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I sont use it
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2 hours later…
Yo, @IvoFlipse.. we might be planning to visit west Canada by car next year, I remember you had a nice route and everything right?
@slhck I have :)
Because that'd totally save us a lot of time :P
@slhck Hehe, I can imagine
How much time do you have?
I guess we'll be there three weeks in total, but might be going to the US west coast as well, pay @nhinkle a visit or something :P
@slhck That's a long drive
Though we 'wasted' the last days in the Vancouver area, so I guess you can have time to spare
also, you want to make it a round trip, because you have to return your car in Canada
Oh, that makes sense, yeah.
And insurance might be interesting if you go across the border, so honestly I'd advise against it
Hmmpf, I haven't uploaded our selection folder for Canada, let me fix that :P
We did something like that
Took you how long in total?
you can easily do it in less than 3 weeks
Oh wait the route doesn't seem accurate at all
We drove past one of the great lakes, from Penticton to Kelowna and Vernon, which you can easily skip
We didn't go down to Newton/Cranbrook which probably is a much nicer drive (being in the Rocky's and all
We also cheaped out (we're Dutch after all) and drove back to Golden when we visited Lake Louise, because Banff is very expensive (if you don't make reservations)
Very expensive to stay… or?
We also stayed in Golden when we drove over the Icefield Parkway, because its about the same drive to the entrance and again: Golden is cheap
The hotels in Banff are very expensive if the affordable ones are all rented out. Also going out for diner isn't exactly cheap either
You should go there, but not stay there more than a night unless you have a more affordable room
Hmm, yeah, I can imagine.
130$/night is a rip-off for what you get and parking is a bit of a pain too
Really? One would think there's enough space :P
But I was kinda expecting that to be a little more expensive.
Jasper is even worse, so if you know when you're going there, be sure to book those rooms in advance or else...
… bring a tent :P
When we we're in Jasper, we stayed the second night in Hinton (1 hour drive) because it was like 50% cheaper
We didn't go to Whistler, because we didn't feel like driving all across the mountains anymore (we had seen plenty :P)
Whether Torino is worth it, is hard to say
Perhaps if you really want to see the beach, but its a pretty long drive
Victoria was very nice though
Okay, so going to Banff, spending two or three days on the way there somewhere else, then back, and the other direction?
@slhck From Banff you drive up to Jasper, then go around to the left back towards Vancouver
Well's Gray was pretty nice too
Vancouver itself is a tad boring, especially if you're used to Vienna I reckon
The aquarium and museum are worth a watch though
Heh. Well, I'd consider Vienna being a bit boring.
But anyway I wouldn't go there for the cities.
Exactly :P
I'm gonna see if we can make a schedule and if you have a list of locations or something that'd be great
Mount Revelstoke has a nice view
and from Revelstoke you can also drive to Glacier national park, which has some walks
From Golden you can go to Yoho NP, Lake Louise/Moraine Lake
At Lake Louise you should take the die-hard tour up top
Huh? :D
In Banff you can go up the mountain and have a view over the valley
Personally there's not much else to see there, its basically a copy of some village from the Alpes
Icefield Parkway is great, though you have to be lucky with the weather (it can be cloudy/misty)
You can take pretty pictures of Peyto Lake, which is very easily accessible (10 mins from parking lot) and gives you a similar view as in that picture there
There are lots of waterfalls in the area there, they give you maps which should point you to them
and if you haven't been on a glacier before, you can do it there too
You drive up there on one of these special trucks and you get to walk around a bit which an amazing view
Jasper has some lakes and stuff to see, though I reckon its nicer in the winter when everything is snow white
Lake Edith Cavell should be great, but the road was closed when we went there
Hopefully Mt Robson (the highest peak) will be visible to you guys
and if you're as unfortunate as us, you can try to see bears near Blue River (between Mt Robson and Wells Gray)
Wow, so much information :D
Pro tip: animals get up early
In Well's Gray, don't bother driving all the way to the lake. The roads suck and the waterfalls are way more spectacular
Oh and I forgot: Kootenay National Park is gorgeous. So drive to Radium Hot Springs if only for the drive
Hence, it might be interesting to visit the southern part of the Rocky's
Anyway, DONT skip the falls in Well's Gray
Okay, check
I'll bookmark this to make a plan
There's also a waterfall near Revelstoke I think, but I'm having a hard time finding where it was on the map
Bit long walk, but its very wide and loud
No worries
Hey thanks a lot.. that'll make it really easy to schedule everything.
How long did you book/plan in advance?
I wasn't even finished ;P
Not at all? Hehe
Haha, I've got to take a shower tho
We booked our hotels a day in advance
Chat isn't going anywhere
Well see you around later and thanks again! Don't really have internet at the moment but I'll check in from time to time :)
See you later
Its called Wapta Falls
Hot damn what a view from up there
You can't get there though (or at least not easily)
Near Torino they have Redwoods which are great if you've never seen Sequioa's before
Cathedral Grove has lots of them too though and isn't a 4 hour drive :P
Victoria has a very nice museum and also the Bug Zoo was worth the visit
If your GF likes flowers and you don't: don't tell her about Butchhart Gardens
There's also this huge mansion which was owned by the richest guy in Canada, which was pretty nice
You can easily get a hotel in Victoria that's not downtown, because its pretty to get around there
And in Vancouver you can check out the Aquarium + Museum
Plus on the northern part there's Lynn Canyon, but by then you'll be tired of waterfalls and canyon's :P
3 hours later…
also hi @OliverSalzburg
That was all I had to say :P
Trying to help that clinic install the required libraries to run my app, this will be interesting
5 hours later…
@slhck Sure go and see him, but good ol Kronos :P
Though I'm no where even near @nhinkle
@KronoS You live in the middle of nowhere
What do you mean?
Like no where near anything fun?
Yeah :P
We have the grand canyon!
though I've never been :(
but you're right... there's really nothing else here
If you've never been, than its not even remotely close to you :P
@IvoFlipse does PySide do a weird library install?
like put the libraries in a weird place?
@KronoS How so?
VS 2013 isn't getting all of the classes for it
Like recognizing them for auto completion and debugging
runs just fine
Do you get auto completion when using PySide?
Ah, I'm having that problem with IntelliJ too
Not sure, though I hardly need it
Actually I think it does autocomplete methods and whatnot
I think it's because it's a wrapper to the C++ classes
@IvoFlipse do you just use the documentation then?
@KronoS I type "PySide QTreeWidget" into Google and BAM!
But I have read multiple Qt (C++ & Python) books
Plus I already had some skeleton code from previous things I've made
See I'm starting from scratch... been working though a bunch of tutorials and I think I'm getting the grasp of things, but would be nice to see what the class structure is
Did you check my program to get an idea?
did you post a link somewhere?
Most of the time you have a MainWindow in which you nest Widgets and you arrange them using layouts and you can nest other widgets within widgets
I don't remember :P
Though I probably could be using Qt's strengths more, like having it trigger events if certain variables change
Anyway, have a look around and if you have questions, let me know
Oh Hay! It's starting to work!
maybe I just needed to complain about it some more
1 hour later…
Wow... a Tetris game in > 500 lines of codes:
@KronoS Nice code too
ya it is
@IvoFlipse do you follow the MVC model using Pyside?
Not really at the moment
The tool I have right now is lacking a model which creates a bit of a mess at times
It depends on how you look at it, I get my data from the file system and several things are stored in tree widgets, so its not like I need it everywhere
but some widgets share the same data and having a better way to share those would be nice
@IvoFlipse I don't really have a large Data Model
but I want my code to be organized
just curious what you did
I think I'm going to try to follow it
Well Qt has their own version of each data structure
not exactly something I want to be using
That's very much the C++ way of doing it
Hello guys as I'm working on my computer I'm looking for a good organizer which can provide reminders, alerts schedulable by week days where I can put a specific hour, ex Monday and tuesday at 7pm it should alert me "Go eat an humberger".
@KronoS Thing is, been to AZ twice, there wasn't really much to see.. but then again I only got the chance to drive around Scottsdale and spent one evening in Tempe with a few students, that's all.
@slhck ya that is pretty boring, and it really depends on what you're looking to do. Outside stuff is mainly hiking, and rock climbing
There's not much to see though
Apart from the Grand Canyon that is
@KronoS Well, I wanted to go to Flagstaff and the rockies but didn't have time in between conference sessions.
Northern AZ is really nice and fun to visit
so is the south eastern corner of AZ as well
And Antelope Canyon
Too bad my friend there moved to Kansas – don't really want to go there :P
neither do I
Talk about nothing there
Kansas has nothing
Arizona at least has a hundred degrees and more.
Btw @slhck did you see the pics on G+?
@IvoFlipse Nope? Haven't been on G+ for a while!
Plus I can't view lots of pics at the moment, only on limited traffic 3G currently.
Well the monsoons are starting to roll in, so the heat isn't as bad, but ya triple degree weather really sucks
Well that's where all my pics are too
Ah you're on vacation or something?
Haha, no.. we moved recently and my provider is too slow to send me the modem in time.
Meeh, providers suck with that
I don't get what could be so hard about it
Especially if you phone them every day, telling them that your line is open (as confirmed by the telco company) and they can just send the modem.
I first phoned them last Thursday and they told me they'd forward it, and that's the same thing they told me yesterday.
Any way, no worries, the pics won't go anywhere :)
Like chat :P
Don't you just love that? :P
Oh, the Internet. Where shit never gets deleted.
@KronoS found out how to handle your model?
@slhck Just ask the NSA
Oh nevermind, they already read it
Yeah, I thought I'd ditch my NAS at home and switch to NSA.
@IvoFlipse eh... I went to lunch and now I'm just going to try and make it. Going to emulate what I did for the MatLab version (which is basically the MVC)
I reckon its useful to use the accompanying models when you using things like a TreeView or Table
But if you make a your own widget then I don't really see the need to things the Qt way
What do you mean?
For example I have a widget that displays a QImage I created from a numpy array, there's no native model that maps to such a widget
Can you integrate matplotlib plots into a widget or frame?
You can, but I haven't figured out how to make performant animations with it though
Here's an example gist @KronoS: gist.github.com/ivoflipse/61b6d708daacaf2c8267
Is there a static text module?
or a title?
ok... how do I add a widget to a main window?
static text? You mean to display a piece of text somewhere
try QLabel(), you can set the font and size and whatnot
@IvoFlipse that didn't work
@KronoS Did you create the layout to put it in?
self.layout = QHBoxLayout()
HBox or VBox depending on the orientation
ok... so what's the dif between layout, widget, and mainview?
Well MainView is something you defined yourself
Sorry MainWindow
Right, MainWindow is exactly what it says
You have a QApplication, which is the instance of your GUI
That contains at least one window, the mainwindow, though it can have more
You can fill the window with widgets
But to make sure they are laid out the way you want, you using layouts
To get them side by side, use a HBoxLayout
To stack them up, use a VBoxLayout
Got it @KronoS
Ya kinda
still working it out
Put it in a gist, so I can tell you what might be wrong
I just figured it out
self.mainView = MainView.MainView()
MainView is the name of your own module I reckon?
and MainView the name of a widget you made
But yeah, setCentralWidget probably aligns things
Can I add a widget to a frame?
a frame? That's not in the Qt dictionary AFAIK
Oh it is :P
The PySide.QtGui.QFrame class is the base class of widgets that can have a frame.
Maybe I want a GroupBox
But a frame is exactly what it means, a line you put around something
man there are a LOT of modules
So stick with regular ones
Apparently QFrame is inherited by a bunch of widgets
@IvoFlipse so how do I add a frame to a widget?
So if you use a widget on the list, you can set the frame
or is it a base class?
Why do you want to add a frame
Its a subclass of QWidget
I want an outline
Right, but why
what will be outside of the lines
You might be able to draw a line to create one
A widget that is not embedded in a parent widget is called a window. Usually, windows have a frame and a title bar, although it is also possible to create windows without such decoration using suitable window flags ). In Qt, PySide.QtGui.QMainWindow and the various subclasses of PySide.QtGui.QDialog are the most common window types.
When a widget is used as a container to group a number of child widgets, it is known as a composite widget. These can be created by constructing a widget with the required visual properties - a PySide.QtGui.QFrame , for example - and adding child widgets to it, usually managed by a layout. The above diagram shows such a composite widget that was created using Qt Designer .

Composite widgets can also be created by subclassing a standard widget, such as PySide.QtGui.QWidget or PySide.QtGui.QFrame , and adding the necessary layout and child widgets in the constructor of the subclass. Many of
Basically that means that a QFrame IS a widget
:/ ok
It just adds some decorations
There's nothing weird about that
Its like the cards in Google's new UI, each card is a widget
do with it what you want, its not bad if you create a whole bunch of them
so just create a QFrame, then add it to the layout of your mainwindow or main widget using addWidget(self.frame)
@IvoFlipse but how do I add a widget to a frame?
PS: I'm using Google's naming convention AFAIK
Its a QWidget, so it behaves like one
there is no AddWidget for QFrame
not in the docs or?
not at all
but if I pass the frame as a parent to the widget and then set the parent of the widget to the frame we're good
Oh wait
Set the frame to be the parent of the widget, then add a layout to the frame and add the widget to the layout
Excuse me for my ignorance
1 hour later…
@IvoFlipse didn't work :/
1 hour later…
> The latest version of PySide is 1.2.0 released on July 9, 2013 and provides access to the complete Qt 4.8 framework.
whoops... maybe I should read the docs more closely. I installed Qt 5.1

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