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@Flimzy Me too, we should go check it out!
@Caleb German on the other hand had 48. I wonder what the super-secret criteria really is.
I got the email as well.
maybe based on rep?
Woot, I have a Beta badge
Now I feel complete
we all do :P
yes, I know :)
@a_hardin No, it's not that. Or not just that anyway.
And here come the guys from skeptics, wow that didn't take long. Hi @Fabian
@Caleb I just read in mod chat that the site was out of private beta
@Caleb just let it go
Wow, I'm not a very good voter.
oh, delicious is still around?
Maybe votes should be weighted by how frequently the voter votes... like maybe every user has 100 voter points each day, and they're distributed evenly over allof their votes... so if I only vote for one answer, that answer gets 100 rep, but someone who votes a lot, their votes only count for 1-2 rep each :P
that's actually not a bad idea
but make it 40 or 50
No that would be crazy for other reasons.
alright, i need to pretend to work for a little while... i'll come back and see what public beta does to us later. :)
@Purmou: It wasn't a serious suggestion at all :)
@Flimzy Thus the ":P"
196 users, now :D
@ahardin: where do you see that count? I was just looking for that :)
@Flimzy Home page.
Oh indeed
@Flimzy Also on area51, which is up to date now.
I see they also launched another private beta today. area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/30763/bitcoin
posting the link to all my networks brb
Hilarious. Personal productivity "Needs Work". I guess all those guys are actually doing the things they are supposed to be doing.
Why are some users "Top X% this month" (like @JonathonByrd), and others "Top X% this week" (like me)
I understand the distinction on a site that's been around more than one week...
@Flimzy this week started Sunday
those use calendar weeks/months/years, not rolling ones
@waxeagle ahh, makes sense
whew, i think i finally wrote a pretty good answer
besides my first one about attending church
A: Should biblical laws apply to non-Christians?

PurmouIt very well is our problem. As children of God, it is a responsibility to continue to spread the faith and encourage others—in this case, the non-believers—to do the same, as in Matthew 28:16-20 (specifically verses 19-20): 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, bapti...

I'll make sure to come tomorrow and upvote the answers, I've been out of votes for quite some time now...
@dancek same here
what's this "Strong's Concordance" that Richard always uses as a source?
@Purmou: It's a popular Bible concordance... I'm sure you can find a lot of info on google or wikipedia
@Purmou It is a well known source for definintions of concepts and scriptures about certain words in the Bible.
@Flimzy @waxeagle I see, thanks.
How fair would it be to comment that "if you don't think there is an answer don't answer" here? (worded more nicely of course).
It would be fair of us to say "If it's not a valid answer then don't comment"
@Caleb it'd be fair to somehow welcome him and the better if someone can explain in a friendly way ahy he got a downvote
I couldn't stay away :D
Wow, the sharing stuff really stands out after days in the private beta
@Caleb: Whether it's an answer to the question or not, I think his view is a common one.
@Caleb: It would probably be better expressed as a separate question, though... I'm not sure how to word it.
@Flimzy I have an idea.....
to meta!
Hey, Roland
Hey there, @RolandTaylor
everybody here needs to vote for us on stumbleupon
hit the link on the homepage
ooh, i've gained 117 rep today
i've almost met the cap
Did somebody award a bounty?
to me? nope
oh, in general, yes
No, in general... there were 3, now only 2 featured questions
indeed, either awarded or removed it
I made my first answers today :S
A: Can Satan read our minds?

Sotiris Does Satan the Devil have the ability to read the human mind? Consider the descriptive names ascribed to Satan. He is called Satan (Resister), Devil (Slanderer), Serpent (synonymous with Deceiver), Tempter, and Liar. (Job 1:6; Matthew 4:3; John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 11:3; Revelati...

an entirely copy/pasted answer?
Should that answer be done something about? It's referenced correctly but contains no text by user.
never mind, I'm flagging it
should i flag it as not welcome in our community, or moderator attention -> very low quality
hell all :)
@Sotiris language, son!
@Purmou i took the other route so I could explain what I see as the problem
I commented on that guys answer too: christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/1143/…
@Purmou You should use the free-form flag for that, and describe what exactly is wrong with the answer. The canned flags should only be used when the problem is obvious.
yeah, i used other as well
Q: How can we trust something that has been translated?

CalebIslam considers the Qur'an to be authoritative only it it's original language. Many teachings even claim it is a sin to read in any language but it's original, and while not all adhere to this belief, learning Arabic specifically to read or recite the Qur'an is common even in countries where it i...

This is pretty broad
sorry guys :P I meant "hello"
@Sotiris Hi!
LoL... no worries :P
Sotiris (not starting a fight, just curious, so all you trolls don't read this) are you Jehovah's Witness?
@NathanWheeler yes
hello, @Sotiris
ok, cool... just wondered from the answer you posted to the question linked up there
wonder if there are other JWs here, I haven't noticed others...
@NathanWheeler well I try to don't give a lot of JW resources because I know many will not like that, but in the specific topic was about JW view, so I gave them
@dancek I think there are a couple.
I don't know, I haven't noticed any other JW specific answers. But some viewpoints I've seen definitely line up with that theology.
@Sotiris I really like how you use non-JW-specific sources, personally. I've had encounters with JWs that wouldn't hear of other literature besides NWT and WatchTower.
I can't edit posts on meta?
@dancek same here
Then again, there's similar crowds around most denominations probably
@dancek well even our magazines and books quoted a lot of external sources. I would be unfair don't recognize the work of other people even if we don't agree with them in the core topics
@Sotiris Yeah, I've read Watchtower. Still it's different to read Foomag quoting Barzine or to directly read Barzine.
time for me to go home... see you all tomorrow!
@dancek of course I agree with this. But like in most books, quotations can make them better (or worse, depends on how the quote is used).
@NathanWheeler goodnight
@dancek you are a JW?
@RolandTaylor no
man, you guys are too quick
i was posting a glorious answer to the sun/night/day question :P
and two new answers showed up right after each other
lol that happens on most SE sites :D
Anybody besides me never heard of an illiterate scribe before? Isn't that kind of impossible?
In the words of J.K. Rowling: There's a troll in the dungeon.
A: Can there be free will in heaven?

rpegNo. Free will allows for the option of "sinfulness". There is no free will in "heaven" especially when you consider that it is often cited as the cause of man's problems on earth. In "heaven", you have no choices on how you live. You are simply existing for eternity. Freedom is for "sinner...

@RolandTaylor I first started trying to answer questions in SO, and it's just awfully difficult.
@Caleb Wow, that's awesome.
@Purmou: That's not a reason not to post your own answer, especially if yours offers a different perspective.
@Flimzy Oh, I'm still posting it.
Mine is much different, we're just looking more closely at the scripture.
@Richard I'm actually laughing out loud. Please check my comment and make sure I was respectful.
Man, this public beta thing is going to kill my work life
I thought we had a lot of questions before
now I can't even keep up!
@Caleb That is hilarious! Isn't that kind of like accusing an orator of being mute?
I think you did well at that.
@Flimzy Ya what is @El'endia Starman going to do about voting now? Collect a deficit like the US national debt?
good comment
@Caleb: There's a reason we have a limited number of votes each day :)
What should be done about very short answers like this?
A: Is it possible to be a Christian by birth?

ReckYou are a Christian based on your own decisions. You can be raised in the faith, but you eventually must accept Christ on your own once you become an adult.

it answers the question, doesn't it?
A: How can the sun be created after day and night?

PurmouLet's look more closely at your linked verses: 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. (Genesis 1:5) This verse implies the creation of light and the implementation of it to create the first day. Darkness ...

@Purmou yes, that's the problem
@Richard And he defends it.
Troll alert!
Let the votes take care of it, I'd say
@JonathonByrd: STOP! COME BACK!
I meant that for short answers that @dancek was asking about
A: How can the sun be created after day and night?

Roland TaylorIt is unfortunate that this concept is often used to make the Bible seem to contradict itself. However, contrary to popular belief, the Bible doesn't waste words. The fact that God tells us how many days, also gives us time periods; in other words, God began to measure time cycles (such as day ...

But if a well-referenced answer exists with the same conclusion, it seems the user could use a bit of guidance on how the site works...
How did I handle that? I was a bit distracted when writing...
@RolandTaylor we sort of went at it with the same mind
@Caleb Where was I going?
just look more closely
@JonathonByrd You disappeared saying you were off to post on your social networks and we got flood of trolls.
and you'll understand
which i find is the case for a lot of things
After using my votes for the day, I used to feel bad for not being able to upvote. Now that we're public I feel bad about not being able to downvote.
@Purmou yep
@dancek same here :D
@dancek I know the feeling. Let's try not to gang up on bad answers folks ... just a vote or two and a comment to explain why and move on. No sense in drowning -7 for something that's going to go away with a little time anyway :)
@Caleb good point. Being friendly to newbies matters. Really.
I'm 76 rep away from mortarboard
/me would be way over 200 today if it weren't for the cap. I don't really know if I like this...
@dancek Isn't it great that we found a new way to turn our religion into a race? hehe
@Flimzy oh well, I'm amazed over and over again how addicting the SE model can be...
@Flimzy I have studied the Bible more than usual now, having to do research for posts here. I think that's a really good thing.
@dancek It's one of the unspoken objectives... not only do they try to only attract experts... they try to ADDICT the experts... "The first question is free..."
@Caleb haha, are you saying that I'm friends with trolls? lol
OTOH, the 200 cap is nice in a way... it means I don't feel as penalized when I down vote an answer, because I know I'll get that 1 rep back soon! :)
@Flimzy also, it means I'm not very far in rep from the top reppers. Makes me feel better :D
I want to answer the "Can there be free will in heaven?" question, but I don't feel like looking up the verses to back my answer.
WOW hammered with three pages of trolls :)
@Flimzy happens to me frequently. specially when I'm torn between work and christianity.se
@Flimzy I was going to answer it too, but didn't for the same reason
i was going to find a verse stating the circumstances of entry to heaven
@JonathonByrd Strange coincidence don't you think?
The problem with "Is there free will in heaven?" is that a) we have to define "free will" and b) we have to define "heaven."
@Caleb I'd be honored if I actually got two people to follow the links i posted :)
Addressing that adequately will take me some significant time and research.
Is there a use for two distinct tags and ?
To me, they do have subtly distinct meanings... but I wonder if a) people asking questions will know (or care about) the differences, b) if we'll ever have any creation questions that don't relate to creationism
i'm making a muslim tag for my upcoming question
do you think it would be used?
We don't already have one?
Use Islam
that tag already exists
they probably need to be synonyms anyway
you know, i forgot that Muslim is the term for someone who follows Islam
aren't I considerate :P
but anyways
Q: What is the origin of the Evil Eye in Christianity?

PurmouMy family owns several charms—such as necklaces, bracelets, and small stones—with the Evil Eye symbol on it. My family is Christian, and if I remember correctly the Evil Eye is of Turkish origin. This would imply that the Evil Eye has Muslim roots. What could possibly explain why my...

What is the Evil Eye?
Can you provide a link? maybe to a wikipedea article?
oh, i should probably post a picture/link
you'll recognize it though
@Flimzy I can't go outside without tripping over them :)
@Caleb I knew that you'd know about it
i think i asked this question too soon
i'll wait to post my own answer though
I propose a comment flag option saying THIS GUY IS A TROLL
@JonathonByrd I'm down
Q: I propose a comment flag tag for "debating troll"

Jonathon Byrd...or something along those lines. The current comment flag options give us no defense against the trolls to come. I know that comment flags were suggested as a defense, maybe I just need to be informed as to how better to use the current options. But in any case, I believe that a comment flag t...

@JonathonByrd Ha ha. Not only do we have to deal with the new trolls you brought in, you've still got an old one hounding you I see.
@Caleb I do....
that guy is something else.
I don't know why we need to address "trolls" so specifically...
I kinda like them...
Lets focus on their questions, answers and comments, and deal with them as they come.
I suspect most athiests will get bored quickly and move on
They give us a good reason to band together as we should.
@Flimzy or, they will see the error of their ways.
I'm all for atheists coming here :)...
Those that don't, will either contribute (as many have already, in their attempts at trolling--they've brought up good questions)
or they will prove to be trouble makers (individually), and can be dealt with accordingly
Yeah? Vote me up! I want to deal with them in my oh so friendly way >:)
(just kidding)
Q: If I call myself a Christian, does this mean I'm a Christian?

rpegIs identifying as Christian all that's necessary to actually be one?

Hrm... is this on topic?
VtC'ing as possible duplicate
Is that a real question?
BTW, I'm a Martian. Just so everyone knows.
The answer is "For the purposes of this site, yes."
But there could be a lot more elaboration
of course we know this guy is a self-admitted troll
"If I call myself a troll, does it mean I'm a troll?"
"If I call myself a nutcase..."
Well, what do you guys tink of my answer to that question?
That's the name of an album by Ambassador, btw.
He might find it funny that a tag on a SE site is the same as his album name.
@Flimzy for you and I to get along, please avoid calling me insulting. Thank you.
@RolandTaylor Saying "The answer is pretty clear" in response to any question, suggests that the asker is lacking in intelligence to not have known the answer before asking.
no it doesn't...
BTW, I removed my down vote and my comment.
It says that from the evidence presented in the answer, that the answer is clear.
It has nothing to do with the OP or their question.
I feel that it does, which is why I down-voted. That's how SE is designed to work.
We don't have to agree
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū you trolling for votes? lol
Yes, but as part of a community together it is only fair that we understand where someone is coming from.
@ChaosGamerΕΛΥēelū haha
@RolandTaylor I think I understand where you are coming from, even though I disagree :)
A: How can one judge how accurate a given Bible translation is?

rpegThe process of judging accuracy falls under the area of textual criticism. You need to study the history of how the bible was written: the illiterate scribes who wrote it, intentional edits, mistaken omissions, translated into Latin and Greek. Who asked for the translations? What forgeries occ...

I wish the trolls would at least learn to search the existing questions
Q: Is Joseph Smith, Jr. a prophet (founder of the Mormons)?

rpegThe Mormons claim Joseph Smith, Jr. is a prophet. Should I take their word for it that he is?

This guy has a 40% duplicate rate
See my comment.
at least this website has gotten a lot more interesting today :)
sigh @RolandTaylor... don't feed the rolls
@Flimzy aw come on :)
Sometimes you have to check maturity at the door and get a good laugh.
Some times I think the values for up and down votes should be swapped
That would help keep the trolls at bay
As it is rpeg's rep is going up
@RolandTaylor: Even in jest or about trolls I don't think it's ok to imply that people are smoking something. The rest of your comment is fine but that bit probably needs to go.
If one person thinks he asks a good question, he gets +5... but it takes 3 of us to down-vote to counteract taht.
his account was just suspended
@Caleb Well I think it's a bit late to edit it, and let me be clear: I have no place for starch; in other words, if we don't lighten up sometimes the world becomes a dull place. I've run communities before btw.
So I'm not unaware of what flies and what doesn't...
Being light is fine... but saying things that can be perceived as insulting or personal attacks, no... least of all on a site where we are presenting ourselves as ambassadors of Christ
Okay I understand all that, but I'm just saying if you are implying something in jest, you obviously don't mean harm...
@Flimzy Whew.
or maybe I'm just missing something....
wow nice, seven days
@JonathonByrd It doesn't look like we will be board in the interm....
When I'm in a less light mood, I shall return :).
@RolandTaylor Yes I think you are missing something. Jest or not it was a comment that could be taken as insulting. I would only take that well from somebody I already trusted.
Tomorrow starts in 4 minutes
woot, more rep!
Hurry! somebody approve one of my questions! I need REP!
"can I be a christian and be addicted to internet rep?"
@Flimzy absolutely no insults in your direction.
I'm being serious...
You beat me by 2 rep today
I shouldn't have down voted as many answers, eh?
sweet :)
my rep was bouncing between 204 and 208 for the last couple hours

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