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How much does Death of the Author apply to interpretation of scripture? Are all the citations we see in the New Testament really in the context of the original meaning, or in "Death of the Author" fashion citing sacred scripture in a new but also true context?
3 hours later…
Q: If there were no Original Sin, would we wear clothes, according to Catholic theologians?

GeremiaAccording to Catholic doctors or Fathers of the Church, if Adam hadn't sinned, would we wear clothes? Or are clothes a consequence of Original Sin? St. Thomas Aquinas asks such speculative questions regarding the condition of Adam's offspring had he not sinned (Summa Theologiæ I q. 99, q. 100, q....

@kutschkem I assume this is what you meant by "Death of the Author:
> Death of the Author is the literary theory that essentially removes the author from the equation and allows the reader to interpret the text largely unguided. Once the author completes the text, it is released upon the world for the audience to make of it what they wish. It frees the audience to read into the text whatever meaning they wish.
To answer your question, it would depend on your own (or your church's or your theology's) hermeneutical stance. I myself am an advocate for a strong inclusion rather than removal of the author, in that the author's context MUST inform responsible interpretation of a text BEFORE any theology is done. Canonical context + starting principle of trusting the veracity of the text (since the authors are apostolic) makes sure that the theology using the text has some control, making it orthodox.
When NT text cites OT text in a new interpretation, the NT authors IS doing theology, and we can discern their hermeneutical principles they used. They DID create a new context (with the advent of Jesus) thus we trust their "typological invention". But if we discern carefully, there's an organic principle behind it, and we as 21st century reader need to be faithful to THEIR hermeneutical principles in constructing our own theology.
The Protestant position is that this organic principle has to drive theology and all traditions need to be measured by this as a responsible deployment of the sola scriptura principle. That's how we measure both RC and EO traditions. That's why I can (in theory) accept some RC traditions beyond what Protestant theologies accept like Concupiscence, Transubstantiation, Ministerial Priesthood, Mary as Mother of the Church, etc. as valid doctrinal development.

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