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@DavidWhite Did Christ perfectly fulfill the commandments of the law?
8 hours later…
Q: Did the Buddha ever teach that we have a special responsibility to those we have injured?

user3293056I posted the identikit question to Christianity stackexchange, and was met with dumb silence. Which, really, I was shocked by. E.g. the parable of the good samaratin: Jesus answered, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who both stripped him a...

@LeeWoofenden I agree.Because without works there is no love. But works alone wont save anyone,so humanism wont save anyone. Interesting when it comes to works,what is works?The Jews say there are Tzaddiks in history(a tzaddik is a rightousman)Deep spiritual understanding,He knows where his good works comes from..
@LeeWoofenden They say "He takes it from heaven and gives it to man" And Jesus was a Melchitzaddik,a priest in that way.Melchi means king, A rightous king or king of the rightous,and a priest. So works alone ,no,because works must come from somewhere
But I have been wondering,when Jesus kick the demon out,He says,sin no more!But that is very hard.But is He saying Dont do the same sin that made the Demon enter you or just dont sin in general?Change from one sin is one thing,turn away from all sin at all time,or something worse might happen is very hard I guess
11 hours later…
But the people that was heald in the bibel don`t tell us much ,afterwards.Thats what I like about the Talmud,it talks about a lot of extra stuff,so one can understand scripture

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