@curiousdannii I think that is a great mistake. 1.Jesus is talking about the temple like it is his own body,Why would we not listen to what the rabbis has to say about the Temple and all there knowledge,great blessing.2.Jesus fulfilled the law,the law is full of feasts,understanding the feast ans old storys about what happen during the feasts
.Storys told by rabbis,of miracles and angels.The Paul says that Jesus is the living image of God.Great knowledge to understand what the great rabbis are teaching about the law and feasts and scripture,Jesus says:you search the scripture,but they are talking about me
When we read the old teatstament we see Jesus,and when you read the Talmud you can also see Jesus the same way BUT they do not see it that way ,the same way they do not see Jesus in the old testament.Talmud is not SCRIPTURE,so there is alot of stuff there that is way off.But there is also alot of great stuff!That would help us in a great way.
I dont care if there is an anti Jesus movment,there eyes are not open.Still Jesus is in the scripture right there,they read about Jesus everyday ,but still the many Jews don
t see that its Jesus Christ they are reading about.And there are resons for this and I won
t explain why,takes to much time.
There are storys in the Talmud that would be a great blessing for Christians.Like storys about Just after Jesus died.The Temple Doors did open, and the priest was scared! The most holy place on earth,and everyday the doors was suddenly open,they did not understand what was going on,even after they cloesed the doors at night,they where open next morning.For a christian this is not hard to understand,Now It is open for everyone!
The Talmud is not a work of an anti Jesus movment,that is a great mistake.Is is like closing the door to deep knowledge of God and humans.Here many church fathers have hurt us.But we do not read it the same way like many Jews does.And its not scripture but a comment on it.If you don
t need a comment on scripture good for you,but I would say many church fathers are more anti Jesus then most jews
Every anti- movment or protestant movement becomes blind.Today the protestant church forget basic scripture.
When your not christian ,they say,don`t read the bibel.When you become christian ,some say only read the bibel.And if your in some churches they say only read the new testament and in some churches, only read Paul ,because Jesus was talking to the Jews and not us gentiles.
To say that everything in the Talmud is wrong is like to say that everyone that is not christian,all they say is wrong.They search to understand the same scripture as we ,they just do not agree with the great rabbis that form the new testament,the great rabbi Jesus and priest,the living image of God and son of God and later in rabbi Sheoul(known as Paul) who gives light to the scripture or old testament
(I would like to add there are many Rabbis in israel,great jews,leaders,understand scripture,kabbalah,talmud and son on.They know Jesus is the Messiah.But they don`t want to say it because it will destroy there lives inside there community.