linux and they have similar issues connecting to a Debian server we have at home. In the end one of them (the geeky on) just switched to NFS instead and the other (non-geek) asks me to change permissions every now and then.
Anyway, I don't think it is because of Windows ACLs if we have the same issue. Not in my case at least.

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