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You know all these people in the news that are getting their arms and legs amputated because their pet dog licked them in the face and they got sepsis and their limbs (and in one case) their nose got gangrenous? This is found only in people with one specific gene mutation. One. We have millions of genes. Some (one, actually) lets many of us continue to drink milk into adulthood.
That gene spread like wildfire because it increased the chances of survival into adulthood and reproduction age.
Genetics is responsible for a number of mental illnesses, and contributes to another number of them.
The more genetics you know, the more you realize that things are not what they seem. But what the heck, We Are All Confident Idiots.
@curiousdannii And ow do they know what exectly God has/hhad planned for that individual? Because they can read God's mind?
@fredsbend I tink What used to be called Asperger's is overdiagnosed. But overdiagnosis doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Autism is about as suspect as schizophrenia.
@anongoodnurse If God is good and he made a perfect creation then gender dysphoria is an intrusion into that like any other pathology
@curiousdannii Is all genetic mutation (e.g. cystic fibrosis) the result of sin?
@anongoodnurse Yes, thought not the result of specific sins
Seriously, for several years (wherein I left fundamentalism behind) I struggles with the problem of evil. Nature was red in tooth and claw long before humans existed. Death and suffering and pain, millions of years of it.
So, if God's creation is perfect, why was there suffering and death before Man entered the scene to ruin God's creation?
@anongoodnurse I don't believe there was.
The world/creation fell before the first man sinned.
@curiousdannii So, and this is not sarcastic, dinosaurs, did they walk withh man?
@anongoodnurse Could be.
Ok, could be.
But we can't relate to each other - that is, if you're serious, I know where you're coming from as a former fundy - because the scientist in me believes otherwise with good reason. So I would rather not ave the discussion.
A: Does believing in a Christian God logically imply believing in miracles?

curiousdanniiMiracles and Providence in Christian theism As you are asking about Christianity, I think the first place to start is by noting that Christianity is explicitly opposed to Deism, the belief that God exists and created the world, but does not intervene or even really interact with it now. The god ...

This sets out my broad position
@anongoodnurse Oh, I don't dispute science in general
But science is based on the assumption that God has not done miracles. It can't be otherwise.
> In an expanding universe the only stable configuration is a singularity, so however God created the universe, when we looked back to model the past, we couldn't see the creation of everything, but only expansion from a singularity.
But yeah, we don't need to get into this
(But if you're ever interested in chatting over this more, I'll be here ;))
18 hours later…
@anongoodnurse The suffering and pain is a part of the overall perfection that has a myriad of parts. They are just two trees in a large forest.
3 hours later…
@curiousdannii I know some people who are trying to bridge the gap between old style hymns and the new age / contemporary Christian Music.
@KorvinStarmast Yeah, there are a lot of people setting old hymns to new music. Or adding new crappy choruses to old hymns (Chris Tomlin...)

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