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Grrr.... what does enumerate do?
ok i think i got it.. but this doesn't make sense!
@IvoFlipse when you get up... go ahead and give me a 'ping'... need your help
OK @IvoFlipse I'm going to head to bed for a little while and try to get up around 4 my time (in about 5 hours)....
Here are somethings that I need a tutorial on:
1. manipulating buttons (mainly trying to figure out how to fit them all)
2. Manipulating text (trying to add text either above or below the buttons
3. How to parse data and function to each other (in other words how to use the pubsub)
ok I think that it for now... I'll talk at you in a few hours
just pushed all my work thus far...
doesn't know how he's going to do it... but won't give up now...
3 hours later…
interesting name of the room
thank you @Sergey ;P
I'm working on becoming less fake every day
we all do
yeah, but some at least have a CS degree :P
which I assume means that you don't?
nope :)
I made the mistake of thinking Human Movement Science being an actual trade
ahd you?
I'm a third year, I have no idea how it's called(after freshman, sophomore...?)
2 hours later…
@Sergey that would be Junior... then Senior... at least in the U.S. that is... not sure where you're from'
mornin @IvoFlipse
hi @KronoS
hey... still trying to wake up :P
no problem
so manipulating buttons: you want to make sure they fit the resolution?
@IvoFlipse yes
That's my biggest concern, and there's two different types of resolutions that I have to deal with. It would be nice to have it dynamically change (if possible)
well we don't have to arrange them in long lists, we could also make squares
'dynamically' as in check the resolution on start up and use a different layout I hope?
@IvoFlipse well the long lists work with the exception of one list... and that's on the regular resulution... on the 'long' resulution the length is fine, but the width isn't
@IvoFlipse yes that's what I'm thinking
ok, why not hardcode a length of X
- make sure that the button 'fit' to the window...
is it get's longer than that, split the list in half
that sounds good to me... I think that we need to make the button smaller as well...
you're getting an error on startup right?
@KronoS I was about to look at it
@IvoFlipse I don't think so
I just got the primary key error
no... no errors.
oh right
@IvoFlipse you have to delete the db
that's because you're trying to insert data that already exists
I was going to code that whenever I press the 'close app' button it would delete the file, but I ran into issues with that...
@KronoS no, what you should do is let it try to select from the table
if there's something there: you don't have to insert :)
'select' as in view?
> The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database.

> The result is stored in a result table, called the result-set.
is there a way to word wrap in eclipse?
sending an update
I think we can make the buttons 50% smaller
if we just make it toggle start/stop
it should fit if we do that
crap I don't know how many rows/cols it will have :\
though looking at the loop
I'm calling all these sizers up front
I think I can do that in the first 'layer' of the loop
what does the if not statement do?
oh and can we use the massive list that's in the databasebuild model for building the button in tasktrackerpanel? or is that just too complicated?
@KronoS if there's no result from the select statement: insert data
@KronoS then you need to put it in a different file
which we can parse
I'd say: we'll change that later
ah makes sense... or in other words 'if null'
@IvoFlipse sounds good to me
woops forgot to add the labels
uh... ew... :P
Is there a way to 'box in' the different categories?
That was what I was trying to do
that's better... the columns are so squished though....
and how did you do that? I was tyring and trying last night and couldn't figure it out
@KronoS that's because I didn't state how wide they should be
push on its way
darn, I want the label of the button to change to Stop when its active
lol that's what I was about to ask :P
nvm I just added that to the togglebutton function
self.SetLabel = 'Stop'
now to make the columns wider
that can be done with the 'todggledbutton' def
and add more space
each button is 50 pixels, they all get 5 pixels vertical distance
so we can 'estimate' what the maximal amount of buttons would be
I'm spoiled with my 22 inch screen, not ever computer uses that
the list should definitely not get any longer than 10 (which is intervention+1)
btw pushed the changes again
made some changes as well... sending a push
ah you added a new database?
time to pull out the new lappy and see how it looks :)
@IvoFlipse no I added some icons to the Options page...
ah I thought I saw something jump
is it options or Settings? ;)
settings :)
good call
so now to make things active
we need to set a location
we need to pick a subject
we need to start an observation
where do you want to do all this?
just a sec....
this is what it looks like on the tablet :(
minus the keyboard below
@KronoS ok, let me change one thing
is there a way to have smaller lists below each other?
I added a print statement to mainframe
which prints x, y
so we know what shape it will make the screen
well the screen is 800x1280 if that's what you're looking for...
I just meant, we can use that check to determine how to lay it out
Ah.... ok....
Why not rotate the tablet screen? ;P
The current way the buttons are laid out is by creating one horizontal sizer
and just sticking all sizers next to each other
we could add a check: if len(buttonlist) < 5 --> add the next below it
or we need to make a gridsizer
where each row = 5 buttons long
the explanation for a gridbagsizer is near the end
what about this one:

This sizer is similar to wx.GridSizer. It does also lay out its widgets in a two dimensional table. It adds some flexibility to it. wx.GridSizer cells are of the same size. All cells in wx.FlexGridSizer have the same height in a row. All cells have the same width in a column. But all rows and columns are not necessarily the same height or width.
that's the problem, everything has the same size more or less
btw that's already being used ;)
the label + buttons are in a flexgrid
each sizer is 51 pixels wide
based on the longest name I reckon
so the max width we have was 800 pixels?
this statement kinda scares me:
> The most complicated sizer in wxPython. Many programmer find it difficult to use. This kind of sizer is not typical only for wxPython. We can find it in other toolkits as well
so what we first need to do is make sure everything moves to the left
as to not waste width right?
oh wait nvm
the sizer aligns itself with the center of the screen
that was the problem
we can only see 4 lists at a time (with some room to spare, but not enough)
we have 7 lists, so that's nice
one issue is: you shouldn't have interventions + non-clinical tasks
that would be huge
but you can't put interventions on the far left either
it needs to be somewhat chronological
what we should do is detect the aspect ratio of the screen
or well we can calculate it, but I reckon we're going to need it EVERYWHERE
stupid non-rotating tablet
btw your battery is half way out :P
when the aspect ratio is W<H instead of a horizontal sizer, use a flexgridsizer
so when it's run width wise the buttons fit just right...
(1680, 1050, 1)
oh right, f-ing integers :P
(1680, 1050, 1.6000000000000001)
that's better
what's that?
the 1.6
the aspectratio
lol :)
if it's less than one then W<H
yeah, I just added the check
so try it on the tablet
(don't forget to pull)
so it aligns left, but if I 'maximize' the window it aligns center...
what doe sit do
still doesn't fit
show me the money
newest edition
what aspect ratio does it show?
you mean on the console?
it doesn't... it only show (800, 1280)
oh right, I removed that line, well I calculated it myself
check with that tool, what kind of sizer its using there
it shouldn't have more than 5 columns :\
what tool?
on MainView, the one that's commented out
oh right... so I have it pulled up but not seeing where it says whether it's a flex ornot
oh found it... it is flex gridsizer
what details does it have?
a lot!
lol... checking
oh I spot a mistake
rows+cols are wrong
that's a start
on tasktrackerpanel: self.buttonsizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(rows=2, cols=4, vgap=5, hgap=5)
I had rows=4
but we want 2 rows and 4 cols
oh wait... so i think you have the flex sizer within a box sizer within a boxsizer within one mote
so it looks like your flex grid sizer is working on the rows and not the columns... that make sense?
@IvoFlipse as far as that goes I have cols = 2
rows = 7
vgap = 5
hgap = 5
yeah that seems wrong
though that may depend on which you click :\
which what i click?
that's the sizer I need details of
it seems to work for me
though its butt ugly
mine doesn't do that...
what details do you need?
then that's because the aspect ratio calculation is off :\
new push on its way
we need to rearrange the lists
do you want the size? I have (1100, 512)
so interventions and non-clinical tasks are on the top row
buttonlists = [self.data_gathering, self.collaboration, self.interventions, self.nonclinicaltasks, self.outputs, self.documentation, self.idle]
no my latest version should print the aspectratio
some lone number somewhere
oh wait no
this is how we have it in access
I know
yet another fix on its way
I believe it should work now
great :)
it won't be uber flexible, in case you add tons of items to all the lists
but we'll work something out another time
ya we just need to get this work for now
so show me what it gives
as a screen shot or outputs?
brb have to use the men's room
and wake up the wife
There's some ugly space there in the middle :\
but it works!
indeed :)
so can we now add the other crap?
lol sure! (what crap do you mean?)
so now to make things active
we need to set a location
we need to pick a subject
we need to start an observation
where do you want to do all this?
hi @IgnacioVazquezAbrams :)
you must be lost, you're no fake programmer!
None of the SO rooms look active.
@IvoFlipse what do you mean by where?
@KronoS you need to input that info somewhere
so we need to stick it on some panel
Ah ok... so I want that to be on the main Panel...
Here's what I see the main panel doing:
Q: How can I speed up an animation?

Ivo FlipseI'm trying to create a Matplotlib animation of my paw data, where you can see the pressure distribution on the entire pressure plate over time (256x64 sensors for 250 frames). I found a working example on Matplotlib's own site and managed to get it working on my own data. However the 'animation'...

I found a faster method than your suggestion, but it turned out glumpy isn't compatible with wxpython :(
1. set all that info
You could find the deltas and blit only the damaged area.
2. ability to change database location
3. change user
@IgnacioVazquezAbrams hmm interesting suggestion, that might actually make it work in matplotlib as well
if that allows it, that is
because the deltas are very, very small compared to the entire array
@KronoS that's not important right now
@KronoS you need to pick a tab to do this on
@KronoS I would do all this on the main tab
we just keep a list of users, then use a list or dropdown to let them pick who they are
that's what I was saying... all of those are for the main screen
@KronoS ah ok, I missed your earlier comment about the main panel
@IvoFlipse Render each frame in matplotlib first and get the deltas from that. Then you don't need to worry about matplotlib supporting it.
@IgnacioVazquezAbrams so I create the imshow(data)
then how do I update imshow with my delta?
Plot to an in-memory surface instead of to the control.
Then get the deltas.
Then plot the first full frame and follow it up with the deltas.
You'll need to double-buffer the control so you don't have to redraw from scratch on reveal, but it should be fine.
Woo Hoo! I added text!
Kronos cowers in @IgnacioVazquezAbrams shadow
@IgnacioVazquezAbrams does that mean I need to calculate the deltas beforehand?
> line.set_ydata(npy.sin(x+update_line.cnt/10.0))
that would be the updating of the buffer
@IvoFlipse Well, you could grab them on first display. But you'll need the images regardless if you want to calculate them.
and after that ax.draw_artist(line) and canvas.blit(ax.bbox)
so the draw_artist doesn't actually update the image yet
blit would be doing that
If you wanted a Q+D for the delta you could crop both images on blue and just take the larger bounds.
what is it?
I seemed to can't get this right @IvoFlipse.. what am I doing wrong?
@KronoS I can't see what you're doing :)
oh whoops got both screen on this one :P
I'm trying to get Database Location, Observers, and Session Details to line up horrizontally on top
@KronoS you haven't add them to your sizer
@IvoFlipse but I have...
push an update I'll have a look
done :P just did it
I find it productive to make all my borders decently thick so I know what's where.
@IgnacioVazquezAbrams good point
@IvoFlipse I'd like to do that with the taskpanel... but we can do that later :)
so I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the syntax here:
> self.mainSizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM, 5)
what is the 0, and the 5 for?
You need the C++ wx docs open when working with wxPython.
silly, they all have the same space, so it looks like Observers has a ton of whitespace
can't we have it spread out more evenly across the top @IvoFlipse
I'm trying
but I can't get the labels to be in the center of their sizer :\
@IvoFlipse sad... what did you do to change the orientation in the first place?
you made a sizer to put the labels in
but then added the labels to the mainsizer
oh I needed to add the sizer of the labels!
Ha Ha! Worked!
now just the spacing... :(

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