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@KronoS yeah, but there's no real innovation since the iPhone... when was the last time they announced something completely new that wasn't just a clone of something a competitor was already doing?
@NathanWheeler The new Mac Pro is pretty innovative actually
but looks to be more of a pain in the butt that looks super nice, than something worth getting
(mainly due to it not being able to be upgradable, IIRC)
I haven't heard anything about it that isn't just kind of a "next logical step" in making a faster computer
@NathanWheeler Have you seen the design? Very very different
it's smaller, because Apple keeps wanting to make things smaller and thinner... I LIKED my old 17" MacBook that was 1" thick
Q: How do I create a class with constant properties accessible to other classes within a package folder structure?

KronoSI have the following file structure of packages for my MatLab project: RootFolder +CustomUiElements Styles.m ... ... +DetailView Controller.m ... MainApp.m Within the Controller.m file I'm having issues accessing the class file Styles.m which is ...

Grrr... this is really bugging me
errr... you're talking about the desktop
yeah, case mods have been making weird shaped computers for years
@NathanWheeler yep :)
there's not anything really "innovative" about it... they just shaped it different
Well what's your definition of "innovative" then?
something completely new?
cuz in that case it's hard to be innovative these days. I'm not the biggest fan of apple, but I do like their attention to detail. I just don't like how cocky they are
innovative... Google completely re-did maps, making it relevant to the user rather than just a grid of places
Google Glass
those are innovative... and I agree that it's hard to be innovative, but "faster and new look" don't qualify
Google Music/Apple Music... not innovative
and Apple's statement about the new Mac Pro, "Can’t innovate any more, my ***.” they made it faster and round... I could do that with any computer... (except a laptop)
putting a computer in a fishtank... now THAT was innovative and different (about 5 years ago)
I can see your point, but don't completely agree. Again, I'm not a huge apple, google, or Microsoft fan. They all have issues that I really hate, and they also have great things that I really like.
I just wish I could mesh them all together
1 hour later…
yeah, apple does good with hardware, google does great with software, and microsoft does great marketing... they'd make a great team :)
I know, I'm cynical...
Nice Cynicism is a form of humor kind of..I guess
Just don't go into the philosophy room with any humor or wit, they wouldn't get it if it slapped them in the face. I saw Fake programmers and thought well this could be a chat room where they would understand.
there's a philosophy room???
how did I miss that
You are not missing much unless you like classically trained morons.
just don't throw out a joke in that room....they obviously have no clue who Alan Watts is....they got stuck at Kuhn
thanks for being my shoulder to cry on. Enjoy your day!
@CharlieBrown you're welcome to visit Fake Programmers any time

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